
Cheryl Richardson from The Tapping Solution

Written by: Nick Ortner

Cheryl Richardson from The Tapping Solution:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

What insight or idea did you get from these videos that you can apply to your life today? Let us know below!

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143 Comments on this post

  1. Carole Lindroos says:

    I have been using EFT on myself and with clients for the past year. I found the explanation/introduction to EFT to be an excellent video. When people say they don’t get results, it would appear that one possibility is to have someone to work with who can help them to find the specifics. I know I am blind to my unconscious beliefs. Aren’t we all? I regularly tap with a partner.

  2. Amy says:

    First of all I want to say thank you for putting into words what I have always felt to be true! I stumbled onto this tapping thing and it clicked.

  3. Lynda says:

    Very informative, easy to understand. I believe in EFT and it’s amazing. Thanks for explaning how we don’t have to get it perfect, and that it takes time.

  4. Roger says:

    Cheryl’s wonderful way of explaining was obvious from her original involvement in the marvellous DVD The Tapping Solution. Now after being a part of the 2010 Tapping Summit these short presentations are the icing on the cake! Tapping has worked wonders for me since my first encounter about a year ago but since I do a lot of work with kids in hospital I am interested in taking up her suggestion of teaching the technique to children. The possibilities are endless I think. Thank you Cheryl and Nic and all at the Tapping Solution.

  5. Ronald B Mason says:

    I have been a biofeedback practitioner and hypno-therapist for many years. I have studied acupuncture, acupressure and many other bioenergetic methods including NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing) and a processed I developed called Optimizing Self Expression. Each of these methods utilize the energy of the body to improve wellness, body condition, sports and business performance, abudance, etc. I came across EFT (Tapping) several years ago, but only recently decided to add to my basket of energetic tools. It is like adding the missing link.

  6. Margaret says:

    Yet another reminder that all I have to do is be consistent and use EFT. Thanks.

  7. Tim says:

    A wonderfully elegant explanation of this still-new (to me) healing tool.

  8. Lucy says:

    I am very stuck. I’ve been using EFT quite successfully for many years for physical and emotional issues but cannot figure out what to say or do to make my body shed these ugly rolls and newly acquired (about 5 years) double chin. I’ve tried a zillion phrases. I’ve been angry & depressed & frustrated while doing it (being “in” the feeling normally guarantees my success) and relieved that feeling but nothing in my body is shifting. Any weight loss is very, very difficult and it always comes back quickly. I look in the mirror and don’t recognize the person looking back at me. I was never fat and I can’t stand the way I look now. I’m sad most of the time. My clothes don’t fit well and being in a very visual business, it’s very noticeable to me to be so misshapen looking. If anyone can give me some input for my problem please speak up! I don’t have any real traumas to speak of and I’ve kicked my worst cravings but I cannot stop myself from overeating. I have zero self-confidence left and cannot stand the thought of feeling so heavy.

  9. Gale says:

    I have been unable to fully recover from the death of my husband almost 2 years ago. I found tapping and used the trauma relief with great success. One time, I was sobbing in grief, and started the tapping process, and by the end of it, I was calm. I can now think of things related to my husband without breaking down.

  10. kathy says:

    EFT is so simple and effective yet so easy to forget to use in our busy lives. I so often should have utilized EFT on a daily basis. Carol gave some very informative and useful tips. We all need to show everyone everywhere how to use this wonderful technique. Yes the earlier we begin to use EFT in our lives the better everyone’s lives will be. So much less stress, upset, anger, frustration, sadness, guilt and even pain.
    Thank you so much for reinforcing how important EFT is to help us have a better quality of life.

  11. sally says:

    As a daily practice it makes sense, for expressing gratitude and for dealing with difficult ongoing issues.

  12. Virginia Buirski says:

    Beautifully explained. Thank you especially for advising not to feel the need to do it all perfectly – rather, to be open to the experience. Sincere thanks!

  13. MaryBeth says:

    I loved Chery’s explanation of why it works as well how to get someone unfamiliar with EFT to just play along. I have practiced many different variations with varying results. My most powerful practice was following Jessica Ortner’s regression meditation at the close of last years World Summit-the physical manifestations that followed were immediate and tangible. I actually stopped the practice for a few months because it moved me so quickly.

