
That Annoying Person…

Written by: Nick Ortner

Angry Man

As much as we all try to be loving, conscientious people, there’s no getting around a simple fact….sometimes people annoy us. 🙂

It could be someone at work, an intimate partner, someone on the news, etc. Whoever it is, it’s not their “fault” (though we often like to think it is!)

It’s usually our thing, our reaction to a certain situation, behavior or action; but even when we accept responsibility for the way we are feeling, it can be hard to consciously shift away from the feelings.

That’s where tapping comes in beautifully! So here’s a super simple exercise:

Pick that ONE annoying person who has recently annoyed you, for whatever reason, and let’s do some tapping on it.

Before you start tapping, rate your annoyance on a 0-10 scale, 10 being most annoyed. (if you’re not familiar with the tapping process, click here to see a demonstration)

Starting with the karate chop point:

“Even though this person is really annoying me…I deeply and completely accept myself…”

“Even though I’ve been feeling so much frustration towards this person, I deeply and completely accept myself…”

“Even though this person is driving me a little crazy, I choose to release these feelings now…”

Eyebrow: These feelings of annoyance…

Side of Eye: They’re driving me crazy…

Under Eye: Part of me can’t stand this person…

Under Nose: Or what they do…

Under Mouth: It’s so annoying…

Collarbone: And it even makes me a little mad…

Under Arm: I don’t want to feel these feelings…

Top of Head: But I can’t seem to let them go.

Back to the eyebrow…

Eyebrow: If it let go of these feelings…

Side of Eye: Then I’m tolerating this behavior…

Under Eye: And I don’t want to do that!

Under Nose: I want them to stop!

Under Mouth: I want them to stop annoying me…

Collarbone: This annoying behavior…

Under Arm: These annoying feelings…

Back to the top of the head with some positive phrases…

Top of Head: I wonder if I can let them go…

Eyebrow: I wonder if I can forgive this person…

Side of Eye: And release these feelings…

Under Eye: It’s time to let all this go…

Under Nose: It really doesn’t matter…

Under Mouth: And I’m losing out by feeling annoyed…

Collarbone: Releasing these feelings from my body….

Underarm: Letting them go now…

Top of Head: Letting them go now…

Take a deep breath….

And tune in to the feeling of annoyance again, on the 0-10 scale. Where is it now?

What came up specifically for you as you tapped? Keep tapping, either using the same language or bringing in your own language, until you get the relief you desire.

It feels GOOD to let go of these feelings, to release the petty stuff that annoys us and sucks up our life energy.

Be aware of when you’re getting annoyed and do the tapping to release the feeling…

You’ll be glad you did. 🙂

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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115 Comments on this post

  1. dolores says:

    Thank you for the positive thoughts.
    I will keep the tapping.

  2. Rita Stiles says:

    This is a good one. I am a Yankie living in the south and sometimes these people annoy me because we think so differently. After living here for 41 years you would thin I would be used to it. I will use this tapping a lot. Thanks

  3. MrsGwennD says:

    Good timing!

  4. pat says:

    Wow, a 3.4 mile walk did not help; but, this exercise put me in a relaxed mode where my
    breathing is natural and I feel blissful.

  5. Gert says:

    I know this one came at the perfect time it had my name on it. THANKS NICK

  6. Linda Howson says:

    Realised that it was really ME who was annoying me, angry at myself for not doing it perfect. When I expect perfection from myself it leads to expecting perfection from all around me which just leads to frustration. According to Buddha 80% is perfect.

  7. Ileana says:

    I got this email with this tapping for people that we get annoyed by JUST at the perfect moment in my life, I can’t thank you enough for helping me on this one Mr. Nick Otner.
    I also tap for everything in my life, it really helps.
    I have gotten rid of the worse lower back pain with tapping, that was what made me a true believer!
    It works!!!!
    Thank you again!

  8. JimBorini says:

    the scripts u write are terrif! much more interesting than the ones i do write. for now…

  9. JimBorini says:

    loved it

  10. Veronica says:

    Oh Nick! I can’t seem to find the words to express how grateful I am for this tapping session! I opened it the precise moment that I needed it. Thank you, thank you thank you!!! When I tapped on ‘If it let go of these feelings…Then I’m tolerating this behavior…’ and ‘ And I’m losing out by feeling annoyed…’; well, you struck a nerve there!! And that was so good. I felt like all of a sudden a rush of adrenaline through out my whole body, of understanding me, my patterns and realizing that I hold on to anger because I was feeling that it was protecting me. Tapped on that and decided that I can use love to protect myself. I’ve been tapping for over a month and wasn’t noticing any significant changes, and finally, today, I have tapped into my own light. All of a sudden I felt the fear melt away, being released along with the anger… wow!
    For all of those who are tapping and haven’t noticed a change, please, please, never surrender! Don’t give up! There is one thing I have learned and that is that if you receive all the light at once, it might blind you. So, by tapping, you receive it in bits and parts, here and there, until you’re ready to receive it all. Your body and soul know when the time is right. Keep calm and keep tapping! And when you’re not calm tap even more!!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    With love, Veronica

