
Wayne Dyer Woke Me Up This Morning

Written by: Nick Ortner

Rumi quoteI’m pretty sure Wayne Dyer woke me up at 5 a.m. this morning.

The last couple of months, with a newborn in the house, it’s been our daughter June waking me up, but today was different. Two days after Wayne’s passing, I feel his influence in my life more strongly than I ever have before.

So as I found myself stirring at 5 a.m., I could hear Wayne’s voice, quoting Rumi:

“The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you

Don’t go back to sleep!

You must ask for what you really want.

Don’t go back to sleep!

People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,

The door is round and open

Don’t go back to sleep!”

After a bit of silent protesting (but Wayne, sleep is precious these days…5am?), I listened to the message and got up. And now I sit here joining you.

And I sit here joining you in another of Wayne’s beloved practices: Writing. Wayne penned all his books by hand, writing them out on yellow sheets of paper, a practice which while incredible and admirable, I will politely decline to partake of this morning. The results of that would be illegible handwriting that never saw the light of day, and a left hand smudged with ink. 🙂

But in honor of Wayne, I wake at dawn

(it’s actually pitch black out right now, overshot it a bit… oops), and I write.

I thought all day yesterday about how Wayne would want to be remembered, and while I can’t say for sure, I’m quite certain that he would want nothing more than but for us to commune once again with his millions of wise words. He would want us to love more deeply, to give more freely, to forgive more fully.

So yesterday I loaded my iPod back up with all the amazing lectures of his that I’ve heard again and again and again and asked, “What do you have to share with me today Wayne?

I was struck as I listened to him yesterday and this morning, that this is a man, who in his passing, TRULY lives on. We often say that about those we love, and it’s true, they live on in our memories, in our hearts, and with Wayne, he lives on in the legacy of thinking he left behind.

So today, as you go about your day, I invite you to practice just one of the things he often talked about:

Making Conscious Contact

This idea can mean different things to different people. It can be religious, or secular. It can be profound or it can be simple. Sit with your eyes closed for 30 seconds at a traffic light as you commute to work (as Wayne joked, there’s always someone behind you kind enough to let you know the light has turned- lol!)

So today- Make Conscious Contact.

Find one moment, or ten, where you pause, breathe, and connect to the deepest part of who you are. Personally, when I do this I pay attention to, and wait for that moment of “connection”.

It feels like something is syncing up like there’s a greater awareness, breathing slows down, perhaps you feel a tingle in your spine, perhaps some love in your heart. It’s a moment when you know you are closer to the divine, to your true nature than you were the moment before.

Even now, as you’re reading this, you have the opportunity, don’t let it pass, to take even 10 seconds to make conscious contact.
Do it. For yourself. For your family. Do it for the world.

And of course, do it for Wayne. 😉

Much love!


P.S. Share with me below, what does making conscious contact mean to you? Did you actually do it just now? 🙂 What happened?

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218 Comments on this post

  1. Vicky Dunstan says:

    Nick, you are an amazing person. Thank you for sharing your experience with Dr. Dryer. Before I proceed, may I congratulate you and your wife for your beautiful daughter. Now, about CONSCIOUS CONTACT. I find it necessary to have conscious contact especially with someone who is so special to me. It is awesome to recall memorable experiences with the said person(s). I usually do this process with my late father. The process itself makes me happy, appreciative and made me feel over and over again enriched by such an experience. Now that you are having a conscious contact with me, there are three people involve: Dr Dryer, you and my father. So enriching, so amazing the chain reaction…
    Nick, thank you for what you are doing into my life. You are such a very influential person. You are indeed a MESSAGE in PERSON to me.
    Cheers and my loving regards to your family.

  2. Liz says:

    Thanks Nick. You won’t believe it, but I had the same words whispered to me yesterday when I woke up. I had attended Dr Wayne Dyer’s seminar in Melbourne, Australia on 22 and 23 August so I couldn’t believe it that he passed away on 29 August. At the seminar, Wayne quoted Rumi, and it resonated so deeply. Thanks for sharing. I will miss him so much. I have so many CDs, books, meditations and purchased the 2016 calendar, I feel like he will always be helping me and my family. Blessings to you all. Much love from Australia. xxxxxxx

  3. Vicki says:

    1st let me say thank you for all you do!! I feel the most connected when I’m barefoot in my garden.