  14. Carlos Rosas says:

    Thank you for sharing this with me. I like to be regularly reminded about how good EFT is. Right now I’ve realized I’m experiencing some guilt feelings about something and I’m going to tap into that after I’m done writing, knowing that it’s going to be helpful.

  15. Shar says:

    Beautiful presentation.

  16. SARI says:

    Thanks again for a great clip, I love Cheryl, she is a star!!!!
    Love and blessings

  17. Paula says:

    These were cool! i think the parts that resonated with me were when she was talking about not being perfect and just allowing yourself to use the EFT techniques and experiment. i have this perfectionisth thing i’m working on so that hit home with me. the other thing was when she talked about the connection between our emotions, our physical bodies and our spirits. right then, as i opened to that idea, i felt this fantastic connection with the part of God that’s inside of me. It’s hard to explain the feeling, but it just lifts me up out of myself and connects me to the One.

  18. Ernst says:

    Beautiful and excellent presentation – and a beautiful presenter(ess) too !
    MARK HER WORDS – firstclass reminder of proceedings, we enjoyed it profoundly.

  19. Nancy says:

    Thank you so much for that video of Cheryl, OMG she is great, there are several things I would like to put into my life right away, Cheryl opened my eyes to being painfully truthful in my setup sentence, its something I though just as others would be wrong.
    So thank you again Cheryl is great.

  20. Ann Taylor says:

    Thank you Cheryl, for putting Tapping into perspective, and giving me the tools to encourage more to try it…I was struggling with the introduction… now I feel safe.

  21. LJ says:

    Thank you so much for this. Let’s see….I came in with the idea of not wanting to reinforce a negative (“Even though I am over-eating and making myself sick with it, I deeply and completely accept myself.”) Cheryl Richardson said that in accepting ourselves where we are (which in my case is over-eating and making myself sick by it) THEN we can release the negative. Sounds counter-intuitive on its’ face, but I GOT IT this time. The more we resist something, the tighter we hold onto it. The more we accept it, the less tight we hold on to it.

    A miracle is about to happen.

  22. Annie says:

    EFT has been life changing for me as I work through letting go of belief systems from my family of origin that have contributed to all kinds of resistance in my adult life. Besides getting this into schools and helping children, I’d love to see this simple yet profound technique be required for veterans and anyone who may suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Everyone can benefit if they are open to balancing the physical and energetic bodies. Sarah, my EFT guide, has been amazingly patient and encouraging. EFT is fundamental for lifelong caring for ourselves, and in turn, for others.

  23. Diana says:

    This video is honestly an answered prayer, I am familiar with EFT /as an energy shifting tool & yet somehow after the Tapping Summit I forgot all about this quirky yet powerful technique. Lately I’ve been uptight & feeling overwhelmed stressed etc. I tapped throughout the video & “YES” Cheryl is right you do feel the shift in your body!!

    Thank You Nick Ortner for this timely reminder !! A few rounds will help you feel much better & with daily practice I can only imagine the results 🙂 With Gratitude Diana

  24. Age says:

    Great explanation, thankyou

  25. Roxie says:

    The phrase “Even though I (whatever is perceived as wrong with the person” I accept myself deeply and profoundly” got me completely. I feel something shift inside of my body.

    Thank you very much for it

  26. Hameed says:

    Though I am a firm believer in EFT and I am practicing it every day on myself but so far I have not noticed the improvement I am so anxiously looking forward to.
    I have a speech problem since 12 years and along with that I severely cough while eating. Both these problems came with the stroke I had in 1998 and though I have recovered fully in every way but these two problems are still there .
    I know there is no cure in medicine and since I am strong believer of parapsychology, holistic sciences, miracles etc I know that somehow I will be cured .
    I am following the simple Tapping technique . May be I am missing some thing . So if anyone can help me I shall be extremely grateful. Thanks in advance, Hameed