  11. Ann says:

    I didn’t realize how annoyed I was with myself, not getting certain tasks accomplished, even tho I had all July 4th weekend free. Feels good to recognize that I was stressing myself, then tap it out, and forgive myself for just rambling through the whole weekend.

  12. Saundra says:

    Just to be aware that I’m annoyed is the key to start tapping then, not wait until the annoyance reaches the 10 level, then I would be angry which is not good.

    Thank you for the preventive measure to retain my peace.

  13. Teri says:

    Thank You! Thank You! I’ll be tapping that annoying person (a tenant) away when he leaves this Fri. July 4th! He is extremely arogant & confrontational, so my stress level is about a 20 (did you say 10?!) I think I’ll be using this for the next 4 days…it’s already helped, all I want is to work on my paintings with peaceful beautiful music playing & with my cats nearby….thank you again!

  14. Carmen says:

    I’m really glad I got to connect with thetappingsolution, it’s been helping me deal with past things, sad to say I’m 59 and still dwelling on hurtful past, thx Nick

  15. Jackson says:

    *annoyed not scorned. Now I have to tap about my phones auto-correct feature. LOL

  16. Jackson says:

    Thanks for this one. I often get scored by my partner and one of her children. And I felt a huge release when I did this today.

  17. nadia says:

    Thank you It is giving me relief from feeling a victim of my partners issues in life. He thinks he should be a woman.I am grieving the loss of him and loving him with no motivation from him to share the passion we had, and I still have.I am facing the ongoing diminishment of the feelings he had for me before the female hormones blocked his passion for being sexual. I will continue to tap and look forward to going through life with peace of mind.

  18. Chris says:

    Thank you Nick, this tapping session was exactly what I needed today !!! :o)

  19. Asha says:

    Thankugor I had been holding this grunge for a long time I wanted to get rid of it.i am sure by reapiting this for few more times I will achieve it thanks again!

  20. Milena says:

    Thank you for all this learning and mails I receive. This tapping you presented is great, it gave me big relief. I am certainly doing it again whenever needed, when I notice annoyance.

  21. Suzanne says:

    Thanks Nick. I was beating myself up for these feelings. Thought there was something lacking
    in me as a good person. Helps to know there are a few others struggling with this issue.

  22. Teresa says:

    I’m really enjoying your work and Jessica’s.
    This tapping will come in handy with my teenage son 😉

  23. Cristin says:

    Dear Nick,
    Thank you so much for everything that you doing!
    You have become my spiritual guide and I always
    Look forward for your emails!!! I start my day with eft close
    my day with eft and affirmations…
    Thank you for making the world a better place with your love
    generosity and kindness!!!!

  24. Bryony says:

    Thank you Nick so very much, you, and Jessica, have given me so much over the years. I love Tapping but when I need it most I forget. Crazy! Your Tapping for an Annoying Person has come at a perfect time and your reminder that we need to let go of the petty stuff is so spot on for me at the moment. Thank you. With much respect and appreciation, Bryony Haviland.

  25. Cynthia says:

    Dear Nick,
    Thank you so much for this! I’ve been sending this problem out into the universe and she has answered me through you. I am new to tapping and the wording is a problem for me . So the fact that this email contains exactly what I need to say blows me away! I grateful .
    I will keep you posted on this particular situation.
    Yours truly,

  26. Debbie Michigan says:

    I must tell you: a few weeks ago I decided to try tapping for this very problem–a relative toward whom I bore a pretty strong resentment (probably 8). I had been working on this for years, using the 12 steps (of OA, AA etc) with no results. After doing one round of tapping I literally felt the resentment lift, to be replaced by a new sense of acceptance and calm. It still crops up to a small extent, occasionally, so I probably need to do it again, because I see this person often. But this is the first thing that has actually worked. Thank you for all your amazing work and emails.

  27. Barbara says:

    It’s so simple when you lead the way, have been so tied up in knots, it’s good that you share your gift…..thanks for your guidance

  28. Mandy Dickinson says:

    I will attempt to do this when my alcoholic upstairs neighbour causes mayhem in the middle of the night! Here’s hoping!

