The Tapping Solution Blog


The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It

Written by: Nick Ortner


7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear

Written by: Nick Ortner


The Tapping Solution in Times Square

Written by: Nick Ortner

A Moving Interview with THE Steve Guttenberg on Tapping, Caregiving, and More
A little while back, our customer service team forwarded me an email that said,  “Steve Guttenberg, the actor, responded to our email about the new Caregiving Support Collection, letting us know how much... Read More
3 Simple Steps to Better Cope with Life’s Challenges – With a CBT Therapist
Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed with an emotion, or struggling with a stressor in your life? I think it’s pretty safe for me to assume the answer is yes.  The truth is, we all get overwhelmed by... Read More
10 Mantras to Light Your Inner Fire
Do you feel like you might need to light your inner fire? Get some energy moving? Create a spark within? If so, a simple way to get started is by just reading these simple statements, or affirmations. These ... Read More
How to Pursue Your Future Goals While Enjoying the Present Moment
“The reason you want every single thing that you want, is because you think you will feel really good when you get there. But, if you don’t feel really good on your way to there, you can’t get there. You ... Read More
7 Essential Self-Care Habits to Follow During Covid (Especially If You Have a History of Trauma)
We’ve all seen and heard the recommendations flooding the media about how to take care of our physical health during this challenging time… But what about our mental health? We’re supposed to wash our... Read More
Getting Past Procrastination – The Tapping Solution to Create Lasting Change
Procrastination is something you do, not someone you are… When you were born, the doctor didn’t place you in your mother’s arms and say, “Congratulations, it’s a… ... Read More
Create Lasting Change Interview with Jessica and Cheryl Richardson
This week, I was asked to come on to the Hay House Facebook page to talk about some of the concepts in my newest book, “The Tapping Solution to Create Lasting Change.” I was joined by my good friend... Read More
Sneak Peek: The Tapping Solution to Create Lasting Change
Here’s a sneak peek inside The Tapping Solution to Create Lasting Change. Enjoy chapters 1 and 2 below! 🙂 Around 5,040 days had to pass before I noticed the pattern that was keeping me stuck. That pattern,... Read More
My 5 Simple Rules for Life
Because our brains have the capacity to be complex, sometimes we tend to over-complicate things. 🙂 For example, due to our own individual experiences, we’ve each developed our own “Rules of ... Read More
Women and Power: The Journey to Find Your True Path
When we hear the word “power”, we often associate it with words like force, aggression, gain, and conflict. Everything has a masculine and feminine energy to it, and it’s these complementary ... Read More
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Recent Posts
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It Written by: Nick Ortner
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear Written by: Nick Ortner
The Tapping Solution in Times Square
The Tapping Solution in Times Square Written by: Nick Ortner

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