
Happy Mothers Day

Written by: Nick Ortner

Happy Mothers Day!

We have a special (and funny) treat for all of you. In honor of Mothers Day, Jessica hit the streets of New York City to ask an interesting question… “What is the best advice your mother has ever given you?”

For most of us, our mothers are our first mentors and teachers. It can be helpful to look back and reflect on the positive lessons we did learn from our moms on this day and show our gratitude.

If your mom is still around on this Mothers Day, instead of just wishing her a “Happy Mothers Day”, spend time asking her questions about her childhood and her greatest lessons. You just may be surprised as to how much you may learn!

After watching the video, comment below and let us know what the best advice your mother ever gave you was!

Jessica first tried filming this video a few weeks ago and on that first day she had some “challenges.”  We thought we’d share some of the bloopers from that first unsuccessful day of filming.  🙂

She actually shared this video on her Facebook page at the time.  Watch Jessica’s “blooper reel” video below and remember, even if things don’t go your way you can always laugh!

Jessica’s “Bloopers”

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Remember to comment below and let us know what the best advice your mother ever gave you was!

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214 Comments on this post

  1. Mary Caampbell says:

    If you want to keep your husband happy, have home cooked meal ready when he gets home from work. An occasional pie is also helpful for a special meal.

  2. Paula Bruno says:

    Learn not to worry. If you worry about something long enough and hard enough, chances are it or something very similar in nature will happen in your life

  3. Mina says:

    My Mom gave great advice, in one word: “PATIENCE”!

  4. CJ says:

    Thank you for this. I am in tears writing this, I was in tears watching your filming across NY C. I live in the UK and my mother is in France – 87 – getting frail and vulnerable and my life is now changing to a point where, the only thing I want to do is to be with her 24/7, doing the gardening, the cooking and all the simple tasks with her. I don’t want to go to the paying job anymore, i don’t want to live abroad anymore, I want to be with her. I am feeling the end of her life as much as she probably seeing it, and I want to be there. All the people talking about their mothers on the recording and the comments are so very close to me right now that I think one more time no matter the place, the gender, the color, the social status we are just so human…Thank you!

  5. eva says:

    I had to laugh out loud. Hilarious, some very wise comments and some advice which wasn’t may be helpful at all ( see chap on the bench ). Thank you Jessica; this really made me smile on a rainy Mother’s Day. E x

  6. Marcelle Jenny Rosbury says:

    Walk straight, head up!>

  7. Nora Steers says:

    Be Polite, Give Thanks to God, Always get the best you can for the least amount of money. No pouting.

  8. Judith says:

    My Mom didn’t pass this on verbally, but she passed it on by “acting it out”, which I am sure she got from her Mom. What I remember most is her mission to have fun, no matter what, even if there were many other things going on. She would love being a “bad girl”, and would pull off pranks, in the funniest way.

    She sheltered herself from some of life’s “more difficult things”, but it worked and brought her the joy she needed and it brought joy to everyone around her. I feel proud to be carrying on with her work.

    I am “such a bad girl”, but a really good girl, as well. I thank my Mother for that.

    PS Thank you Tapping Solution for the GREAT WORK you are you doing and for sharing it with us.

  9. Gloria Lockhart says:

    Jessica–you are a brave soul. Thanks for this beautiful candid video.

  10. Loralea says:

    My mom is 101 and still smiling. She said, “Always try to do the best you can.” She ran a very successful duplicate bridge club for 40 years. She was the consummate hostess, treated all people well–even the grumpy ones. I am in a position, dealing with customers all day long. I notice her example every day in how I deal with others. I love you, Mommy! And thank you.

  11. tineke says:

    growing up in Holland, my mom and i bicycled a lot and her advice always was: “always wear clean underwear,
    just in case you end up in the hospital from an accident” duh, this never happened and i always change my underwaear daily, hah! but i wished i remembered some real loving, more positive advice….

