
Women and Power: The Journey to Find Your True Path

Written by: Jessica Ortner

When we hear the word “power”, we often associate it with words like force, aggression, gain, and conflict.

Everything has a masculine and feminine energy to it, and it’s these complementary aspects that allow nature to live in balance.

We ourselves also have a masculine and feminine side, as does the meaning of the word “power”.

In this interview that Jessica had with the amazing Claire Zammit for her Adventures in Happiness Podcast, she’ll share the concept of Feminine Power, and help to break down this new way of thinking that takes the traditional definition of “Power” to a whole new level.

As women embrace power, how it’s known in today’s world, there is also an impulse to self-actualize and expand this power. To truly succeed is to actually become our true selves, and to create a life where we live the best version of ourselves.

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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