
What If… Everything Works Out?

Written by: Nick Ortner

Have you ever noticed that our brains really like to consider “what ifs”? Unfortunately for us, our brains tend to mainly focus on negative what ifs.

  • What if… it all goes wrong?
  • What if… I fail?
  • What if… I make the wrong decision?
  • What if… it doesn’t work out?
  • What if… the worst happens?

I don’t know about you, but these kinds of “what if” questions rarely lead me anywhere good. They fuel my anxiety, heighten my stress, and allow fear to get in my way.

So today, I want to invite us to turn the tables on the “what ifs” in our lives. I want us to take a new approach and completely transform the question. 

Let’s have the courage to ask ourselves questions like:

  • What if… it all went right?
  • What if… everything works out?
  • What if… things go in my favor?
  • What if… I succeed?
  • What if… I learn and grow from this?
  • What if… things turn out even better than I could imagine?
  • What if… there is boundless joy ahead of me?
  • What if… I experience unexpected surprises?
  • What if… there is so much beauty that has yet to unfold?

I wonder what you might be noticing as you let those words run through you, and as you take in these positive possibilities. Just notice how good it feels to consider these hopeful, positive, and inspiring “what ifs.”

Now, this kind of thinking can become a daily practice. We can learn to ask ourselves these kinds of positive questions, instead of the doubt-filled, negative “what ifs” that so often automatically populate our thoughts. 

And when we start to practice this kind of thinking daily, it doesn’t take long before we start to notice the difference in our lives overall.

I’ll leave you with one final positive “what if” for today:

What if… today is going to be a really great day?

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S.  This reminds me of this sweet little poem by the poet Erin Hanson that I often hear quoted. Are you familiar with it? 


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