  12. Juanita says:

    My mom’s recipe for happiness:
    1) Something to do (that you enjoy)
    2) Someone to love
    3) Something to look forward to…

    She lived a full, happy life (not without challenges) until the age of 97!

  13. Carol Swayne says:

    My mother told me not to do anything I didn’t want to appear on the front page of tomorrows newspaper. Good advice.

  14. Claude (Rick) Jones Jr says:

    Thank you for this gift. I am one of those people who purchased the Internet Tapping Solution class with plans to put it in my toolbox and absorb it more completely in the future “when I get time.” I was curious about this energy modality because I noticed it was offered by a Practitioner at a Church I attended.
    I just finished attending church about an hour and I wanted to share a DVD of the Service with you. I have heard it said “Coincidence is God’s Way staying Anonymous” You will not believe this!!! Please, will you share a Business address with me so I can send it to you.
    Oh yes, my mother’s advice “Please give me (and others) there flowers before they die.”
    Best Wishes

  15. Julia says:

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; unfortunately I discovered not all people want to be treated the same way I would like to be treated. Another piece of advice was: always pay your bills first, then do whatever you want with the rest.

  16. Johanna van Hoorn says:

    That was so good to watch. Thank you. My mother was silent when my father told us to always smile. (because he rarely did)
    thank you for making my day happy.

  17. Brenda Fairfax says:

    The best advise my mother gave us, and it continually proves to be true, is this:
    “If you don’t get something you really really want, that just means that something better is around the corner”

  18. Nanna says:

    Very much the same, she said and is still saying: “If somebody does something wrong to you and you don’t agree of ther behaviour, don’t behave in the same way as they did. Behave as you would have liked them to behave towards you” I love you mom.

  19. Nanna says:

    Very much the same, she said and is still saying: “If somebody does something wrong to you and you don’t agree of ther behaviour, don’t behave in the same way as they did. Behave as you would have liked them to behave towards you” I love you mum.

  20. Kathy R says:

    Jessica you are so cute and I sooo appreciate your work! My Mothers best advice ; Remember, When God closes one door He always opens another!

  21. Carol Moffat says:

    Happy mother day to all
    advice my mother gave me and all 11 of my siblings was to make sure we had clear under wear on before leaving the house encase we were in an accident 🙂 never new how that was going to help!!

  22. pam says:

    It wasn’t what she told me it’s what she showed me–spend time with the ones u luv. Family truly matters.

  23. Ron Ball says:

    Great idea for Mother’s Day. What a wonderful video! Playful, charming, funny, musical. High energy. Sparkles with spontineity. Excellent job interviewing and getting the particpants to share. Loved the bloopers video too. Definitely going to pass along this one along to my family and friends.

  24. Catherine says:

    Just called my mom to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day and she was there. This video totally cheered me up!

    My mom always said take responsibility for the things you do… whether they be good or bad.

  25. Gretchen says:

    My mother’s best advice was, “always be true to yourself” and
    “everything in moderation”
    She was truly an angel here on earth and taught me Love.

  26. Kimberly June says:

    My mother always told me to wear clean underwear because you never know if you might be hit by a bus and you’d be embarrassed in the hospital if your underwear wasn’t clean!

  27. Marilyn Lorance says:

    My Mom always was ready to help in any situation, and she would say “Well, just let me sharpen my pencil.” That taught me that we always have what it takes to be of help, we just have to look for it.
    Thanks for the sharing.

  28. Fran says:

    This is such a terrific video. I loved the bloopers too.

  29. Alicia C says:

    Thanks Jessica (my mother’s name) those two videos were just what everyone needed on this Wonderful Mother’s Day !!! And yes that song and dance was awesome, You Made my day. My mom has been gone for 14 years and I still miss her….I especially remember her hugs she would hug me so hard…I would give anything for just one more hug. Happy Mother’s Day Mom you were the best. Love you.

