
Tapping for Annoyance

Written by: Nick Ortner

Frustrated Man

As much as we all try to be loving, conscientious people, there’s no getting around a simple fact….sometimes people annoy us.  🙂

It could be someone at work, an intimate partner, someone on the news, etc.  Whoever it is,  it’s not their “fault” (though we often like to think it is!)

It’s usually our thing, our reaction to a certain situation, behavior, or action; but even when we accept responsibility for the way we are feeling, it can be hard to consciously shift away from those feelings.

That’s where tapping comes in!

Here’s a super simple exercise:

Pick that ONE annoying person who has recently annoyed you, for whatever reason, and let’s do some tapping on it.

Before you start tapping, rate your annoyance on a  0-10  scale, 10 being most annoyed. (if you’re not familiar with  the tapping process, click here to see a demonstration)

Starting with the karate chop point:

“Even though this person is really annoying me…I deeply and completely accept myself…”

“Even though I’ve been feeling so much frustration towards this person, I deeply and completely accept myself…”

“Even though this person is driving me a little crazy, I choose to release these feelings now…”

Eyebrow: These feelings of annoyance…

Side of Eye: They’re driving me crazy…

Under Eye: Part of me can’t stand this person…

Under Nose: Or what they do…

Under Mouth: It’s so annoying…

Collarbone: And it even makes me a little mad…

Under Arm: I don’t want to feel these feelings…

Top of Head: But I can’t seem to let them go.

Back to the eyebrow…

Eyebrow: If I let go of these feelings…

Side of Eye: Then I’m tolerating this behavior…

Under Eye: And I don’t want to do that!

Under Nose: I want them to stop!

Under Mouth: I want them to stop annoying me…

Collarbone:  This annoying behavior…

Under Arm: These annoying feelings…

Back to the top of the head with some positive phrases…

Top of Head: I wonder if I can let them go…

Eyebrow: I wonder if I can forgive this person…

Side of Eye: And release these feelings…

Under Eye: It’s time to let all this go…

Under Nose: It really doesn’t matter…

Under Mouth: And I’m losing out by feeling annoyed…

Collarbone: Releasing these feelings from my body….

Underarm: Letting them go now…

Top of Head: Letting them go now…

Take a deep breath….

Tune in to the feeling of annoyance again, on the 0-10 scale.  Where is it now?

What came up specifically for you as you tapped? Keep tapping, either using the same language or bringing in your own language, until you get the relief you desire.

It feels GOOD to let go of these feelings, to release the petty stuff that annoys us and sucks up our life energy.

Be aware of when you’re getting annoyed and do the tapping to release the feeling…

You’ll be glad you did.  🙂

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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101 Comments on this post

  1. Ginny says:

    Hi Nick, thank you for the annoying person tapping. It really helped with a situation I just experienced on vacation. Yes, she really put a damper on my vacation. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for chronic pain-from lyme disease and herniated discs. I have been working on physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual aspects. Any buzz words that you would like to suggest would be of great help. Thank you so much for all that you do. I hope one day to meet you in person. Love and light to you and your family!

  2. Ken says:

    I have to say this particular tapping exercise works wonders. I’ve used it multiple times and each and every time, the annoyance factor has been completely eliminated in one tapping session. My first experience with this exercise was through Margaret Lynch. She led us in an exercise by asking us if there was a celebrity that, for whatever reason, just annoyed us. Well, a few names popped into my head, but there was one in particular who just seemed to always bug me. We went through one tapping exercise similar to the wording in Nick’s post. It worked. That was over two years ago and this celebrity is still in the spotlight, but is completely neutral to me.

    Another example was with a couple relatives of mine who tend to preach and not listen. I would get so annoyed with them. One tapping session on each and no more annoyance. It’s amazing. I had wasted so much energy reacting emotionally to another person. They are just who they are. That doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion about this celebrity or my relatives, but now there’s no emotional charge that drains me. Definitely try this.

  3. Ellen says:

    I’ve been tapping since 2009 and I Tap everyday. Thank you for introducing me to the process. This is another step in letting go of someone who interfered maliciously in my life. I will continue to tap on him and the issue with me until it is clear. Unfortunately I cannot say at this time if it is clear as yet, There has been so much energy around it for so long. The good thing about this is that there it was on the screen for me to work on for today. I so welcome scripts and opportunities like this one because I view them as gifts from the universe. Thanks Nick.

