
Learning When to Slow Down

Written by: Nick Ortner

John Lubbock quote

I hope you had a fantastic July 4th weekend (and if you’re reading this from somewhere around the world, a great weekend even if it wasn’t a holiday!). This summer has been quite different for me than summers past, and I wanted to share a few thoughts about what summer really is, what it means to slow down and let go, what to do when you can’t, and how all this is so important to your health, wellbeing, and life!

After a very busy winter and spring, with our 6th annual Tapping World Summit, finishing up my book on Pain Relief (due out in April of 2015), and then launching Jessica’s new book (which if you hadn’t heard hit #4 on the NY Times bestseller list!), I felt like I needed a bit of a break.

So with the World Cup around the corner, (I’m a huge soccer fan-especially since I was born in Argentina!), I said to myself: “I’m going to slow down a bit this summer”

Now, these things are easier said than done. I think many of us know that perhaps it would serve to slow down a little bit, but it feels so hard to do. It’s like something is tugging at us inside that goes, “GO! GO! GO!” But is it really something that’s tugging us inside… or is it something external, some other factor pushing us to be non-stop?

So I started paying attention to this, to determine the parts of my life that were just running a little too fast and here’s what I started noticing:


The Overstimulation of Modern Culture

1. Our brains, nervous systems, mind, body, spirit, whatever you want to call it, is just simply too amped up. The stimulus we receive, in the form of texts, Facebook, TV, emails, demands on our time and more are something we have NEVER experienced in the history of mankind.

Let me repeat that: Never have we experienced such a constant stimulus from so many directions. Ever. We haven’t even come close. Never have we had so much information at our fingertips. Never had we had so many choices to make – micro-decisions that might seem small, but add up in dramatic ways. Part of the reason your mind is racing at night, part of the reason you feel overwhelmed, part of the reason it’s hard to take a deep breath is there is simply too much going on in your brain!

I started noticing that for myself, that there were too many things to check on my phone, too many emails to respond to, and too many decisions to make. I run a business with about 15 employees, and just about every project runs through me in some way shape, or form. On top of that, we have outside business relationships, partners, experts I talk to, and so forth, and I just became very aware of how much it all was and the energy it was taking to keep up with all of it.

Slow Down, Even When Life is Moving Fast

Additionally, there’s SO much opportunity right now to grow and share this message, and I have such a deep and abiding passion for it, that it was becoming all too easy to say, “YES” to a million things. From speaking engagements to new social media platforms, it sometimes feels like it ALL needs to be done.

But guess what? It doesn’t.

The world will continue spinning if you don’t check Facebook today.

Your life will be fantastic even if you’re not on Pinterest.

Your business will be just fine even though you skip the next great thing.

And people will be OK if you say, “No thank you” to them.

We don’t have to do it all, we don’t have to do it NOW.


Simplifying to De-stress and De-clutter

So I’ve made a choice, and it’s one I’m still working on, to simplify. To do the things I love. To leverage my time. To cut down and cut out distractions. To clean up my email box and unsubscribe from things I wasn’t reading, from communications that were cluttering my world.

It’s a new thing, computer clutter, and communication clutter. It used to just be about the messy extra bedroom, now our clutter has gone virtual!

So today, take a look around and ask, what can I clean up in my life? What can I say no to, gracefully? What better choice can I make for my own personal wellbeing? And you don’t have to do it all at once? But just start.


The Challenge of De-stressing in an “Amped Up” World

2. When we are used to running in this “amped” upstate, it can be too much of a jump to go from there, to the meditative, peaceful bliss that we might be longing for. Here’s what I see happen often: Someone comes to me with a challenge, physical, emotional, spiritual, they’re stressed out, overwhelmed, and running way too fast and when they begin looking for solutions to the problem, they’re doing it from that place.

And here’s the problem: The state of being, the psychology, the way of thinking, the actions that got you where you are today…you can’t use that same state of being, same psychology, same way of thinking to get out of it!

If you’re a perfectionist, you can’t change your perfectionism by approaching it with perfectionism! (Wrap that loop around your head!). Being stressed out and Type A about relaxing isn’t going to do the job. Being overwhelmed about having to tap more is not going to get you there.


