Financial Success

How to Manifest Quickly Using EFT Tapping

Written by: Nick Ortner

All too often, our goals consist of little more than a “list”…

  • Make a million dollars
  • Get my book published
  • Travel the world
  • Support my favorite charity

…and so on.

It’s certainly a great start to write them down, but if you don’t dig deeper, they’re unlikely to happen as quickly and completely as you’d like them to.

I’m sure you’ve read plenty of information on how to improve your goals: add emotional value, use visuals, expand on the feelings you’ll have when you achieve the goal, look at them more often, etc.

And all of those ideas are great, but if you’re not in FULL alignment with your goal in the FIRST PLACE, you’re basically wasting your time.

Remember, alignment isn’t just a surface, conscious alignment. You need to be aligned on all levels. You need to address your “what ifs” and “buts” about the issue fully.

When you do that, you get out of your own way and can make things happen without those patterns of self-sabotage that are all too familiar.

Here’s a process with Tapping to help you. This process involves having a general understanding of the Tapping protocols. If you’re new to Tapping, take a moment to review the basics of EFT Tapping.

Remember, the more issues you address around all aspects of your goals, the better your results will be! Perhaps commit to working on one goal or issue a day for 30 days and see what happens.

Step 1: Write down your goal, dream, or aspiration

You can make this a specific goal like: I want to earn a million dollars a year

A more general goal: I want to bring peace to my relationship with my mom

Or it can be stated more as a vision: I’d like to create dramatic social change

With this process, don’t worry about getting it right. Whatever language pops up in your head first, that’s the right language. But DO make sure to write it down.


Step 2: Write down your immediate gut response when you read that goal

How do you FEEL?

Are you 100% in alignment with it?

How does your body respond to reading it?

For example, you might feel and write down, “I feel uncomfortable when I read this, I’m excited, I’m anxious…”

Be specific in your notes and give every feeling a 0-10 rating.

So if you’re feeling anxious as you read the goal, write down, “I’m feeling anxious” and then put a number of its intensity next to it. “8” for example.

You can write down more than one emotion or feeling. Be as specific as possible.

Do you feel tension in your stomach? Write that down.

Are you slightly nauseous? Write that down.


Step 3: Write down what other people would say about your goal if you shared it with them

Friends, family members, society, co-workers, etc.

Whatever pops in your head first, write that down.

So if you think about sharing your goal with your mom, and you picture her saying, “That’s a silly idea…” then write that down, PLUS how you FEEL about her thoughts.

Be specific and give it a number of intensity, as described above.


Step 4: Write down YOUR beliefs about the goal

For example, “Part of me thinks this is impossible… I’ve never been able to do this before… Who am I to think I can achieve this…?”

Note the feelings this brings up and write those down as well.

Be specific and assign them a number of emotional intensity.


Step 5: Systematically tap OUT all of this RESISTANCE and tap IN, positive feelings & expectations!

Go through each item that brought up an emotional response, and tap on it until you bring the feelings around it down to “0” or a low number.

Be sure to keep note of anything else that comes up through the process.

You may not be able to do this in one session, so take your time with it.

When you have tapped through all the issues (and make sure to keep digging for more hidden ones), you’ve then cleared the way for your goal to become a reality!

Tapping Script Example

Let’s go through one example of what this might look like together, so you can tap along.

I’m just making up potential responses so you can see how it works…

Step 1: Write down the goal

EXAMPLE: I want to earn $250,000 a year

Step 2: How do you FEEL?

EXAMPLE: Looking at this, I get a little nervous. There’s a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, and pressure around making this work. When I close my eyes, I feel this sinking feeling at a 7.

When I ask myself what this feeling is, it’s anxiety. I’m going to do some tapping on this now.

Karate Chop: Even though I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I have this sinking feeling about making $250,000, I choose to relax now.
Karate Chop: Even though I feel uncomfortable in my body when I look at this goal, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Eyebrow: This sinking feeling
Side of Eye: I’m feeling a little nervous
Under Eye: This sinking feeling
Under Nose: In the pit of my stomach
Under Mouth: I feel pressure around making this work
Collarbone: I feel this anxiety in my stomach
Under Arm: All this anxiety
Top of Head: All this sinking feeling

Keep on tapping around the meridian points on whatever comes up until you bring it down enough to find some relief and feel ready to move on to the positive.


