
Wayne Dyer Woke Me Up This Morning

Written by: Nick Ortner

Rumi quoteI’m pretty sure Wayne Dyer woke me up at 5 a.m. this morning.

The last couple of months, with a newborn in the house, it’s been our daughter June waking me up, but today was different. Two days after Wayne’s passing, I feel his influence in my life more strongly than I ever have before.

So as I found myself stirring at 5 a.m., I could hear Wayne’s voice, quoting Rumi:

“The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you

Don’t go back to sleep!

You must ask for what you really want.

Don’t go back to sleep!

People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,

The door is round and open

Don’t go back to sleep!”

After a bit of silent protesting (but Wayne, sleep is precious these days…5am?), I listened to the message and got up. And now I sit here joining you.

And I sit here joining you in another of Wayne’s beloved practices: Writing. Wayne penned all his books by hand, writing them out on yellow sheets of paper, a practice which while incredible and admirable, I will politely decline to partake of this morning. The results of that would be illegible handwriting that never saw the light of day, and a left hand smudged with ink. 🙂

But in honor of Wayne, I wake at dawn

(it’s actually pitch black out right now, overshot it a bit… oops), and I write.

I thought all day yesterday about how Wayne would want to be remembered, and while I can’t say for sure, I’m quite certain that he would want nothing more than but for us to commune once again with his millions of wise words. He would want us to love more deeply, to give more freely, to forgive more fully.

So yesterday I loaded my iPod back up with all the amazing lectures of his that I’ve heard again and again and again and asked, “What do you have to share with me today Wayne?

I was struck as I listened to him yesterday and this morning, that this is a man, who in his passing, TRULY lives on. We often say that about those we love, and it’s true, they live on in our memories, in our hearts, and with Wayne, he lives on in the legacy of thinking he left behind.

So today, as you go about your day, I invite you to practice just one of the things he often talked about:

Making Conscious Contact

This idea can mean different things to different people. It can be religious, or secular. It can be profound or it can be simple. Sit with your eyes closed for 30 seconds at a traffic light as you commute to work (as Wayne joked, there’s always someone behind you kind enough to let you know the light has turned- lol!)

So today- Make Conscious Contact.

Find one moment, or ten, where you pause, breathe, and connect to the deepest part of who you are. Personally, when I do this I pay attention to, and wait for that moment of “connection”.

It feels like something is syncing up like there’s a greater awareness, breathing slows down, perhaps you feel a tingle in your spine, perhaps some love in your heart. It’s a moment when you know you are closer to the divine, to your true nature than you were the moment before.

Even now, as you’re reading this, you have the opportunity, don’t let it pass, to take even 10 seconds to make conscious contact.
Do it. For yourself. For your family. Do it for the world.

And of course, do it for Wayne. 😉

Much love!


P.S. Share with me below, what does making conscious contact mean to you? Did you actually do it just now? 🙂 What happened?

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  1. Frinée Forrer says:

    Dear Nick, I’ve seldon seen a more beautiful message from you. Thank you! I learned about the passing of Dr. Dyer through James Twyman, and it hit me! Very strangely though, I wasn’t sad: I though of him fondly, as if I’d known him as a personal friend – although my ‘contacts’ with him were only through his books, films, video interviews, hangouts and his blogs – and bade him a warm “auf Wiedersehen”. I knew (how?) it is a new adventure for him and was immensely grateful for his legacy to humanity, me included!
    You’re right he truly lives on, and will continue to be your and my mentor, your and my friendly teacher!
    Lots of love for you and your family!

  2. Nancy says:

    Yes, I did make brief contact as you requested. I make contact with my higher consciousness frequently through the day by listening for my inner voice. Usually it is a gentle but definite response to a question/decision I am making. It is not an actual voice but a certain “knowing” that comes to me. People say how do you know it’s not just your own ego voice. For me, I can tell the difference because the inner voice never argues, never changes its mind, and doesn’t berate me if I go against the idea placed in my mind.