Making a Leap in Consciousness

You need to make a LEAP, a leap in consciousness but you have to make sure it’s not TOO big.

Let me explain. If you’re running a million miles a minute, and then you STOP, and say, “Time to meditate!” what happens? You either don’t because you can’t stop, it’s too big of a change in your state of being, you try and “fail” because you just can’t sit still for the 30 minutes you said you would for, and then you get up and are disappointed at yourself all over again for “failing” at this task.

The alternative? Baby steps. Yup, just like one of my favorite movies that I’ve written about before, “What About Bob?” – it’s all about baby steps.

Don’t set yourself up for failure by saying, “I’m going to meditate for 30 minutes today!” – set yourself up for success by saying you’re going to do it for 5 minutes, or even 60 seconds. Start with these baby steps, start with these little victories so you can gain confidence in yourself, so you can make smaller, more manageable leaps, so your body, mind, and spirit can take the time it needs to catch up to this new way of being.


A Tapping Script to Begin to Calm the Nervous System…

To get you started, here’s a very short tapping script, should only take a few minutes to complete, that can begin to calm the nervous system, and bring more peace and clarity into your life.

If you’re not familiar with how to tap, learn more here:

To get started, close your eyes and take a deep breath (after reading the rest of the instructions of course!). Tune in to your body, tune in to your breath, feel your feet grounded on the floor, and notice any tension or stress you might be holding in your body. Tune in to one specific part that is speaking to you right now, your shoulders, your neck, your stomach, your brain, some part that feels tension and stress. And then ask yourself, “What’s this all about? What’s the emotion here? What’s the specific event that is in my body? What’s the fear or limiting belief I’m holding there?”

And when you have an answer, rate its intensity on a scale of 0-10, 10 being the most intensive.

And let’s do some tapping!

The Script

Karate Chop: Even though I’m holding on to all this tension in my body….I love, accept, and forgive myself…
Karate Chop: Even though I have so much stress and tension in my ______ and it has to do with_________, I choose to relax and feel safe now….
Karate Chop: Even though it’s so hard to slow down, to let go, to release this stress and tension from my body, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Tapping through the points now:

Eyebrow: All this stress and tension
Side of Eye: That I’ve been holding on to
Under Eye: And that seems too hard to let go
Under Nose: I wonder what it’s all about
Under Mouth: And I wonder why I’m holding on
Collarbone: Feeling this tension in my body
Under Arm: About this stressful issue
Top of Head: About this belief…this event…this emotion

Eyebrow: All this tension
Side of Eye: And this inability to relax
Under eye: What if I could relax?
Under Nose: What if could let this go?
Under Mouth: What would it mean to slow down?
Collarbone: What if it was safe to relax?
Under Arm: Feeling safe in my body
Top of Head: And relaxing and letting go

Eyebrow: It’s time to relax
Side of Eye: I’ve been holding on to this issue for so long
Under eye: And it’s time to let it go
Under Nose: It’s safe to relax
Under Mouth: It’s safe to feel safe in my body
Collarbone: And let go of all this stress and anxiety
Under Arm: Especially around this specific issue
Top of Head: Letting it all go

Eyebrow: I wonder what my life would be like if I relaxed some more
Side of Eye: I wonder what ideas and inspirations might come to me
Under eye: I wonder how much better I might feel
Under Nose: How much healthier my body would be
Under Mouth: If I just relaxed and let go
Collarbone: If I trusted my guidance and intuition
Under Arm: And began to relax and let go
Top of Head: Right now

Take a deep breath in… and let it go… tune back into your original issue and see how it’s shifted.

What’s the number now? What else came up? Any other specific events/emotions/beliefs? Tap on those until this issue is cleared and you feel your body relaxing and letting go more. As always, this is just a very general tapping script to get you started so continue on your own if you’d like to go deeper.


Back to my lazy summer

So all that being said, I’ve had a fantastic summer so far (and it’s just getting started!). The World Cup has been absolutely magical to watch (though I must admit that my stress levels during several Argentina and USA games have been…ahem…less than ideal. I think I need to do some tapping on that…).

