Pain Relief

Have You Ever Felt Like You Didn’t Fit In?

Written by: Nick Ortner

Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in? Or that you weren’t enough?

Maybe you felt rejected by your mother, father, or other family member, by friends or even by complete strangers, and felt the hurt of that deep inside?

If so, (and if not, I may be writing this post to a being from another planet!) I want to share an extremely moving and powerful video with you that was filmed during one of our Tapping Experience live events. In this video, you’ll get to watch and tap along as I work with Joanne on stage.

Joanne, like all of the other participants, came to get relief from physical pain. But as you’ll see in the video, whenever we tap on any issue, whether it be physical pain, weight, finances, relationships, or anything else, the core of the issues tend to go much deeper than just one topic.

Before you watch the video, I have two warnings for you:

#1 – This video is very moving, so have a tissue box ready. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house at the event during this, especially with what happens at the end. I won’t spoil what happens – you’ll want to see this for yourself.

#2 – I know that some people are offended by strong language. There is one point in the clip where both Joanne and I swear, not just for the sake of it, but with a very specific purpose as you’ll see. I just thought I would warn you so that you are prepared and not offended (and in case kids are in the room!). 🙂

Click on the video below to watch now. And after you watch, please leave your comments of support for Joanne and what insights you gained from watching this. She was extremely courageous for getting up on stage and sharing her story. I hope that her courage inspires you as well.

If you’d like some relief from pain (both physical and emotional) then I highly recommend you check out our Tapping Solution App!

With over 150 meditations to choose from across 15 different categories (and counting!), there’s something in there for everyone. 🙂

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Please leave your comments of support for Joanne and what insights you gained from watching this video below.

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271 Comments on this post

  1. Mike Spencer says:

    I was very moved by Joanne’s experience and feel that I too need some help in feeling utterly frustrated that in having MS my wife has gone to Canada for three weeks to enjoy some rest, with her brother John and Mary-Jane his wife.
    I love her completely but am totally frustrated with my MS as it has taken away from me my ability to walk properly to drive her around, to be a proper husband in so many ways.
    I feel that you could help me stir that passion I still have for her within me, and release me from that frustration. My utmost love for Chrissie will never fail albeit my problem of MS.

  2. Janvie says:

    Bravo…Joanne!!! You are courageous…
    Countless opportunities to heal…it takes asking for help, allowing the help and doing the work to the help…
    Thanks Nick for being a safe place for the ever present healing and loving to be remembered by the folks that are draw to this good works.

    Gratefully, Sharing the Same Sky…

  3. Pilar says:

    Joanne,I can totally relate to this issue and appreciate your courage to deal with it on stage and youtube! Amazing what you do, Nick.

  4. Nicolette Lacerda says:

    Nick you´re a competent compassionate man.
    A great Master.
    What a special Family the Ortner´s are.
    Your parents must be very proud of all of you and of the work you have chosen.

    I´m a EFT Practioner and I live in Brazil.
    Thank you for everything you are continously teaching me.
    Nicolette Lacerda Soares, São Paulo, Brasil

  5. Bedette says:


    Thank you SO much for sharing your story as I too am a middle child but of 10 children! I have NO memories of sitting on my mother’s lap while all my other brothers and sisters did (my perception anyway). My only memories are not good ones so thank you from the bottom of my heart for your courage. I still have issues but a lot of emotion is coming out when I tap along with you and Nick so this is VERY helpful.

  6. Katherine T Owen says:

    Truly beautiful and healing for all of us. Thank you Nick, Joanne, Alex and all the audience who helped to create a loving supportive place. I will return to watch this again. With Love, Katherine

  7. Lynn Woods says:

    The transformation was astonishing! Joanne went from looking like a tired, defeated, older woman to looking like a vital, fun, lady. I loved how Nick used her pinky toe to let her express her true feelings. And Nick was right on the money when he said that the father probably was not even aware of the way that Joanne felt. So many men do not realize that children need to SEE and HEAR the Love and Approval that the parent might be feeling. Bravo for Alex also for being so kind. To Joanne, YOU GO GIRL!! You DO have what it takes to be the bell of the ball!!

  8. Val says:

    Very, very powerful! Congratulations Joanne.
    I have always felt like the ugly duckling. Nothing I did ever seemed to be good enough. I had lots of issues. I could not admit that I had so much anger inside of me. I would always excuse people for what they did because of their upbringing . But I felt like I had to help them by keeping everything inside to the point that it affected my health as well. I have been going to counseling for years.

