The Tapping Solution Blog


The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It

Written by: Nick Ortner


7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear

Written by: Nick Ortner


The Tapping Solution in Times Square

Written by: Nick Ortner

Are You Boiling In Hot Water Like the Frog?
You’ve likely heard the anecdote about the frog in hot water. Simply put, it states that if a frog is placed in hot water, it will instantly jump out, but if it’s placed in cold water that is slowly... Read More
Pain Relief
EFT Tapping for Pain Relief
Did you know that our emotions play a huge role in physical pain in our bodies? Our emotions also play a huge role in physical pain in our bodies. Would you like some help in releasing both the overwhelm and ... Read More
The Problem With Patience
“Patience is a virtue.” “All good things come to those who wait.” “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” We’ve all heard these ideas ... Read More
What Tony Robbins Taught Me
I know Tony Robbins needs no introduction. However, if you’re joining us from a country or are new to this space he is a motivational speaker and mentor to many. Tony Robbins has been known for the past ... Read More
Pain Relief
Pain Relief Case Study: The Lotus Blooms Again
What if you were told that you could NEVER again do the things you loved because of a physical injury? Here’s another example of the results that are possible with Tapping. Make sure to share this info with ... Read More
Change Doesn’t Happen in a Bubble
Change doesn’t happen in a bubble. What does that mean? When you’re looking to improve your life in some way, as much as you’d like to think it’s all about you, it really isn’t. It would ... Read More
Tapping Script: Let Go and Forgive
Don’t be like Fred! Forgiveness is easy to INTEND to give. Of course we “should” forgive, but it’s difficult. There’s often a part of us that says, “No Way” I was wronged, and if I ... Read More
Tapping on Healing and Clearing a Traumatic Event
For many of us, traumatic events don’t just happen “once”. Yes, they happen once in “real” time, but we replay them, hold on to them, and run them again and again and again. When we let go of the ... Read More
Nick Ortner and Wayne Dyer: Forgiveness
At the age of 34, Wayne Dyer drove to Biloxi, Mississippi to visit his father’s grave. His father was an alcoholic and abusive man who abandoned him, his mother, and two brothers the day he was born. ... Read More
Nick Ortner Talks with Dr. Lissa Rankin About EFT Tapping
Most people treat stress like a badge of honor. “I’m stressed out so that means I’m working hard and I’m valuable.” Without knowing it, many of us have that belief on an unconscious level. We go into ... Read More
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Recent Posts
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It Written by: Nick Ortner
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear Written by: Nick Ortner
The Tapping Solution in Times Square
The Tapping Solution in Times Square Written by: Nick Ortner

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