  27. Leila Lloyd-Evelyn says:

    I’ve decided to learn how to practise and weave this into my work in the future. I am so excited on so many levels. I still have stuff to work through but I absolutely believe that tapping is one of the tools that is helping me to get in touch with my sense of joy, creativity and can-do-ness.
    I don’t yet have enough time to work through every block or issue – but I really am coming to believe that tapping may well help me to create an abundant life. This is huge to me – since I have given so many years to acknowleging my pain and past – but the greatest challenge is that the feelings have been stuck in my body – stuck on a repetative energy loop that really has hampered my life is so many ways.
    I feel hopeful and am creating the life that I want here and now – even if it is not yet as I would like it to be. But stuff is definately happening! So sure I have some way to go yet – but I am over the moon to have found eft. Really excited and actually needing to slow down and practise a little more patience to give myself to tap thru the issues/stuff/stuck. Yep – more to tap upon! Looking forward!

  28. Clea says:

    I listen and like it very much and feel resistant to actually doing it, so I say I deeply accept myself any way. Intellectually, it makes sense, emotionally I feel silly.I love myself any way. Thank you, I appreciate what you’re doing. Zui

  29. elio palmucci says:

    Well, in these few days that I am experiencing the tapping system and thru the valuable help of the many videos, I have come to understand that the most important fact is to STATE CLEARLY OUR LOVE FOR OURSELVES and OUR WILL TO ACCEPT OUSELVES. This, I understand, will generate the internal power to overcome any problem through CONFIDENCE in ourselves and in our capacity to solve and overcome the PROBLEM, whatever!!

  30. Linda says:

    Comment to Anton: I also find that EFT has had no apparent long term results, then again I don’t use it consistently. The most important reminder from this video with Cheryl Richardson is that I need to “unearth” the belief and the negative emotion associated with it. I also find that I do better when I’m working with another practitioner. I find I am able to then concentrate better on the process and more comes up for me emotionally than working on my self. Linda

  31. Sandra says:

    Wow!Thank you Cheryl, I’ve been using EFT to remove blocks related to post raumatic stress disorder, low self esteem, carrying around false beliefs about my worthiness,etc. and I must say, using EFT certainly removes the blocks quickly, and without reliving the ‘old stories’ over & over again.
    I very much agree with you, a lack of self forgiveness, a lack of self acceptance, really is the root of our issues/blocks etc.
    Everywhere we see evidence of people not loving themselves, not respecting or honouring themselves, this false lack in us, affecting our confidence, our true abilities. You’re right, I can see how we feel guilty for saying, doing or thinking something and there’s the block.
    Being able to love ourselves unconditionally, forgive ourselves and truly accept ourselves means we can only see how great we are capable of being, freedom to realize our potential, what a gift we can give ourselves!
    Thank you!

  32. Ruth says:

    I really enjoyed the way Cheryl expressed herself when she talked about not having to
    do EFT “perfectly,” tapping just right, or saying just the right words…it really is a very
    forgiving technique. The first time I did EFT, several years ago, I got all caught up in just
    those types of things…got very frustrated with it. Now when I revisited EFT, I was ready
    for it, and it just flowed quite naturally. When I talk to others about EFT, what it is, what it can do, I always think of how Cheryl presents herself and I imagine that I am her…it is so
    cool how that works!
    Just a thought for Anton…I think you may want to try a therapist who can do the EFT with you…it may make a world of difference.

  33. kim raper says:

    Today I have been so angry with my son, I was feeling really happy and then some news reached me of something he’d done and I was livid, one minute so happy and then next seething, very very angry, but then I tapped for accepting my angry feeling s and that it was ok to feel angry and acceptable because I was beating myself up for my horrible angry thoughts which I didn’t like because I don’t like sending out bad thoughts about anybody but I just couldn’t stop myself, but now I have forgiven myself…well I feel much more peaceful

  34. Randy says:

    I have used EFT for 3 months now with amazingly positive results. To the above commenter, I would say that although things don’t always happen instantaneously, in life, regardless of the tools or modalities we’re embracing, by continuing the practice, and at the same time believing that we’ll obtain results, those results will indeed manifest. It’s in the changing of our system of beliefs, or maybe not even in the changing as much as in the awareness, acceptance, or understanding of our beliefs, that empowerment begins to unfold. The simple shift of embracing something new is oftentimes enough to begin the action of positive change, I believe. It is quite simple if we remain “open”, and openness can quite easily lead to freedom ~

  35. S Jindani says:

    I am a Physician and truly believe in your observation. Our bodies are wonderful energy systems with innate healing power.

