
Happy Mothers Day

Written by: Nick Ortner

Happy Mothers Day!

We have a special (and funny) treat for all of you. In honor of Mothers Day, Jessica hit the streets of New York City to ask an interesting question… “What is the best advice your mother has ever given you?”

For most of us, our mothers are our first mentors and teachers. It can be helpful to look back and reflect on the positive lessons we did learn from our moms on this day and show our gratitude.

If your mom is still around on this Mothers Day, instead of just wishing her a “Happy Mothers Day”, spend time asking her questions about her childhood and her greatest lessons. You just may be surprised as to how much you may learn!

After watching the video, comment below and let us know what the best advice your mother ever gave you was!

Jessica first tried filming this video a few weeks ago and on that first day she had some “challenges.”  We thought we’d share some of the bloopers from that first unsuccessful day of filming.  🙂

She actually shared this video on her Facebook page at the time.  Watch Jessica’s “blooper reel” video below and remember, even if things don’t go your way you can always laugh!

Jessica’s “Bloopers”

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Remember to comment below and let us know what the best advice your mother ever gave you was!

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214 Comments on this post

  1. denise says:

    Great question!…same exact question that I used on Mother’s day with friends, daughters. interesting that I was on the way length.

    My mom was always sick, but from her bed she told me I was beautiful and smart and creative and talented and could do whatever.. she gave me belief in myself.

    ..or and she DID teach me how to sew.

  2. Glenda Ingram says:

    Mother’s are a joy! The advice my Mom always give to her girls were always inspiring. Reach for the moon, and you just might get a star. Success is for everyone, just believe and it shall conceived. Don’t let the right hand know what the left hand is doing. These are just a few! Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mother’s out there! Glenda Ingram

  3. Cecile Garcia says:

    My Mom’s best advice was “Define your terms”. She meant be precise in your language and avoid misunderstandings. It’s a bit unusual but it’s helped me a lot in my work life and in my personal life when I have disagreements. It’s better to know where you both are starting from.

  4. Judith says:

    My mom always told me “You never get a second chance to make
    a first impression, so do your very best the first time”

  5. Rona says:

    Actually, it was my mother-in-law who said (that her mother always told her) “Never go to sleep on a quarrel.” My mum showed by example to accept and always think the best of everyone.

  6. Rochelle Armbruster says:

    The best advice my mother ever gave me was to be myself. I have always felt like somewhat of an outsider, but my mother’s advice taught me that it’s okay to march to your own drumbeat. She also got me to realize, when I was going through the teenage angst of breaking up with my first boyfriend, that I would one day meet the right guy, and until then, I should focus on growing up, finishing college, and finding my place in the world. She taught me that a person must be comfortable in their own skin before they can fully love another.

    Unfortunately, I lost my mother to cervical cancer nearly 36 years ago. I was still a teenager, so she never got to see me finish college or find my place in the world. If she had lived longer, I am sure I would never have married the abusive alcoholic that was my first husband. Fortunately, I had the strength to leave him and am now happily married to ‘the right guy’.

    I often wonder if my mother would be proud of the way I turned out, but I think she would be happy to know that I am still marching to my own drumbeat.

    A message to Suzanne, whose mother advised her to never get married or have children, and who had herself sterilized at age 24: I am sorry that you have such a bitter attitude towards women and life in general. I myself wanted children but was unable to have them due to medical issues; however, when I married my current husband, I became a stepmother to two wonderful boys who are now young men. I love them as if they were my biological children. I come from a large family and cannot imagine life without the love, drama, and occasional heartbreak that comes with that territory. I pray for you that your hear and soul are healed of your bitterness and wish you the best of luck.

  7. Jean Crowder says:

    Treat people the way you want to be treated.

  8. Nancy DuVall says:

    keep your feet into today because one foot in yesterday and one into tomorrow your wasting (craping all over) away a good day.. and know matter what life brings you be strong and have faith to help carry you on. she lives everyday by example of that. thanks Jessica for the good thoughts of others thoughts and how there moms live..

  9. Cynthia - South Africa says:

    My late Mom always said, ‘least said, soonest mended.’ She meant this when in an arguement or when angry. Finding it easy to put into practice now that I’m older.