  4. Becky says:

    Thank you for this morning blessing. I listened to Wayne Dyer’s CD yesterday and it was profound. I woke today and tried to shrug my thoughts of worries and then realized to just say thanks and to ‘connect’. I read some of his quotes on different issues that I face, and felt inspired to ‘shift’. I then connected to my emails, and found this from Nick, so it gave me an extra boost to shift my perception to love. Thank you.

  5. Dina Grant says:

    Wayne’s passing away has brought people from all over the world together. Thank you very much Nick.

  6. savina says:

    Thank You Nick for bringing Wayne Dyer back into my life and for just a moment I was able to connect with him and with my son Mark who passed 22 years ago when he was 20. I know that they never leave us really and Wayne has had such an influence in my own life also. And I see that Wayne also did tapping, I do it often especially when there are blockages that need clearing!!! and sometimes I realise just how much sits still in the sub conscious!! May you all continue with your wonderful work of helping us all on this planet make sense of things sometimes!!! Life really has no meaning it just IS, those are Krishnamurti words from his book, ‘Freedom from the known’ also an amazing book that really changed my life. Anita Moorjani’s book ‘Dying to be Me’ also confirmed for me what I have always known and felt. Take care Nick and thank you so much for what you have done also and congratulations on your baby daughter! Much love from this side of the world in South Africa. Savina xxxx

  7. Sonia says:

    Thanks, Nick. I keep waking in the night and thinking I should write – but have been avoiding it. Now I will write.

  8. Pia says:

    Just want to thank you for your beatiful message and greatings from wonderful Wayne.

    Thank you for your messages!


  9. Susan says:

    I love listening to Wayne’s wise words, they always warm me and make me feel secure and always hopeful.Today with your thoughts on Wayne I am rejigged again to keep the torch lit for all good in this world of ours even in the face of overwhelm as to how to help eg Syrian crisis,povertyetc
    To just do your own personal best and don’t become complacent and never lose hope.Baby steps can lead to conquering mountains.Be ever thankful for the now!Thanks to you Nick and enjoy fatherhood.
    Love and peace and prayers to all.
    Susan NI.

  10. Judith says:

    Beautiful and thank you. Two souls meet Rumi & Wayne❤️

  11. Ana says:

    Thank you Nick for this beautiful testimony. From the moment I heard Wayne Dyer quoting Rumi “Don’t go back to sleep” there wasn’t a single time where whenever I woke up at down I didn’t think of him, with guilt I must say, because I couldn’t do it. You inspired me, and I am ready now.

    I got your email just after my meditation, my conscious contact with God. As I was reading it the spontaneous answer to your question right there and then, was oneness – Love, the one that connects us all regardless, through space and time.

    With love and gratitude, me!


  12. Sue Dixon says:

    It’s 4 am. Couldn’t sleep, so here I am on the computer and found your email. I remember hearing Wayne speak a the Church of Today. Back in those days, the teacher was there, but the student was not ready. Funny how divorce sends your life on a totally new path…. NOW, after a LOT of changes, the student IS ready. I am so glad Hay House is putting his movie, The Shift, on line for everyone to watch. (I didn’t know about it until a few days ago.) I really enjoyed watching it and have gotten a lot from it. I have also been telling people about it.
    I feel that he has done everything he was meant to do during this lifetime and has moved on to bigger things. I also feel that his passing has been bringing more and more people awareness of all the knowledge that he has given us. This is a crazy time in the world right now and I really think the world/country needs his messages…more than ever. Thank you, Wayne!!!