  29. Helen says:

    Thank you Nick. Two people have been annoying me all week by their behaviour! I now tapped like you said and I have let them go! Great,

  30. Lucy Crown says:

    Dear Nick,

    I am blessed by your Presence in my world, your heart energy and wisdom are making a wonderful difference in my world. May you be blessed ten fold for all the love you send forth. The above tapping protocol released for me something that I have been trying to release on my own, yet with you and your words with me …. the Magic happened. Thank-you! Have you seen the you-tube video I sent honoring you and tapping? Your executive assistant did and sent me a lovely e-mail response. I would love to know what you think.

    Always Victory!


  31. Kathy says:

    Nice solution – keeping our self to ourself and yet taking a minute to
    Do something about it puts us in power always. Thanks

  32. Corina Vanana Valcan says:

    Corina Vanana Valcan – Thank you for the Tapping Solution as I saved it and I will indeed practice it, but for the moment I have some other things to organize here at home, meaning also on my camera (newsletter on the TV), as also on the kitchen, from where I feel a nice smell and I also have to help my mother to make something. The Tapping Solution is very important and I practice Yoga so it will to the body and the soul.
    Last week I have been in Temeswar at the EXPOZODIAC to discuss at the peoples on stalls called actually Ezotericfest for 4 days where there were persones also from Yoga, Reiki and different other Biografic etc. Groups.

  33. Ursula says:

    Thank you Nick

  34. Jacalyn Pillion says:

    Thanks, Nick. Will be using this one for sure. So grateful!!!

  35. shawn gallup says:

    thank you for this invaluable gift… i send you prayers of continued blessing in your life. i feel it strongly: it’s your desire to reach and help more people with this technique, i bless your ministry to the people in the names of our creator, who loves you immensely for the way you love them.

  36. Barbara says:

    ~glad I did it,~
    at least I found myself annoying(about a personat);and loughing (about myself)at the same time, because it would be soooooooo easy to blame someone for beeing human!

    But it helped me that I hadn’t to find words first,- to name these feelings(but only read this script.)

    thank you

  37. Hilda Hernandez says:

    Tapping has become such an important part of my life.

  38. Nancy Adams says:

    I am so Greatful for this as it could not If come at a better time! I am forced to live with family because I haven’t a home; I’m suppose to be so Greatful right? No matter what eh? I saw no there is a member of this family who dresses very provocative and drinks and drugs all night! There are young children involved and it rips me apart ! I use to drink heavy to cope so I know where it all goes and what it does to all peoples lives who around you! I got some help 22 years ago and am so relived I am free! Now this a family member being defined as a drunk and —-! I just could not let go of judgement until this scripts you sent about annoying people! It works I feel it’s their own responsibility to get help, like they have said so many times! It’s refreshing for me to let them be whoever they want to be drunk fine I am moving on they don’t want Help even though they have Heart disease that’s what booze does baffiling cunning and powerful! Love ya Nick I am so grateful for all you offer!!! This person will no longer get my help they have to now do it for them selves, as I did so many years ago!! My this Tapping works on everything and this was a big one and I’m glad you shared with me!!!

  39. Nurith hyams says:

    Very goodxxxx

  40. Olgi says:

    Thank you so much!!! It works great! I was angry and felt disgusted with someone… It was such a relief to let those feelings go and be free!!

  41. Jacqueline says:

    There is something about that annoying person that I do not like about MYSELF …. That I need to accept and/or change!

  42. Jane says:

    It really works. Thank you

  43. Ryan says:

    What perfect timing. I was starting to have jealous, hateful thoughts towards this person. This is helping.

  44. Heidi says:

    What a great timing, I ruined my yeasterday being annoyed by someone I have to deal with continuously. I was exhausted and tapped on the feeling. Next time I will use these lines. Thanks do much!

  45. angeles says:

    thank you Nick it´s powerfull and gave me a lot off peace

  46. Tiina says:

    I am continually blown away with the synchronicity of life. The answers are right there when we ask the right questions, thanks for this Nick.

  47. nancy says:

    Thank you Nick , it´s really good release negative feelings.

  48. Vicki says:

    Thank you for the annoyance tapping script. I have been looking for scripts where I don’t have to read through testimonials. I know tapping works, I would like more scripts at my fingertips, especially for health and weight loss.

    Thanks again,

  49. Anne Melanson says:

    your email came at a good time as my daughter was wanting money from me again.
    very very frustrating.

    the tapping helped me a lot
    thank you

  50. Ruzica says:

    It took me five rounds (from 10 to 0) to realize that I myself generate that annoyance. Thank you. I wonder what would happen next time when I find myself in the situation that made me react and literally hate that person as he has no intention of quitting.

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