    I have your book. I have the Tapping solution tapes. It took me a while to get to the point Joanne diId on the show. Thank you Joanne for your powerful and courageous work in front of all those people. Thank you Nick and your family for all that you do. This is absolutely great!

  9. Paula says:

    Bless You Joanne..

  10. Barry Kemp says:

    Your courage in facing your issues so publicly has helped not only yourself but, I am sure, everyone who has watched this video.
    For me, as a practitioner of Amatsu holistic physical therapy, it has further confirmed to me that there are often deeper issues at the root of physical discomfort. In your own case, by having the strength to confront these issues you are well on the way to healing your physical manifestations of them.

    You’ve been very brave and broken through – keep going and enjoy where this freedom takes you!

    Much love. Many thanks.

  11. Elsie says:

    can relate – experienced rejection and put down as a child (was not intended to hurt me, but it most certainly scarred me for life)

  12. Shirley says:

    Nick I think you are terrific. Thir video was an eye opener for this lady. I purchased your book and I hope it helps me get rid of some Pain.

  13. Lourdes Henriques says:

    Dear Joanne,

    I would like to say the following “You ARE worth it!!!” and “You CAN and WILL do it” because we are all special and unique. I’m portuguese and I is EU. I learnt that EU stands for Especial (special in portuguese… not so diferent :)) e (and) Unica (Unique)
    I always thought I was NOT so special too and one day, in an anger fit, I asked my mom why she didn’t treat me the same way as my sisters and she said “It’s not that I love you less, it’s because you’re the strong one, you always get back on track with or without my help… the others need my guidance!!!” Sometimes we put this “I’m OK” mask on and we are mistaken for strong, while krumbling inside, …
    I hope you the best success to solving your issues and getting to Know and Love YOURSELF (EU)
    Best Regards

  14. Beth says:

    Brought a tear- for sure. I SO get it, Joanne. Always in another’s shadow, last to be picked, rejection/betrayal, misunderstood, soo many times, and has manifested in every way. But- ! My “other side” sings, performs, has a broken toe but is dying to be able to dance, let loose/really inspire instead of just getting through the songs without sucking,..and especially, embrace the thought of trusting my heart ever again! To connect more with passion than the toxic pains of the past. Your joy was so sweet & palpable, it reminded me to NOT give up/give in. Yay for you! 🙂

  15. Wordsworth says:

    Thank you SO much for sharing. I was (am) very moved by your story Joanne – and the obvious transformation. Your eyes said it all.

    Loved your way, gentle and loving, Nick and Alex. A big 10 to you,o))

    (I might.. have a few people in my life to tell FU.. you ,o)) )

    LOVE from DK

  16. Anne says:

    That was a beautiful exchange, and Alex, what an amazing gift! Bravo, you three!

  17. Kapil says:

    Thanks a lot,Nick and team for sharing this video.I also tapped for Joanne.I want to share this I have cried for than more 20 -25 times doing the tapping and forgiveness process still I have a lot to tap and release but I want tell that this is going to be life transforming tool.
    I feel gratefull for all your help and support.

  18. Jennifer says:

    Dear Joanne,
    You are so beautiful, you are so brave. These are not just words but they are profound truth.

    You allowed yourself to stop listening to your mind’s voice — which is just a computer that is meant to find what we think are answers. But I saw you listen to your Spirit’s voice…your Soul’s voice…and it spoke truth about your strength, your beauty, your health, your love, your vitality, your ability to forgive and understand…it spoke about your future.

    Do not allow your mind to speak without being asked….rather let it be the computer that serves you; only when you need it. Come from your Spirit voice which is your Soul’s voice and you will change and bless the world and change and bless yourself. When that little voice enters and wants you to doubt, push it down and go back to your beauty and your strength and your Tango. God brought you to that perfect place and perfect moment and into the arms of loving and compassionate people. Not just for you, but for all of God’s children . You gave us all a gift! Trust and shine and move away from any pain and into strength and the most amazing next chapter of your life. With love and gratitude for your trust…

  19. Beth says:

    I have similar pain issues. I congratulate Joanne for her courage and compassion for herself and the audience to share this experience. I have recently been to a healing service where they talked about knee and hip pain being related to bitterness and unforgiveness. My knee improved greatly after this service. I applaud Nick and his skills and compassionate, skillful service to us all.

