
This Video is THAT good…

Written by: Nick Ortner

I’ve seen this video at least ten times in the last couple of years.  You probably have too…(and if you haven’t, you’re in for a real treat…)

I ran across it after not having seen it for a while, and it made me happy all over again.  It is moving, beautiful, revealing and more..

It reminds us of the depth of human possibility and that it’s never too late for our dreams to come true.  It reminds us of how easy it is to be judgmental and, while it’s cliché to say, how often we “judge a book by its cover.”

Watch it here:

Click Here to Watch this Video on YouTube
Until next time…Keep loving!

Nick Ortner

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147 Comments on this post

  1. Mary says:

    That video left me feeling so good, happy even. It didn’t matter that I’d seen it before. What a lift!!

  2. Kristin says:

    There is a dream shared by many of us, that heaven can be born on this Earth, that life here can be worth living…joyful, abundant, vital and healthy. That dream is being born in every present moment across the face of this beautiful planet. Experiences like Susan’s remind me that the time is now, the place is where I am, the who is each of us who dares to dream this dream.

  3. lorna smith says:

    i am stunned and speechless. Through my tears i recall, “never judge a book by its cover”. Nick, Thanks for sharing this marvelous video and for teaching and reinforcing lessons on many levels.

  4. Marie kemp says:

    So so inspiring.. Thank you Nick for sharing

  5. christine says:

    she is indeed a great talent and the chills up & down your spine attest to it………….
    i wondered if the world has continued to be kind to her as she strikes me as someone who is not used to the challenges that were in store for her………
    ………….she deserved kindness and i just wondered if she got it…….

  6. Susan Savion says:

    Thanks for posting this again. The tears are streaming and the thrill of hearing such a powerful voice in perfection is quite emotional. I hope she is doing okay. I haven’t heard much about her lately. From one Susan to another…

  7. Genie says:

    I love to watch this over and over. Gives me chills each time!

  8. annie says:

    thank you nick made my heart sing nothing but pure joy feel it through my whole body

  9. Stephanie says:

    That we all have something great inside of us – even though it may be hidden or obscured by how others see us (or more likely, how we see ourselves). That with courage and faith we can reveal that greatness and shine! And in so shining light up those around us.

  10. Sara Waters says:

    I love this video and have seen it so many times! And it gives me hope – I’m 47 and am finally starting my singing career 😉 Later is definitely better than never!

  11. bonheursdesophie says:

    moving to tears ♥♥♥
    thank you so much for sharing

  12. Lorna says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this. It has been a long time since we have seen her extroadinary performance. It made me cry because I can relate to what people’s first impression of you might be buy judging the outside and not getting to know who you really are.

  13. Jane says:

    I have watched this video so many times and each time I end up sobbing, which is vry unlike me. I think it is so wonderful that Susan Boyle had the courage to go before that crowd and then to be so well recognized as time went on. She is a definite inspiration to those who will come after her.

  14. Trish says:

    God bless you & Jessica. I truly THANK YOU for sending me this-I’d NEVER seen it and there she was singing one of my favorite songs with such power,conviction,joy!!!
    Was it a moment or one of many it doesn’t matter for in that moment Susan LIVED the dream she dreamed! An example for ALL of us. And I sit here with tears in my eyes and joy in my heart! A utube I’ll revisit again & again.
    Onward to the “dream I dream”. Inspiring!

  15. Gene says:

    How many people go to their grave with their gifts still bound inside them, never shared with the world? So afraid of judgement and rejection and of giving someone a glimpse of their soul they dare not chance it?
    Not Susan Boyle.
    Marvelous inspiration.
    Time to go to open mike night!

  16. Dianne says:

    Thanks for the reminder. One never knows what one is capable of until we really try!

  17. Sandra Kettle says:

    BIG THANKS! I was inspired AGAIN by Susan’s performance. I’m so glad I took these few moments to lift my heart and shed tears or joy.

  18. Anne says:

    Makes me cry. Recognised and appreciated at last.

  19. Angela says:

    God bless your heart you showed this to me this particular day! I just need to say “thank you”

  20. Beverlee says:

    Well, well !One never knows
    You can not judge a book by its cover.
    Whoever came up with that saying sure is right alright when it comes to this extremely talented lady.
    Her voice just makes me shiver!!

  21. Alice Allenbrand says:

    Ten times?! I have watched more than 200 times especially when I feel “life has killed the dream I dream”. When I need a reminder that when I am rejected, offended, abused, etc, then I look at my real-life heroine and keep going forward; do not back away and become a victim, prove myself worthy….a victor.

  22. zola kobus says:

    Thank you Nick that was fantastic just at the time I needed it. I love music although I am not a singer, my wife is, I was so thrilled as soon as she staretd to sing. I will pass t on.

  23. Susana says:

    I have received news from the Tapping Solution for a long time. I never expected this one.
    I knew but it is always heart opening!!
    Thank for actualizing this one!