  36. Karen Ryce says:

    I love tapping! I had wanted to learn it for several years…and then it appeared in my life. I felt results immediately. The emotion smoothed out and left me feeling calm. During the Tapping Summit I saw someone leading a tapping session and he did not say anything. That appealed to me. That is what I do now: when I am feeling a negative emotion, I tap and release it. Thank you tapping!

  37. maria says:

    i’am going to try this and see if it works.

    Keep in touch/ Maria

  38. Adam Gray says:

    EFT Is Fantastic and it is changing my life every day , thanks for a great Video

  39. Kathy says:

    This is a beautiful presentation of the effectiveness of EFT. My studies for the past 9 months have brought such tremendous healing to people as they are relieved of fear, grief, pain and even drug addiction. It is truly a special spiritual gift, and even if you don’t believe it, it can still work for you. Keep up the good work.

  40. Kirsten says:

    What struck me most was how EFT has the potential to allow for forgiveness and acceptance for oneself. I have come to clarity through EFT, meditation, and other modalities how much I have been blocked in moving forward to expressing all I was meant to express here in this lifetime due to a huge lack of forgiveness from me to ME. I foresee beautiful creations in my future, very near future, now that I have this tool, to clear this gargantuan block i put on myself SO long ago. I am learning to forgive and love myself unconditionally, thanks to EFT.

  41. Patricia J Allen says:

    Repetition is the mother of skill! I am so GRATEFUL for the information!
    Thank you all, thank you all, THANK you all!!!

  42. Laura Robinson says:

    H, I just watched the two videos form Cheryl Richardson, and I found them to be wonderful. I think Cheryl is so great; I did a year long group with five other girlfriends, work-shopping one of her books several and I have followed her career… she makes EFT sound simple, which it is. I will forward this interview to some of my friends that I have told about EFT, who are still very “skeptical. I think they will find it very interesting. Thank you for all your fantastic work at the Tapping Solution!
    You guys rock!

  43. tim says:

    Cheryl did an awesome job. I love her attitude and the cool calm way in which she presents. One thing that I took away from her presentation is how she introduces EFT to others. I’m not well versed in EFT but would like to learn more and help other people. I will sure use her model as a way of introducing EFT to folks who need it.

  44. noor says:

    Great video
    and Anton what works best for me is to feel the emotion
    not only saying the words but realy feeling it
    and if it’s not working maybe there are some other unconscious blocks

  45. Janie says:

    I found that my instincts to use it with my own class were confirmed int his video and I learned how much I loathe myself for being overweight; that may need my first attention.

  46. lucila sierra says:

    Hi, I would like to thank you for such a wonderful gift. I have been using the tapping and the results are amasing. I think this is a powerful technique to get rid of certain problems in a quick and easy way.

    Thank you again and Gode bless you for your support.

  47. Trudy Koverman says:

    Love this! Yes, you are doing it right! You are brave & you are full of the spirit. I cheer you on! I have used tapping (just a tiny bit!) & it works! Remember, people used to think the world was flat. Yes, the ones saying it was round were called, u guessed it, CRAZY!

  48. Anton says:

    I have been using EFT on myself for some time now, with no apparent results. I am trying to get rid of a serious mental block. maybe with time, EFT will be the solution to my problem, because all other therapies have failed.

  49. Sherri Bowthorpe says:

    I love this explanation of tapping. I just learned about it last week, and even as a beginner I notice how it helps. The very idea that we can each take action toward healing and overcomming our issues is empowering. I love it!

  50. Sile says:

    Excellent videos.

    From my perspective, an ex-migraine sufferer, I think I was so critical of everything and everyone especially of myself that I created migraines for myself. Tapping and other techniques like the Avatar Training has really helped me get rid of these patterns, emotions and feelings which have melted away the migraines!

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