
Do You Give Yourself Permission?

Written by: Nick Ortner

This morning, I found myself wanting to do something simple – to take a moment to do something nurturing. But I noticed a part of me that felt like I wasn’t allowed to.

I had a million things on my to-do list and the clock was already ticking away…

And for some reason, it felt like I needed someone else’s approval to let me know it was okay to take that moment for myself.

Do you ever feel that way?

Do you ever find yourself waiting on another’s permission to follow your heart and do what’s best for you?

The thing is, we don’t need anyone else’s approval to act, think, or feel a certain way. We can give ourselves permission for whatever it is we choose.

To help with that process, I’m going to share with you some positive affirmations that I needed to hear today. I thought they might help you, too.

Read these ten simple affirmations and give yourself permission to live YOUR life today.

1. “I give myself permission to breathe and become present right here, right now.”

2. “I give my brain and body permission to slow down and relax.”

3. “I give myself permission to feel my feelings, as they are right now.”

4. “I give myself permission to do whatever I need to do in this moment to feel good.”

5. “I give myself permission to make time for joy, humor, fun, and rest.”

6. “I give myself permission to go at my own pace.”

7. “I give myself permission to let go of judgment and criticism about myself and others.”

8. “I give myself permission to feel powerful, free, brave, and whole.”

9. “I give myself permission to trust myself.”

10. “I give myself permission to be right where I am… and I also give myself permission to change and grow.”

Notice what it feels like to hear those statements, and then take a few deep breaths to let them land a little more deeply.

I encourage you to bring this feeling, this sense of empowerment and trust in yourself, forward with you through the rest of your day.

You’ve got this. We’ve got this. Let’s keep at it.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping

Nick Ortner

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Have you ever felt like you needed someone else’s permission to take time for yourself? Comment below!

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