
Everything is Always Working Out for Me

Written by: Nick Ortner

Abraham Hicks QuoteOne of my greatest personal influences over the past decade has been the work of Jerry and Esther Hicks, through their “Abraham-Hicks” material.

I’ve seen a clear-cut correlation in my life: The more I listen to them, the happier I am, and the more “everything is always working out for me”.

Like any material, I go through stages of diving into it. Every time I focus back in, I say to myself, “Man, this works!” It’s also a fantastic supplement to Tapping because Tapping helps to release those negative emotions in order to achieve the positive vibration of being in your vortex that Abraham speaks about and encourages.

I challenge you to watch this short 13-minute video of their material and tell me you don’t feel amazing afterward! A special thanks to my dear friend Cheryl Richardson for pointing me to this video.

Watch it now and raise your happiness levels 837%. (scientifically proven… LOL!) When we decide that “everything is always working out for me,” our whole world changes.

How do you feel after watching this video? Please leave me your comments below!

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220 Comments on this post

  1. Linda says:

    I have been tapping for about 10 years and have been following Abraham’s work with joy for about 2 years. Why am I surprised that you both resonate so much with me – LOL. Clarity at its’ best!

  2. Rosemary finnegan says:

    Uplifting concise video. Live in the vortex of your mind and emotions. Bravo

  3. Sue Prince says:

    Thanks for sharing this Nick! I was very moved by the message! I began to cry at about the 6 minute mark and feel so very clear and comforted.

  4. Mehboob Lookmanjee says:

    Excellent ,uplifting,inspiring.Thank you.


  5. Norman Osborne says:

    Very inspiring and a great 13 minutes with Abraham!

  6. Diane Collins - Canada says:

    Awesome Video – I discovered Esther & Jerry Hicks thru my Psychic Teacher – she had Book there
    “Ask and It Is Given” – could not put book down – went right to book store to purchase and now it
    is my “Every Day Read” to start my day and end my evening ! Really needed this today – I found myself crying ? Think it touched my sentimental heart to the core ! Going to share with others for sure – so many thanks Nick to you and Jessica – you both are my daily inspiration – Love you both!
    May White Light and Purity always follow your footsteps ! Sincerely Diane

  7. T says:

    This is wonderful! Is there a way to download this

    • Nick Ortner says:

      We are so glad you enjoyed it. I’m sorry but it is not our video so we do not have a download to offer but we hope you will keep coming back to it again and again. 🙂

  8. Donna says:

    Thank you. I needed this! Nice way to start my day. It gives me goosebumps!
    After all the nonsense that has gone on it is the light at the end of the tunnel.
    How do I get more?

  9. ann cline says:


    I feel energized and hopeful. I am reminded that my Source never gives up on me.

    Thank you for sharing this.

  10. Olione says:

    So beautiful reminder of who we are, …thank you so much for helping remember and trust the only one source that we are! With love, in light ! 🙂 <3

  11. Karen T. says:

    I loved the message and the music. You’re right, I’m at least 837% happier (maybe even 838% 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. Tracy says:

    Thank you Nick!

  13. Helen Houliston says:

    I feel calmed, soothed-like when my Mum hugged me as a little girl.I felt all was tight in my world and everything would be o.k. and here i am back at that place of comfort, safety and love.thank you xx

  14. LeVoy says:

    The intensity left me exhausted. The message was lovely, but overwhelming.

  15. Jitka says:

    Thank you. I know, that this is working, however often I forgot this.

  16. Cynthia says:

    I found this extremely irritating and had to turn it off at 4 mins and then try again. For me, it is an example of the American Neptunian, Utopian ideal and not grounded in reality. My mother died when I was 3 years old. I am now 68. I do not trust the Source to keep its promises. I do have much to be grateful for but I don’t dismiss the struggles that my family has faced. My life experience has brought awareness for the overwhelming circumstances that others face all over the world. That includes our planet, Earth. It is very challenging to hold the problems of the world at a distance. I am not convinced that serving myself first and foremost is the right approach.
    Perhaps I would be more receptive to this video at another time. Currently, a family member is struggling for his life, having gone through 4 brain surgeries, 8 angiograms, pneumonia, blindness, heart irregularities & a tracheostomy. My brother is suffering from Parkinson’s Disease.
    The comments in this video seem trite and not at all reassuring. On a more positive note,
    I am looking forward to your 2017 Tapping Summit. That has been helpful in the past.
    Warm Regards, Cynthia in Canada

  17. Ingrid says:

    Wonder-filled & funtastic Lovely reminder Thank you

  18. Melody says:

    Wow that was powerful thnks , I tapped as I listened and was yawning so obviously was releasing negative energy , my head feels a lot lighter and clearer and I feel ready to get up and go , just woke up was feeling groogy and tired but now feel hopeful and light thnks .

  19. irene cumine says:

    What a lovely way to start the day!!! Thank you for sharing 11

  20. Grace Reynolds Victor says:

    Thanks! I got up this morning feeling emotionally weighty, since I am sorting out problematic issues with the estate my mother left for myself and siblings as well as other issues. I listened and watched the visual and I was reminded that I have to continue my charitable work and to expand my work with my published book. I feel energized as I was guided to bring my focus back to my purpose…..Beautiful, thank you!

