The Tapping Solution Blog


The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It

Written by: Nick Ortner


7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear

Written by: Nick Ortner


The Tapping Solution in Times Square

Written by: Nick Ortner

New Paper Highlights the Power of EFT Tapping for Healing After Tragic Events (Featuring the Work of The Tapping Solution Foundation and More!)
Recently, a paper from Dr. David Feinstein was published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. This new 2022 review article serves as a deep dive into how energy psychology and EFT Tapping can be used to ... Read More
How Does Tapping Work? All About EFT Tapping
Tapping, often called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), is a technique that has been used by more than 10 million people around the world to reduce stress and support healing.  It is an easy technique to ... Read More
Science & Research
EFT Tapping for Headache Relief: Study Finds Tapping Can Help Decrease Frequency AND Intensity
You know that feeling when your head starts to feel like it is in a vice… and there is a band of pressure forming around your head? Headaches like this are no fun to experience, and unfortunately they can be ... Read More
Stress Relief
Tapping for Stress Relief: How to Use EFT Tapping for Stress
Let’s talk all about stress… and how to use Tapping for stress relief! You’ve got responsibilities all over the place. There is always too much to do, not enough time for everything, and so many ... Read More
Why It’s Important to Be Brave and Take Risks
Doing things when we can’t predict the outcome is scary. And sometimes that fear of the unknown can hold us back from trying things in the first place. But taking risks, trying new things, and stepping into ... Read More
Anxious About an Upcoming Surgery? Research Shows Tapping Can Help
Surgery can be a really scary thing for many people. And it’s normal to feel worried and nervous about how the procedure will go and how you’ll do. In fact, anxiety is one of the most common reactions for ... Read More
10 Reminders That All Is Well
Each time I Tap, I am continually amazed at the way it helps me to calm down, find peace, and relax into trusting that all is well.  Tapping helps me to remember that I am safe, and that I am okay. It helps me... Read More
The Links Between Pain, Stress, and Emotions – And How You Can Help Yourself Break Free
If you are in pain, you are probably all too familiar with the stress, overwhelm, frustration, and other difficult emotions that can go along with it. Pain can be all-consuming and completely debilitating, and ... Read More
Study Finds Tapping Can Bring Big Relief to College Students with Depression
While it can be an incredibly exciting new adventure, college can also be a tough time for many young adults. They are living on their own for the first time and may struggle to juggle many different ... Read More
Tapping into Better Sleep: Breaking the Cycle Between Stress and Poor Sleep
Even people who generally tend to be good sleepers know what it feels like to lie awake in bed with your mind spinning over worries. It can be incredibly hard to fall asleep, or stay asleep, when we are ... Read More
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Recent Posts
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It
The Benefits of Face Tapping and How to Do It Written by: Nick Ortner
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear Written by: Nick Ortner
The Tapping Solution in Times Square
The Tapping Solution in Times Square Written by: Nick Ortner

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