
How to Pursue Your Future Goals While Enjoying the Present Moment

Written by: Nick Ortner

“The reason you want every single thing that you want, is because you think you will feel really good when you get there. But, if you don’t feel really good on your way to there, you can’t get there. You have to be satisfied with what IS while you’re reaching for more.”

What comes up for you when you hear these words from Esther Hicks?

Personally, I’m reminded that I don’t just want to feel good when I get “there” – wherever there might be. I want to feel good along the way, too! Because these moments along the way, as I pursue my dreams and goals, are the moments I’m actually living in.

So today, let’s practice allowing ourselves to feel really good right here, right now.

No matter where we are in the process, no matter how many accomplishments we’ve made, or how many milestones we see ahead, we can choose to be present now and feel good as the journey unfolds.

We don’t have to rely on some future outcome or objective to bring us happiness, fulfillment, and contentedness.

As you continue throughout your day today, consider how you might enjoy what is – right here and right now – a little bit more… all while you are moving towards your goals and dreams.

If you’d like to really anchor in these thoughts and feelings, try this Tapping Meditation on feeling gratitude for the present moment.

This is from the 21 Day Gratitude Series in our Tapping Solution App and it’s just an excellent way to remind ourselves that where we are right now, is just as important as where we want to go. 🙂

21 Day Gratitude Series
Day 1: Gratitude for This Moment

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

Do you feel out of balance between pursuing your goals and enjoying the present moment? Comment below!

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