
Happy Mothers Day

Written by: Nick Ortner

Happy Mothers Day!

We have a special (and funny) treat for all of you. In honor of Mothers Day, Jessica hit the streets of New York City to ask an interesting question… “What is the best advice your mother has ever given you?”

For most of us, our mothers are our first mentors and teachers. It can be helpful to look back and reflect on the positive lessons we did learn from our moms on this day and show our gratitude.

If your mom is still around on this Mothers Day, instead of just wishing her a “Happy Mothers Day”, spend time asking her questions about her childhood and her greatest lessons. You just may be surprised as to how much you may learn!

After watching the video, comment below and let us know what the best advice your mother ever gave you was!

Jessica first tried filming this video a few weeks ago and on that first day she had some “challenges.”  We thought we’d share some of the bloopers from that first unsuccessful day of filming.  🙂

She actually shared this video on her Facebook page at the time.  Watch Jessica’s “blooper reel” video below and remember, even if things don’t go your way you can always laugh!

Jessica’s “Bloopers”

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Remember to comment below and let us know what the best advice your mother ever gave you was!

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214 Comments on this post

  1. Anita Wald-Tuttle says:

    When I was 22 and finishing my education to become an Occupational Therapist my mother told me that I’d better find a man to marry soon or I’d be an old maid (like that would be a horrible fate)!

  2. Randi Aruna says:

    It gave this good feeling all the way. Happy and smiling most of the time.
    Very nice!

  3. Woody Houseman says:

    Don’t pick your nose.

  4. Rajshree Murarka says:

    Being an Indian woman at the time of my marriage SHE told me that YOUR HUSBAND is your GOD. Do whatever he says.After a long time ,being an independent and confident female I LOVE my husband like a GOD,WHOM I CAN SEE.

  5. vishwanath kaushik says:

    My mother told me that if I commit a mistake, I should confess and willingly receive punishment if any. I followed this dictum. I was never reprimanded for my mother. She would advice me not to repeat such mistakes. This had a salutary effect on me. I have passed on this to my children, who are no bold enough to own their mistakes and seldom they have repeated them.

  6. Aura says:

    Thank you for a fun video. Jessica is adorable!

  7. Kay Davis says:

    Mum taught me that I was loved no matter what. So I can love others no matter what!

  8. Pandora says:

    This was interesting and fun to read. My Mom’s pet peeve was lying and that was impressed upon me very strongly. She also had the ethic of the clean underwear thing. It must have been a common thing in the fifties. Also the Auto-Immune awareness day is new to me. I am one of those people with those difficulties and I wear purple very frequently. Thank you for the info.

  9. Nancy Adams says:

    Be very careful who you choose to be your friends.

  10. Evelyn says:

    My mom told my brother and me to always stay close to each other and to look out for each other and we have; we’re both in our 60s and have never even had an argument and we have always been each other’s best friend.I can’t imagine the world without him.

  11. Michael says:

    I am sorry to say that my Mother had had such a terrible childhood, that it was nearly impossible for her to be able to think in terms of good advice. However, the one thing that I know is that the advice I recall is not any that was spoken, but by her strength and courage in fighting to survive, which in this life, if one could describe it so, came to an ending 2007. She went to peace after a terrible struggle,but with a beautiful calm then,at last.
    As far as the people of New York are concerned, I must thank you for sending this video, because it has filled me with love right now, when I have to say, I really do need it the most. It is clear to me that so many people have such love in their hearts that my circumstances, all those that I have to face right now, are most definitely worth it.
    From my heart I do thank you and do bless you all.

  12. Helen says:

    The best advice my mother ever gave me was ‘never tell a lie, because when you do you have to remember what you said’.

  13. Kavita says:

    My mom always said – you only can make your own life so listen to what your heart advises and act accordingly. success is not only money but walking on your life’s path without hurting others feelings.

  14. Lori says:

    I’ve tried to watch Jessica’s video TWICE now – but no sound! There’s her beautiful expressive face, but as I’m not a lip reader, I haven’t a clue what she or anyone she is interviewing is saying. From other people’s comments I don’t think that is the problem that is being mentioned, so what has gone wrong with my computer I wonder.

  15. Vicki says:

    Loved the video. I loved how you radiate love, really shows that you practice what you preach.

