Weight Loss

The Real Deal About Food, Stress, Tapping and more…

Written by: Nick Ortner

Oh…food, food, food, food, food…

What’s happened to you dear food? What happened to the joy in food? What happened to eating meals in peace?

What happened to feeling grateful, nourished, warmed, happy… and more.

Our old friend, provider, sustainer, base of life…

Our memories, our families, our heritage… food… has turned into…


Cravings, weight gain, toxins… do I eat this? Don’t eat that! I feel guilty about eating this… so much stress…

When did food… forgive my French, become such a pain in the ass? On so many levels!

Well, there are two factors at play here, and we’re going to do some tapping to help significantly with one of them.

The first factor is the reality of our current food landscape: Stuff in a box.

This is a subject that books have been written about, it’s got so many complexities, that I’m only going to touch upon it here; but we are truly, deeply disconnected from our food. Once we as a culture started processing, packaging, freezing, and shipping our food, things changed in a dramatic way.

The nutritional content of “regular” food just isn’t there anymore and most of the stuff we’re eating either barely qualifies as food or is outright harmful. So I’m not going to take the approach that all you have to do is “tap”, feel good about your food, and everything will be fine. Can you transform a McDonald’s cheeseburger into something that is good for you with an elevated consciousness, positive thoughts, and a high vibration?

I absolutely think you can… but it’s a HECK of a lot of work! And most of us aren’t there, so the McDonald’s cheeseburger ends up being just that, a cheeseburger.

family preparing dinnerWe’re much better off starting with the good stuff, the fresh stuff, out of the garden, from the local farm, organic, full of nutrients and life force. Then it can actually help us, not be a burden on our system.

Ok, so the food itself needs to improve, but the information is out there to help you make that happen. But for most people, that’s not the big sticking point in getting healthy and nourished.

The big sticking point is that we’ve heard so many different theories. We’ve been told, “Eat this!” by one person and the next person says, “Don’t eat that!”, that our heads simply SPIN!

A meal is no longer a meal, it’s packed full of confusion, fear, guilt, stress, and more. And whatever you’re actually eating is nothing compared to the poison pill of negative emotions and stress that you’re swallowing. Heavy stuff!

So let’s start with easing that burden a bit with some tapping…


(By the way, if you read this article and don’t do this tapping right now, you’re wasting your time. 🙂 I don’t mean to be harsh, but the difference between this system of thinking is we’re actually DOING something to change right now, instead of exploring it intellectually. I don’t want you to walk away “knowing” more about food and our experience with it, I want you to walk away “being” different around food and YOUR experience with it – so TAP!)

If you’re not familiar with the tapping points, you can see them here.

It’s always important to measure our progress with EFT, so we know where we are and where we’re going, and even though these tapping statements are a bit more “global”, try this to measure it:

Say out loud: I am relaxed, at peace, and full of joy regarding the food I put in my body.

On a 0-10 scale, how true does that feel? 10 being 100% true, 0 being not true at all. Give it a number, it doesn’t have to be exact or perfect, and write it down.

Now let’s getting tapping!

Karate Chop: Even though I’m really stressed out about what I should and shouldn’t be eating, I deeply and completely accept myself
Karate Chop: Even though I can’t stop worrying about what’s “good for me” and “bad for me” I deeply and completely accept myself
Karate Chop: Even though I’ve heard too many different things about food, I’m overwhelmed and don’t know what to do.I choose to relax now

Eyebrow: All this stress around food
Side of the Eye: Should I eat this?
Under the Eye: I can’t eat that!
Under Nose: This is good for me
Under Mouth: That’s bad for me
Collarbone: Or is it?
Under Arm: I just don’t know what to eat
Top of the Head: So stressed out about eating

Eyebrow: I’ve read so many different things
Side of the Eye: Everyone seems to disagree on what to eat!
Under the Eye: I’m confused, scared and stressed about food
Under Nose: All this stress around food
Under Mouth: Releasing all this stress around food
Collarbone: All of this anxiety around food
Under Arm: I shouldn’t eat this
Top of the Head: I shouldn’t eat that

Eyebrow: Should, shouldn’t, should, shouldn’t
Side of the Eye: So much confusion
Under the Eye: Such a burden
Under Nose: So much anxiety
Under Mouth: So much stress
Collarbone: All around food
Under Arm: This stress around food
Top of the Head: Releasing all this stress around food

Let’s do some positive tapping (if you’re still feeling strongly negative, or if other things have come up, tap on those specifically before moving on to the positive).