I’ve made it a point to get outside more, to spend time with friends and family, to cut down on distractions and be more present with myself and those around me. I’ve got another two months to keep practicing, so I’ll let you know what happens, and please do the same! Comment below and share any thoughts, insights, or ideas, on how the tapping was for you, on what helps you slow down and relax, on some new choices you might be making.

As promised, here’s one of my favorite pictures ever. I think it really encapsulates what summer and relaxing were, and should be. It’s my wife Brenna with the two-year-old daughter of a close friend, having a leisurely chat by the pool. Now that’s summer. 🙂


“I almost wish we were butterflies and lived but three summer days – three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain.”
— John Keats,

Keep Tapping,

Nick Ortner


What did this article bring up for you?  What have your stress levels been like this summer?  Comment below and let me know!  

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51 Comments on this post

  1. Anita says:

    Hi Nick, I have done EFT a couple of times since February 14. and I may say, that I find EFT wonderful so far,! Even though, I am only a beginner!!!
    And I did have some great success and I really want to use it much, much more…
    But I also love your short messages with EFT – pratcice and I do it every now and then, right on the spot with you.

    P.S. My summer is mostly very relaxed and I am living a life with some “crazyness” in, and around me… and it is so much fun, especially at MY Age of 61!!! – I somtimes feel almost like Pippi Longstocking…

    Have a wonderful summer-Relaxation!

    Best wishes; Anita

  2. Matthew Tagg says:

    Big thanks for this Nick – I really agree with your suggestions we need to shift our consciousness in order to effect positive change. I totally agree that modern life has become so busy – certainly the internet is a wonderful tool, but social media/emails can become too much at times.

    The script was most helpful.

    Peace and Joy


  3. Samantha McPhee says:

    Thanks Nick, It is winter here in Australia and sometimes I think that it is a more stressful time of year because you are not so tempted by the weather to get out. So the script was really great for me, I could feel waves of tension being released, even though I didn’t think I was that stressed. I love the stuff you are doing even though I am just starting to learn about it. Already I know it works. It is great to see you enjoying your holidays, try not to work at all and have a complete break. Looking forward to hearing more from you after your break

  4. Ellen says:

    Thank you Nick. What you writhe is always what i need to hear and work with every time you writhe. I do get some information thru the computer and the internet conection but your letters is always what I read. I love your way of seeing things. Anita Morjani, the god of Neal Donald Walsh and you, is what gives me the most. Yes, and Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden.
    So again thank you Nick.

  5. Lori says:

    When I was tapping on this I didn’t realize that this pertained to me and I realized I had a lot of burdens so much so that I ended up crying and releasing. Thank you, thank you, thank you I needed this.

  6. james says:

    thankyou for this wonderful e-mail and thankyou for asking about my fourth and yes my summer in Montana has been great here in Montana helping my mom take care of my grandparents not working just paying back and paying forward for the wonderfull life they have given me and for a wonderful future

  7. Nancy says:

    I have not been feeling overly stressed, but when I did the tapping exercise, I knew there was an underlying stressful issue but for the life of me I can’t remember what it was. I consider that success.

    Thank you!

    p.s. loved the picture!

  8. Big Shirl says:

    Love the picture. I tapped and as usual, started yawning. Bring down the stress. Bring on the friends and family. They’re arriving tonight!

  9. Rosanne says:

    Thanks, Nick, I am always hungry for text/words ideas, and that script was wonderful. When I tap, I keep to one simple text, so repeating things a lot. Probably not wrong, but I love reading your scripts, and enjoy how much you change the wording each time. Takes courage? Love xx

  10. bob gibson says:

    How can you not Love this man ? So compassionate and intuitive. What the world needs.