  16. Flores iris says:

    every choice that I’ve made on my life my mom said “don’t say i don’t
    Warn you! ..and finish what you start…

  17. Donetta Joy Rasmussen says:

    My brilliant sister Delene Janae Bullard compiled our monther’s zany wisdom. By the way, I’m really enjoying listening to the audio book The Tapping Solution on my Kindle.

    Just a few things my Mom taught me:
    1. Love books. (And renting them from the library is sometimes better than owning them!)
    2. Laugh. Loud. And often!
    3. How to cook. (“If you don’t like onions, cook your own food!”)
    4. Have and love animals! They provide companionship, love, patience, skills, loss and laughter.
    5. If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all. (Unless it is funny, then just make sure the person also has a sense if humor! (Ok, I may have learned that from teasing her!)
    6. Own and be responsible for the choices you make. “You made your bed, now you get to sleep in it.”
    7. You will never learn anything by quitting, so be tougher than your situation. “If you get bucked off your horse, get back on!”
    8. Life is full of situations that will be both good and bad. So don’t lose sight of the good because of the bad. “Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face!” OR “Don’t throw the Baby out with the bath water!
    9. No one is perfect. Be kind to people who seem “different”. Everyone has a story. Open your heart and home to others in need.
    10. Working hard is a good thing and it always pays off. “See, you didn’t die! And don’t you feel good now!?”
    11. “Dammittohell” is the only acceptable cuss word. Anything else is ugly and makes you ugly.
    12. Control your emotions so they don’t control you. “Quit your crying or I will give you something to cry about.”
    13. You can live entirely on Mexican food.
    14. Be frugal. Shop clearance. If you want something you can’t afford, work and save for it. “$30 jeans, dammittohell, you think I am made of money!?”

    Thank you Mom for all the wonderful ways you taught me.

  18. Kavita says:

    The best advise my mother ever gave me was “Sometimes in the hope for bigger & better things, we miss out on the smaller opportunities for happiness that are available to us right now”

  19. Cecilia says:

    Mi mother told me never leave the dinner table when family is sharing, and never go to bed (and sleep) if there is a problem with my husband.

  20. Mary Carson says:

    My mom always told “follow your heart”. And through her own actions, she taught me to always remain nice and civil even with those who have done you wrong or hurt you. They will get what they deserve in the end, so there’s no need for me to be mean or vindictive.

  21. Linda says:

    Loved the video you produced happy Mom,s Day to you

  22. Shirley says:

    ‘Don’t save your pretty linens, dishes or silverware just for company….use the good stuff every day.’ To me this translates as Be Happy Now, Cherish Each Moment and your family is worth the best you have.
    I am not a mother and I’m in my 60’s. My partner and I received our first mother’s day card this weekend…from a young woman and her boyfriend who are our favorite servers at Cracker Barrel. We will treasure that card forever. Made my year!!!!! And this video made my day!

  23. Barbara says:

    Never want to be older than you are because one day you will wake up and wonder where all the years went.

    My Mom was so right! She is a beautiful 80 years young lady!

  24. Indra Nilaweera says:

    When I was leaving for Melbourne to visit my daughter and her children MY 104 YEAR OLD MOTHER said, “Even if I am dying you have to visit your daughter and help her as you are her mother. The way I need you she too needs you”
    All mothers love their children. I love your video Jesicca. Well done!

  25. Winsome Okeke says:

    Never place your happiness in another persons basket, they may walk away with it.

  26. Sylvia says:

    Dear Jessica and Nick,

    Thanks a lot for this lovely video about Mother’s day. You are always so well humoured, inspirational and smiling.
    It made me think about my mother who passed away about one year ago, we all miss her (daddy, my two sisters and two brothers).
    But you really made me smile this morning 🙂
    Great what you’re doing


  27. Marie says:

    The best advice from my parents was to always look your best, even nipping out to the local shop get properly dressed (no slippers and pyjamas with coat over and rush out without a wash) present yourself well every time you step out of the door

  28. Jolene Rutherford says:

    I’m a mom and today on Mother’s Day, there were some wonderful moments with my children and granddaughter – but there were some sad ones toward the end of the day. This video contributed fun and lovely moments at the very end of the day. Thank you for making this and posting it. And, yes, that song at the end is very, very dear.