    I have been having this type of “knowing” as long as I can remember, however, I have not listened to it regularly it until the last few years since I have been retired. During these past few years I began meditating. It is something I did in the 70’s (didn’t everybody try it back then) but my ego and the life I was living kept me too busy to take the time until I was retired. One of the methods I began with was Dr. Wayne Dyer’s meditation CD on “getting into the gap.” I have also read pretty much every book Dr. Dyer has written. I have “I Can See Clearly Now” and will begin reading it very soon.

    Now I meditate mostly every day for about 30 minutes and during these times I generally will make contact with the Divine. During the meditation the connection occurs not long after the chatter of the daily “doings” have settled down. This varies from day to day and is dependent on how many “doings” are keeping my conscious day busy. During the connection, I sense swirling energy within my body and various colours and images appear before my third eye area. This gives me greater focus of inner consciousness. It is at this time that I will sometimes receive love and information from the Divine on how to proceed to serve and fulfill my life’s purpose. Sometimes I connect with others – my departed relatives mostly. Yesterday, however, I also felt that Dr. Dyer came briefly to me during my meditation. He said nothing to me but left me with the sense that he was very happy to have been one of the many souls who has been leading me on my spiritual journey for the past 30-35 years and smiled his glorious smile and then moved on. I know it was his presence and I am very thankful for his acknowledgement.

    What I am really thankful for is that I had the opportunity to see Dr. Dyer and his daughter Skye for the first time when they came to Moncton, New Brunswick for their “I Am Light” presentation. I loved it very much and understood every word and concept that Dr. Dyer spoke of. I will be forever thankful for the role his words have played in my life.

    Thank you for the opportunity to share.

    In Love and Light


  3. Ellen says:

    Very powerful reminder, Nick. Thank you.
    (love your work)!

  4. Julia Fulford says:

    Thank you yes is good to connect .

  5. Madeline Ruszczyk says:

    Wayne Dyer will forever live on in my life…I did have the pleasure of seeing him once. A truly remarkable spirit who spoke volumes on behalf of “Oneness” and the fact that we are all in this together. Edge away from the ego…
    Thank you Nick, for sharing this experience. Conscious contact shall be a daily focus. And more so in honor of Wayne. My inspiration. I am so saddened by his passing but know in my heart his mission was complete. He touched so many souls here on earth and now it’s time to move on to bigger and better. Funny tho, I don’t feel his spirit gone, and like I said, will forever live on in my life.
    All life comes to me with awareness, abundance, intuition, guidance, allowance, communication, and wisdom. I awaken with these words and fall asleep to these same words…thank you Wayne Dyer.
    In gratitude always,

  6. melissa joyce says:

    For me Conscious contact comes with a gentle energetic jolt which runs straight thru my body’s midline and beyond connecting Earth and Spirit. It feels like a hum. . My heart space feels especially warm and radiant. My hands have healing energy radiating from them. I come back to the world of Time with a renewed sense of wonder and understanding.

  7. Grier Cundill says:

    Hi Nick,
    I love your post on Wayne. When I was in the Verizon store last year, I bought one of their wireless headsets that allow one to be on a cellphone “handfree”. Everytime I turn the headset on so as to connect to my phone, a lovely female voice says, ” Power on. Battery high. Connected.” So I have been using that example when I present on consciousness and I think of Wayne; it’s the kind of example he would delight in. And I agree with everything you just said…and I love that Rumi quotation.
    Keep on tapping; you are doing great work.
    Many thanks.

  8. Patrick says:

    Making conscious contact to me means allowing myself to surrender to my higher power each and every decision that needs to be made as I go about my day.

  9. roberta says:

    Yes I did. I have been up since dark too. Cats got me up!

    I felt a sense of peace and love filled my heart and heard that many blessings are coming my way. This year was a very emotional year so lots of shifting has been taking place as I clear and work through the hurt. Heart is light and breathing feels wonderful!

    thank you for 10 seconds of blessings.

  10. Jan says:

    I know that I am better, things are better around me and I am kinder and gentler when I do these things. Am not sure why I resist keeping a regular practice of making conscious contact. Thank you for the reminder.

    I loved Wayne Dyer so, never as an idol, but as a teacher and reminder!