  10. Anita says:

    I loved the video, even the bloopers and all the advice was great. My mom is still with and even at 85 is an example to her family. Her advice was great but it was more the way she lived her life and lived the advice she gave. Her patience, love and guidance through all of life’s joys and hardships. She was always there to share in the celebrations and there to help pick up the pieces. Very inspiring, to the point that I’ve passed it on to my children.
    And now I’d like to share a mother’s day poem from my son.

    All mom’s are great, but mine specifically.
    She gathers superlatives prolifically.
    Like a juggernaut of perfection,
    Serenity and affection.
    She slaughters the competition terrifically.

  11. Joanne says:

    My mom always told me to be myself. That I didn’t have to change who I was for others and that I was fine just the way I was. It’s taken me over 50 years to figure that out. If only people would pay attention to what their mom says.

  12. Yvonne says:

    Great Jessica my Mum told me your pocket is your best friend that has been the best advice for me.Y

  13. Celiannie says:

    This video was fantastic, Jessica. It made me laugh from beginning till the end. My mother teach her nine children honesty, respect and education. She was strict and kind. If we ever did something, we had to admit it otherwise pay the consequences. An example is: If someone broke a glass or anything, she or he had to admit it, otherwise all will get punished. I learned many beautiful things from her as a good housekeeping and hand made projects. She’s with God and I still miss her, because there’s no other love after God to be compare. Thank you so much Jessica. God bless you.

  14. Jocey Dowdy says:

    Cute~needs more people/women of color.

    I am 62….my mom is deceased. I miss her terribly; it was 9 years on the 7th. Best advice, “Stay as sweet as you are and don’t let the world ever change you.”

  15. Margaret Paulson says:

    Don’t worry, it will all come out in the wash.

  16. Poonam says:

    Nice video on Mother’s Day ………. THANKS 🙂
    Well ……. my mother always said When in a dilemma do that which after doing you will be at peace with yourself ……. Do the best you can …. and leave the rest …. if it has to be it will be …..!!!! This has always helped me ……. she was a great listener …….. I could unburden myself in front of her …. cry … rant … get angry at the world in front of her ……. she would listen with a slight smile ………… pat my head …….. and say :Ask God for strength, faith and liberation ……. ALL WILL BE WELL ……….. and once she said that …….. I just knew ALL IS WELL ……. and I would carry on with life ….totally calm and at peace and move on with renewed hope, renewed energy and always a newer perspective ….. which helped solve the problem at hand ………. She is no more ……… I really miss her ….. but her words still echo in my heart !!! Thank u Mom for being my MOM !!!!!!

  17. Diane W says:

    OMG!! Jessica – you are just SOOOOO Dam* CUTE!! My Mom told me to always look for the best in other people…..(but, don’t be too surprised or disappointed when you don’t find it!)

  18. Valerie says:

    My mom would tell all her 4 girls, ” you never know what kind of day someone is having so don’t jump to conclusions to judge them when they may or may not be acting “themselves!”
    My grandmother said, if someone does something hurtful, says mean things, doesn’t come to your party, or just does something wrong or unethical, remember to “THANK THEM TWICE!” First for letting you know who they are and second for letting your know what you never need to tolerate in the future and walk away!
    As a mother, I always tell my daughter that the good lord must truly love me, because he gave her to me!
    Blessings and gratitude are everywhere when you choose to look and prayers are answered 24/7.!
    Thank you for the message spot….Val

  19. Georgina says:

    Hey Jess as usual you have come up with a unique way to celebrate mothers’ day!!! Great and thank you. My mom wrote in my first-ever autograph book these lines — “Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;
    Do noble things, not dream them, all day long:
    And so make life, death, and that vast for-ever
    One grand, sweet song.” At that time, I was only twelve and was studying in my mother tongue and did not understand or appreciate the English language. Years later I looked up these lines and their impact hit me fully! I am not sure if I lived up to them but at least I can honestly say that I have tried my best. The second thing she taught me in life was a love and appreciation for all of nature — flowers, bees, worms, and tadpoles! I still retain the wonder of a child with regard to these things of nature which truly energizes me and keeps me growing and glowing! Once again, thank you Jess. (By the way I tap every day regularly twice a day!)