  30. Deborah says:

    My mom said never “settle”. Always want the best, give the best, expect the best. Compromise only when no other way seems available as compromise can be a bitter experience. Life is too short for negative experiences. It is better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. And in the end, it is your life, not someone else’s and the saddest statement you can make about your life is “I wish I had…….”

  31. Cassandra says:

    Fun way to start the day, Jessica. Your mother must have taught you to smile and laugh out loud A LOT! My mom said, stay out of the sun, and don’t be a tramp!

  32. Marietta Artcher says:

    I had a reverse, if you will, relationship with my mom so my mom was probably the first person that allowed me to learn FORGIVENESS. I did learn to become the better me through the backdoor. In her addiction free years she did open my eyes to giving. So in an indirect way she was, as most mother’s, an important teacher.
    I quite enjoyed you video.
    Thank you

  33. Charlene Holt says:

    Jessica – your contagious giggle so absolutely the greatest! Thanks! We all need to relax, chill out and laugh!!! Laughter is the best medicine – and you’ve given me my first dose of the day!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    And I hope you keep doing this!

  34. Jane Borowski says:

    I adore, my Mom, who was very ‘wise’ and had a brilliant amount of common sense! Her basic advise was: ‘tell the truth’ and ‘follow your ‘gut’!

  35. Claire says:

    The best advise my mother ga e me …just before she died…Never live in regret..forgive yourself and move on.

  36. Lynn Woods says:

    “Love yourself” “Smile” “Be kind” “Eat your Veggies”. Loved the video and love what I am learning about Tapping from the site.

    Wish we had certified tapping psychologists closer to us. Checked out the resources list but no one close to any of the places I could go to stay and take my son to see someone. Skype not an alternative at this time.

    Tapping should be part of psych, social work, MD, etc degree curriculum in the future!

  37. Klara Fuhren says:

    It was really uplifting to listen to this. I felt a bit drowsy, because my children didn’t call up today and now I feel good and I don’t mind. The good advise that my mother gave to me was: “always being honest”, otherwise she was rather anxious that I won’t make it in this dangerous world.

  38. Heba says:

    My mums advise was dont hold grudges let time heal everything

  39. Joyce says:

    That was great, Jessica! Thanks! And Happy Mother’s Day to all Moms everywhere!


  40. Honey Russell says:

    Mum’s best advice: “You are naked in the bathroom and a stranger bursts in. Which bit of your body do you cover with your flannel (washcloth)? Your face.” It doesn’t matter what he sees as long as he doesn’t know who it belongs to!

  41. Ava Brady says:

    Bloom where you are planted. . .

  42. Poospah Riley says:

    My mother is a very kind, compassionate and loving person. She taught me to always think of those in need and share with them whatever we had. She is a role model to me.

  43. Dori Inzeo says:

    Jessica, You are just great! Thank you for your message this morning. My mom always told me to follow the Golden Rule. I have passed that advice on to my 4 children and it has served them well also. Keep up the good work you and Nick are doing.

  44. Pandora says:

    My mum’s advice was, enjoy life to the maximum, and love everything around you.

  45. Marguerite Lynch says:

    Jessica……you are a natural… bubbly… engaging… happy.
    Thank you for a lovely beginning to Mothers’ Day.

    My Mother asked that I follow my dreams……to Do Unto Others, etc.,
    and be myself. She was my dearest friend and mentor.

  46. Ruth Blanchard says:

    A true “reality. show” loved it Jessica you exude such a refreshing inner light Keep Glowing

  47. Barbara says:

    I loved this – really down to earth and inspiring!



  48. Yakitah says:

    Mom’s best advice was, “Keep your skirt down and don’t get pregnant before you
    marry. Best advice ever.

  49. Sy Criswell says:

    The best thing I can remember is; “You will never be treated by anyone, any better than you treat yourself and others. Always turn the other cheek with respect.”

  50. Rosangela says:

    Como é bom ver gente feliz, quero me integrar o grupo sou fan ,incondicional de vocês . parabéns a todos.

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