  11. Darlene Ward says:

    I felt an incredible awareness and energy permeating every cell of my body, mind and heart. It is all inspiring to connect to the wholeness and oneness of the Universe and feel safe, loved and cared for in the most amazing way. Thank you, thank you, thank you God!!!

  12. Cheryl says:

    I often think of Wayne in the morning and the beautiful Rumi poem he quoted, which has informed my own work and created a friendship…and now a music CD due for release this fall, all from remembering his words about the secrets of the dawn breeze. And so like you, I too wrote something that first through verse and now music, I hope, carries on what Wayne has so beautifully taught us all. I have always been grateful to him–and finally meeting him at hay House here in NYC last year–but I truly feel his influence in so many ways in my life–from my doctor to my dear friends. When you connect through Wayne, it is a connection of the best intent of love. What a gift he continues to give us. Thank you, Nick, for saying it so well!

  13. Craig Stephens says:

    I have only been following Wayne since the mid 80s. I think of the “little parenthesis in eternity” that we are share. I have been practicing staying connected to the point that it is less of a frequency into more of a constant. When we connect, it is difficult to put into words but the silence grows to a hum. The light is magnified as if you were just waking. In the silence, you hear the words you need to hear at the time.

    Prosperity is a pass through when compared with the Source. The humility of Wayne resonates with me always but particularly today. He loved Rumi and quoted him often. When you read Rumi or listen to Wayne, it reminds me of the chinese proverb that Wayne quoted “Its the space between the bars that holds the tiger and it is the silence between the notes that make the music”. I hear the slow soft tone, then silence, tone, silence….

    Wayne said there was a spiritual master, whom i’ve forgotten his his name, but the message was that the Master was laying on his death bed, dying and his devotee’s were saying “please don’t leave us, please don’t leave us” and the Master replied “Don’t be silly, where would I go?”

    Wayne roughly translated the Sanskrit word “Namaste'”, common greeting in India, as “I see the place in you where WE are all ONE”. In placing these together, Wayne is with us and we are with each other, always. ” There are no sides in a round house. Everything is connected. We are all one. Everything truly is in Divine order.”

    Namaste’-Namaste’ always, now and forever (from “No Where to Now Here”) – Namaste’

  14. Carolyn Ross says:

    Thank you Nick
    this is so like Wayne to nudge you and us!!!
    I felt connected to him because I sent love to him! a wonderful feeling !!
    A great start to my busy day!

  15. Sally Heard says:

    Yes I have been making conscious contact every morning for the past 40 years .
    Wayne introduced me to your work a scary time ago .
    Thank you for sharing

  16. Mary Bess Albritton says:

    Oh Nick! I so needed to be reminded to make ‘connection’. It was good of you to say to do it for yourself, your family, the world, do it for Wayne. After I read your tho’ts, I did stop and make connection. I feel so complete, and a sense of belonging to the ‘greater’, community, world, divine realm, the knowingness. Thank you for your work and all that you do. Thank you for sharing it with all of the folks that you do. It felt good to honor Wayne in this way and I shall make this my daily practice upon waking and…in honor of both Wayne’s work and contribution to us all and in honor of the body of work you offer us as well. I offer my gratitude to you and Wayne.

  17. Namaste!! My Spirt bows down to your Spirit. says:

    Nick, thank you for awakening me after I woke up with your post of being awakened by the visitation of Wayne Dyer. Just an awesome EXPERIENCE in total BEING. Enrique

  18. Kristina W says:

    I felt a warm feeling in my heart just reading this article. Wayne Dyer’s words have touched my life and mean so much to me. Whenever I start to get lost, I turn back to his books and videos and start again.

  19. Carol Jakab says:

    Good Morning Nick, thank you for your sharing and this wonderful tribute to Wayne. The Rumi quote is so very appropriate. I am sitting by a large window overlooking my awesome flower garden. Thinking of its beauty and the peace I feel when working in it. Very much like the peace, beauty and graditude I feel when I think of Wayne. May his spirit remain with us always and may we be aware of his NEW presence. Have a blessed day, Carol

  20. Nina says:

    Thank you for writing and sharing your thoughts. And thank you for the gift of reminding us of the powerful message of where reality can be found, “in the gap”. Thank you for sharing your grieving and celebration of the life of a remarkable soul, the man and his work. Just this week I am doing an art workshop that is so meaningful to me and it’s synchronicity with Dr. Dyer’s messages make it all the more moving and significant to me. ️️Blessings to you and Wayne in his infinite presence.