Eyebrow: I chose to relax now
Side of Eye: And release this sinking feeling
Under Eye: I let it all go
Under Nose: From the pit of my stomach
Under Mouth: All this anxiety
Collarbone: Releases now
Under Arm: All this fear about making $250,000 a year
Top of Head: Releases now

Step 3: Write down what other people would say about your Goal if you shared it with them

EXAMPLE: If I told my friends I wanted to make $250,000 a year, half of them would laugh at me and the other half would tell me I was being greedy.

When I think about telling my friends, I just feel small and not confident at all. This feeling is at an 8.

Karate Chop: Even though I don’t feel confident telling my friends about my goal, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I don’t want my friends to know my goal, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I know they’ll judge me if I tell them my goal, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Eyebrow: I don’t want to tell my friends
Side of Eye: When I think about telling them, it makes me feel small
Under Eye: This feeling of being small
Under Nose: I’m worried that they’ll judge me
Under Mouth: I’m worried they won’t like me
Collarbone: I’m worried about what my friends will think
Under Arm: If I tell them my goal
Top of Head: Or if I achieve my goal!

Keep on tapping around the meridian points on whatever comes up until you bring it down enough to find some relief and feel ready to move to the positive.


Eyebrow: I release this feeling of being small
Side of Eye: I chose to feel big!
Under Eye: I’m confident in my goal
Under Nose: And I release any anxiety about it
Under Mouth: I’m confident in what I want for myself
Collarbone: And I’m confident that the right people will support me
Under Arm: Feeling strong and confident
Top of Head: Feeling strong and confident!

Continue on to Step 4 and 5, rinse and repeat 🙂

Seriously, the KEY to this process is to get specific on your issues, on your feelings, and to be SYSTEMATIC about it, going through all the different ASPECTS of the issue.

I’d love to hear your results! Please share them below!

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144 Comments on this post

  1. Nina says:

    Found myself shift from an 8 on a scale of 10 to about a 4. I find this really works.

  2. Glenys says:

    Thanks for all your work in EFT. I haven’t tried it out seriously before but I’m going to give it a workout this time. I am feeling very anxious about money and need to focus and settle down. Fear takes over and I need to change some negative beliefs that have been stalling me out!

  3. MaLa says:

    I feel better about my goal of increased finances as I practice tapping daily. Thank you, Nick, for sending your wonderful emails to me so that I can participate in this very helpful program.

  4. Joanne says:

    I now feel confident to try and write my own script with the examples of language to use. Going to start small with goal of organising my house!:-)

  5. Joan says:

    Sounds wonderful, has made me feel very excited and ready to try the steps right away.

  6. Busi says:

    very practical and clear steps. Starting out on this right away.

  7. SUZIE says:

    I am feeling confident about my future . Knowing I can change my life with the tapping Solution.
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

  8. Carole Lange says:

    I could spend all day tapping but I don’t have time to do that. This will help.

  9. Harry Fernandez says:

    Awesome.Some how I’m not seeing the results, but l keep tapping.

  10. sharon says:

    I love this! I’m in the middle of a freaking MAJOR move (as in new place half way across the
    country) requiring EXTREME downsizing and doing everything myself. I tap, for sure, every
    morning when I have serious panic attacks about all there is to do. If I don’t get too immersed
    in it all, I tap several times a day. It is calming and helps me to re-charge and focus. I am now
    just routinely tapping every day before I even start the work. It is SO MUCH help!!!!

  11. Toni says:

    This exercise was great. I will continue doing for the next few days. thank you,thank you, thank you Nick you awesome!! God continues blessing you every day!

  12. Betty says:

    It has truly made me feel more confident about starting my own paying healthy lifestyle coaching business!! I share post online, but I am ready to make money helping others live healthier- physically, mentally & spiritually!!
    Thank you & Godspeed,

  13. samuel elizondo says:

    Hi Nick
    tapping is new for me .Awesome Surprises. tank you. SE

  14. Has says:

    Moving to another country to open a business. Quite scary and i have found $ has become an issue. I hope this helps and will let you know what happens.

  15. Kelly says:

    I just started EFT. I bought the package from the 2015 Summit but this is the first time I have done the tapping. The relief I felt leave my body is amazing…..amazing. I am excited to watch all the videos from the summit. Onward and upward my friend!

  16. Great information! says:

    You are very generous in all of your training’s. You keep it simple and you provide so much free content that you want to move forward into more advanced workshops! Thank you!

  17. Sheila says:

    Awesome. Tks.

  18. Nancy says:

    I am amazed and excited by how much more relaxed and positive I feel after tapping about my goal! I actually feel that manifesting my goal is totally possible! It’s on it;s way!!!! Thanks, Nick!!

