If I showed you the picture to the right, would you think to yourself…”That’s obviously a congressman meditating”? Of course not…but it is! 🙂
In the past year, through my speaking at live Hay House events, I’ve had the distinct pleasure of meeting a remarkable man, Congressman Tim Ryan (D-Ohio)
(and please ignore the Democrat or Republican aspect of this discussion, this goes WAY beyond that).
Congressman Ryan is the author of “A Mindful Nation,” a beautiful book about bringing mindfulness into our daily lives, into our institutions, even into Congress! (Can you imagine…?!)
And unlike most congressmen, he’d rather you see a picture of him meditating than the regular cheesy and fake political picture. You know…kissing a baby, shaking hands with a president, speaking in front of a podium. All those typical things that make you go “eh…another politician!” 🙂
I’ve been sharing EFT Tapping with the Congressman, actually giving him his first experience one late night after a speaking event, in a bar! (You gotta tap wherever you can!)
As a consequence, he’s been a big supporter of our work in bringing this powerful technique to veterans with PTSD.
He even went as far as sending a letter to Eric Shinseki, Secretary of State for Veterans Affairs, suggesting that EFT be adopted by the Veterans Administration (VA) to support the estimated one million US veterans struggling with PTSD. (Click here to read his letter.)
Today I want to share a casual interview with you that my sister Jessica did with Congressman Ryan, about both his new book and about how he wants to change the political landscape. I think you’ll really enjoy this, and again, it’s not about Democrat or Republican, it’s about mindfulness. Here it is:
Click Here to Watch This Video On YouTube
If you want to pick up a copy of Tim Ryan’s great book, A Mindful Nation, you can do so here:

Dr. Dawson Church and Dr. David Feinstein have done remarkable work the past several years, both on the research side and on petitioning Congress, to try to get EFT accepted on a bigger level.
I’m letting you know about all this for several reasons:
A. I believe it’s inspiring to hear that change is happening, and that this technique that you’re using at home to change your life has the possibility to transform veterans’ experiences with PTSD. You’re a part of something special.
B. If you or someone you love is a veteran suffering from PTSD, Tapping can help. Please see: http://stressproject.org/ for more details or pick up a copy of the documentary Operation Emotional Freedom here:

I hope this inspires you as much as it does me!
Until next time…
Keep doing your part to heal the world by healing yourself! 🙂
Nick Ortner
P.S. – Speaking of amazing congressman (and women!)…you might have heard the buzz about best-selling author and speaker, Marianne Williamson announcing her candidacy for the United States Congress!
Now I don’t normally write about politics in any way but with this email I’m talking about two politicians! 🙂 But the reason I’m sharing is that both of these people are about changing the current political landscape which has become so inhospitable.
I had a chance to sit down with Marianne a few months ago, and she shared with me not only that she was going to run, but shared her vision for transforming politics from the inside out.
I don’t need to tell you about the level of dysfunction that exists in politics, from both sides of the aisle, but I do believe there are always solutions out there (like Congressman Tim Ryan!) and Marianne and her inspiring message and vision can be part of that change.
She’s running as an independent with a fresh message of change, and she needs your support. Take a few minutes to learn more about what she’s doing, and if it feels right for you, donate a few (or many!) bucks to support what she’s doing, volunteer, or find another way to get involved!
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