
The Evolution of Energy Medicine: An Interview with Pioneer Dr. Eric Leskowitz

Written by: Jessica Ortner

For over three decades, Dr. Eric (Rick) Leskowitz has been at the forefront of integrative medicine, exploring the fascinating intersection between conventional Western medicine and energy-based healing approaches. 

I was fortunate enough to sit down with Dr. Leskowitz for a one-on-one conversation about the evolution of energy medicine, including how techniques like EFT Tapping are transforming our understanding of what’s possible. 

Our discussion covers everything from the historical resistance to energy-based therapies to his vision for a future where conventional and integrative approaches work hand in hand. 

This is truly an interview you don’t want to miss!

Introducing Dr. Eric Leskowitz

Dr. Eric (Rick) Leskowitz is a psychiatrist and integrative medicine specialist with over three decades of experience in the field of mind-body medicine. He is known for his work in energy psychology and his dedication to exploring the connections between mental, physical, and energetic healing, and he has been a leading voice in understanding how emotions, thoughts, and energy fields influence well-being. 

Dr. Leskowitz is the director for the Integrative Medicine Task Force at Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital and has authored numerous articles and books on healing modalities. His latest book is called “The Mystery of Life Energy,” which can be found here.

Listen now to this exclusive interview

In this compelling interview with Dr. Eric Leskowitz, you’ll learn:

  • Why there’s been such a long history of conventional institutions fighting against energy-based therapies – and how that’s finally starting to change
  • What it took to finally bring energy medicine techniques like Tapping more into the mainstream 
  • What terms like “energy” and “biofield” really mean
  • Incredible real-life stories that will leave you feeling inspired and excited about the possibilities of mind-body healing
  • The power of shifting from an “either/or” mindset to a “both/and” mindset when it comes to conventional and integrative approaches to health
  • Rick’s vision for the future, where there’s more acceptance and freedom around energy medicine

To stay connected with Rick’s work, go to There, you’ll find ample resources to help you dive deeper into this compelling topic.

About Dr. Leskowitz’s New Book

If you’re intrigued by the ideas discussed in this interview, I highly recommend checking out Dr. Leskowitz’s latest book, “The Mystery of Life Energy”

In it, he dives deeper into why Western medicine is the world’s only healing tradition that doesn’t acknowledge the existence of an invisible healing energy or life force – and what we’ve been missing because of this blind spot.

Enhanced by 79 illustrations, charts, and photos, the book describes his personal journey from science nerd to energy adept, and what he discovered along the way.

I personally really enjoyed this book. It taught me so much that I didn’t know about the evolution of mind-body medicine, the energetic body, and so much more. 

I found it to be incredibly fascinating, and I hope you’ll check it out!

Until next time… Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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