
Cheryl Richardson from The Tapping Solution

Written by: Nick Ortner

Cheryl Richardson from The Tapping Solution:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

What insight or idea did you get from these videos that you can apply to your life today? Let us know below!

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143 Comments on this post

  1. Terry Miller says:

    To Dottie and all the other Christians out there. Remember, Jesus healed by the laying on of hands! He healed the centurian’s daughter from a distance with his thoughts. John 8:32 tells us “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Proverbs 23:7 tells us “As a man/woman thinketh in their heart, so are they.” Science has proven the Bible to be correct. Science has proven that meridians do exist using reactive contrast media injected into the meridian points and then scanned. The contrast media spread along the meridian lines. In non-meridian points, the contrast media did not spread. I believe as a medical person that this is a new paradigm in healing. Like another commentor stated, the world was once thought to be flat. Before Galileo, the brightest minds thought the sun revolved around the earth. You were killed for believing otherwise.
    Anything that brings love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, genteness, faithfullness, and self-control has to be in the will of God!
    Faith, Hope, and Love abide in these three, but the greatest of these is love.
    Be well,

  2. Dottie says:

    Wow, I was reading thru some of the comments and I was struck by what Karen Ryce said about tapping without saying anything. Why? Because sometimes I do just the opposite! I say the words and I ‘see’ myself doing a round of tapping, but I don’t actually physically ‘do’ any tapping (usually this is while I’m in the shower or I’m lying quietly in bed) and it still seems to work. Other times, I do do the tapping, like when I’m following along with Jessica on the “What If” video.
    I ‘found’ EFT on Dr. Mercola’s site years ago, but my husband said that he didn’t see how anything based on something Chinese would be a suitable practice for a Christian – it might be demonic or something. So I was scared about it for awhile. But I recently decided WHAT IF! and gave it a shot, because I think that if it were really that bad a thing, I would be able to discern that in my Spirit.
    Anyway, I have always believed in the link between what we feel and what we become – like what Cheryl was saying about resentment. I know bitter people with terrible arthritis and angry people who are depressed, so this just makes sense to me – and I don’t want to be one of them!
    Thank you, Nick and Jessica! mwah…

  3. Anja says:

    @ jill
    Hi, you can go to The site is loaded with information about tapping and you can also download the free manual to learn the basics.
    best wishes,

  4. Carmen says:

    HI Cheryl,
    I’ve been a fan of yours for years. Thank you for the eloquent explanation of EFT and the gentle encouragement to try this wonderful technique. Blessings!

  5. Yesenia says:

    I really like how Cheryl Richardson explain the Tapping Solution, she made it easy, clear.
    Im already trying this method every day and I like when she explain that dont have to be perfect that the important thing is to try. Thanks so much for her words Im going to keep Tapping.

  6. Ray Budhai says:

    Sheryl, thanks for the wonderful information on EFT, I’m just getting introduced to the technology and I find it quite facinating. I have been reading about it the past few months but haven’t really gottten deep into it as yet. You can rest assure that this is something I will
    consider in the future and I will be doing some more research in the coming months. I look foward to receiving your emails in the future and keep up the good work, you’ll be surprised at how many people would be interested in this technology.
    Ray Budhai

  7. Caroline says:

    I bought the Tapping World Summit and I love it and sharing it with others, and some are using it and find help for them.

  8. jill says:

    I really found both videos very interesting. Thank you so much for them!
    Is there a website you can go to where you can actually learn the basics of tapping?
    I am really new to this and find it difficult to know what to say and when, while tapping!

  9. Judy Pflum says:

    So great to hear Cheryl Richardson speaking so highly of EFT. It was Cheryl who introduced me to EFT six years ago on a teleclass on which she had Gary Craig on as a guest. I was so impressed with EFT that I became an EFT practitioner and have been able to teach this wonderful technique to hundreds of people. Yes, I do try it on everything!

  10. Sheryl says:

    Wow this tapping is wonderful. I believe it has helped with blocks from trauma I had from a car accident. I am new to this and learning more. I want to make tapping a regular part of my life to be the best I can be. The videos were inspiring to me. Thank you.

  11. Marylane says:

    Excuse me, I forgot to mention that Cheryl Richardson is fantastic, and gave such a wonderful explanation of how EFT works. I am going to listen again, so I can explain to others the same way!

  12. Marylane says:

    I have been working with the eft tapping for about 6 months now. I feel that it has helped me tremendously. I have used it on others also, if they will let me! Yes, some people have a hard time accepting this. It is too simple for them, but I don’t try to convince, you either do or don’t. I have actually been trying it on everything, any situation. It has worked just about everytime! I had some real tramatic guilt problems for years about my sister who was in an accident and has been permanently brain injured for years.My sister was actually 16 years old when this happened, and I have been affected by guilt and sadness and everything for years, and just tapping one time relieved me of this feeling . I totally feel that I am healed ! I can talk to my sister now and not be shadowed and overcome with grief and guilt. It is a miracle!! Yes, try it on Everything, it works!!!