  11. Jen says:

    Too funny that I slowed down enough to read your post, as I was sifting through hundreds of emails. I’ve thought about unsubscribing from some lists, clearing out the things I receive but don’t read, and toning down the hundreds of emails I get a day. I’m just starting out as an entrepreneur, and I really resonated with what you said about feeling you have to do it all and do it right now. It’s so easy to stay plugged in now with so much of our lives connected to the virtual world. Thank you for the great post and the great timing! P.S. That IS a beautiful photo! Love and light, Jen

  12. Heidi Lampard says:

    Absolutely perfect timing thank you, thank you, thank you!

  13. Jan says:

    great article – and thank you, Nick — and Jessica — for all your hard work! Glad you are taking the break you deserve! I am new to tapping – it’s been a big help for me! Your exquisite photo and the “butterflies” brought me to tears … i have no words for it … Wendy’s comment earlier today says it nicely!

  14. emmy says:

    I didn’t feel at all tense or stressed when I tapped along above. Still, something happened. I feel calmer even though I didn’t realize it was possible. My shoulders seem to have dropped slightly. Apparently there was stress because I wish someone else could make me dinner so I wouldn’t have to do anything!

  15. Claudia Lämmermann says:

    Thanks for caring and sharing! I have just bought the German edition of your book, so that I can share all this with my friends, whose English is not sufficient. Today’s article is exactly what I needed and I have already unsubscribed from several newsletters and decluttered my mailbox. Enjoy your summer! Greetings from Germany.

  16. Lois Hofmann says:

    Thanks, Nick. Always very helpful. The simple tapping routine I like very much. Not that I would recommend my way to anyone else, but I had an operation on my left wrist. So in a cast for 5+ weeks. Forced slowdown. I take a nap, I read more, I talk to friends more. I am not rushing off to a meeting or working on something outside the house. So when I feel guilty about not doing something, I’ll just tap and relax. Here’s to slowing down year round…….

  17. Larry says:

    I was reminded of a quote by Einstein – You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. I always appreciated the wisdom of that and see Tapping as a way of producing such changes. Cheers

  18. Linda Burke says:

    Amazing post Nick! Thank you so much. Just reading the first few paragraphs and being quiet with them I started crying. The tapping brought me through the emotions and out the other side much calmer. I will continue tapping on my current challenges and the limiting beliefs that are being revealed, and will keep you posted on my progress. Bless you and Jessica and your wife!

  19. Jacqueline Donohue says:

    I’ve been in excruciating pain with my back and have had to work, literally, through it all…two jobs, 75+ hours a week and no days off, for months on end…I have relocated to a new area, been here now 2 years. I left family, friends, sphere of influence, and past clients, so I had to take a part time job, (its seasonal). This has created a lot of stress, and I’ve been in a lot of fear, as the full time job is commission only (Realtor). I have been meditating and that has helped the pain, and today I did the tapping. I started at an 7 today and ending the tapping at a 4! I also found myself crying…great release…thanks for the session! Got me tapping again.

  20. susan says:

    Yes thank you, I really enjoy reading your mails and knowing I can read the tapping scripts when I get home. very happy an feeling great. thanks again for not walking away and deleting. your very good people. thanks

  21. Gail Marie says:

    SAYING “YES” TO THE “YES” WITHIN ME OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER in wonder, discovery, and self love as SELF LOVE!!

    In appreciation!

  22. J.ENRIQUE PALMA says:

    How was Costa Rica’s participation in Brazil 2014?. Those guys are a beautiful example that for our people with humility and determination can accomplish great things.
    Thanks for your site and your blog. Helps many people around the world

  23. Lola says:

    Thank you for the Tapping script! I really connected with your comment about the perfectionist! I am one of those people and even found myself picking out spelling and punctuation errors in your blog!!! Wow – I DO need to relax and let things go! I tapped on my issue and admit that it did fall from 10 to 8 – which for me is something! Thanks again for your light!

