
Tapping Meditation – From Overwhelm to Calm

Written by: Nick Ortner

I’ve got a little challenge for you today

Take FIVE minutes right now…

Choose ONE thing to think about and release, close your eyes, and just tap through all the points.

You don’t have to say anything out loud and you don’t have to get it perfect. Just choose one thing that has been stressing you out or worrying you and start to release it now.

You don’t even have to release all of it. Just start to let it go…

If you want some guidance, here’s a free Tapping Meditation titled “From Overwhelm to Calm”.

Use it whenever life feels like it’s a little too much for you, when you’re overwhelmed by a specific topic or issue, or any other time you’re struggling.

If you find it helpful, please comment and let me know below and be sure to share with your friends! 🙂


For more meditations just like this one, be sure to check out The Tapping Solution App.

If you’re new to Tapping here is a short “How to Tap” video that walks you through the tapping points and gives you a good refresher. Enjoy!

.Also, be sure to “Like” my Facebook page below for daily inspiration and to follow all of the wonderful new things we have coming!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

What did this meditation bring up for you? What did you release? Comment below!

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351 Comments on this post

  1. Amba says:

    Thank U Nick. Following along makes it easier (for me) than creating on my own for whatever I perceive my problem to be. I went from 5 to 1; it shifted from my head & shoulders to my solar plexus & then disappeared completely.

    Can we have a ‘TM’ for Patience & Trust in One’s Life?! I have legal situations over which I have no control (in the hands of an attorney) & just must wait on the law to take its course — in a small country that’s a bit corrupt & seems to suffer from staff shortages and ancient systems.

    Thanks again Nick
    in love light laughter
    always, all ways

  2. Erin says:

    I have developed anxiety about flying. I would love to see some tapping on this topic!

  3. Ann says:

    Really enjoyed the meditation. I sm struggling with stress at the moment but felt so calm once I had done this. Thank you.

  4. Despina says:

    Nick thanks alot for your tapping! It has helped me so much!

  5. Avis Ashcraft says:

    Thank you so much for this tapping email. I love the whole tapping regimin. Even though I don’t know if my statements are proper I’ve been tapping on stopping smoking for several weeks now. Is there any way to get hard copies ( C Ds or books ) of different tapping sessions, not on computer or smart phone? I only have an iPhone and can’t seem to be able to keep the things sent in emails. Thank you, Nick, for doing what you do and furthering the much needed evolution of this species,Homo sapiens.

  6. Raanan says:

    Thank you.
    It’s wonderfull.
    How can I save this meditation.

  7. Helena says:

    I like in general the tapping! I used it in my Yoga classes.
    Thanks for this tube, its fascination.

  8. Alanna says:

    I’ve been waiting for a short tapping meditation to come my may to help me overcome my stress and negativity when I am golfing and I start to play poorly. I am confident thhelis tapping session will help me a lot! Thank you so much for your wonderful work.

  9. Hannelore Hutton, LMFT says:

    Dear Nick, I am so grateful that you send this overwhelm meditation. It is just in time on time for me. Our little townhouse just got ransacked and burglarized and value of a year of my work doing Psychotherapy walked out the door. I feel terribly unsafe and overwhelmed. And your soothing voice and words felt like a gift from Heaven. I am deeply grateful to you and Jessica for the amazing work you are doing, your generosity, your wonderful spirit, and your grace.
    Even though I’m very rattled right now, I know that EFT will help get me back to center. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope to be at one of your presentations or get trained by you in the near future. I have already taken a seminar with Dawson. With gratitude and humility, Hannelore Hutton, LMFT

  10. Bobbie says:

    Amazing….I have been doing the basic tapping the last three days….I have no pain in my knee and today shared with a friend the technique and immediately she felt calmer…..thank you Nick Ortner…can’t wait to get your book!!!

  11. Lesley Bland says:

    Thank you Nick, I went from 9 rating to 2. Bless You. Lesley.

