
I live in Newtown, CT… (some thoughts and how you can help)

Written by: Nick Ortner

I never thought in my communication with you that the fact that I live in Newtown, CT would be relevant in any way.

Unfortunately, as you know, that all changed on Friday. My brother lives here as well, with his wife and two young children. My mother is a school psychologist in the neighboring town of Danbury, at the elementary school. She used to work with Dawn Hochsprung, the principal who lost her life, when Dawn was previously working in her school district.

I don’t feel it’s my place, especially at this point, to try to make any sense of what has happened or make any wise philosophical pronouncements (they seem trite in the wake of such awful tragedy) All I can think to do is to mobilize in any way I can, to help those most deeply affected.

I do think there is an opportunity (and that’s not the right word for this situation, but it’s the best I can come up with), to take a new approach in helping relieve the pain, trauma, and sorrow this town, surrounding towns, and the world at large is feeling. We’ll be working this week to bring you resources to help relieve any pain you’re feeling, including a meditation from Jessica.

On the ground here, I’ve been on the phone the last two days coming up with a plan on how we can best help and serve. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as going in there and saying, “Everybody tap!” It’s a delicate situation on so many levels, so I’ve been talking to trauma experts and other people with experience to see how we can best serve, while respecting the existing channels of support.

Just this morning we formed what we’re calling “The Tapping Solution for Newtown: Stress and Trauma Relief Project.” Dr. Lori Leyden, who you might recognize from her incredible work with genocide victims in Rwanda, has already agreed to fly in from California to lead the support team. That team and its approach will grow in the coming days.

Our intent behind “The Tapping Solution for Newtown: Stress and Trauma Relief Project” is to:

A. When appropriate, work with those affected, directly or indirectly, in Newtown and the surrounding areas.

B. Establish a “train the trainer” model, where both professionals and lay people can learn how to use tapping for themselves and for others.

C. Create new approaches and protocols that can be used here and then modeled in other similar circumstances.

As you can imagine, such an effort will cost money. From flying people in, to housing them, feeding them, perhaps advertising to spread the word on the support available, and so forth. To that effect, all this week we’re raising money to support these efforts. I got together with my sister, Jessica, who many of you know, and my brother Alex, who works behind the scenes running things at the Tapping Solution, and we’ve each agreed to donate $10,000 to support this work. So we’re off to a good start with $30,000 being raised to help.

Now’s where you come in!

We’d love to have your support in raising money for this very important cause.  If you donate $15 today you’ll get a copy of our film “The Tapping Solution” as a special thank you gift.

If you’ve never heard of the film, you can see the trailer below.  Furthermore, while I personally plan to work with people here, none of the funds raised will go to me in any way, shape or form.  I’m laying this out in so much detail because it’s important for people to know what’s happening exactly.  100% of the net proceeds (after credit card fees and shipping and handling) will go to helping the people of Newtown.

Our fulfillment company, a Connecticut based company called Fulfillment Works, LLC, has agreed to donate their time on this project so additionally some of the shipping cost will go to the project as well!

Please support us by clicking on the “Contribute” button below to donate $15 (or use the blue links below to contribute additional funds)

“Based on my clinical experience and my reading of the research literature, EFT is the treatment of choice for rapid intervention in traumatic situations like Newtown that trigger overwhelming emotions in individuals and groups. Its use can prevent the future development of full-blown PTSD by empowering people to develop control over their own nervous systems.”

– Eric Leskowitz, MD from the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School

100% of All The Proceeds Below Are Going to
The Tapping Solution for Newtown: Stress and Trauma Relief Project

Donate $75 and Receive 5 Copies As a Thank You Gift to Share with Your Local Community
 $150 and Receive 10 Copies As a Thank You Gift to Help Those In Your Local Community
$300 and Receive 20 Copies As a Thank You Gift to Help Those In Your Local Community
$500 and Receive 35 Copies As a Thank You Gift to Help Those In Your Local Community
$1,000 and Receive 70 Copies As a Thank You Gift to Help Those in Your Local Community

Please Share This Message…

After you pick up a copy of the film, please share this page with others via email, Facebook, Twitter or any other social media site. We need all the help we can get in raising funds so your support is extremely appreciated.

How you can help Newtown and your own community…

Also, if you happen to already own a copy of The Tapping Solution, and donate and get more, it would be wonderful if you can share it within your local community. Perhaps pass it along to a person in need, a psychologist you know, or a church, or a library that needs it. Who knows what your action to spread this positive message might do to change the future.

If you want to personally get involved in Newtown, CT…

I know many people are interested in how they can personally be of help in this situation and these efforts. If you have experience with EFT and trauma relief or other associated projects, please contact us at Please be as descriptive as possible with what you’ve done, your qualifications, and how you can help, so we can organize accordingly. One of the challenges in times like these is that so many do want to help, but we need to be organized to best serve the population.

Also, if you are from the local area and know people in official channels, such as the Red Cross, etc., who you think might be open to learning about using EFT within their work, please let us know that as well. Again, email us at

Thanks for taking the time to read this and doing whatever is the right fit for you in terms of donating and supporting this important effort.

Much love to you and your loved ones.


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