  20. Melinda says:

    My mom didn’t really give me advice,but back in the 50’s after living in CA for my first 10 years, then coming back East she was into nutrition and spirituality (metaphysical, reincarnation, the afterlife etc.). Both of these have come full circle, especially after a horribly bad 11 years. I sure wish I could talk to her in person again and let her know how important these lessons were. Although, believing as I do, I’m sure she already knows it!!

  21. Matti says:

    My mother said no woman should ever be hit by a man. When I asked her what she’d do if Daddy ever hit her she said, “He’s got to sleep sometime Honeybun and a piece of 4 by 2 (wood) would mean he’d never do it again.” Her sense of self and dignity, never to be abused by a man, will stay with me forever.

    Thanks dear Jess and Nick – you two are changing the world.

  22. David Winters says:

    “Choose your friends wisely, and never watch programs with loud music noise polution accompanying it!”

    Thank you!

  23. Leo says:


    Tap Tap Tap……………………………………

  24. Leo says:

    Suzanne sounds like she has missed out on a lot in her life and is not happy and fulfilled. I truly feel sorry for her for not experiencing the love and life that a mother gives their child. Her calling Mother’s Day “bitches day” is evidence of she has sorely misdirected.

    Whatever you do do not listen to Suzanne! Her Mother gave her Bad Advice! Life is wonderful and even better with Children and a Man! And, she has obviously not met the right man. I can go on and on , but out of respect for her I will sigh off now.

    Suzanne I will pray that you find peace and happiness. You need to look for it somewhere other than where you have in the past.

  25. janet says:

    Unique, funny and always a pleasure to see Jessica’a smiling face.. People are so funny their wear their emotions on their sleeve… I got of kick out the the 82 year old guy, don’t let that “I’m in the grave thing fool” ya,, if he was open to love he would easily accept a women into his life..and LOVE………….. it..:)

  26. Janet cross says:

    One thing that remembered that she said was, if you haven’t anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

  27. Susan says:

    I enjoyed Jessica’s video as it illustrated that not all of a mother’s best ‘advice’ is actually articulated into words. As a child growing up and as a adult,I observed my mother’s behaviour- how she reacted to different life’s circumstances- both the joyous and the challenging- embracing life and facing death. She modelled for me the face of love, courage, kindness, and grace. These life lessons will stay with me forever. As Wayne Dyer would say: in life when faced with the decision of being right or being kind, choose kindness. My mother always chose kindness. I try to as well… thanks, Mom.

  28. Trish says:

    Great Stuff on video! Love the guy singing at the end. Bloopers were very funny, esp. the :”selfie”! I seemed to ignore all the sage advice that was ever given by my mother (step mother, actually,) and often ended up unhappy, and I made a lot of poor choices. In reality, I had to let LIFE teach me, and I finally sort off got it right. At 70, I am still “kickin” and ready to learn more every day!

  29. Soumya says:

    Always go and aprroach/talk to people rather than wait and expect them to come to you.

  30. elle says:

    What goes round comes round–what you do for others always comes back to you somehow.

  31. Kelly End says:

    I spent the morning with my 82 year old mom who made brunch for me and my beautiful daughter and her daughter, then we went on a lovely walk.
    This posting made me feel, “these are the glorious people I get to ‘hang out’ with” now that I tap away the yuckies. Only beauty remains.

  32. Assunta says:

    My mother’ advice, help each other,do not hold rancor, she was very much loved by her community for all her good work,her heart was full of love. I miss her dearly.

  33. Carol Thatcher says:

    My Mom, who has been gone since 2004, used to say, “I don’t always understand what you do, but I trust who you are”….. Those are the best words I’ve ever heard and because of them I’ve always tried to be the best person I could be. Thank you, Mom. Beautiful woman.