Eyebrow: I choose to relax around food now
Side of the Eye: I choose to feel safe around food now
Under the Eye Food is safe
Under Nose: I am safe
Under Mouth: I am at peace and easily choose the foods the best nourish me
Collarbone: I relax around food, enjoying every bite I eat, regardless of what it is
Under Arm: Once I choose to eat something, I relax and release any guilt, fear or anxiety around it
Top of the Head: I choose to relax around food

Eyebrow: My body knows exactly what it wants and needs
Side of the Eye: I attract all the right information to help me choose the best food for me
Under the Eye: Food is safe
Under Nose: I am safe
Under Mouth: I choose to relax now
Collarbone: I let go of any fear, guilt or anxiety around food
Under Arm: Letting it go
Top of the Head: Letting it all go

Take a deep breath… and let it go.

How ya feeling? Let’s check in.

Say out loud: I am relaxed, at peace, and full of joy regarding the food I put in my body.

How true does that feel? Did the number go up? What else came up when you were doing the tapping? Remember, when we’re doing “global” tapping like this, we really want to pay attention to “specific” things that come up for us. I can’t instruct you to tap on a specific experience you’ve had because I don’t know what they are!

But you do; so as anything pops up, tap on it and release it. The more specific we get, the more the global tapping will “stick”.

And as a bonus, I’m also including one of the Tapping App Meditations to assist you even further.

Getting Back on Track

That’s it for now, just a couple of quick rounds to ease the burden a bit, release some stress and help you get more clear around food.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Share your experience with the above tapping. What came up? How did you feel before as compared to after the tapping? What insights, breakthroughs, or ideas did you have?

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181 Comments on this post

  1. Roxanna says:

    I actually do feel a bit better after following along and tapping with you…my main issue is PROCRASTINATION and STRESS…I have a lot of your info but haven’t made the time to use it and this weight issue is actually why I think I procrastinate and stress…

    I’d love a three day seminar devoted to just ‘weight’ issues…

    Thank You for all you do and share…God Bless You!

  2. melanie williams says:


    interesting, i am JUST working on this EXACT same thing with a group of mine! must be in the ethers:)

  3. Gale says:

    Thank you Nick. I make a lot of my own food…. bread and lots more. I buy fresh most times. I put out my garbage bag out every 3 weeks, but my recycle every week. I make my dogs’ treats. I love to bake, It is so easy to make things from scratch… people buy pancake mix and have to add milk/water and eggs; if you are going to do that, why not just use flour and baking soda? There are generations who never learned to cook, and this is why people are getting fat because there is no knowledge on how to do anything different.

  4. Janice says:

    thanks for this. I have been in serious nerve pain in my r. leg because of serious back issues. I also recently had an attack of diverticulitis. Very scary. I have been gluten, dairy, sugar free for about 6months trying to eliminate painful elimination. It has helped. I also lost about 15-17 pounds which helped as well. But just staying on target can be challenging. Thanks for the tapping suggestion. I tap on so much in my life–pain, relationships, sadness, grief, guilt, but had not thought of tapping on food. a 3 day seminar would be appreciated. Will you also do it as a webcast since I am in California? Gratefully…

  5. Gerda Foster says:

    Hi Rick, this tapping sequence has expressed the whole food (pun intended) anxiety in such a simple way. I can relate so much to it, and I’m sure others can too. Thank You!

  6. Robin says:

    Thanks Nick. I DID do this – after reading your By the way paragraph! For once, I followed instructions, lol. I’m smiling. I don’ t have any negative emotions around food. We’re eating mainly raw at the moment but I enjoy cooked food from time to time and don’t feel bad about that. I do, however, salivate more reading through raw recipes than cooked ones these days and we’ve had some delicious meals. I just got Donna’s Growing Younger series so it’s all good.

  7. Sam says:

    Perfect timing with so many Halloween treets lurking in the house :)… However, i found while tapping that my body wants (or needs?) a little extra fat and carbs… For those of us prepping for a deep freeze–some extra body fat takes the chill off. I think I’d rather throw some more wood on the fire instead…and maybe an extra sweater to warm up! Thank you for sending this out!!!