  4. Noela says:

    Wow Thanks Nick how did u know that there was a person so bugging me & I have been tapping on it but 2 day is the first time I felt it shift. Thanks sooo much.

  5. Nina Kamwene says:

    Hi Nick,

    The annoying party is the GPO and what went down in Tampa convention. I realized that people will lie, cheat, shade the truth to win the presidency. I must release how I feel about this–horrible. I trust that the American people will choose their president from their head and not hate. As a naturalized American from Kenya, I found myself so sad about the divide in my adopted country. I now release it and know that the most benevolent outcome will occurr in November. I am now almost at a ZERO on this. Thank you Nick for all you give.

    Blessyour hearts, Nick, Jess and Alex.


    Fabulous Kamwene

  6. Meryl says:

    Nick… thank you sooooo much. I’ve been annoyed/put down/overshadowed by one person (sibling) all my life and it feels so good to feel free. I got it down from a 10 to a 4 and then a 1 in two rounds. Will do a few more just to completely get rid of these feelings completely. And then there is that other person… mmmm will do it on the feelings toward them too.:)

  7. Susan Cowan says:

    Thank you – a great help.

  8. Angela says:

    Thanks Nick. This was perfect timing for me. I’ve been ruminating about 1 person for about a month now; and just this week another one waltzed into my life! Time to Tap! And your script was great. Thanks so much.

  9. Martha says:

    I like seeing the sequence written out this way. I can control the pacing (as opposed to a video demonstration). Helpful issue to tap on for almost everyone, I think! Thank you.

  10. Lila VERONESE says:

    I enjoyed that Newsletter very much. I taped for a lady who makes me crazy each day in my ridingclub, for so many reasons! I came from 8-9 to 2-3 and ‘ll go on til 0. I am therapist and didn’t think to tap on that subject before your letter. Amazing! Thanks!

  11. Jim says:

    I love it. Part of my problems with eft seems to be finding the right or correct statements to use. Frankly at times I seem to confuse myself somewhat with some particular phrases and seem to get a bit lost. When you use specifics such as this, it’s masterful for me and seems to touch on specific problems and desires that I’ve had trouble dealing with at times. This is incredibly beneficial to me. You have my utmost respect and gratitude. You continuously seem to bring this to life.

  12. Angie Krejcarek says:

    This was fantastic! Thank you a million times over! I was having a heck of a time dealing with someone else’s garbage today. I was feeling extreme anxiety and it was annoying and frustrating and this was absolutely fitting for me today! Thank you! I love the work you and your company do, thank you, thank you, thank you!

  13. Ramona says:

    It is always interesting to me how you seem to know some of the things I am going through and come up with tapping to deal with those issues. I have just recently been going through a really hard time with a person who has some authority over my working situation. For 3 year I have been putting up with different situations. it finally peaked this week. So it was great to read this and do this because it works. All the feelings that I have had about this person upset my stomach and drive me crazy. But after doing this tapping I felt so calm and felt that all of the issues will be resolved. I don’t need to work on resolveing them by myself. They will work out with all the forces that be. I felt calm and accepting and like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Thanks. I need to use my tapping more. I need to use it when issues bother me. I need to remember that it is a tool available to me to use when I need it in whatevere stiuation occurs. Thank you for reminding me and thank you for laying it out for me so that I don’t have to focus and worry about what I am going to say. Yes, it helped a lot.

  14. Lauren Tripp says:

    Helped me a lot Nick… reminded me to tap and your tapping script was great.

  15. Bill says:

    Thanks. This came at a most opportune time. I had been on hold on an understaffed phone line for over 20 minutes with a party whose robo voice kept telling me how important my business is to them and how a customer service “Executive” would be with me shortly. What a great opportunity to tap myself from a grumpy victim into a smiling and laughing human being. I even had fun with the “Exeutive” which she surely needed by the time I got to her.

  16. Kris O says:

    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for the emails and examples on tapping. I am using them to not only help me but to also get back into practice since I am using this technique in my psychotherapy practice. I went to a training in 2005 and used it for a little while and then stopped. this particular one helped me in the moment and I adapted it to “this annoying situation” and it helped me release the stress I was feeling. Thanks!