  19. Fateme says:

    Thanks Nick, I use tapping and really it help me, I am a teacher and use it for help my students.

  20. asif says:

    feel confident thanks

  21. Paula akennedy says:

    I have recently written a tapping book….I really need it finished, I mean really finished. All the actual book stuff is there and getting there with the graphics, but I don’t have a clue what goes before all the content. Disclaimers, introduction etc etc…I know I can do this but who do I turn to for help? If I can figure this out I can get it published, then my fortune can begin! 🙂

  22. Glenda says:

    Great idea! My friend laura taught us your techniques. You rock!

  23. Chrissy Cooper says:

    Thanks Nick I am just starting on all this tapping, it is definitely lowering the stress and anxiety levels! Thank you for help in my journey. I know I will succeed with all the help I am attracting right now – I am very grateful!

  24. Ruth Pidick says:

    It was helpful coaching advise. Very realistic & thoughts that one might have. It was also supportive to go through the tapping exercise. If one is new to tapping one needs a bit of coaching I feel. Thanks.

  25. Dell Evett says:

    Nick.. I want to tell you how much I appreciate you… I get LOTS of emails from different organizations.. and there is always a price tag at the end of their magnificent rainbow….. I KNOW everyone has a right to earn money from sharing their knowledge… but you know what I admire about you the most …. YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS SELLING…. I ordered your book.. Jessica’s book… the CD… and I am bought out !!! I think you know that about people.. there comes a time that we just get irritated.. with the “only 49.00″ … I think there is a time to just share information without a price tag.. Thank You again.. You ask for advice in raising your daughter… ALWAYS tell her how beautiful she is… if she hears that from you… she will believe it.. and will never have a problem believing that when others tell her… OH… remember to tell her about that inner beauty,..Daddys are very special entities to little girls ” A son is a son until he takes a wife.. a daughter is a daughter for the rest of your life” Sincerely, Dell

  26. Diana says:

    I am looking forward to do this exercise. Thank you very Nick. I am very grateful for you and your team..

  27. Dr Satya P.Bindra says:

    To get the best out of tapping technique the goal needs to be of lasting impact like peace harmony, laughter, love, loving kindness, bliss or self realization and not the impermanent material gains.

  28. Linda says:

    Thanks heaps for sharing this one. I didn’t need the rinse and repeat cycle – it all seemed to work first time LOL.
    Love this EFT, thank you so much for all the work you do and share out to us.
    Hope you have a wonderful family time over this Christmas time.
    Joyful hugs from ME

  29. Molly Brisbane-Ramirez says:

    I found the script extremely helpful, but where are STEPS 4 and 5?

  30. Desiree Halac says:

    I immediately feel that I can get what I want, and physically feel a relaxation in my head, and things switching to a very positive state of mind. The script is very useful and a good outline to include ones one wishes and issues.
    Thank you!

  31. Charlotte says:

    Really helpful stuff, thanks Nick!
    You can also do something about the action steps, that come into your mind when you think about your goal and clear them (the resistance). Another idea is to look at the advantages and disadvantages that your goal has.

    An advantage of a new job may be more money. What do you feel when you think about having it? Maybe there’s resistance or you believe that you don’t really deserve it.

    A disadvantage of a new job could be that you have less time for friends: What do you feel about that?

    I wish everybody a wonderful day 🙂

  32. Andieharrie says:

    I am starting now I expect my millions of dollars I drop all reistsce, it is ok to not work as hard it is ok to be free it is ok to be me. I now accept millions of dollars to manifest for me. Wealth for me is freedom, freedom to be to do to see. Thanks

  33. dyana says:

    hi nick
    so far everything i have read that you ‘tap on’ manifests in positivity so please just keep it coming!
    i live in the uk and EFT just doesn’t seem to have caught on and been accepted to the extent that it has in the states.
    i’m trying to spread the word (and practice) as much as i can so all the info i receive from you is greatly appreciated.
    with the best of best wishes and many thanks

  34. janie arnold says:

    I loved this!!! I did this for money and within a couple hours i was over 300.00 richer!
    Amazing!My used car dealer called to say that they had messed up on my paperwork
    and they had a 200.00 check for me, my neighbor insisted on giving me money for some
    clothes that I gave her mother, and a coworker paid me back money that I had loaned
    her years before! ( I forget about loans as soon as I make them-people way more valuable
    than money!) Anyway I thank you from the bottom of my heart – I adore your website and
    the great healing you provide for EVERYTHING!!please share any comments i make to you!