  24. eileen custer says:

    Thank you Nick for your continued leading for change. My exact sentiments, one I mention a lot bout slowing down.
    I had a wonderful 4th doing just that. Sat for hours with a multi generation friend/family group on the river. We discussed how much “stuff” we have and what to do with it. How it “fills up our life”.
    I am grateful to live in Minneapolis where we have unbelievable parks and lakes, I live in the city and listen to the loons on Lk Calhoun. How blessed is that!
    Had a “big” fall a couple of month ago and have been challenged. Ordered my adult electric trike and will be enjoying the lakes.(it is being shipped from Conn).
    Also, I much appreciate commenting to you without doing Facebook. Not a big fan.
    I followed some of the Tapping on Vieques Island in Puerto Rico this winter. Unfortunately my speed was too slow. Guess sometimes we are forced to slow down. I received so many new sites that it was overwhelming and I had “No Clue) how many coaches and motivational people are out there, It is overwhelming ..Maybe too much info…
    Thanks to you and your family for all the good you are doing in this crazy world of ours.

  25. melissa middleton says:

    great post! i find it’s so important to give myself permission to step off the virtual information overload highway! isn’t it crazy how we can feel guilty and inadequate for not participating in every big and little thing that comes along through our modems! that tapping script is really good… effective and to the point. it’s good to feel my grip on the tension i didn’t even know i had slipping away from my clutching mind and body.

    that photo, by the way, is so enchanting! the moment it depicts, as well as the lighting and colors and composition. it looks like a beautiful oil painting… i can imagine it enlarged and framed on a wall, or even painted on canvas by someone 🙂

    have a beautiful and free-flowing day, everyone!

  26. Magda says:

    Thanks Nick ! I was grateful and felt I was not alone , it is so kind and generous of you to share . Bless you and Erica , you are both really doing your best in reaching out . Thanks , magda

  27. alison says:

    Thank you so much for the guided tapping. I was in an especially tense space. Must have been my soul directing me to check email and sure enough your message was here for me to pay attention to. I went from a 10 to a 5 immediately after the tapping. Nick you are an angel.

  28. Jennie Adelman says:

    Soooooooooooo happy I dont use facebook or any other electronic social network – there’s enough to do without them. I do have Skype – I live in South America and use it to contact friends and kids around the world. And of course email where I found EFT – great stuff. Thx for everything.

  29. Caryl Hill says:

    Nick, you and tapping is such a blessing in my life. Thank you I have been working on Relaxing and with tapping is a answer top prayer.

  30. Vicki Genfa says:

    Thanks Nick! Wondering if you have any similar tapping scripts more geared to an 18 yr old? I love the idea of sharing tapping with my teenage nephews and niece!
    Thanks for all the great work you do…. hope you continue to find more and more relaxation over the summer!

  31. ana tavo says:

    thank you Nick for your words and tapping , I realy need those words, living today in Argentina is quite a stress challenge, again thanks for helping, all my love

  32. j says:

    Thank You Nick U inspired me to check out Keats Sometimes poetry is difficult so slow down Tap and read and read again and contemplate. I almost forgot how much I love to WATCH sports. Since I am 68 I’ll just tap on into my bathroom and dance then go watch golf on TV.

  33. Christine Steinhoff says:

    I usually stop and read your emails. This one was excellent. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Your right it is about baby steps. You must crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. Tapping for me is like flying with my own wings.

  34. Danielle says:

    First of all Congratulations on all your success Nick; as well as, Jessica on her new book too. Thank you so much for writing this. I am always amazed at this amazing universe in bringing us what we need, when we need it the most. I recently had to make a difficult decision to say no to something I was asked to do. I normally wouldn’t have and was feeling very bad about it. There came a point when I realized there was way more than I could handle. Sometimes it’s hard to realize that life will continue on without us doing all that we are use to doing. You have given us so much to think about. De-stressing, simplifying and taking time to nurture ourself can only lead to a positive outcome. I appreciate this script very much … timing seems perfect! ☺ That is an absolutely beautiful picture and captures the essence of summer !!

  35. Sylvia says:

    Thanks for sharing Nick,you aré always so lovely !

  36. Tammy Jencik says:

    Thank you for being the angel in my life today. The tapping sequence broke through a barrier I have been praying to break through. May you have a magical summer

  37. Mugdha Savkar says:

    Hi Nick,

    Sometimes accidents give you the best in life. About two years ago, I accidentally stumbled upon The Tapping Solution and today Im happy at having stumbled. Thank you for this script. It really helped.


