
Tapping for Energy Boost: Your Ultimate Guide to Feeling Revitalized with EFT

Written by: Nick Ortner

Are you constantly feeling drained or sluggish, struggling to get through your day? Maybe you rely on coffee to get you through the afternoon slump, or you end up just sitting on the couch for hours after work because all your energy reserves are used up. 

But what if there was a natural, easy-to-learn technique that could help you tap into boundless energy and vitality? Enter Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), or “Tapping” – a powerful mind-body approach that combines elements of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology to revitalize your energy levels.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how you can use Tapping for an energy boost, providing you with practical techniques to recharge your batteries and reclaim your zest for life.

Why energy is important

Energy is the fuel that powers our lives.

It’s more than just the ability to get through your to-do list… It’s the cornerstone of a vibrant, fulfilling life. Energy influences our mood, productivity, relationships, and overall quality of life. 

Think about the last time you felt truly energized. How did it affect your day? Chances are, you were more productive, happier, and more engaged with the world around you

When our energy levels are high, we’re more likely to:

  • Accomplish our goals and tasks efficiently
  • Maintain a positive outlook on life
  • Engage fully in our relationships
  • Make healthier lifestyle choices
  • Cope better with stress and challenges

On the flip side, low energy can lead to:

  • Decreased productivity
  • Mood swings
  • Poor decision-making
  • Health concerns

The ripple effects of low energy can impact every aspect of your life, from your career performance to your personal relationships. That’s why finding effective ways to boost and maintain our energy levels is crucial for overall well-being

Factors influencing energy levels

Understanding what drains your energy is the first step towards reclaiming it. While everyone’s energy equation is unique, there are several common factors that can impact our vitality:

  1. Stress: Chronic stress is like a constant energy leak, draining your resources even when you’re not actively worried.
  2. Sleep quality and quantity: Poor sleep doesn’t just leave you tired – it can throw off your entire energy balance and is a major energy drainer.
  3. Physical activity: Both a sedentary lifestyle and overexertion can disrupt your energy levels. Finding the right balance is key.
  4. Emotional state: Unresolved emotional issues act like energy vampires, constantly drawing on your vitality. Anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues can all affect energy levels.
  5. Diet: Your body is like a high-performance machine – it needs the right fuel to function optimally. Without healthy eating patterns, we can end up feeling like we are running on empty.
  6. Illness or meditation conditions: Certain health issues can directly affect your energy levels.

How EFT Tapping can boost energy

Now that we understand what influences our energy, let’s explore how Tapping can help. EFT Tapping isn’t just another energy-boosting gimmick; it’s a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of energy depletion.

Here are some of the ways Tapping can help restore vitality to your body and mind:

  1. Stress Reduction: Tapping has been shown to significantly reduce cortisol, the stress hormone. Lower stress levels mean more energy available for other activities.
  2. Emotional Release: Holding onto negative emotions is exhausting. Tapping provides a safe, effective way to process and release these emotions, freeing up energy you didn’t even know you were using.
  3. Improved Sleep: Many Tappers report falling asleep faster and enjoying deeper, more restorative sleep. Better sleep = more daytime energy.
  4. Mindset Shift: Tapping can help change negative thought patterns that drain your energy, replacing them with more empowering beliefs.
  5. Physical Relaxation: The physical act of tapping on acupressure points helps relax the body, reducing tension that can sap energy.
  6. Increased Body Awareness: Tapping heightens your mind-body connection, helping you tune into your body’s needs for rest, nutrition, and activity – ultimately allowing you to take care of yourself and increase your energy levels naturally.

The beauty of Tapping is that it’s not just a temporary fix. By addressing these core aspects of energy production and conservation, Tapping helps create sustainable, long-lasting improvements in your vitality.

Try it now! Instant Boost of Energy with Tapping

Ready to experience the energizing power of Tapping firsthand? We’ve got you covered with this quick and effective Tapping meditation designed to quickly elevate your energy levels, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Take a few minutes to follow along with this guided Tapping sequence to get your energy flowing. Even if you’re new to Tapping, you can start feeling the benefits right away:

How do you feel? Many people report feeling more alert, focused, and energized after just one session. But this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what Tapping can do for your energy levels.

If you enjoyed this energy-boosting Tapping session and want more, you’re in luck!

This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App. You can download the app for free now to access hundreds of other guided Tapping meditations to help you feel your best. 

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Try the Tapping Solution App and lower stress in under 10 minutes
  • Instantly reduce anxiety and stress
  • Fall asleep faster and sleep better
  • Boost productivity, stay motivated
  • Relieve chronic or occasional pain
  • Release anger, find peace

Tips for maximizing the effects of Tapping for energy

Now that you’ve experienced the energy-boosting potential of Tapping, here are some pro tips to help you get the most out of your practice:

  • Consistency is Key: Make Tapping a daily habit, even if it’s just for a few minutes and even if you’re not feeling particularly low energy. Consistent practice compounds the benefits over time.
  • Combine with Other Healthy Habits: Use Tapping alongside a balanced diet, regular exercise, and good sleep hygiene for optimal results.
  • Be Specific: If you know what’s draining your energy (e.g., a particular situation or worry), focus on that while you do the Tapping. The more specific you are about what’s affecting you, the more effective your Tapping session will be. 
  • Listen to Your Body: Use Tapping to tune into your body’s needs. You might discover that you need rest, certain nutrients, or physical movement.
  • Tap Preemptively: If you know you have a challenging day ahead, do a Tapping session in the morning to boost your energy reserves. Many people enjoy our “Create a Great Day” session in the app to help start the day off feeling energized and inspired.

By incorporating Tapping into your daily routine with these tips, you can tap into a wellspring of natural energy and vitality. 

Remember, sustainable energy isn’t about quick fixes or stimulants – it’s about addressing the root causes of fatigue and nurturing your mind and body holistically. With consistent practice, Tapping to boost energy can become your go-to technique for maintaining balanced energy levels throughout your day.

Are you ready to transform your relationship with energy? Imagine waking up feeling refreshed, tackling your day with enthusiasm, and still having gas in the tank for your evening activities…

Download The Tapping Solution App for free today. Your vibrant, energized self is just a tap away!

Until next time… Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner

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