  13. Dahlia Graha, says:

    I am pleased to hear that someone who I admire, Cheryl Richardson, is using this technique and am really excited to find out more.

  14. Ellen Marshall says:

    I can now say I used to be a migraine sufferer. I have tried many different ways of doing EFT on myself and it just wasn’t working. I figured I was doing something wrong even though I believe It is a powerful tool. Last night I watched you videos and my block came to my in a flash. I got a big smile on my face and knew my headache days were over. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  15. Leah Marie - English Coach says:

    I love Cheryl and I love tapping. I used tapping now all the time despite being orginally trained as an advanced Hypnotherapist. I am also an NLP Trainer so incorporate all these techniques when using Tapping. The wonderful thing being a Coach and using the tapping techniques, is you can teach your clients to use whenever they need to.

    Thank you to the Ortners for their hard work in bringing this medium to the wider audience of those who want to develop themselves personally and professionally.
    Regard Leah Marie
    The English Coach

  16. Barbara McRae says:

    I love Cheryl Richardson, and I started out loving the music. I ended up annoyed by the music. The two compete….I could not hear what this woman wanted to say because of the music. I heard the first video because her voice was a little louder then the music. The music in the second video overpowered her voice so I finally had to give up on hearing her unfortunately. Why can’t you just have a little music in the beginning and end and let her speak inbetween. The stopping and starting of the music was also nerve wracking. The video is over and it’s still going on. I guess I should tap on that issue but the whole thing could have been circumvented. I do love tapping. Thank you.

    • Nick Ortner says:

      Hi Barbara- there’s not really music on this video, so you must have been hearing something else. 🙂

  17. Bern says:

    Interesting remark in the first interview that a persistent and self-disapproved behaviour(say smoking) can be a device whereby the person gets to call into action another backgrounded attitude eg.self loathing. And that the opening out or admission of the back-ground self belief or attitude can have a good effect on the symptom(ie say the smoking addiction) among other things.

  18. Duane says:

    These things stood out:
    I don’t have to do it perfectly

    The relationship between acceptance and resistance.

  19. Laura says:

    I am an Acupressurist working with peoples stress and illness for 10 years and what Cheryl said about the emotional link to illness it consistent for every one I see. At first I did not want to deal with people’s emotions thinking that was not my job, I only wanted their physical body to feel better. I soon found out the two are married. I love all you have sent me Nick & Jessica and all the others. I use EFT with my Acupressure clients now as part of my protocol and I love the way Cheryl says I have this funny little thing I would like to try…I do something like that, it works!
    Laura, Fair Oaks, CA

  20. pat m. brown says:

    I wasn’t expecting you to be as good as you are in explaining EFT ., but tthought I would watch. Very relaxing to watch and listen. . You’re unusually good. Now to watch you in action Thank you, pmb

  21. Janet Robinson says:

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the tapping movie, the book and the videos. I am doing a course with Bob Proctor right now and I have incorporated tapping into my daily affirmation sheet that is part of the course. I thought to myself, it really can’t hurt at all to try it. Well, it is fantastic. What more can I say!

  22. Sabine Maria says:

    A beautiful way to describe EFT. I will do so in my clinic. Thanks to Cheryl and “The tapping solution”

  23. Catherine Campaigne says:

    What great videos! I appreciated Cheryl’s referring to smoking and other addictions as areas where tapping can really help. I’m going to publish this link in my quit smoking blog so my readers will be able to learn a new tool. Thanks Nick and Jessica (and Cheryl!) for making this incredible information available.

  24. rodders says:

    Although I had an initial response with EFT when I first encountered it I felt that it faded and wasn’t so effective as time went by. But I kept on with it, addressing different aspects of the same problems and now I see that some subtle but also profound changes have been taking place. I noticed fears that were so below the radar that I hadn’t seen them before. I noticed block that surfaced in different ways yet all had the same effect on my life. Although, as yet, nothing is resolved I still see that I have moved forward and resolution is maybe just around the next bend.

  25. Victoria Fladebo says:

    That I should love myself completely no matter what if I am going to heal myself of my addictions, thank you.

  26. Gini says:

    Thank you for bringing forth this information! Now I can 1. Identify the fear, 2. Acknowledge the fear, 3. Announce the fear, 4. Accept and Love myself for having the fear, 5. Release the fear, 6. Replace the fear with my new truth about myself; Who I AM now choosing to BE!

