
You’ve never known more than you do right now

Written by: Nick Ortner

What’s the secret that can shift your perspective on any situation?

You have more learning and experiences behind you than you have ever had before. You have never known more than you do right now.

Isn’t that a little mind-boggling to think about? Each and every day you just add learning experiences…

They just keep piling up and accumulating with each passing moment.

So the reality is that you’ve never known more than you do right here and right now.

You know more about yourself – about your patterns and learning processes.

You know more about the people you love. About your body. About your work and your passions. About the problems you are working to solve, and the topics that spark your curiosity and interest.

This moment is the most advanced, evolved version of you that has ever existed.

So trust in that.

Find peace in that.

Know that each moment you are learning and growing…and that means that you bring a new perspective, a new set of skills, and new knowledge into every moment that unfolds in front of you.

So even if you’ve faced similar roadblocks in the past and struggled with them, who says you can’t find a way through them this time?

Even if you’ve failed or made certain mistakes in the past, who says you won’t succeed this time?

Even if you didn’t know what to do in the past, who says you won’t be able to draw from your own inner wisdom to guide you this time?

Trust in yourself.

Find strength in this you. The you who exists today.

You’ve got this. We’ve all got this. Let’s go out there and give this day our all!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping

Nick Ortner

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How does it feel to recognize you’ve never known more than you do right now? Where in your life can you apply this perspective? Comment below!

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