
In Memory of Eric Huurre – EFT Awareness in Film

Written by: Nick Ortner

Eric Huure standing on top of a mountain summit, leaning on a rockI was saddened to hear of Eric Huurre’s recent passing on February 13, 2020, at the age of 70. Eric was a filmmaker, working from a core belief that “the human story” is a critical aspect of effective communications and learning. His subject specialties included emotional self-care, trauma, and PTSD.

His award-winning feature documentary, OPERATION: Emotional Freedom – The Answer, was a film about PTSD and veterans, which really touched me deeply because it relates to the work we’re doing through The Tapping Solution Foundation.

Eric brought over three decades of media design, production, directing, and marketing expertise to his work in public awareness filmmaking and the promotion of energy-based wellness therapies.

In documenting and treating trauma and emotional healing, Eric learned from the best in energy psychology. He incorporated this knowledge into filming and private coaching for clients around the world. Through his films, he helped spread the powerful message behind the effectiveness of energy-based therapies like EFT.

We love, respect, and honor Eric. He will always be an inspiration and light in our hearts – a remarkable life that touched so many. Friends may contact Anne-Marie Huurre at to offer support and well-wishes.

Nick Ortner

Do you have any personal stories or comments to share about Eric Huurre or his work? Please share below! I’d love to read them.

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