  13. Diana Donovan says:

    Wow! Wayne is busy this morning waking us all up! I woke up an hour ago and could not go back to sleep so I did something I very seldom do- turned on the computer. I thought I would listen to some of Wayne Dyer’s talks that you posted yesterday and perhaps drift back to sleep. And here is your letter about being woken up by Wayne.
    I am blown away, and crying. I’ve been feeling very lonely this past week, and this is huge confirmation to me that I’m very definitely not alone! Over my 60 years I easily “tap” into myself, nature, the inner world, but sometimes feel a missing of connecting with other people of like mind. To know that many of us are awake and doing the same thing right now- it touches me so deeply…helps me feel dialed in and not adrift alone. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing this, Nick in the wee hours of the morning! My babies are grown with families of their own but I still remember those many sleep deprived days of caring for them through the night, and I wish you the very best of everything as you care for your little one. Blessings and love to you and yours! Diana Donovan

  14. Alison says:

    Nick…I don’t know if anything has been mentioned by Hay House about Gerry Gavin’s live radio show yesterday, where, in bringing through an angel called Margaret, something else extraordinary occurred…when Margaret came through, she had someone “standing” right next to her who wanted to speak to all of us who were listening live….and it was Wayne. As Hay House radio rebroadcasts their programs, that show will no doubt be available to hear. It was *amazing*, and sounded genuinely Wayne, though using Gerry Gavin’s voice, of course.

    So I don’t doubt that Wayne Dyer woke you up and got you writing…he said he’s planning on speaking through all the great mediums at Hay House in the future…so, stay tuned!

    Kind regards and thanks for the great work you’re offering to the world…..Alison

  15. Shelagh Henderson says:

    Thank you Nick.I feel totally bereft . I am now in my sixties but have had help from Wayne as a “virtual” friend for over thirty years.I feel I have grown up alongside an older ,much wiser pal ,my perceptions and understandings growing in tandem.
    His books and C.D.s really helped me over some sticky parts of my life .
    I had a recall mammogram some years ago. For some reason I took the book “Getting into the Gap”
    With me. I sat in a little cubicle in a dressing gown between several x rays and re -read the book . I felt totally calm and in the moment.Each time the radiographer came back to say we need to take another angle I stayed in this wonderful ,bubble of perfect peace.I felt extatic!
    Eventually I was told they had a seen a dark shadow ,but each time they took a fresh picture it seemed smaller and then disappeared!
    They thought it must have been a technical glitch, but I am not so sure!
    Now I must look at getting some e books. Thank you for waking up early !

  16. Name (required) says:

    It’s 4:34 and I am up early reading this. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Wayne and his profound impact he has had on each of us. I am not going back to sleep. I shall sit and be quiet and meditate now. Thank you. Namaste!

  17. Alison MacLeod says:

    Dear Nick,
    Thank you. So glad Wayne woke you up and that you listened.
    I appreciate your good heart and your giving us the chance to watch Wayne’s movie again…..
    Hearing Rumi is always uplifting … perhaps Wayne is hanging out with him now…
    Warm wishes, Alison

  18. Danuta Mette says:

    I checked my email today and your message Nick just jumped out at me. Since I found out about Wayne Dyer crossing over I fell his presence.He was one of biggest inspiration for me at a time when my beloved husband crossed over and I was diagnosed with chronic leukemia. His book ”Wishes fulfilled” became a bridge to help me to choose life again. Before writing these words I closed my eyes for 10 seconds and clearly as a bell i heard ”Be present to receive a present”. With love and gratitude, Danuta.

  19. Joanna Devereaux says:







  20. Lesley says:

    Thank you dear Nick. I just did it for 5 seconds and such a feeling of joy emerged that I smiled and then burst out laughing. I can still feel the urge just to laugh as I write this. Keep on for Wayne. You are doing a great job.

  21. Charlotte Royal says:

    Yes , Nick, I did it now . I have been so taken by the Tapping Solution ,bought your book, read your posts and Benefited from tapping as have my family.
    I am 86 and I have 7 adult children, 20 grand kids and 3 great grand kids.
    I connected now to a deep place where I thanked God and the part of myself that Is a
    part of God for my being me ! It brought tears. I am grateful that I was born to bring my
    Beautiful children into life ,with my husband, now deceased, and to see them live valuable
    lives. They give of their talents, one lawyer, one veterinarian, one entrepreneur, one social worker
    who works with cancer patients, three who are professional singers, all are pianists ,some give concerts , singing, playing piano, two have published books, and their children carry on the artistic
    Talent in their lives as well as the desire to serve others. I have breast cancer now , but had surgery and am well at this time. I have heard Wayne Dyer over the years and was , still am a great admirer
    Of him. God bless him always. And blessings for you and your sister. Thank you for your dedication
    and generosity. Yours Charlotte Royal

  22. rens says:

    Thank you for sharing the film of Wayne Dyer “The Shift”

    May all the beautiful memories you have about Wayne be a consolation for your loss.