  8. Ellie says:

    I also like the idea of a tapping seminar on food issues. My ideal weight, and where I once was, is about 40 lbs less than I am carrying. Much of the weight is evenly distributed, and probably the bad visceral fat, because I don’t look as heavy as I really am. One of my biggest hang-ups is eating enough vegetables. I love fruit, but eating vegs has to be a constant reminder.

  9. diane ziff says:

    tried it instantly. as an athlete and a chemo patient at the moment, i have a lot of guilt and stress around food. i will do it again today. thank you for this i think it will be very helpful.

  10. Jim Mercado says:

    This tapping session about guilt and food really motivated me to seek out healthy foods, but I’m not feeling guilty for the bad foods I have eaten today… very relaxed, thanks

  11. Margie says:

    Thank you for the tapping on food, I need this all the time. But, my latest big problem is with my colon. Do you have any ideas/tapping to get the colon moving normally?? As I have gotten older my GI tract is very sluggish. The stomach and small intestines do fine but when the waste products get to the colon, everything stops. It seems to me that the electrical systen and muscular system are shut down and the colon does not push things along (peristalsis) as it should. I do not pass anything until it gets so bad and uncomfortable that I have to use laxatives every time just to get relief. I sure don’t want to spend the rest of my life on laxatives or worst case scenario- loose my colon. I have undergone tests, colonoscopies,CT’s with no answer. Any tapping suggestions and words to tap with would be helpful. I don’t even know how to begin. I know constipation is a complicated issue to work with but it affects so many people. Thank you. Margie

  12. Cindy says:

    Thank you so much for hitting on this subject!!!! WOW, this is something I have been dealing with for so long, guilt about whatever I am eating! Is it good for me, or not? When it happens everyday, that no matter what I eat I think it may be wrong or bad for me, it causes stress around whatever I choose. I obviously eat everyday = stress everyday. It’s funny that I never even thought about this until you brought it up! This is a great one to tap on and I felt immediate results, a release, so I will do this one for a while. Thanks again!

  13. marion ross says:

    My full attention went to my stomach, which I can feel. – am aware of. I have recently gone down 2 dress sizes and am determined to stay at this size.

  14. Michelle Ropczycki says:

    Thank you, I just had a nice session. It was good to read through the dialog and tap along. Some other issues came up, drinking too much wine, I was never a big drinker, but now I have seemed to progress to another state of intake that leaves me shocked and disappointed.

    The tapping is great, and really helps to move energy out of the way so that one can progress compassionately with oneself, and tune in even more to other feelings that are just under the surface.

  15. Helen McConnell says:

    Nick – as always, you are spot-on!
    I eat a darned healthy, local, organic diet. I ride my bike and walk every day. AND I like to bake! I was beginning to feel guilty about baking (and eating what I bake). Thank you for this tapping script! I did it, and my number went from 7 to 9 after just one round!
    I think the 3-day seminar would be awesome! I can’t speak for men, but every woman I know struggles with body image issues. Even when we’re healthy and fit, we think “I don’t look good enough,” or “I’m looking old.” I think this has tremendous consequences on the global community. Women have so much to offer! It would be fabulous if we could all love our bodies, and free up all that energy – for the greater good.
    Thanks for all you do!

  16. Teresa says:

    Thanks this is very timely. I get a lot of chemical and neuro toxicity fromfood (or how it was prepared). Talk about confusion and fear about what it eat so as not to get sick. More information would be great!

  17. Jane Schultz says:

    Perfect! I was just thinking about a tapping program for weight loss and wondered if it would work. I think it’s a fantastic idea!!! Keep up the good work!

  18. Sharon says:

    I was just listening to your Pain Summit tapes on my way to work and thought I so wish they would do a whole summit on Weight Loss, because it affects everying in our lives from emotional, physical to health. I have suffered for many years with being overweight along with high blood pressure (which the medical doctors tell me to lose weight and now) and even though I have tried tapping, even bought different EFT programs, but to no avail. I would be so interested in this, but find it extremely hard to be able to join in phone calls because of long hours and long commute to and from work. Thank you for this tapping, I will try this everyday and see if I get anywhere.