  21. Denise says:

    I stop for a moment, breathe in slowly, breathe out slowly and I feel peace and calm coming over me. And suddenly I have a big smile on my face. The same happens when I think of Wayne Dyer, Nick Ortner and other great souls who talk to my soul.

  22. MIRANDa REEVES says:

    Dear Nick,

    Thank you, you, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about Wayne Dyer.
    I did as you asked and went to “that place”. For me it’s a feeling of dropping into myself and the feeling of my heart softening and opening and very soon a feeling of being part of the universe.

    Wishing you a beautiful day.

    Thank you again, Miranda

  23. Clare says:

    So lovely to read this today and I too awoke at 4:15am on Wednesday morning with thoughts of the beautiful, insperational Wayne Dyer and made conscious contact. In his passing and lack of fear of this reminded me on such a profound level to dwell in this place of unconditional love… The only place to BE!
    For me Conscious contact is letting go of all that defines me like shedding the layers and coming home to the truth of self, so in peace, unconditional love and truth is where I shall dwell where all the I’s meet so see you there Wayne, Nick and fellow beings!
    Love, light and might!
    Clare x

  24. Thank you! says:

    I can’t stop thinking about Wayne! I watched Tge Shift until 1 am on Tuesday night and woke up Wed morning very early dreaming about Wayne and my dog together who just passed too! I love them both! I did meet Wayne at an event in Sydney when I lived there. He was a gentle soul! I loved hearing about his personal shift in the movie. He was so authentic and down to earth!

    Thank you Nick for keeping his poetry and his conversation ALIVE! I look forward to more posts!

  25. Name (required) says:

    I watched my free edition of “the shift” yesterday. I had a Wayne Wednesday and felt him so strongly yesterday. I will give conscious contact a try this morning and I will also strive to be just a little bit better than I was before. Wayne’s description of “nobility”.

  26. blu says:

    Thank you so much for informing us that Dr. Wayne Dyer has passed. I heard him with Dr. Barbara De Angeles on hay house radio a couple weeks ago. I feel so grateful for all he has shared with us this pass decade. He is truly an inspiration. He is in a perfect place now, but we’ll miss him dearly 🙂

  27. Jessica Halcom says:

    I’ve never met or seen Wayne in person, but since his passing cannot stop thinking about him. I, too, have been waking up before dawn these past few days, unable to go back to sleep and feeling like I was “hearing” from him. This is quite profound that so many of us are having this experience. Wayne was an extraordinary man!

  28. Ramie Haas says:

    Thank you for your writing and your deep honor of a truly great teacher, Wayne, I wrote to him
    last night in my journal thanking him for his work and inspiration. I can think back to the first book
    I read of one of his many and how I was mesmerized with all the knowledge that he often said that
    the words just flowed to him, books would fall off his shelf to open to the right passage at the
    moment he could include in his writing. I am amazed at how sad I AM because I had no idea how
    much he touched me in my life and I can imagine how others knew him feel, sad, and happy to
    have known him. His passing is bittersweet, and reminds me to take time to connect with my
    Divine! Thank you Dr. Wayne Dyer for the gift of YOU!

  29. Linda Kallin says:

    Thank you, Nick! I did consciously connect – with my self, with Source. A bit of a dance, a hug, and then feeling the gossamer threads that keep me connected, body/mind/spirit, with Source at all times. Sometimes I forget, but you reminded me to remember and to connect. Blessings 🙂

  30. Irena Kelly says:

    Thank you so much for sharing(beautiful!!),and…your Love,Nick

  31. Irena Kelly says:

    Thank you so much for sharing(beautiful!!),and…your Love,Rick

  32. Michelle says:

    Wayne’s been with me also. Not in my dreams but my conscious mind. I’ve been happier and trying to live the way he would. Be just a bit kinder to those around me. Talk to people and ask about how they feel and let them share about themselves. I took your challenge and connected with spirit as I call it and I got tears in my eyes. I remember listening to an interview with Wayne where he said Sai BAba used to come to him in his dreams. When he would make spiritual contact with him, he would get tears in his eyes. That’s the same feeling I got now connecting with the Divine. Thanks for sharing your dream with us.
    Blessings to you. A great birthday gift to me. Michelle