  17. MARCIA says:

    Thanks Nick,
    Used it right away & it helped with a neighbor encounter from a few days ago & the loop running in my head. Feeling happier and planning a more productive day now!

  18. Sue says:

    Thank you Nick, your email came along at just the right moment. It is truly amazing how tapping works and how much calmer I feel after. Keep up the brillant work!

  19. Cyndee Noble says:

    Yes, this was a great email! Thanks so much. And you’re so right about it not really being about that person, rather our response to them. I have a neighbor that ignores me or she just isn’t nice. I don’t understand it. Her reaction to me pushes my buttons about not being seen or heard etc. I started at a 10, down to a 5. I’ll keep tapping. I don’t want to spend any more energy on her! Good stuff. Keep it coming! Cyndee

  20. Laura says:

    This time was really useful, I love the progression of “letting go ” you have used.
    Thank you!

  21. Chandravati Dayal says:

    Tks. a lot. Tapping brought down the annoyance number to zero for a person I was annoyed with.. Then I tried a variation of it on feelings of annoyance on myself as I was feeling upset with myself for giving way to losing my cool at anothers behavior—and it worked again.

  22. Nomi says:

    Nick I just loved this! I sometimes find it difficult to find the right words while I am tapping. I loved this complete sequence example. And yes, one particular person truly drives me up the wall and this person is a very close relative that I do want to keep in touch with. Dreading a phone call or a visit with this person isn’t healthy…Thank you for sending this, It’s so helpful for me.

  23. Susan says:

    It was such a perfect time. I was feeling very annoyed at myself for not working more diligently last month. I have great ability to extinguish my debt, however did not work the hours necessary to carry out this goal. I was frozen with anger and frustration. Now feel energized.

  24. Susan says:

    A very timely and welcome topic! First I realized how reluctant I was to let it go. I mean, shouldn’t he change??!! 🙂 But I let it go and I was actually laughing by the time I finished. Thanks Nick.

  25. Mugdha says:

    Hi Nick,

    Thanks a ton for this tapping script! It’s amazing how you post a tapping script for just the right thing EVERYTIME. Everytime I’m going through some kind of rough patch I don’t know how to work around, you step in. Can’t thank you enough!

  26. Kathi says:

    Thank you, Nick, for the reminders about our reactions to annoying things or people. This exercise comes at the perfect time for me to release those reactions! I really appreciate the work you do and share!

  27. Lisa says:

    Loved this Nick! Thanks for sending it! It was simple
    and I think the wording can be changed easily
    To apply different emotions & feelings & then shift
    To the positive result, that being letting it dissipate
    and just then sending out Love. Thanks for sharing!

  28. Kristel says:

    That was The Perfect mail, with The Perfect topic, with The perfect wording at The Perfect Time!
    Must be Divine Timing!
    Much Love and Gratitude!

  29. Chris says:

    This was perfect timing. Have someone I have wasted an entire weekend thinking about… This is great Thank you

  30. Donna says:

    Thanks for going through the tapping from beginning to end 🙂
    It really helps!

  31. Jetta cook says:

    Hi Nick:

    Just wanted to thank you for your recent email about annoying people. YES!!! This is the kind of stuff we need. It beautifully illustrates how we can use EFT in our daily lives and shows the steps and shift in thinking. I always wondered how to shift it over. Keep up the great work.

  32. Barbara says:

    Thanks for this quick fix. I have neglected tapping for a while because I allowed myself to get distracted but I’m glad I read your email. It was such a wonderful reminder of the immense relief I feel from tapping. I did the exercise just a few minutes ago and it not only helped with my feelings of irritation towards someone else but also with my own feelings of disappointment at something else. Thank you Nic for the reminder that came at just the right time. I am so grateful for all this.


  33. betsy says:

    Thank you. It came at a very appropriate time. I am having issues with a partner in my practice. awesome timing I must say!

  34. Peg Millett says:

    Hi Nick et al,
    Thanks for helping me to remember to tap on Everything! Focus seem to be pretty tough for me these days. Developing a new habit, even tougher. These little reminders are priceless.