  29. marie says:

    My mother always said “we have been given TWO things – our lips and our teeth to protect our tongue so think TWICE before saying anything so that you do not hurt anyone” and also “reach for the stars and if you do not get there you will still reach the moon”. My mother was a wonderful mother and I miss her very much.
    Thank you Jessica for the video it certainly made me smile.LOVE AND LIGHT

  30. Charlynn Wise says:

    Jessica, what a fun video! Thanks for the giggles. I have no children of my own unless you count the four legged, furry kind (very cool including the pooch in the video BTW). I am very blessed to have my mom live with and care for her in her golden year of 83. Not sure I could pick just one great advice from her, but as I am having my house painted, her most recent advice was to “make sure the front door is red, it signifies wealth and happiness”. God bless you, Nick and your Tapping Solution team for all you do to try to make people’s lives better.

  31. Sue Johnston says:

    Know the consequences of your actions, and you are happy to pay the price, do it.



  33. Nancy says:

    Jessica – you’re so cute! I love your energy! And I love EFT!

  34. Pamela says:

    Thanks….or as we say here in Hawai’i…Mahalo nui loa! That was fun. I am particularly impressed that the majority o this interview you kept going back to the “brother” and his comments. That made me feel good as I am an African American Mother as well!

    The best piece o advice my Mother gave me, consistently was that she just wanted me to be happy. The best warning she ever gave me was “Watch your temper” as for a lot of my life I was easily upset and responded with fiery temperamental retorts.

    My Mom was a deeply loved and respected RN in her community. Even today, years after her transition, my friends and family members remember her as a BELOVED SOUL! That makes me very proud of my Mom!

  35. Nancy says:

    “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Good one, mom!

  36. Rose says:

    Two of my mom’s favorites were, Never say never, and Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Both good pieces of advice but other things she said, You kids are going to make me crazy, ( there were seven of us) but she also said very often, I wouldn’t trade one of you for a million dollars. That was her way of saying I love you unconditionally. She died seven years ago on Mother’s Day. I still miss her.

  37. Bonnie Nelson says:

    Always remember that love is reflected in love.

  38. Christine Suriano says:

    One of the sentences from my mother’s mouth before she fell into a coma was,
    “Life is what you make it.”

  39. Debbie Crossman says:

    My mother said to eat your vegetables, stand up straight, pull your shirt down over your butt, and wear lipstick. Also that it’s as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor one. Plus, she would get all dressed up (with lipstick) and set the table for dinner when my father was on his way home. She always said if the table’s set, they’ll think dinner’s on it’s way (which it usually was not!). My mom was a hoot.

  40. Jean says:

    You can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it, never stop learning, knowledge is the only thing that no one can take away from you.

  41. MARLA says:


  42. Michelle Everingham says:

    Mum told me to “always look after your reputation, it will follow you wherever you go”. She was right.

  43. Michael says:

    The best advise my mother gave me was to pursue a career that I love. She said that success would chase me down if I loved what I did.

  44. Rev/ Maxine Schiltz says:

    My mother’s greatest gift to me was modeling and instilling determination and persistence. Thnx & live luv

  45. jennifer says:

    Your eyes will bad while you lie down in bed reading……after lasik, my eyes are going bad. OMG she was right!

  46. terri cole says:

    I LOVED this Mother’s Day blog! You are so great with people and and in front of the camera. I hope we will be seeing MUCH more of YOU in every form of media!
    Big Fan,

  47. Lia says:

    Thank you for your adorable video, Jessica. What a fun thing to do for Mother’s Day. Love the song at the end.
    The best advise my mother gave me that I can think of is to finish school and to be able to support myself.

  48. Cynthia says:

    Happy, witty little video! My mom told me to look for a man with a good brain to marry (like my dad). I did. I found him. It was good advice.

  49. Sid Rosenblum says:

    Jessica, I loved it you probably didn’t mean to be so funny but I got caught in a loop and I love,love,loved it!! You were so funny and I loved hearing and seeing you laughing so much that I started to laugh, but in a very good way. By the way to all you moms out there, Happy–happy mother’s day. Yah!!

    Also thank you Jessica for a really great video.

    Sid Rosenblum

  50. Chris says:

    Adorable – loved the song at the end.

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