    Have a fine day with God’s blessing.


  23. Preeti Lal says:

    Wayne’s crossing over has brought on a big void in my life too.Being a reiki practitioner have read most of his books .Have ordered the latest one too.Each time and in each book you got profound guidance.What a loss!May his soul rest in eternal peace.
    Preeti w/o Prem

  24. Evelina says:

    What a beautiful way to wake up this morning and start my day. Thank you for sharing. – Rome.Italy

  25. Roisin Mangan says:

    Thank you Nick for sharing Wayne’s beautiful message…..

  26. Shahram says:

    Dear Nick,
    Thank you for sharing that good news. Two days ago when I heard about Wayne, I deeply felt loneliness. And asked God to let me see Wayne on my dream, and He did. That night till 5 am I was with Wayne without any word.

    During last two years, many times I tried to share my great spiritual experience through email with Wayne. I sent some emails to somebody else and asked if they have his email but nobody replied.
    Almost every day I listen to him and because of his lessons I can say “I can see clearly now”.

  27. Iija, England says:

    Good Morning Nick and all the others sitting in front of the computers making contact. Thank you , I tried the breath exercise, it works. I feel much calmer and as you say Nick, ” connected” and I am ready to face this day with gratitude and full of good intentions.

  28. Julie says:

    I was awaken by a bear in our garbage room at the back of our house at 12:45pm! So noisy and load. My hubby went out and yelled and scared him away. I just read your very dear email. I like to take 4 breaths in hold for 8 counts and release for 4 counts and do this 4 times. It puts me in a relaxed and connecting state. ☺️ I have been sharing Wayne’s words with my clients (I’m a psychotherapist) and remembering him these days. His light is bright!

  29. Queenie Puryear says:

    For me, conscious contact is finding the deep center, that is always within you, that knows everything is in divine order.

  30. Mauraine says:

    Dear Nick. your email was on the top when I looked this morning in Worthing, UK.
    I noted your words. I had just awoken for about the fifth time during the night. my complaint
    being Fear. This fear has been big. it applies to everything. mostly about being around people.
    I took yours and Wayne’s advice.
    I closed my eyes and automatically began to tap.
    I started ‘this fear’ , after some taps I visualized an envelope.
    I looked in and it was bursting full of light, soft warm gold Love light.
    I continued to tap and became aware that this light is always there.
    The envelope is disguised as fear on the outside, and inside Love is bursting out.
    I know that the envelope is always there and that when I can see only fear I can open it
    and transfer to the golden colour of love and light.
    I am in tears of relief

    I had a letter from Wayne once many years ago.
    I had 10pounds to donate some where.
    I choose Wayne as I thought of him to be doing good work
    I did not know he was well off.
    Anyway, he sent the check back. With a letter and one of his little books
    saying thank you. but he had plenty and while he appreciated the thought
    it would be awkward changing it to dollars.
    This was about 40 years ago.

    Nick and Melissa your generosity is appreciated.
    Tapping is the best tool I ever have had

    love. Mauraine x

  31. leah mckenzie says:

    I just made conscious contact – but more to my body rather than to a universal consciousness – slowed my breathing, my brain, and felt into my body and noticed things about it that I wasn’t aware of when my mind was going 100mph. Thank you for your beautiful writing about Wayne and his teachings, he has touched soooo many of us and every reminder of his words is such a gift, his teachings will live on and on.

  32. Pamela says:

    Yes, Thanks. Always enjoy our humanitarian leanings.

  33. Anne says:

    An involuntary deep sign escaped my lips as I felt a surge of pure love. Thank you Nick, and Wayne, for reminding me of this pleasure. Much love to you both.