  34. Rosalie says:

    My mother told me not to expect to have all my needs my by one person. This was after she had learned that through being married to my father who didn’t like to dance, travel as much as she did or discuss books or other things she liked to discuss. They loved each other and did many things they liked without the other and were happily (Most of the time!) married for 58 years. They were a loving couple and my mother was a great example of strength and living the courage of your convictions. She also taught us that we can do what we set out to do and can be whatever we want to be. A great thing to hear and be supported with from a woman born in 1913!!

  35. ninetta says:

    live your dream!

  36. Tova Kawa says:

    the best thing my mother would say to me is “the whole world is yours!”

  37. Christine Newman-Kawa says:

    my favourite – there were many!

    Marry the one you can’t live without, not the one you can live with.

  38. Muriel says:

    Great Laugh you’ve got Jessica ! and what a great idea to interview about !!!
    My mom passed away 2 ago and her advice to me was : never stop laughing !!! and always be yourself. There was also a small quote she had written and that I found. The quote was from Bernard Shaw, it also was some of the best advice I ever heard :
    ” Be sure to get what you like, before you’re forced to like what you get” isn’t that great !??

    Thanks again Jess for all you and Nick’s work !
    (-: Muriel

  39. Jamie says:

    My mom gave me Abraham hicks CDs, and has now shown me how to tap !!best advice ever!

  40. Gracy says:

    Be positive always and somehow everything will work out well

  41. Gloria Klyne says:

    My mother always told me, when applying for a job, always be there first thing in the morning
    – don’t wait until afternoon. She was right, it worked for me! My mother’s been gone for 15 years, now, but I still feel her presence.

  42. Suzanne says:

    The best advice my mother gave me was to never have children or get married. I sterilized myself at the age of 24 in the year 1978. It was difficult to find a doctor who would do it, but I was successful. I was told by everyone that I would regret it, but I don’t. The problem was that I ended up with a man, no marriage, but his family and culture took over my life. Today is mother’s day which I have renamed “bitches day.” No I am not “gay.” Mother’s everywhere with their stupid ideas have been running my life, along with the cultural brainwashing. One thing I remember my mother saying, was, this is her statement….”I never met a man that wasn’t out to destroy me.” I am at the end of my life and her advice was so good and good for the environment. Unfortunately, I have had to carry the pain for other people and their families. Never have a family. They are the worse. Family is toxic, and keeps people stuck. Family comes from the word “familiar.” Familiar dysfunctional, unconscious habits, automatic, stuck, family rules, no freedom of expression. Everything has to be edited or there is a fight. If this gets posted on mothers day the family people might riot. I hope I have a voice because women have given up their voices. I actually blame women for the sad state of affairs in this country.

  43. Sophia Grace Torrez says:

    Jessica has a great laugh.

    The best advice from my Gramma, who raised me, was: “Pace yourself when you
    are doing hard work. You’ll last longer.”

  44. Shirie says:

    My mom said to make sure that when you find a partner, he makes you the most important person in his life. Number one!!! Not anyone else, not his kids, his ex-wife, his mother. YOU!!

  45. M-L Reifschneider says:

    Cute idea but not very inspiring answers. I guess my mother’s greatest legacy to me was as an inspirational example and always being there should I need her. Her death somehow left me feeling without a strong foundation. Never buy anything you cannot pay cash for except for car and home.Glorify the beauty of Nature…it’s free and the greatest! M-L Reifschneider.

  46. Pat says:

    She said don’t be a doormat

  47. Leia Felix says:

    Mom always said, Leia, make a decision. Never ride the fence. Stick to your guns and I will always stand beside you 100%. Indecisive behavior is a terrible way to live.

  48. Claire Charron says:

    My mom lived to be 100! She was not one to give advice by words but by actions! She was always smiling, took life with a grain of salt and had a great sense of humor. Everyone wanted to have her around. She was a very hard worker, neat freak and a wonderful cook and she enjoyed having her family over. One thing she said to all of us is “everything that you do, you need to do well”. She was not one to follow everyone, she did it “her way”. I miss her terribly but so grateful to have had her for so long. Happy Mother’s Day mom!!

  49. Jennifer says:

    The beso advine my motores has ever given me Is to always share, always help your family because all we have is each other.

  50. Trevor, London UK says:

    If you can’t say anything nice about a person, then don’t say anything at all…….. <3

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