  21. Marni Swinehart says:

    I have been a huge fan of Abraham-Hicks for years. It all started with the Ask and it is Given book that I have read at least 50 times, no kidding. I listen to their vibrational alignment CD’s in my car as well. It has been life changing for me! I have never seen this video. Thanks for sharing. Anything from Abraham-Hicks is truly priceless.

  22. Julie says:

    The video cleared stress from
    my mind. It made me feel appreciation for myself and my efforts .
    It made me feel free to move forward with out the burdened feeling that so often comes over me. Who knew… such a simple thing would be so helpful. Thank you Nick Ortner

  23. Maria says:

    I feel so good!

  24. Rick says:

    I love listening to Abraham-Hicks. Feels so inspiring. Thank you, Nick, for sharing it.

  25. Vivianne Bentley says:

    In appreciation of receiving this inspiration this morning. Thank you for sharing it with all of us!!

  26. Vickii says:

    Thanks Nick! Have followed Ester and Jerry for a while. Always wonderfully supported to hear Ester’s voice with Abraham’s messages. I also appreciate all you contribute to the world with EFT. It has changed my life and many others to whom I have taught the tapping protocol.

  27. Elisabeth says:

    Beautiful..thank you

  28. Claudia says:

    Nick agree with you 100% about this video! It has been my go to for a while now, No matter what your mood, this helps focus your day, coupled with tapping it is a very powerful combination!

  29. Elaine says:

    This is something to listen to when you feel really down but also to use in everyday thinking.

  30. Deb says:

    Nick, thank you for sharing the timeless energy healing of the Hicks’ with us. I automatically started tapping, and didn’t stop till the end. You have, through the Hicks & Tapping, grilled my spirit connect and ground. Blessings, Deb

  31. Camille says:

    Feel more relaxed and positive about my day. A wonderful message. Would like to listen to this in the throes of sadness and see how it would alter my mood. Gives me hope for each day. Stands beside me as I seek change. Thank you for this.

  32. Hema says:

    Thanks Nick for sharing this. Just what I needed.

  33. pat says:

    This is uplifting a feel good to start my day.I love it .Thank you

  34. Name (required) says:

    I tapped the whole time. I feel hopeful. I feel like my life has meaning and purpose.

  35. Nadia says:

    Words in this video are very encouraging. I feel like everyone has chance to change ,we just need to believe in our selves.

  36. Suzanne says:

    Very uplifting, positive and all true! Thank you for sharing it!

  37. Jocelyn says:

    I’ve been a student of Abraham for many, many years. I’ve been to lots of workshops and cruises. I’ve also recently started tapping and love your work very much. It works . Thanks for sharing . Namaste.

  38. Cecile says:

    Thanks Nick for sharing this inspiring video, I sure needed that, just knowing that “it is always working out for me” is very reassuring and uplifting. Thanks too for your work in the tapping solution.

  39. Amy says:

    Made me lighter

  40. Rachel Evans says:

    Such a beautiful, true and timeless message. An affirmation of all great wisdom teachings making their way into our hearts and minds. Let’s get together as humans letting all children know their worth, have full bellies and know their heart connection to their life. Unconditional Love, Peace and ease be with all of us.

  41. Anna says:

    It’s okay – help is on the way was extremely comforting to me.

  42. Heather says:

    Perfect timing and reminders with nice music.
    THANK YOU for sharing!!!!
    Greetings from Germany

  43. Rochelle says:

    Inspiring! It’s impossible not smile listening to that Thank you.

  44. Name (required)Michele says:

    It’s been a while since I’ve listened. Thank you Nick!

  45. Rosanne says:

    Positive affirmations do not work for me, Esther. I found I was unable to relax into the video and felt great resistance. I’ve suffered too much trauma and abuse, to be able to say “Everything is always working out for me.” I need to deal with past trauma and abuse, first, to be able to accept the message in this video further down the track of my life.

  46. Ellen Hutcherson says:

    I have been down a long time fighting diabetes. This has lifted me higher than I have been in a very long time. Thank you for sharing this with me. You don’t know how much you have helped me. Thank you again!

  47. Louise says:

    Thank you that was wonderful, I feel so loved and inspired

  48. Viv Fogel says:

    I so value your sharings Nick – this one of Esther’s really gets through vibrationally … I can breathe it in … and just when the saddened, sceptical part thought – what about all those lost and broken refugee kids, the children of wars, – then Abraham throws in an intention, a prayer for them … and I could breathe in hope again …

    Jus to add – that I’ve received your sharings – and Jessica’s – since 2009 – and it’s a joy to witness how you both have developed and grown – really beautiful. Thank you so much for all you’ve contributed to so many of us over the years.

    (UK Master EFT practitioner, Energy psychologist and psychotherapist.)

  49. Susan says:

    Fantastic! Sums up everything you could wish for. Can it be downloaded by any chance?

  50. Philo says:

    Thanks for sharing! I always love Esther her video’s…
    Lovely greetings from the Netherlands, Philo ♡

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