  34. Beth Cobner says:

    Yes, thank you for sharing this Nick xxx

  35. Caroline says:

    Funnily enough I was woken this morning around 5 and I felt this love in my heart and I connected to source and blessed all my family filling their days with love and joy and then brought more love and joy to mine, I can honestly say that I feel amazing this morning and that moment to “tune in” before everyone else woke up was magical. Thank you for this post, it was another sign of synchronicity for me. Thank you for reminding us . Blessings to you and your family Nick.

  36. Patricia Benavidez says:

    Conscious contact for me is expanding he energy of the heart to connect with the divine light of all that is in all forms. Thank you, Nick, for sharing the beautiful words of Rumi, in bringing forth the loving connection you had and continue to have with Wayne Dyer. Touched my soul at a very deep level. Blessings to you and your family.

  37. Karen Scanland says:

    He has been an important part of my life since the early 70s, and has offered a great deal of guidance through trials and tribulations of difficult times, reigniting the will to fight for stability and happiness in challenging times. It became a habit to repeatedly pull out his works over the years when things were again getting tough to conquer. He will be deeply missed, but I am most thankful that I found him those many years ago, and that I still have access to his thoughtful insights. Rest in content peace, Wayne, knowing the peace you brought to so many while here.

  38. Nancee says:

    I can feel love and joy

  39. Connie Stroedicke says:

    Your words have crossed the ocean and reached Germany.They touch my heart – thank you.

  40. Hannah says:

    Thank you

  41. kate says:

    It felt like ‘here I am’. Thank you Nick.

    I have been saving your emails for a while now with the full intention of introducing myself to tapping but for some reasons I haven’t made a start. Could you please point me in the direction of where to start? I’d really appreciate the opportunity to get started and make the most of what you have to offer.

    Thank you


  42. Melissa says:

    I’ve got 2 children under 2 so making time to stop and breathe and connect is hard, but thank you for the reminder, thankyou for sharing Wayne’s beautiful words, yes you are right he will truly live on!x

  43. Anja says:

    I feel a warm sensation in my chest when I connect and I love it and wish I always felt it. But then ordinary life kicks in but I am amazed how easy it is to reconnect when I get aware of how far I drifted away. And I really see how it gets easier and easier the more often I put my hand over my heart and practice self love.

  44. Arlene says:

    Thxs Nick, like Wayne, I sleep with my curtains open and wake upwith the dawn and watch the sunrise at 5am everday. It is truly a magical moment when no one else is awake and you are master of the Universe!

  45. Dee says:

    My heart rate slowed down and I became relaxed. Thanks for this helpful trick, Nick and Wayne.

  46. Silvana says:

    Nick, you really touched my heart with this article on Wayne, thank you so much and I hope he will be contacting you always in spirit and light

  47. Jeanne says:

    Thank you Nick for sharing with us one of your discussions with Wayne Dyer. I found out about his passing from you this morning and think that this last video with THE GREAT HUMAN BEING is a wonderful way to help with the sadness we all feel. I had the opportunity to hear him in Moncton, Canada a few months ago and cherish the moment. May we all keep within our hearts a particle of his understanding of LOVE.

  48. Patty says:

    Thank you, Nick, for acknowledging the passing of a truly great man, and that he will always be with us in his writings and presentations.

  49. Stacey says:

    I never met Wayne but I feel his lose quite deeply. He has had a profound impact on my life. He was one of my first motivational speakers and I have been mesmerized by his voice every day either by ipod or CD or Youtube. I’m grateful for what he has given me and taught me and he will always be an energy that surrounds me and my life. I shed a tear today but not for Wayne but for all those who have not yet met him or heard his profound wisdom and true peace. I work toward my own inner peace and leaving my mark of LOVE on everyone I meet. Because as Wayne says – everyone has been put into our life to teach us something. So the next time I’m sitting in traffic I’ll look over and wonder what that person is here to teach me. Wayne Dyer was as inspirational in death as he was in life. I’ve learned plenty from him and I hope I can honor his memory by being the very best ME and always living in divine LOVE.

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