  19. Sue says:

    I think that a seminar is a great idea. As you said, there is so much confusion out there. I eat a healthy diet overall, but when I stray, not only do I feel guilty, but I feel bad–physically. I do much better when I eat organic, whole foods. I also have two suggestions for you: There is a wonderful documentary entitled “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” that is very inspiring–don’t miss it if you haven’t seen it. The other is the book “The China Study”–all about sceintific research around food, particularly animal protein, and wh0 stands to benefit from all the public confusion/misinformation about the American diet and western diseases. Fascinating!

  20. Sallie says:

    I would be interested in a weekend (2 days) on the East Coast tapping around eating and food/alcohol addiction. I find tapping to be very helpful, and food to be a huge issue. There is alcohol addiction in my family, and if there were an opportunity to combine tapping and food/drink addiction it would be very powerful. Thank you. I was doing EFT long before The Tapping Solution, and think Gary is a wonderful, intelligent, compassionate person. He has left us a great legacy for our healing. Use it well.

  21. Karen says:

    This really helped me today. I think having a 3 day seminar in the Spring for weight and food issues is a wonderful idea. I did not have a problem with weight gain until I turned 49. That year I started menopause and found out I was hypothyroid. I gained 25 lbs and am still struggling to lose the weight.

  22. kendy says:

    Sounds good! There is so much commenton food nowadays that its impossible not to worry about what you eat, which of course just creates stuff to worry about! Good topic!

  23. John says:

    Nick, thanks for all that you do to make this planet a better place.
    I believe you’ve opened a can of worms with this subject. When I got to “food is safe ” I had to stop tapping. Much of the food around us is UNSAFE! Can we realize that and still release and let go of the stress? I believe so.

  24. sunny says:

    Mmmmh that was interesting. I got from a 4 to a 7.5. Not bad for a first trial. I had been thinking about another piece of chocolate (the 4th in a row) and suddenly knew that there was really no point in having it right now. The struggle had definitely decreased. Thanks for that one, Nick.

  25. Alayna says:

    Having been diagnosed with an extreme amount of food allergies, many times, I feel like food is my enemy. This tapping really helps me to let out my negative frustations about dangerous foods for me that are healthy foods for most people, and helps me focus on the posive. It helps me trust myself and the food choices I make.

  26. Jeanette Cozart says:

    Oh Nick!! Right on about this! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  27. Donna says:

    This looks very promising–even though I know what I should & shouldn’t eat, the conflict and resistance are always hovering. I’m off to do a few rounds & will check back in in a few days .

  28. Patricia says:

    Nick, I did this exercise just before eating lunch at work today. I feel so good about eating my wrap today. Definitely happy & guilt-free. Thank you!!! Please write more.

  29. Elsie says:

    After the Tapping I feel more relaxed infact very relaxed. Thankyou, Elsie.

  30. malihe says:

    Hi Nick,thank you so much for all email. i love tapping ,i,m doing every time and i have a great feel now . appreciate

  31. mila says:

    Fabulous timing as always. This is really hot topic. So much information and all the guilt feeling isn’t really healthy for any of us. Thank you!

  32. Bams says:

    My issue is STRESS, and, about so many things. But lately I can just feel that I am never relaxed. I know why, it is my job. That is one of the biggest stresses out there.
    But until I can find something else… what is the best tapping method to get me through this?
    I have some homeopathics that I take but I do need to do more.

    I’m about to blow a gasket !! I speak to myself in a positive manner, I support myself, repeat that I love my self and give thanks all the time for what I do have.

    But you know the intellectual and the emotional brain are parallel roads. Never to meet !!
    So I need to get deeper and I know tapping will help.