  20. Pat says:

    When we were kids we used to play a staring game, and whoever could stare the longest at the other person without blinking was the winner. Facing your fears, facing the fact that you have been rejected, and the hurt that your body and soul harbour is like staring at the devil eye to eye. The best feeling is the desire to beat that devil and have him look away first. To know the feeling of triumph is the best feeling in the world. That’s when you know you can do anything!

  21. Cindy says:

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Joanne! Many of us carry hurt…. the courage you demonstrated and your willingness to face your pain (and share it with us) was heart warming and appreciated. Kudos! Thanks for sharing this session with us Tapping Solution….you do good work! Xo.

  22. Mena says:

    What an amazingly brave lady Joanne is. It’s hard to admit feelings sometimes, especially if they are about your parents. I wish her peace and happiness in the future.

  23. Jo says:

    Joanne faced her inner demon and even her face transformed! Well done Joanne, Nick and Alex!

  24. Margarida Leitão says:

    Thank you Joanne for your courage and example. We all have so much pain inside and to heal and you helped me to believe that this is possible! Please let me tell you that you are such a beautiful person. And please feel the big hug I would like to have given you. Never leave hope and let’s get free!!!
    With love

  25. Cindy Wright says:

    I cried; it was healing for me too. I’m so HAPPY for Joanne!!!!! She speaks well – its not a script…very wise words when she said and acknowledged that her beliefs on certain experiences; …’these shaped my life’…
    Wow, way to go Joanne! I am learning to Tap, it feels quite natural to me, before tapping I’d experienced Emotion Code work with a practitioner in training. As a therapist, she LOVES Tapping. She did her session with me because I had an incredible mess on my face and neck. Immediately, it began to recede. Here’s the cool part: then I listened too Nick in my Year Of Miracles class and discovered to my amazement that each of my ‘break out’, the contact dermatitis was located at each of the tapping points on the face!!! I count my neck as the collar bone tapping points but nothing under the arm. Still, what a great confirmation and synchronicity, to be shown these points…hope this sharing makes sense!
    With great love and Joy, Cindy

  26. Neeraja Phatak says:

    Nick, you are the kindest person I’ve ever seen!! Neeraja from India

  27. marycremin says:

    Joanne you are a very brave and wonderful person, opening up the way you did about issues that made you feel so unhappy. I cried and felt your pain.
    Nick I have great admiration for you, for the beautiful way you delt with the situation and the wonderful dance to end a very moving experience. Thank you both. Good luck and blessings on you and your fabulous work Nick. Mary C, Ireland

  28. Mollie says:

    Nick you sooooo rock!

  29. Yvonne says:

    Thank you Joanne, Nick and Alex for sharing your experience, it is powerful and moving. I am deeply touched. I tapped along with you, Joanne, and Nick, and cried along the way… What you shared is more helpful to me than I can express in words. I am sending virtual hugs, with appreciation and love, Yvonne

  30. Liz says:

    WOW. Great advice on bringing the tissue box. I cried ALOT during this video clip.

    Joanne, you were so incredibly brave. And most definitely not alone in how you felt. Your bravery and willingness to be vulnerable helped me to be honest with myself today on a similar issue I had with my father around something he said about my weight.

    I know it wasn’t easy for you but you paved the way for the rest of us to heal. You are an Angel 🙂 THANK YOU.

    And to Nick and Alex, how incredibly kind and compassionate.

  31. Susan says:

    Joanne I applaud your courage for walking through what appeared to be such deeply held emotion in the form of anger. I understand not being able or “allowed” to show anger. I had a similar mother and father. I’d love to see an update on how things have changed in your life after this experience.

    This unearthed a myriad of feelings that I have either stuffed or have compartmentalized in my life that needed to come up to heal. Wow, I was also surprised at how many other thought’s flooded through my mind of experiences of people whom I held some anger towards that I thought I had forgiven but I felt the feelings of anger so strong. I too wasn’t allowed to show anger and have always been afraid to express my anger.

    Thank you so much Nick and your family for bringing The Tapping Solution to us to use as a tool to heal.

    Also, I would be very interested in learning this technique to help others to heal to. Do you have a program that can teach me to be a Tapping Therapist?

    Thank you!!!!

    Om shanti,


  32. bojo says:

    Why did Nick quit tapping the outside edge of the hand?

  33. Jennifer Miller says:

    Joanne, you are a gutsy, brave and beautiful woman. Your issue(s) are a little like my own and watching/listening to you tap on them was powerfully moving for me. I guess we are about the same age. and you reminded me that its never too late. Thank you for taking the risk. Thank you for swearing. Thank you for dancing so magnificently. I can see you getting out there and enjoying tango-ing through life right now.

