
Nick Ortner’s Live Q&A #2

Written by: Nick Ortner
How to Use Tapping to Overcome the Unconscious Emotional Blocks, Beliefs and Traumas That Keep You From Creating Lasting Weight Loss!
(2 of 4 Live Q&As with Nick Ortner)

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Nick’s Live Q&A Schedule:

Live Call #1
How to Use Tapping to Create Financial Success!
Tuesday May 14th at 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM Eastern

Live Call #2
How to Use Tapping to Overcome the Unconscious Emotional Blocks, Beliefs and Traumas That Keep You From Creating Lasting Weight Loss!
Tuesday, May 21st at 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM Eastern

Live Call #3
How to Use Tapping to Finally Create a Deep, Loving and Lasting Relationship
Tuesday, May 28th at 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM Eastern

Live Call #4
How to Use Tapping For Fast Pain Relief
Tuesday, June 4th at 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM Eastern

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Follow the producer of the Tapping World Summit Nick Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

Follow the host of the Tapping World Summit Jessica Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

Follow the producer of the Annual Tapping World Summit Alex Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

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