Pain Relief

I Was Stunned And So Was the Audience… (Tapping for Seizures)

Written by: Nick Ortner

Whenever I speak publicly and demonstrate EFT Tapping with a live audience, I usually start by showing how to use Tapping for pain relief – not only because there’s always (unfortunately) people in pain in the audience, but also because it’s so concrete.

You KNOW when you’re in pain and you KNOW when it’s gone!

I also demonstrate with pain relief because what I’ve seen in the last decade as it relates to relieving pain is simply extraordinary.

30 years of chronic back pain… fibromyalgia… a fractured L1 with titanium rods and screws… 11 years of chronic migraines… and much more, have all been cleared completely and permanently (to never return), using Tapping.

Tapping for SeizuresI know that in the 20-30 minutes I usually have to demonstrate the technique, we’re likely to get some great results. And that’s exactly what happened in Sydney in front of 1,500 people.

I brought up three courageous women, we tapped together on the physical pain, exploring emotional connections, exploring feelings of self-worth and deservingness, and the results were, as always, extraordinary.

For all three women, the pain shifted dramatically. (In fact, I heard from one of them the next morning that she hadn’t needed any pain relieving medication that day, for the first time in years…)

So I was happy with the outcome, the audience was excited about the shifts they had witnessed and experienced themselves, and I was getting ready to close up the presentation.

I had about ten minutes left before my time was up, so I figured I’d spend that time hearing from people in the audience as to what results they had experienced as they tapped along with the women on stage.

Tapping for Seizures?

One lady stood up and started speaking, “I’m here with my friend Stephanie (Stephanie then stood up), who is 21 years old and has been suffering from seizures the past several months. One of the side effects of the seizures is that something happens to her vocal cords and she can’t speak. So can you tap with her to help her speak?”

I was, to put it mildly, a little overwhelmed by the request! I was thinking to myself, “There are ten minutes left in the presentation and you want to see if Tapping can help your friend speak??? Yes, I’ve seen extraordinary things happen with EFT, but this seems a little crazy!”

But something inside told me to give this a shot, so I asked the audience if they were willing to stay into lunch a little longer if we didn’t get it done in 10 minutes and when they agreed, I said, “Let’s go for it!”

Stephanie comes up on stage with her two friends joining her for moral support, and they sit on the couch together.

In order to get some idea as to where to go with this, I ask Stephanie a few questions, and she writes down the answer on a piece of paper. When I say she couldn’t speak, I mean, not a single sound. It’s not like she whispered or had a sore throat when she went to vocalize words, nothing happened.

So we began tapping, with me using my intuition to come up with the phrasing for Stephanie, and with Stephanie, since she couldn’t vocalize, thinking the words in her head.

(I often get asked, “Can you do the tapping in your mind, and not vocalize the words?” I think this result definitively answers that question, as you’ll see in a minute!)

After several rounds of tapping, I asked her a question and she, to the delight of the audience and myself, squeaked out a “No”. I couldn’t believe it! She spoke a word! Her friends were stunned, she was stunned, 1,500 were stunned and we were all excited for more!

We continued doing several more tapping rounds and when I checked back in with her again, she SPOKE! And not just a word or two, full sentences as if nothing had ever happened.

Now we were all REALLY stunned. I asked her what happened, to tell us more about what was going on and she said that last time she had had a seizure and hadn’t been able to speak, it had taken her weeks to regain her voice.

Now, in a matter of minutes, it was back. She described how she could feel the muscles in her throat and neck relaxing completely, and thus she was able to speak.

You must watch the entire video segment below. It’s amazing!

She was delighted with the results, her friends were in shock, and the audience gave her a rousing round of applause!

Stephanie came up and gave me a hug later on at the book signing, and shared her enthusiasm to continue using Tapping, not just for any potential problems with her voice, but to see if she could use it to stop the seizures and heal whatever was going on there.

My response to her… “Based on what I saw today, anything is possible!”

Thank you, Stephanie, for your courage (and to everyone else who came on stage). Thank you Australia for your welcoming embrace and thank you to Tapping for being such a miraculous tool!

If you’d like to experience your own healing with Tapping, you must try The Tapping Solution App!

We have an ENTIRE category called “Heal Your Body”, with over 2 dozen (and growing) meditations, combining the power of Tapping with amazing affirmations from Louise Hay. The feedback has been incredible! Download the app here!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

How did you like the video? What seemingly huge obstacle or hurdle can you commit to clearing in your life? I’d love to read your comments below.

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