    I am facing (literally) surgery next week and have been asking what I can do to assist the healing of it before it even begins. Thank you!

  27. Barb says:

    Thank you Cheryl, your clear and thoughtful delivery of EFT & energy psycology opens the door for many in such an informative, welcoming, loving way.
    I work with clients whose dogs that have serious behavior issues. I’ve been using EFT for 6 years, with myself, my family (including babies), friends, clients & with dogs – and like all tappers, have witnessed & experienced many things that “shouldn’t” be possible – chronic emotional issues vanish, injuries/health issues heal in record time, dog issues fade.
    It’s fun & rewarding to share this technique, I’m excited for the day when energy tapping makes it’s way to Oprah’s stage, maybe Cheryl will be one of the first…

  28. Sylvie says:

    I love what Cheryl said about not making it perfect, because it could be another way in which we sabotage ourselves. The way we do it is more than perfect !
    So grateful !

  29. Kathy Marcotte says:

    Cheryl Richardson makes me understand the tapping. I have used it, but was wondering if I was doing it correctly, now after listening to this video, I feel better, and know that I will continue trying this tapping.

  30. Tove says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this video with us. I do feel that parts of it will address my own procrastination problem, so that I will really start using EFT properly. Also nice to hear Cheryl’s way of just saying “accept myself” and not “love and accept myself”. That was actually one of my personal problems. It’s not always easy to actually “love” oneself.
    Many thanks and God’s richest blessings for everyone.


    gracias a tapping solution por darme la oportunidad de
    creer en esto se que es maravilloso compruebenlo en cancun nececitamos mas imfomacion

  32. Lena Lee says:

    Thank you so much. It seems so simple to do at first that you can’t imagine what a difference it makes. Thank you for the tapping summit also. I have been trying for so long to move the blocks in my life and to find out that something not even related to what I thought was blocking me can free me up so much. Freedom. Thank you.

  33. Janis Seyler says:

    Profoundly appropriate and informative!

  34. Diane Mullis-Waddell says:

    My resistance/BLOCK to loosing weight IS my inability to accept myself/FORGIVE myself for being overweight. I started tapping immediately and felt an energy change/physiological change in my gut… Cheryl’s words spoke to my brain and helped me see and understand this core issue for the first time…thank you for providing these videos from different sources. Each person expresses their experience a little differently…so if I keep listening…I will hear that one who speaks to me…Thank you so much.

  35. danny says:

    great insight -learned a lot of info and am excited about giving it a try i really believe it works.

  36. Anja says:

    Thank you for the wonderful videos. I would just like to say that the part where Cheryl said in the setup statement “I deeply accept these feelings” rather than “I deeply accept myself” really resonated with me. I already tried tapping using the new (at least to me) setup statement and I loved it!

  37. Maarit says:

    These videos gave me HOPE! just what I needed now! Thank You!

  38. Chana says:

    None of the videos show up on the site when I click the link to get in.

  39. Hazel says:

    I liked the way Cheryl puts the message over since I am already experimenting with the tapping solution for arthritis in my hips and hands, and finding it very useful. I would like to know if these videos and anything related to EFT has been translated into Spanish, since I would like to pass the messages on to my Spanish friends who do not speak our language. I feel sure that most of them would be receptive and eager to hear about it and put it into practice.
    Thank you for your spontaneous assistance and desire to include everyone in this opportunity for personal development.

  40. Hazel says:

    I liked the way Cheryl puts the message over since I am already experimenting with the tapping solution for arthritis in my hips and hands, and finding it very useful. I would like to know if these videos and anything related to EFT has been translated into Spanish, since I would like to pass the messages on to my Spanish friends who do not speak our language. I feel sure that most of them would be receptive and eager to hear about it and put it into practice.
    Thank you for spontaneous assistance and desire to include everyone in this opportunity for personal development.

  41. Shirley van der Laar says:

    Thank you for the beautiful videos, I’m motivated all over again.

  42. Eve Yardeni says:

    I was really thrilled to see these two videos and found Cheryl to be convincing, sincere and utterly charming. Having said this, despite having used the tapping for some time now I don’t seem to be able to get to the source of a specific problem that I have despite being aware of the moment in time when I think that I formed the belief that keeps me stuck. Maybe more videos like these will bring me a step closer to understanding what is going on inside!! Thank you so much.

  43. Janina Aebi says:

    It brought home to me the necessity of totally accepting yourself together with the ailment or the disruptive feeling they are having!