  33. Milya says:

    Thanks, this was great. I did some more tapping around cravings and emotions around food since that seems to be my issue. Would love a seminar, but I’m on the west coast 🙂

  34. Ragnhildur Gisladottir says:

    Thank you so much for this generous tapping session, It comes on the right moment and I could not believe when i saw it that it would help me as it did. I went through the tapping and I am going to do it every day the next few days to see if it helps me to get rid of my guilt. I am not fat but I have this guilt every time I eat something, and I don´t know why. I am strong and healthy and need to loose 10 pounds as every woman in the world does 🙂 lots of love and thanks to you

  35. snowdrop says:

    went from 6 to 2 regarding feeling relaxed around food. what came up was disappointment and anger at the way my body reacts to food and my body shape (overweight and have CFS so a bummer to get enough exercise) so will tap on that too

  36. Courtenay says:

    I would LOVE if you would do a seminar on that…actually, how would you feel about a webinar?–that would make it possible for a lot more people to be involved!!! As I tapped through the biggest thing that came up for me was the fact that I can’t let go of my fear of food because if I do then I’ll go crazy and eat all of the things that I “shouldn’t” and gain a ton of weight. Which brought up everything that I learned from my family’s attitude towards food and people who are overweight…I have a lot of work to do in this area, but thank you for the starting point!

  37. Theresa says:

    I thought I was good about my food issue but as I read through and did the tapping protocol I realized that was not the case. Yep, I did have a bit of stress about food. :^) Thanks for the article.

  38. Darlene says:

    This came at just the right time. Thank you.

  39. Carolyn Long says:

    Wow I have been doing Jessica’s off and on for a while now every time something comes up around food and I am so happy to do this one as well cause that is how I have been feeling. I will do it more as it went from a 6 to a 4 and I choose 0. Thanks so much.
    Carolyn Long

  40. Ellen says:

    As I was tapping I realized that it isn’t so much the food that I have anxiety about, it’s all the other stuff. It’s the stress while eating so fast because I must get back to ___________. It’s realizing the feelings that come up when I’m eating too fast and am unable to enjoy the food because I must hurry. There’s saddness,there’s anger, there’s fear. Much to Tap on and to make choices about. Thanks Nick!

  41. Amy Vincze says:

    Thank you so much for bringing up this topic. As a nutritional therapist, I completely understand all the confusion around food and what is and isn’t good for you. I’ve also had my own struggles with weight and am very interested in your 3-day seminar. Please keep me informed about the logistics of that event because I would love to attend.

  42. Alison says:

    Nick, you’re a star 🙂 We receive so much information about health and nutrition that it’s quite mindboggling. I also seem to be quite alone within my circle (family and friends) when it comes to eating organic produce and being careful what I give my children to eat. So, yes, there’s quite a lot of stress about what we really should or should not be eating, especially when the children go and stay with my mother-in-law for 2 weeks in the summer – tapping comes in really handy then! Carry on doing what you’re doing; it’s helping so many of us. Alison (Spain)

  43. Linda says:

    Nick, this was great!

    I didn’t think I really had much of an issue with food, but my number was pretty high before the tapping started.

    Thanks for putting that new thought in my head: feeling relaxed and full of joy regarding the food I eat.

    I also like your suggestion to let go and enjoy the food, once the decision has been made to eat it. Perfect!

    Thanks for your post. I always love hearing what you have to say.

  44. Anne Grout says:

    This is a good start for me and I plan to keep tapping with the script you provided. Thank you! It is a big subject (weight loss and my relationship to myself around eating) and is especially challenging for me.

  45. Susan says:

    This is great! I have been watching what I eat and losing weight slowly. I often feel uneasy about making the wrong choices. I did the tapping and felt a peacefulness and calm about what I am eating. I also copied the final statement onto my calendar for today. I plan on making it an affirmation I use throughout the day. Thank You! Susan

  46. Janet Levin says:

    This is a great script for “stress and worry to safety and joy” in addition to specific application to food. Thanks!

  47. Sian McDermott says:

    Hi Nick,
    I think this approach is very useful so thank you for that. As an advanced EFT Practitioner and Trainer a little voice has been suggesting to me to hold an EFT drop in weekly circle on weight issues – perhaps with a little challenge to lose a stone before Christmas. I think this tapping routine would be a good starting point and I will of course direct people towards your blog and the Tapping Insiders Circle.

    Keep up the great work.
    Best wishes

  48. Suzy says:

    I started at a 9 – by the grace of God this is how I’ve been feeling for the last 22 years about food.
    Food is my joy and my medicine with no hang ups… thank goodness…
    I only wish other people could feel how I feel.

  49. mary Egan says:

    thannks to u and the uiverse for sending me what I needed love n light xx

  50. Eileen Gold says:

    That was absolutely great!
    Just what I needed.
    I choose to relax around food
    Chop Chop

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