  38. Helen says:

    Thank you. I’m getting into it right now. It’s working!

  39. Melanie Knapp says:

    It’s nice to be following this discussion on tapping with you Nick. We often talk about de-stressing from painful believes and events. This has great benefits. It’s also nice to make an effort to remember the good memories and what we were learning. To honour the one in us that was growing and learning about things. To build on that growth and to send love back to ourselves. It’s not all about looking forward or letting go sometimes it’s about holding on to ourselves and taking time to reflect on our lives. I love the way you are positive and encouraging. Stay you. xo MELANIE

  40. Annette says:

    Thanks Nick for the article and tapping script. Just what I needed to feel lighter and energized.

  41. Genevieve says:

    As it happens soooo often, the subject you share is just what I needed at that time ! It’s not the first time I think about that aspect of our lives today : that everything is going TOO FAST. And so many people are not even realizing it, they just think it’s normal because they don’t see that there is «another kind of world» outside of the «virtual twister» they’re caught into. I will keep that tapping script handy because I know I will need it again this summer !! THANKS SO MUCH !!

  42. Amanda says:

    Yep a reminder about email clutter, i had thought about this a few months ago and I unsubscribed from emails I didn’t need to receive so I felt validated somehow reading this article. There really is way too much stimulus going on and I can waste soooo much time on things I don’t need to read. So thanks!!! I liked your John Keats poem too!!!

  43. Angela Verley says:

    Absolutely spot on Nick!! Now if we apply this to the areas of the world where there is conflict and particularly in Israel at the moment – how do we get to peace from conflict and hate? Certainly not through more conflict and hate! So I love your use of baby steps. Start thinking peaceful thoughts through tapping or meditation or both for 1 minute a day and then extend that to 5 minutes a day and then back it up with 1 kind deed a day and then eventually every deed will be a good deed and your life filled with peace.
    And that will be how we achieve a peaceful world and then we will have real freedom and choices and paradise for all!!

    Thank you.

    Much love and blessings,

  44. Cynthia Botha says:

    Dear Nick
    Thank you for explaining the ‘not being able to switch off’ syndrome so clearly and simply. It explains many issues which people experience.

    Using a company computer has restrictions for me but I printed all this entire email. Will now put this into practice. My ‘not being able to switch off’ – not being able to go to bed at a decent hour and once there not being able to sleep.

    Luckily, I attend a Yoga class twice a week and that is heaven, you leave the every day world behind while you go through the paces, stretches, relaxing and the different breathing techniques. Bliss!!

    Cynthia Botha
    South Africa

  45. Susanne Straeter says:

    Baby steps – the answer to my question! Thank you, Nick, for this beautiful little summer present!

  46. Wendy Merron says:

    Nick, my favorite part of your article is the beautiful photo. A visual reminder to take the time to listen and be present with others.
    I confess there have been times when my thoughts have been as far away as China during some conversations this summer. Time to bring myself back to the present rather than focusing on my next launch!

  47. Sylva van Rosse says:

    It was/is just what I need/ed. Very helpful!

  48. Maria Viitanen says:

    Thank you very much. Wonderful post, it make my day.

  49. A says:

    Very nice gift!!

  50. Marge Hoder says:

    A big factor in my slowing down has been to keep the tv on the Easy Listening cable channel in between the few channels I have thoughtfully chosen for their value content….for how much they add to the quality of my life. I feel that this decision is the foundation for clearing out the other clutter that you mention. What a joy!! The tapping brought up the fact that my running from one activity to the other and amassing an inordinate amount of knowledge was a way to smother the grief I was harboring. I am now committed to taking the time it needs to be addressed and cleansed, something counseling was never able to do…and I don’t need meds to do it. (Hope does spring eternal). I also take time out and go to the matinee theatre musicals and take the bus to avoid the stress of downtown traffic and searching for parking, savoring tuning out my thoughts and just sightseeing. Afterward, I windowshop, get a smoothie and head back home. Thanks so much for your dedication Nick.

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