  44. Caroline Nielsen says:

    You know, I am so grateful for my work. I work with disabled people and help them develop different workingskills within our organization so that they become capable of taking a job outside our company , and many do too..The comapny i work for is called Samhall. We are one of the biggest companys in Sweden with over 25000 employees. Pleas do check out our website, there is information in english too.
    I came across EFT about a year ago and I knew in an instant that this was my call. I have gone to one course/workshop and am about to go the level 2 soon. In my line of work I could do wonders. Every day I meet people that have the strongest beleifsystem that they are very ill. As a matter of fact one of my employees said to me a while ago that she was going to be on sickleave in february, because she ALWAYS get syptoms of depression in february. She virtually made up her mind about giong sick. Our whole organization is a big mass of misbeleifs about health. There are of course also a lot of wonderful coworkers and employees with a marvelous sense that nothing is impossible. But I can se limitless opportunity if I could introduce this very easy technique into Samhall.

  45. Iris says:

    what a wonderful movie! I am a practitioner in Spain and give seminars in Germany and Switzerland and after reading some of the comments I would just like to add that sometimes it is neccessary to get help from the outside. It´s not that EFT doesn´t work for these people it´s that the subconscious mind tries to protect us. So if you´ve tapped alone and feel like nothing is changing you should consider getting help from a professional. If the roots of the problem are very deep or distressing chances are that your subconscious will want for you to have somebody there with you 🙂
    I am lucky in having colleagues around that tap and we´ve formed a circle that meets every four weeks – we´ve been meeting for over 4 years and we tap with each other (even though we´re all professionals and know how to tap).
    So don´t be too proud or afraid to get help!
    Lots of love and daring from Iris

  46. Naresh says:

    Cheryl has presented the entire concept of EFT so simply, it sounded interesting. Thank you for these videos. Looking forward to more such instructive videos.

    I have used EFT, as a surrogate therapy, for my first treatment schedule, and I did get amazing results. It did take some time, and not as fast as they put it out to be , like with one round of tapping your problem, fear, phobia, or whatever it be has gone down in the scale of 1 to 10. But it does work. Patience is what is needed, like in all holistic therapies.

  47. Lydia says:


    Thank you for the beautiful information, I love using the what if and surrogate tapping
    by your little sister and it make sense to me psychologically. Bruce Lipton and Cheryl Richardson videos are excellent, this is wealth of information,you’ve shared me your luck.
    thank you for more wonderful videos and info. To Hameed I wish I knew your email so that I can share some of the tips to help you with your problem.

  48. Barbara Feuring says:

    I stumbled upon EFT while looking for an activity to do at my school on pyjama day (value of sleep). I began using it myself and found it magically made my headaches disappear (whole other story). I taught it to my students (all 350 of them) and now I am using it with them and they are sharing it with their parents.
    I will be posting it on my website and hope to start a blog for teachers and parents. Any advice for teachers and children would be greatly appreciated. and THANK YOU !!

  49. Shosh says:

    Thank you for your beautiful presentation. I think EFT is one of the best ways of healing and it doesn’t take anything except our fingers and our attitude. Thanks again.

  50. Diana says:

    @ Lucy & for you Lucy ~ I genuinely hear you & share your pain! “even though I cannot stand the thought of being this heavy I completely accept myself” Can you tap on this for a couple of rounds?? Lucy and I wouldnt give up on EFT or energy shift modalities i f I were you. What I sense from your comment, is like many of us humans, there’s a lack of self forgiveness & lack of self acceptance in you thats buried deep & quite possibly you may not be connecting how aan earlier belief is connected to your disharmony with your weight?

    I do know personally know how truly hard it is to self love, when we dont like what we see in the mirror each day! Believe me I do know, but I want you to know this can change 🙂
    A key to changing this cycle Lucy is to start appreciating something about yourself that you like or appreciate about yourself as a person ok, like your heart, your personality anything at all. Its not important what it is, its important to do this asap! It doesnt have to be physical features you like, but I’m sure there are somethings you like about yourself arent there??
    If its truly too hard to do this, then think about what other people have told you they like about you & start there….Write them all down….Go on….
    For eg: I like my almond eyes, I like my hands, they are pretty neat, my toenails are painted a bright funky color , I like my smile, I like the way my hair moves and looks today,
    I have gorgeous ears & such a cute nose, yeah I quite like my lips they are so soft & I like that I am really kind to people, I like my courage & my ability to be candid with others.
    I really like the way I was gutsy & reached out just now, I like that I can tell the difference between what I do like & what I dont like!

    You get the picture ok….so you just get into this little self appreciation rant, and you
    Write it down …..this will integrate it, and you take the focus off what you dont like about yourself for a time, then all of a sudden you’ll notice you feel a little or alot better than before you started! EFT tapping on any negatives may be alot more effective for you, after you try this first?? Let me know how it goes for you, I am wishing you much peace & happiness.
    From Diana (Australia)

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