
What to do when things aren’t going your way

Written by: Nick Ortner

So you feel like nothing is working, huh? Or you’re frustrated that everyone else is getting great results with life —or whatever you’re trying at the moment (like EFT) and you’re not?

Welcome to the club you didn’t even know you belonged to. The club that nobody knows they’re a member of because every individual thinks their problem is unique and they’re alone!

The club of one that is actually the club of many… (But it’s still exclusive, don’t worry.)

Let me tell you a little bit about the members of this club, to see if you fit the description.

Do You Fit These Descriptions?

Members of this club are loving, caring people who truly want to make a difference in the world. They’re looking to improve themselves, to support and help those around them, and they’re super dedicated to getting healthy, experiencing joy in their life, and living a life of abundance.

Members in this club are also often frustrated, can get angry, sad, or sometimes lonely (and then they get frustrated at themselves for feeling those feelings), experience frequent or infrequent cases of pain, jealousy, grief, fear, and a myriad of other “negative” emotions.

Members in this club look around at everyone else and wonder, “Why does it work for them?” “She’s skinny and I’m not.” “He’s rich and I’m not.” “Why are they happy and I’m not?”

And then, of course, members in this club feel bad for having these thoughts and feelings! Because they truly are caring, loving people.

Do you fit this description?

I thought so! It’s my pleasure and honor to welcome you to the club!

Now, I also wanted to let you know about an exclusive opportunity to join a NEW club (this club is invite-only, no fees and you can’t buy, talk or sneak your way in…)

The New (even more exclusive) Club

The way you join this new club is really quite simple. Just take a few minutes to read its principles below and, voila! You’re in!

In this new club, everything in your life works perfectly. There’s no such thing as things going “wrong” because the concept doesn’t even exist in this club.

The members in this club are huge on forgiveness, accepting themselves as they are, changing from a place of self-love, not self-loathing.

The members of this club are huge on cutting themselves some slack, as well as others.

Here are two of the founding principles this club works on (more to come in the future):

1. You’re amazing and doing just as well as everyone around you. No, you’re not losing or falling behind. You’re perfect the way you are.

One of the challenges that some of our modern technology brings, particularly Facebook, is that people look around at other people’s lives, see them smiling in pictures, read about their accomplishments, read about the amazing things they’re doing and then say, “I’m not doing enough.” or even worse, “I’m not enough.”

Instagram logoFifty years ago, we just tried to keep up with the Joneses, our neighbors, the people around us. And while that was bad enough, now most of us are trying to keep up with the hundreds or thousands of people we see on Facebook, Twitter, or other places online.

It’s not a healthy habit. 🙂

Someone out there is always going to be doing something cool, amazing, ground-breaking, or just seem like they’re having more fun than we are, and we need to cheer them on without casting judgment on ourselves.

I know it’s easier said than done. It’s almost human nature (I say “almost” because I think you can move beyond it) to compare ourselves to others.

The same goes when you compare yourself to the “gurus” out there who are teaching you new concepts, ideas, and ways of being. Trust me, I’ve met the gurus, and they’re just as human as you are.

Are they amazing people doing great work in the world? Yes, they are. Do they have challenges just like you do? Absolutely.

It’s ok to get excited about someone, to follow their message, even to put them up on a pedestal a little bit as someone to admire and strive to be like. That’s ok, AS LONG AS… when you put them up on a pedestal, you’re not putting YOURSELF down. Does that make sense? It’s a subtle distinction but an important one.

2. Some New, Very Advanced, Setup Phrases.

For me personally, one of the most powerful elements of EFT is the setup phrase, “Even though I ___ (fill in the blank with the problem, emotion, belief, etc.), I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Just doing that tapping by itself can have profound results, as we acknowledge that we’re ok, as we are. We bring forth and speak how we feel, what we believe, and then let ourselves know, “Hey bud, that’s OK.”

In a society where we are keeping up with the Joneses on Facebook, where we are told by the media that we’re not skinny enough, rich enough, smart enough, or happy enough, this acknowledgment, along with the physical tapping, can be extremely powerful.

I’ve formulated some new setup phrases for you to experiment with. Be careful, they’re powerful, members-only phrases and they might result in extreme joy, peace, and self-loving.

Pick an issue that has been bothering you, or a general feeling you’ve been having recently, or a belief that keeps coming up. The more specific you are, the better results you’ll get on that issue. But being general is ok here too.

I’m going to use the general feeling of “stress” for our examples.

(If you need help with the tapping points or a general description of the process, click here)

Start tapping on the karate chop point. (Usually, we do three setup statement on the karate chop points, we’re going to do several more this time)

Karate Chop:

Even though I’m stressed out about life, I cut myself some slack, right now…
And even though I’m really stressed out, it’s time to give myself a break…
Even though I’ve been stressing for so long, and I don’t know how to stop, I’m finding new, easy ways to change this pattern now…
And even though stress is what I do, I find myself doing something else now!
Even though I’m so used to stressing, beating myself up, finding what’s wrong with me, I’m taking a time out from that self-abusive behavior, and choosing to love myself right now…

Normally, we’d go on to tapping a shorter reminder phrase for every point, i.e. eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, under the mouth, collarbone, under the arm, and top of the head…

But I’d like for you to try tapping through each point, saying all the phrases above, again and again.

So tap the eyebrow point and say: Even though I’m stressed out about life, I cut myself some slack, right now…

And then the side of the eye: Even though I’m really stressed out, it’s time to give myself a break…

And keep going… again and again, until you take such a deep breath and feel soooooooo good that you think it’s a good time to stop.

(make sure you do this tapping NOW, there’s no better time! Just take 10 minutes!)

Or download our free app and try one of the free tapping meditations to get you started!

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

This Just In… Breaking News!

Wow, just got word… this is exciting indeed… you, yes, YOU, have been formally accepted into this new club.

You’ve done it! Congratulations! Well done! I really felt like you’ve deserved this spot for years. I guess it just took a little while for you to figure out you deserved it too.

I’m sure you’re experiencing some of the club privileges already… you know, all that self-love, self-acceptance, joy, peace, and other fun stuff.

It’s an honor and a deep privilege for me to be in this club with you. I hereby place you on a pedestal.

What’s that you say? Oh, you’d like to put me on a pedestal as well? Why, that’s very kind of you… oh, I see, we’re now BOTH up on a pedestal AND eye to eye.

Very smart of you…

I look forward to seeing you at our next club meeting! Until then…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Attention New Club Members: Share your experience, comments, and thoughts below! Note: Exclusive club members are so full of joy, self-love and positive emotions that they’re just bursting to share it on the blog with others – just FYI 🙂

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