  35. kate says:

    my son is 23 yr. old, autistic, moving into a ‘home’ for assisted living, big deal here for all of us… some of his anxiety is just confounding and he is often immobilized and virtually unreachable.. we have agreed prior to his ‘shut downs’ that i will start tapping, using a set-up phrase like ‘though i do not understand why i am having a hard time (his words), i deeply and completely love and accept myself’…. i speak and work the tap… karate chop, tapping points, phrasing as delicately, truly and without criticism or bias….. my tapping gives him a visual focus and auditory change (from his own inner conversation) and eventually he taps , also, he will start to move his hands and i will see him looking for my eyes… this is a very delicate process and i seek to speak with him not so much ‘for him’…this serves to fill him with connection, words, emotional expression…all that keeps his in a negative space when he cannot self start… i thank him for joining me. … for holding on… for tapping through to a more peaceful place… have others found this surrogate tapping helpful?

  36. Sonia says:

    Thank you so very much for outlining the step-by-step tapping procedure – it has
    been more than helpful. . . . makes it so much easier to follow and understand.

  37. MP3Girl says:

    This looks like a great script to follow. My problem is I have one stumbling block with EFT overall. Time and Place. (Maybe that’s two?)
    I’ll do them in reverse order – if I’m in a public place, I’m self-conscious about looking silly or being interupted with curious questions. I realize this could be tapped on if I could resolve the first…
    I have very little time to be able to sit and think up the words I want to say and then remember the order of tapping and assign the script breakdown to each point. Add in the other point, and you can see why I’m optimistic about tapping but haven’t gotten involved or practiced it yet.
    Maybe someone can tap for me to find clarity or some peace and quiet? 😛

  38. dmitry says:

    whats a karatechop?

  39. Erik Cornish says:

    Hi Nick,
    Great stuff! This really works, and if Flavy (16th September) wants to get in touch I will help show how matrix reimprinting allied to EFT can not only shift blockages but crystallise a briliant highest possible future self for this life!
    Blessings to all!
    erik Cornish
    Financial Healer

  40. Donna says:

    Thank you, thank you again for sharing this step by step approach; you are so gifted and giving, Nick, you have helped so much! I especially needed the EFT in regard to RESISTANCE in regularly using EFT.

  41. Valerie Goh says:

    thanks Nick. this script speaks my mind. thanks again

  42. Valerie Goh says:

    does EFT work on people who had suffered brain damage?

  43. Ann Gordon says:

    Very well done, Nick. I love how you have mixed the best from EFT and NLP. This is a keeper! Thank you!

  44. patrick slattery says:

    Well done Nick, nice piece of workand most helpful Thank you. Patrick

  45. anjali agrawal says:

    Dear Nick,
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful script.

  46. Joyce Neill says:

    My first goal is to open my heart again to love
    My second goal is to achieve the abundance I desire and deserve
    My third goal is to share EFT with others who will cross my path and join me in the journey.

    I felt a huge release tonight. I felt my heart open. I was able to forgive those who have hurt me and caused me great pain.
    I feel lighter, I feel stronger, I feel confident that I am on my way.
    I feel supported by God and the Universe.
    I am very grateful to Nick for his amazing insight at the very moment in time that we need it.

  47. KPT says:

    Thank you, Nick! You and your sister are so terrific – your parents should be very proud of you both! Please share when you’ve manifested over $250,000. It will inspire everyone…and prove the power of this comprehensive, ‘no stone left unturned’ approach. God Bless ~ and Thank You Again:)

  48. Lilyana says:

    Fantastic script. I am sure I can apply to myself and make my dreams come true.
    You are always the best for helping others. Thanks a million Nick 🙂

  49. Brenda says:

    Heck I thought I just did this. woo wee woo… THANKS for all of these tapping guides.
    What do you do if there is no resistance at all and you feel thrilled and happy with your
    goal of $250,000 received this month just as it is? OK I got an answer: JUST CELEBRATE
    THE RECEIVING in each and every way keep the receiviing on the top front & center burner!
    I changed goals to get a tougher one. I want a cooperative, mutually prospering relationship
    with my 48 year old son. <<THERE NOW, I had LOTS of stuff jump up and shout at this goal.
    IE., all my own doubts!! bye bye… friends. I've got tapping work to do now!

  50. Brenda says:

    I discovered that I really don’t trust ANY family memebers when it comes to ‘sharing my goals’
    furthermore I have been taught NOT to share goals unless it is a group goal that benefits all
    parties involved. I feel confident in my attitude and energy because it is like bringing forth a
    newborn baby ‘Ya don’t share it until it is hatched’ LOL

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