The Tapping Solution Blog


4 Things Your Inner Child Needs to Hear – with Kim Murray

Written by: Jessica Ortner

Financial Success
From Rock Bottom to Rock Solid: Tapping for Abundance
Imagine starting your own business from scratch – the research, the work, the sweat, the long nights, the courageous investment of your OWN money – and helplessly watching as it’s all ripped ... Read More
Financial Success
The Tapping Solution App – Emotional Support: Stress and Anxiety About My Finances
This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that’s now available to download. I’m sharing this with you so that you can get a taste of what’s available in the app, along with ... Read More
Financial Success
Releasing Financial Stress with Tapping
When you think about money or finances, what’s the most prevalent emotion that comes up for you? Is it peace, contentment, or joy? Or is it stress, anxiety, or frustration? For many, it’s the ... Read More
Financial Success
Tapping Case Study – Cutting Financial Family Ties
Imagine being in a situation where the rug was suddenly pulled out right from under your feet, leaving you in a financial crisis that threatened the livelihood of your family. That’s what happened to ... Read More
Financial Success
Tapping Case Study – Finding Personal Fulfillment
Sometimes, what you think you want and you really want are two different things. Getting out of your daily routine can often be the catalyst to finding that personal fulfillment you’re seeking, just like ... Read More
Financial Success
Tapping Case Study – I’m Not Enough
Have you ever made the mental or emotional connection between not HAVING enough, and not BEING enough? Here’s a great in-depth case study of how our early childhood programming can carry on into our adult... Read More
Financial Success
Improve Your Relationship with Money
If money were an actual person, how would you describe your relationship?  Would you say you have a good or bad relationship? Do you feel like it treats you well or that it abandons you? How has ... Read More
Financial Success
How to Use Tapping to Create Financial Success
When I surveyed over 10,000 people a few years ago, guess what the number one issue was that they said they wanted to work on was? You guessed it… their finances. You see, money has the ability to be ... Read More
Tapping Case Study – Attachment, Identity, and Spiritual Beliefs
Tapping together with so many people over the years, I get to witness again and again just how many of our adult beliefs are a result of our childhood upbringings. Here is one such story of a woman’s journey ... Read More
Financial Success
Money and Spirituality – A Common Dilemma
All too often, incredibly smart, caring people with amazing ideas and talents for transforming the planet hold themselves back from earning money because of a belief, either conscious or unconscious, that it ... Read More
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