
Your Brain Before… and After Tapping

Written by: Nick Ortner

Is this your brain at night?

We’ve all been there… You’re all nice and snuggly in your jammies as you settle in for a good night’s sleep when suddenly…

Well, I’ll let the video speak for itself. LOL!!

Sleep is one of those things that should be easy to do, but when you have a thousand thoughts racing around in your head, it can really put a damper on catching those ZZZZs.

In The Tapping Solution App, we have an entire category devoted to Sleep Support, allowing you to get to sleep faster, and stay asleep longer.

Go on and give Tapping a try tonight!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

Have you ever used Tapping before bed to calm your mind? What were your results? Comment below!

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