  34. Janet Pauly says:

    I have had a similar theme in my life, only my dad passed away when I was 8 years old. (I’m 50 now.) Through tapping I’ve discovered that I’ve been angry with him ever since – that little girl in me still feels that if he loved me enough, if I were good enough, he would have found a way to beat the cancer. Irrational, I know. With tapping I’m finally getting over it – and this REALLY helped!! Thank you for having the courage to do this! And thank you Nick (and Alex and Jessica) for helping to bring tapping to so many more people!!

  35. Samantha McPhee says:

    That dance was just amazing. I cried for her and myself, who hasn’t felt the pain of rejection at some time or another. It was just beautiful. Thank you Nick, Alex and Joanne.

  36. Barb Sparhawk says:

    Thank you so much Nick and Joanne, from the bottom of my heart! Joanne that was deeply and profoundly inspiring! I know you will feel better and you helped so many others as well!

  37. Hermine says:

    Thank you. Joanne, for your courage and openness to share and model this deep experience for so many of us. So powerful. Thank you, Nick and Alex for all the great work you are doing. Many blessings from Austria

  38. Gina Hurley says:

    Joanne, I was so moved by your tapping experience. What you did was incredibly brave and you should feel really proud of yourself. It can be really scary to express those deep seated emotions and YOU DID IT! Well done. Sending you lots of love.

  39. Yvonne says:

    Thank you for sharing such a powerful and moving video.

  40. June says:

    Wonderful – Joanne, you were very courageous and wouldn`t it be a wonderful world if all men were as compassionate and caring as Nick and Alex.

  41. Norma Jean May says:

    What a wonderful and compassionate story! All the Ortner siblings radiate love and compassion. Joanne, you Go Girl!! You are deserving and worth all the goodness the world has to offer. Keep tapping and enjoying your new life. Much love to all! nj

  42. Eros says:

    Oh guys, thank you for such great session. I’m really happy for Joanne. I was crying while tapping with her. Not an usual thing to have tears in my eyes. Thank you. Thank you so much. I hope one day I’ll be able to make it to one of these meetings.

  43. Pamela Berta says:

    You are so brave and so worthy of everything you wish to have in life. I have an adult daughter with developmental disabilities, whose father, though he loves and cares about her, participates very little in her life. This is a great source of pain for her, and she has felt it is her fault, which, of course, it is not, and she is very frustrated because she cannot do anything about it. I have only barely begun to tap with her. You have encouraged me to continue and have it be more present so she can attain some peace.
    Thank you so much.

  44. els says:

    Thank you sooo much. This made me cry.
    Iwasable to choose to open my heart, first for myself!!!!

    Blessings and love and thanks for the work you do.

  45. Nicole says:

    Way to go! You were extremely brave. You should be proud of yourself for taking the first steps towards healing!! Things will get easier now!

  46. Veronica says:

    Oh, Joanne, your courage of going up on stage is inspiring to me. It would so scare me to do it. Then I started tapping with you and I had a similar experience but with my mom, so all I did was change Dad to Mom and… oh what an experience it has been. So great! Nick is so awesome and seeing you dance with Alex was breathtaking! I loved that! They are a great team and you did awesome.
    With lots of love to you Joanne and this journey you’re in.
    Love you Nick and Alex, that was so nice of you!
    Thank you for sharing this video with me. I really, really appreciate it! It made a difference.
    I choose to.. I choose me now.
    Thank you!

  47. Nancy Lundy says:

    That was amazing…It’s funny, when I first read your email about get my tissues ready, I though nah, I won’t need them…WRONG! You got me right from the beginning…

    What a gift the lovely woman received….

    Thank you.

  48. Máire says:

    How brave are you Joanne – an inspiration to me.

    I realise now just how powerful it is to have the suppport of a community all tapping. Allowing a really small part of me to feel/speak seems so simple though not easy.

  49. sharon says:

    This was amazing, I just replaced dad. with mom, and WOW, I am new to tapping but I
    am trying to remember to tap on the emotions when they happen when a all possible. Thank you
    so much for the information I receive. Layer by layer it does work. Love and light Always.

  50. E says:

    Hi Joanne well done _ I have tapped along on many childhood experiences since watching this – tapping along with you over my own time and time again. So many things came up for me which play out later in my life only more serious it seems this is where it began (many seem worse than this I look forward now to having my energy back for one thing and maybe now I am cherished and my little sister too – I can see maybe thats her way of dealing with what happened)

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