  12. Esperança says:

    Tapping is a wonderful technique for releasing stress and feeling calm, especially during times when life throws an unexpected curve at you. I have found that a few rounds of tapping before going to sleep, leaves me feeling calmer allowing me to fall asleep sooner and dramatically improving my quality of sleep.

    Thanks so much for introducing me and so many others to this very effective and empowering tool.

  13. Deborah says:

    Thank you so much, I can sure feel the difference with just tapping twice. I alway’s am worried about how I will have enough money to get by. Thanks again Deborah

  14. Marijana says:

    Very good 🙂

  15. Tamara Watkins says:

    This tapping session “From Overwhelm to Calm” was amazing! I have recently noticed that most of my life I have experienced varying degrees of anxiety – on a DAILY basis. I tried to remember a time when I didn’t feel anxious and couldn’t think of one moment! Today, prior to doing the tapping with Nick, I rated a 6 level of anxiety and when I finished, it was at 0!!! I started to yawn half way through as the tapping was releasing all the stress from my mind and body. Such a welcome release! I know that this is something I will need to probably do on a daily basis for a while – so grateful for the help!

  16. Debbie Carroll says:

    Thank you. That was really good.

  17. Pepa says:

    I am amazed how tapping works. it touched me evenndo i tought i had no worry at all. Felt so calm and peacesful. Tnx

  18. Olivia Fernandes says:

    Thank you Nick. I came home from work early today because I have been struggling with an issue for months, it got worse over the past few days. Today I got completely overwhelmed and just glared out my car window! I just got on my computer at home and saw an email from you that was exactly what I needed! “From overwhelm to calm.” I just followed you and it has truly helped me at this very moment. Thank you again. I know I will need to go on tapping!!!!


  19. Sandy says:

    Thanks Nick. This was perfect timing!

  20. Ellen says:

    Thanks so much, Nick. This short tapping session helped me feel calmer about all the things I need to do. I’m letting it go, and getting things done! I also appreciate the video made by Jessica, which helped me identify the “tapping points”. Looking forward to more sessions, and I appreciate the fact that they are short and to the point.

  21. Lynn Fileccia says:

    The video from overwhelmed to Calm was great but it stopped before the process was finished.

  22. tthilaga says:

    ThankS I am going to try it

  23. Beth says:

    Thanks, Nick!! You are amazing. I went from an 8 to a 2! It works when I work it. It was nice to hear your voice and be walked through the tapping. I wrote down at the beginning…to much to do, to tired, to hard, to alone and you started with “to much to do”….awesome. Now, I’ve let it all go and will do some self care/maybe even fun things on this day off. Blessings to you…….

  24. Judy D. says:

    Tks Nick! Very helpful. I’m home today, on the couch with ice packs on my knee from a recent injury. Stressed about missing work and then seeing all the things that need doing around the house. Your meditation couldn’t have come at a more perfect time! Tks so much.

    I can easily get overwhelmed by lots of things; this will help me lots, I know….

  25. anna says:

    Love your material and the opportunity to learn a better way to handle life! I must say, though, as an old English major and grammarian, there are several places in your audio lesson, Overwhelm to Calm, where you should use the past tense of the verb, that is, overwhelmed, or the noun, overwhelment, as in the title of the audio. Thanks for all your good work.

  26. Marni says:

    I had a couple of disappointments this week as I build my business and the awareness of myself as a healer in the community. I know and believe this is what I’m meant to do and yet this morning I felt overwhelmed with it not moving forward as I planned this week. So I read your email and for the first time thought, I’ll give this a try before I go meditate or get outside for a walk. I moved my number from a 7 to a 1. My body feels looser and more fluid. My dog came over and laid his head on my lap about half way through. I feel more peaceful and ready to get going in my day embracing the moments. Feeling gratitude to myself for doing this and for you for sending the email and providing this beautiful solution. Thank you for helping me change my inside feelings and my day.

