The Tapping Solution Blog


The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It

Written by: Nick Ortner


7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear

Written by: Nick Ortner


The Tapping Solution in Times Square

Written by: Nick Ortner

7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear
Being a caregiver for another person is one of the most profound acts of kindness you can perform, but it’s also not without its challenges.  It’s a journey that can be both rewarding and exhausting, ... Read More
A Moving Interview with THE Steve Guttenberg on Tapping, Caregiving, and More
A little while back, our customer service team forwarded me an email that said,  “Steve Guttenberg, the actor, responded to our email about the new Caregiving Support Collection, letting us know how much... Read More
Clearing Negative Energy Picked Up From Others – The Tapping Solution App
This relationships meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that’s now available to download. I’m sharing this with you so that you can get a taste of what’s available in the app, ... Read More
Tapping Meditation: Releasing Resentment
Resentment, subtle or overt, eats away at our soul. It’s an energetic drain that stops us from living our happiest, most productive lives. Resentment is real. It happens. And it’s OK to feel it. It’s a ... Read More
When They Least Deserve It…
We have a little sign in our kitchen that says, “Love Me When I Least Deserve It, Because That’s When I Need It Most”. It’s a little reminder to treat each other with love and compassion, especially ... Read More
Best. Wedding. EVER!
As many of you know, I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and moved to the U.S. when I was 7 years old (thus no accent when I speak!). My younger brother Alex was 4 and baby sis Jess was just a year old. ... Read More
4 Things to Let Go of This Holiday Season
Most everyone likes to receive gifts during the holidays. It’s a way of letting us know that someone is thinking about us and how much they care. You can do the same for yourself as well, but the best ... Read More
5 Tips for a Stress-Free Family Gathering
The holiday season is upon us! It’s a time that’s often met with as much dread as joy. For many, getting a big family together doesn’t always reflect the pretty picture we see in all the Thanksgiving and ... Read More
Forgiving THAT Person… Post-Election
It’s confession time… And no, l’m not asking you to post your confession publicly, but to admit the truth to yourself. How many people have you un-friended on Facebook, or disconnected from on other ... Read More
Tapping Script: Let Go and Forgive
Don’t be like Fred! Forgiveness is easy to INTEND to give. Of course we “should” forgive, but it’s difficult. There’s often a part of us that says, “No Way” I was wronged, and if I ... Read More
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Recent Posts
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It Written by: Nick Ortner
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear Written by: Nick Ortner
The Tapping Solution in Times Square
The Tapping Solution in Times Square Written by: Nick Ortner

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