  35. Nora says:

    Thank you very much, Nick! I have been using your recent tips and found them great. I feel better and better every day. Greetings from Mexico!

  36. Bette says:

    I find this tapping exercise on a specific topic very useful. I will be grateful for more on on topics such as anxiety, lack of focus, and the other common disorders that assail us in today’s living conditions. Thank you, thank you very much.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Perfect timing. Thank you very much for sending this!

  38. Mary says:

    It was perfect! I spent 2+ hours last night perseverating over someone getting more than me and not caring for my stuff as I would. It was so minor as to be laughable, but I couldn’t laugh. I know tapping, but in the midst of the crazies at 2 am, it never crossed my mind to tap on it. Thanks for the great reminder!

  39. Dave Green says:

    Hi Nick,

    I must say I loved the tapping script, however the person that annoys and frustrates me more than any other is me! Is there a way to adjust the script to address self confidence and limiting belief issues?


    I have sent your e mails on to a friend who is having a troubled time at present but she has not attempted tapping yet. I do keep telling her to try but she says she has no time. I assured her when she did start tapping she would not look back.

  40. Caroline says:

    l have been receiving your emails for awhile now and l haven’t taken any of it seriously infact it sounds like a load of rubbish…but then l thought how can l say that when l havnt even tried it. So just now l tried it even tho l felt a little foolish tapping away at various parts of my head. Wel what t heck l always claim to have an open mind so lm going to carryon and see if l can use tapping to loose weight.

  41. David says:

    Wonderful post. Incredible. Thank you.

  42. Anne says:

    I went through the sequence as prescribed for a certain person in my life. It was weird because initially I felt a spread of warmth through my body, which is good, but when I finished the sequence, I actually felt more anxious than before I started. I thought that maybe I should do the sequence again, then lo and behold, the anxiety disappated and now I feel lighter and much more calm. Have you heard of this kind of reaction before? Maybe I have held onto negativity so long, my body doesn’t want to give it up initially…it gets anxious at the prospect of being without it…I don’t know… Anyway, thanks for putting this in my face today…I needed it!

  43. Stacy says:

    Out of the norm for me today, this morning I was running a rotten “I am so annoyed” loop and was wondering how the heck to get out of it. So grateful for this script this morning – great timing! Thanks Nick!

  44. Gertie Ullström says:

    How can I practice this on my husband who has Parkinsons wich hurts him and he bends his back so his nose is halfway to the ground when he goes around.
    What will he say when he is taping? Can I do it for hem? He is 80 years old.

  45. Sue says:

    Thankyou. I really needed to be reminded to tap on this. I have been feeling stuck about 2 people who annoyed me recently. Just couldn’t seem to let it go. Couldn’t get motivated to do the tapping either. Seeing the script made it easy and got me started at last! So thank you thank you thank you!!!

  46. Penny says:

    Thanks for highlighting this issue. It’s definitely a scenario that affects me often. Tapping on it really helped!

  47. Cathlyn White Ortega says:

    This is one of the best yet. An abusive person “living rent free” in one’s head is a terrible and destructive thing. Your specifics in dealing with this are very healing. I like the fact that you include forgiveness towards the “annoying” person. Scripture tells us to “bless those who curse us.” Many of us may have wounded people in our lives who unload their anger, hurt and blame on children, relatives, spouses or co-workers who don’t deserve it. It is one thing to physically remove oneself from abuse, but another to clear one’s mind and spirit of the damage. This exercise truly can lead to emotional freedom from these kinds of issues. thank you, Nick, for a simple but powerful and potentially life-changing tool!

  48. oblio says:

    perfect timing. wish I had thought to tap through the-annoying-person replay in my head 12 hours ago. sleep would have been so much better!

  49. tammy says:

    THanks for that!! It helped me understand why other people are not bothered by this person . . . .it’s because they let those feelings go!! It helped me to understand that by letting go of my feelings of frustration, I am NOT endorsing another person’s annoying behavior.

  50. Vanessa says:

    That’s eerie that I received an email about this blog today. I just spent 3 days with my sister-in-law who drives me up the wall and she’s all I can think about today – sounds like fun right? I am definitely going to tap on this during my 1.5 hour commute home tonight. I’m so tired of this loop about her running in my head and spoiling my experience of life.

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