
Tapping with the Pros: How to Up Your Game with MLB All-Star Sean Casey

Written by: Nick Ortner

Have you ever wondered how elite athletes maintain their top-notch performance under intense pressure? The answer might surprise you – it’s not just about physical training; it’s also about mental preparation. 

For many athletes, like three-time MLB All-Star Sean Casey, that time just before a game is critical for getting the mind in the right place. 

And that’s where Tapping for sports performance comes into play. 

Tapping is a research-backed tool, where cutting-edge neuroscience meets ancient wisdom. And it’s been proven to help athletes improve their game!

That’s why we were so excited when we had the chance to collaborate with Sean Casey to develop a series of Tapping meditations in The Tapping Solution App, each designed to harness the power of your mind to elevate your athletic performance.

Meet Sean Casey

Before diving into the research on Tapping and sharing the meditations, let’s talk about Sean Casey.

Sean Casey MLB All-star smiling at the camera on a baseball field

Sean Casey is a former Major League Baseball player and former hitting coach for the New York Yankees. He was selected as an MLB All-Star three times during his 12 years playing as a first baseman and had a career batting average of .302. Sean is also an MLB Network analyst.

Now that’s one impressive professional career!

Sean knows firsthand the pressures and challenges that athletes face. He knows what it is like to perform at the very highest level, and to be under the spotlight while doing so. 

And guess what? One of his favorite tools to help settle his mind, stay centered, and play at his best is… Tapping!

Watch below to hear from Sean himself about how much he loves Tapping:

Tapping for sports performance: a look at the science

It’s no secret that alongside the physical abilities that are required of athletes, there’s a big mental component, too. 

It is vitally important for athletes to learn to stay calm, relaxed, and centered before and during big events – even when the stakes are high!

Because we all know what it’s like to try and do something well when we are full of anxiety, jitters, and nerves – whether it’s giving a presentation at work or trying to hit a home run. Let’s just say it doesn’t end well.

Tapping works by calming the brain and body, releasing strong emotions like anxiety and stress, and actually rewiring the brain to help us face high-pressure situations while staying calm, centered, focused, and confident.

Research has revealed that Tapping can significantly impact athletic performance. Studies show players scoring more, hitting targets better, and feeling more confident – all thanks to a bit of Tapping:

  • In a 2009 study, basketball players who received a 15-minute Tapping session improved their free throw performance by approximately 20%.[1]
  • Another study in soccer players found that a brief, 10-minute Tapping session could enhance goal-scoring abilities.[2]
  • A 2012 study found that a single, 20-minute Tapping session could increase sports-related confidence and decrease emotional and physical distress in female college athletes.[3]

Meditations for sports performance: With Sean Casey at the helm

We worked closely with Sean Casey, gathering his expert guidance and wisdom, to create meditations that address the specific needs of athletes.

The research is ever-growing on the benefits of Tapping. But I think it’s fair to say that Tapping has a lot of potential to help athletes of all kinds increase their performance and play better!

And we even have two sessions guided by Sean himself! In the app, you can join him for an incredible experience as he leads you through Pre- and Post-Baseball Game Tapping meditations.

Here are the meditations created with Sean, which you can find in our Sports Performance Category:

Click on the images above using your mobile device to go right to them in the app, or search for the titles using the search feature.

And if you don’t yet have The Tapping Solution App, now’s the time to try it out! You can learn more about it here.

Ready to play like a pro? Get Tapping!

So, are you ready to play like a pro? 

With Sean Casey’s wisdom and Tapping for sports performance in your corner, you’re not just training your body; you’re supercharging your mind as well

Give Tapping a go! You can learn more about the basic Tapping process and how to do it here, or you can head into the app and try the easy, guided meditations for yourself. 

So, are you ready to knock it out of the park? You’ve got this!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. Tennis more your thing? Go here to watch a video by Steph Kent about how Tapping helped her change the game as a professional tennis player.

P.P.S. We’re so lucky to call Sean a friend of the family! My sister Jessica was even in his wedding! Here are a couple of adorable pictures of her family on the special day:

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  1. Church, D. The Effect of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) on Athletic Performance: A Randomized Controlled Blind Trial. Open Sports Sciences. 2009;2:94-99. doi: 10.2174/1875399X00902010094.
  2. Llewellyn-Edwards, T & & Llewellyn-Edwards, M. The effect of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) on soccer performance. Fidelity: Journal for the National Council of Psychotherapy. 2012;47:14-21.
  3. Church D & Downs D. Sports confidence and critical incident intensity after a brief application of Emotional Freedom Techniques: A pilot study. Sport Journal. 2012;15(1).

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