  33. cathy says:

    I remember watching Wayne sitting there with you as he was about to start the tapping technique. He was always willing to learn and there you were with that boyish look on your face. There was a connection.
    I want to thank you now for sharing your experience I remember Wayne. He has been on my mind as well and I too feel his presence. He will be here and there helping us all to connect.
    Bless you and all that you are doing to help make the world a better place at this time.

  34. Deborah says:

    I felt a release, a sense of freedom, filled with LOVE and JOY 🙂 … then GRATITUDE.

  35. Carol Morgan says:

    I read your words as I had just woken up. Conscoius connection to me meant an exercise mindful breathing. Now I start my fully present. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Carole says:

    That quote hit home for me this morning as my dog was trying to get me out of bed. It is very hot and muggy here! I woke up realizing I still feel anger towards my dad, who passed in 1999. This was brought on by a session with a psychic/ medium I had last evening, who told me that I meant something special to him. I never felt his support when was living, except when I wanted to learn to play guitar. His support would have lead me down a much easier path.

  37. Anne says:

    I am an avid follower of Wayne. I believe his mission on earth ended because he had made enough people conscience of the divine, his purpose was successful. Although I have never met him he touched me to the soul, I will be one for sure to keep his life mission alive. I feel is presence with me guiding me. My moment was not to waste our precious time, but to move forward and enlighten. Thanks for your words this morning.

  38. Catriona says:

    I took five and after a few grounding breaths, what came into my head and ran as a background to the next few minutes was the line from the song “Reach out and touch somebody’s hand; make this world a better place, if you can”. That’s certainly never happened before – spooky, what? – but in the nicest possible way. x

  39. Anne says:

    Dear Nick – love that poem!

    Yes, made conscious contact. For me, it is going into the deep silence within and resting a moment with my true, ego-less self. I’ll miss Wayne Dyer. He has given me so much to think about these last twenty years. The most significant for me: when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. RIP Wayne.

  40. Deb Dunlap says:

    I also feel a deep Wayne Dyer connection and despite never having met him, he feels like family to me. The person I go to for advice. My guide, my friend, my non-judgmental and loving sage with a great sense of humor. I feel the need to pull out my Wayne books, audios and DVDs to make sure I consciously soak in every word, meaning, and guidance.

    I did take a moment to consciously connect, and find myself calmer, less worried about life challenges, and having more perspective.

    Wayne Dyer will always be a person who inspired profound personal growth and transformation in me, and despite never meeting is a close friend. He is with me where I go and is only a thoughtful quote or sentence away at all times. Bless him, bless him, bless him for all the gifts he gave me and the many more I will receive from new revelations I receive from reviewing it all again.

    Thank you Nick also for all you do. You also inspire great positive change!

  41. Maggie Nicols says:

    I awoke at 4.30 am and then my late mother came to me, alive in my dream.
    I had been deeply moved to watch your dialogue with Dr Wayne Dyer and although I never met him, his passing affected me in ways that I didn’t t expect.

    just now on reading your invitation to consciously connect, I had just finished a beautiful meditation but was getting a bit anxious through emails about someone I care about but about who I feel a bit paranoid at the moment.. I went within and consciously connected with her and felt profound peace. Thank you and thank you When Dyer.