  27. Victoria says:

    Felt so relaxed after listening to nick thank you so much .

  28. Janet says:

    My gosh this was amazing!! thank you sooooo much.
    Made all the difference in my day!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Inger says:

    thank you so much! Wow that was so powerful and helpful!

  30. Wanda Van-der-Zyden says:

    Just tapped along and my level of overwhelm was 7. Now its 4! Thankyou for all you do. I feel I will be able to cope now, bless you

  31. becky rothstein says:

    SIMPLY A M A Z I N G !!!!!
    Thank you Nick from my heart

  32. Angela says:

    Thank you so much.
    The wording has given me ideas for my daily tapping routine. I am making changes in life right now and tapping is helping me manage anxiety and worry with ease.
    Wishing you outrageous success 🙂

  33. Marijke says:

    thanks, I really needed this !

  34. Sonja says:

    It’s amazing what a little tapping can do!! From totally overwhelmed to calm… It’s so simple yet I forget to do it when I most need it. Thanks for the reminder

  35. ciara says:

    thank you very much

  36. Eileen says:

    Thanks Nick, The Tapping Solution cured my headache.

  37. Thanks Nick says:

    I was feeling so overwhelmed with caregiving for my husband who has dementia. Now I feel calm and relaxed and will be able to get to sleep… This was my first time giving myself the gift of your tapping and calm voice guiding me.

  38. sandi says:

    while tapping on anxiety related to having surgery I vicariously found relief from my fear of heighths. I used to have to crawl on my hands and knees across a walking bridge and sit on the floor of the car if riding with someone while they drove through mountains or across a large bridge over water. I could not climb a ladder or stand near an edge of anything. not even if it was safe with a glass window being there or a strong fence. I do not understand how or why this happened except my anxiety about surgery was fear based and so was my “fear” of heighths. It is so pleasant to leave this fear behind for both situations. Thank you for this.

  39. Joy O'Leary says:

    Just what I need – tears and emotions raised right from start of tapping – which I understand is to be expected.

    I know this is what I have been needing for such a long time. Blessings.

  40. Rachelle says:

    Wow! This tapping came along at exactly the right time for me and I got immediate results
    Thank you so much…

  41. Joanna Calderwood says:

    This is a gorgeous tapping session, and I feel it has far-reaching effect, just by its nature…. I feel the effectiveness of this particular piece is it’s broad reach, which is expressed in such a succinct- yet encompassing- way. I feel a definite pattern of reaching clarity, then reaching immediate release of the issues, and then a clear and supportive means of allowing healing and rejuvenating thoughts to enter and take hold for the individual. I, myself, was soothed and guided by this exercise and I am so grateful to have received it.
    Thank you for your generosity in sharing this- I know it will impact many lives!

  42. Dolly Varden-Chambers says:

    I truly felt so peaceful and relaxed after following your voice via the computer.

  43. Judy says:

    Thank you for all the tools you give to help us become sane productive people. The day to day things just get me so stressed and overwhelmed. Having you to help get me through these days is such a blessing. Thank you!!

  44. Anna says:

    your tapping solution is great. Thank You. Anna

  45. Suz says:

    Thank you, Nick! I am working with Fibromyalgia and some times the ordinary things can cause so much anxiety. My level does not come down as normally as most people, no matter what I try. This has helped me calm down my whole inner being, organs and all. Thank you for sharing your marvelous gift with all of us.

  46. Laura says:

    Great meditation. Thank you!
    I would love tapping meditations on fear of flying, fear of heights, and procrastination.

  47. Paul says:

    thanks i needed that

  48. Mary says:

    Thank you so much!!!!! I had gotten myself into a state of overwhelm and was drowning.. I just forgot all my tools, i.e. Tapping. Your voice just brought me back to my true state of being…peace.

  49. Marissa Manrique says:

    First time trying this tapping solution, loved it!!

  50. wanda says:

    Tapping sessions with Nick are helpful in all situations.

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