The Tapping Solution Blog


The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It

Written by: Nick Ortner


7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear

Written by: Nick Ortner


The Tapping Solution in Times Square

Written by: Nick Ortner

The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It
What if the benefits of face tapping could include both skincare advantages and emotional balance in one go, helping you both look good and feel good at the same time?  When most people think of facial ... Read More
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear
Being a caregiver for another person is one of the most profound acts of kindness you can perform, but it’s also not without its challenges.  It’s a journey that can be both rewarding and exhausting, ... Read More
The Tapping Solution in Times Square
Something pretty cool happened recently… The Tapping Solution had a billboard ad displayed right in the heart of Times Square in NYC for an entire week! 🌆✨ My sister Jessica, my brother Alex, and I had ... Read More
A Moving Interview with THE Steve Guttenberg on Tapping, Caregiving, and More
A little while back, our customer service team forwarded me an email that said,  “Steve Guttenberg, the actor, responded to our email about the new Caregiving Support Collection, letting us know how much... Read More
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Period – From a Women’s Health Coach
Let’s uncover some common misconceptions about periods and learn how EFT Tapping for menstrual problems can help. Long gone are the days when talking about periods is taboo and women have to suffer in ... Read More
3 Simple Steps to Better Cope with Life’s Challenges – With a CBT Therapist
Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed with an emotion, or struggling with a stressor in your life? I think it’s pretty safe for me to assume the answer is yes.  The truth is, we all get overwhelmed by... Read More
3 Things We All Need to Hear – From Dr. Arielle Schwartz
Throughout our lives, we all encounter a myriad of experiences. Some leave us with memories we cherish, while others etch deep marks of pain and hurt.  Big or small, we all experience trauma at some point ... Read More
Tapping with the Pros: How to Up Your Game with MLB All-Star Sean Casey
Have you ever wondered how elite athletes maintain their top-notch performance under intense pressure? The answer might surprise you – it’s not just about physical training; it’s also about mental... Read More
3 Things I Learned from Zach Braff
As a life-long fan of Zach Braff, from his hysterical and unforgettable role in Scrubs to his deeply moving films like Garden State and so many others, I couldn’t have been more thrilled at the ... Read More
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Little Shifts
In the news, on social media, and even when listening to stories in our own families or friend groups, we often just get the highlight reels. We hear about the major milestones, the big changes, the noteworthy ... Read More
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Recent Posts
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It Written by: Nick Ortner
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear Written by: Nick Ortner
The Tapping Solution in Times Square
The Tapping Solution in Times Square Written by: Nick Ortner

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