  42. Cynthia Cassady says:

    Good morning Nick,
    This is kinda cool kinda weird becausevfor the last 3 days I have woke up at 5 am only to talk myself into going back to sleep…..but not this morning…..I woke up at 5am and realized I had 7 hrs of sleep and got up and connected with the Holy Spirit ……next step will be to say a prayer of thanks to the Lord above for all that he has done for me ……it is a continual talk thruought the day…….God bless you Nick and your family 🙂

  43. Yvonne says:

    Hi Nick

    I have Excuses Begone and Change your thoughts change your life on my kindle, and every morning I read a chapter from one of them, I do this on the train to work, it always sets my thoughts to work on exactly what I need at that point in time. I never decide which one I’ll read I always allow myself to be guided. Sometimes it’s always the same book for weeks, I always get the guidance I am looking for. I know Wayne will never want us to mourn in a traditional sense for I truly believe he will always be with us, especially with the wonderful works he has left us, and that always makes me smile. My only regret is I never met him in person, but, that clearly was not necessary for my higher good.

    I took the time to connect and as I do, I asked for the strength and commitment to fully realise my higher purpose. I feel peaceful and content, I know that I am in the right place just now and everything will unfold as it should. To quote the inspirational Louise Hay, it will come to me in the right time sequence.

    Thank you for sharing your article, I have been thinking of Wayne a lot since his passing and so many of his words of wisdom resound louder than ever.

    I continue to enjoy and benefit from tapping too, something I am so grateful for learning.
    Thank you for continuing to be an inspiration and for tirelessly carrying on the great works inspired by Wayne and Louise.

    Kindest Regards, with love and light, Yvonne

  44. Tamara says:

    I feel a kind of very light and a thought came across: all this “mind” thoughts which make me so busy
    all the day long will be gone, will be without any meaning the moment my soul doesn´t need my body anymore. Will work on it-:)
    By the way: Nick, you and your sister Jessica do a GREAT job and no wonder that Wayne is still around you. He was already more aware of the conciousness and will have an easier access to you/us.
    We live in a wonderful time! More and more the planet/people start(s) to awake.

  45. Mira says:

    Nick, what a wonderful experience! Is 6:23 AM here is SC, and I almost never read my email during the morning always afternoon, but today I was prompted to go to my e mail and found your email with so much inspiration and this helps me to start my day even better and reminds me so much all the wonderful wisdom of Wayne Dyer and always take a moment to reconnect. Thank you Nick and congratulations on your baby.

  46. Shirley says:

    The morning Breeze has secrets to tell
    I hear Wayne and feel him all around us Nick we all need to continue on with what Wayne has awakened in U.S.
    Without ego,

  47. Serenity says:

    I have enjoyed a broader connection with my higher power due to Wayne’s insights. I was able to use part of his writings in my counseling practice yesterday and thus his legacy will continue. Thank-you Nick for sharing your honoring of this inspirational man.

  48. Shir Lee Wilson says:

    This morning I too woke up so very early 3:30 and could not go back to sleep. Now I am sitting at my computer and was able to read your most recent message. I have a dear friend who has been battling cancer for five years who was just put into hospice yesterday. She and I were diagnosed with cancer at about the same time. My diagnosis was breast cancer and hers was lung. I have been told I am now a survivor by my Oncologist but Moni is soon to make that journey or is it a leap over to the other side. I am so grieving her leaving me/us. I took those 30 seconds and just tried to communicate with her through my heart and soul to let her know how much I love her and how grateful I am that she has been in my life. I pray so much that she has heard me.

  49. Joyce says:

    I woke shortly after 5 am Nick also and checked my email on phone. Thank you. I too have followed Wayne and when I wake in the wee hours of the morning often I think Of him and it reminds me to get up and write in my journal. This morning after reading your email I spent a few minutes breathing and making conscious contact with the divine within me. I feel at peace. And I can feel the energy moving in my body. Thank you again Nick (and Wayne) as I have been asking to be living more connected to the Divine. I feel very grateful.

  50. Patricia says:

    I, too, don’t like waking up at dawn. However I recall when going to bed recalling that my body will tell me when it’s time to get up. As I read your article it reminded me of when I would write testimonial speeches for The Great Banquet. Most of my writing occurred in the very early morning hours since that’s when u was awakened with a message to include in my writing. As I did the 10 this morning I was reminded that “I am”. Recovering from trauma experienced from 2011-2013, I’m almost there. As I continue to take my mind back, the message this morning is to keep going and continue to fill my mind with great works such as Dr. Dyer’s. And of course, God’s word and messages, which also comes through many great people. Thank you for your writing this morning!

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