  24. Ana Kraljević says:

    watched the video many times. have been laughed of joy and cried of joy as well, for my life, the life i want, is starting at my (round) 50s too. God bless you Susan.

  25. Sarah Sullivan says:

    Thank you Nick for posting and sending that in the email!!!

    I just watched it and had a great cry and laugh! It really touched me and lifted my spirit! I teach at a community college and I am going to show it to all of my students, TODAY!

    Over 150 students here will see it! Thank you so much for being totally from the heart!
    Love, Sarah

  26. Terry NIcholetti says:

    I also was moved to tears (again) watching this video. I also felt sad when I realized for the first time that everyone was so surprised because of her appearance and age. They were quite prepared to mock her till she sang. Then I was prompted by an earlier comment about this story’s not having a happy ending to do a little research and I found this great article from the Guardian . So I guess for me, it’s something about realizing that my dreams need preparation and inner work – a foundation to support their coming true and lasting. PS I can’t wait to start Jessica’s classes!

  27. Sylviaa says:

    It’s all possible….

  28. Julia Volkova says:

    Thank you, Nick, so much! It made me cry. So beautiful! I have seen it before, but now it came back with more power. I always new that DREAMS COME TRUE and this video is a very good example for everybody! Im proud of people like Susan and happy for them! Its a good lesson how to be free and happy through soulful creation.
    with LOVE Julia

  29. Alakananda says:

    You CAN DO that when you have the WILL. Be brave and go out there and grab the opportunity. You have taught us a lesson in good staid Susan !!!! You are an inspiration

  30. Alakananda says:

    You CAN DO that when you have the WILL. Be brave and go out there and grab the opportunity. You have taught us a lesson in good staid Susan !!!! You have motivated many like me

  31. Ellen says:

    Thanks Nick, listening to Susan Boyle reminds me that we all have that hidden talent within us. We just have to take the opportunity, the moment to let it shine. It takes courage to let forth with a talent that’s been lying dormant for a part of our lives. Here’s where tapping comes in.

  32. Fran says:

    It brought tears to my eyes. SHe is a special soul. Waited ALL those years. God gave her a beautiful gift. I am so proud of you Susan Boyle!!!! God Bless you! oxoxo

  33. Sheer Ramjohn says:

    I think that Nick should be congratulated for just being that sort of person that I think he truly is. Sometimes you know a person of good thoughts by just what little he does. The depiction here of course is a conscious effort to let people realise what beauty there is inside our own uniqueness. If only we can learn to share happiness, we get happiness, little is required. Susan Boyle is living example, I wish someday I can meet her as well as Nick.

  34. sabrina says:

    normally wouldn’t have allowed for the time but felt it was an important enough reminder to not judge mine or any other life by it’s “cover”. Thanks …brought me to tears 🙂

  35. Stephanie says:

    Just another reminder that no matter who we are, it’s what we think we are that matters. (no one else’s judgement should phase us)

  36. Marlyn August says:

    what an inspiration! Thank you.

  37. mohanavalli says:

    .the song sang was marvelous soothing amazing enlivening motivating encouraging powerful indeed…..i SALUTE her graceful performance.i respect her dreams lovely song THANKU SO MUCH

  38. Carrie says:

    I’m smiling ear to ear…..absolutely beautiful hearing it again….thanks NIck

  39. KYL says:

    But was there a happy ending? Not as far as I know. sorry to be a “kill joy”, but this is not the best inspiring story of a long lasting success. Would love to see one, though

  40. Trudy says:

    Like John I watched this video with tears in my eyes and a wonderful glow in my heart.

  41. judith says:

    Susan’s performance made me cry because her spirit was singing and connecting to
    everyone in the audience. Wonderful!!

  42. Gisèle Chalifoux says:

    That was the I’ve never seen…As far as Simon and the other juging that por woman…..and boom…I know it’s never to late….I steel cry every time I see this vidéo….finaly that women believed in herself…I’m so happy for her….thank’s to remind us that we don’t believe in our self enought…Have a wonderfull day Nick…….you do such a good job…..I appreciate the e mail you send me…. one day I will be at that women’s place…I will….

  43. Nicoleta says:

    Amazing…makes me cry! 🙂

  44. Kirk says:

    It humbles one to see that video. A wake up call to the Nth degree on being judgmental.

  45. John says:

    I always finish this video with tears in my eyes and a wonderful glow in my heart.

  46. Ruth says:

    It always moves me to tears too.

  47. Beth says:

    This video got me watching three of Susan, with tears streaming down my face. So powerful — the messages and her gifts. Thanks so much for the reminder.

  48. Lori-Ann says:

    Thanks for sending this, Nick. Although like you, I have seen it before, it is just so touching and beautiful. It’s a classic! A great start to the day –

  49. Alane says:

    Thanks for reminding me that dreams do come true. I remember when this happened, made me feel so alive. I feel the same right now watching it years larer

  50. Nancy says:

    It brought tears. When Paul Potts sang years ago, it was the same thing. Unlikely turning into outstanding. I loved it.

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