Tapping Playlists

Tapping Playlists for Every Mood

Written by: Nick Ortner

Not sure what to Tap on today? Want to explore the over 500 Tapping Meditations we’ve got in The Tapping Solution App?

Then today’s your lucky day! I’ve put together some awesome playlists for you. These curated lists of meditations can help you find specific Tapping meditations in The Tapping Solution App that will help you address whatever you might be dealing with right now. 

Here’s how to use this list: 

  1. Choose one of the topics in the list below that speaks to you right now. 
  2. Click on the statement, and you’ll jump to a short playlist of Tapping meditations titles that relate to the topic you’ve chosen.
  3. Choose a Tapping meditation (or several meditations) that you want to try today.
  4. Open The Tapping Solution App, type the title of the session into the search bar, and press play.
  5. Tap!
  6. Add the meditations to your Favorites if you like them, so they are always easy to find in the future.

Which statement resonates most with you today?

  1. I’m feeling sluggish and unmotivated.
  2. I’m feeling good and just want a pick-me-up to feel even better!
  3. I can’t stop overthinking and my mind is racing.
  4. I can’t sleep.
  5. I’m under the weather and not feeling well physically.
  6. I want to connect with an uplifting feeling.
  7. I am dealing with conflict in my relationships.
  8. I’ve got a decision to make and don’t know what to do.
  9. I’ve got a creative project on my agenda and want to feel inspired.
  10. I’m feeling social anxiety.
  11. I’m feeling down on myself and full of self-doubt.
  12. I want to practice gratitude.
  13. I’m feeling overworked and burned out.
  14. I’m anxious.
  15. I am struggling with my weight and body confidence.
  16. I’m bothered and just feeling “off.”
  17. I am gearing up for a workout or big game.
  18. I’m feeling stressed about my finances.
  19. I am going through a life change.
  20. I’m frustrated and angry about something.
  21. I am struggling with cravings and eating habits.
  22. I want to cultivate my confidence.
  23. I am afraid and fear is getting in the way.
  24. I am in pain or recovering from an injury.
  25. I want to help my kids.
  26. I’m navigating a challenging health issue.
  27. I want to just relax and chill out.

1. For when you’re feeling sluggish and unmotivated:

  • Instant Boost of Focus
  • Increase Motivation and Productivity Sleep Programming
  • Increase Self-Discipline Sleep Programming
  • Micro Boost of Focus 
  • Motivate Me to… Category (you can choose a specific topic that is relevant for you)
  • Productivity Boost ATM

2. For when you’re feeling good and just want a pick-me-up to feel even better:

  • Create a Great Day ATM
  • Cultivating Hope
  • Grow Younger ATM
  • Instant Boosts (Browse and pick any that speak to you! Try Instant Boost of Gratitude, Instant Boost of Hope, Instant Boost of Happiness, etc.)
  • Micro Boosts (Browse and pick any that speak to you! Try Micro Boost of Energy, Micro Boost of Joy, Micro Boost of Optimism, etc.)
  • Turn Your Day Around: Create a Great Day
  • Wake Up Happy Sleep Programming
  • 21 Day Gratitude Challenge

3. For when you can’t stop overthinking and your mind is racing:

  • Change Your Thinking Category
  • Help Me Stop Overthinking
  • Instant Boost of Patience
  • Micro Boost of Overthinking Relief
  • Micro Boost of Presence
  • Turn Your Day Around: Release Overwhelm

4. For when you can’t sleep:

  • Big Day Tomorrow Keeping You Up
  • Clearing Stress & Frustration About Insomnia
  • Deep Sleep Patterning
  • Fall Asleep Faster
  • Nervous Tension & Stress Release
  • Releasing a Bad Dream
  • Quiet My Racing Mind
  • Settle Your Body
  • Sleep Through the Night Sleep Programming
  • Wind Down ATM

5. For when you are under the weather and aren’t feeling well physically:

  • Gut Healing Sleep Programming
  • Increase Healing Sleep Programming
  • Instant Boost of Healing
  • Micro Boost of Healing
  • Release Colds & Flus Sleep Programming
  • Settle Your Stomach
  • Support Your Healing collection (these are sessions based on Louise Hay’s work that address the emotions and limiting beliefs tied to physical ailments)
  • Support Your Body Category (you can choose the specific symptom or ailment you are dealing with)

6. For when you want to connect with an uplifting feeling:

  • Create a Great Day ATM
  • Cultivating Hope
  • Increase My Optimism Sleep Programming
  • Instant Boost of Hope
  • Manifest Positive Change: an Affirmation and Visualization Journey ATM
  • Micro Boost of Happiness
  • Micro Boost of Optimism
  • Turn Your Day Around: Create a Great Day
  • Wake Up Happy Sleep Programming

7. For when you are dealing with conflict in your relationships:

  • A Stress-Free Family Gathering
  • Become More Lovingly Assertive Sleep Programming
  • Clearing Negative Energy Picked Up From Others
  • I’m Stressed About My Spouse
  • I’m Stressed About My Family
  • Intimate Relationship Support Collection
  • Micro Boost of Forgiveness
  • Pre-Important Discussion Micro Boost
  • Preparing for a Difficult Conversation at Work
  • Turn Your Day Around: Love, Peace, & Light
  • Releasing Hurt
  • Releasing Jealousy
  • Releasing Resentment

8. For when you’ve got a decision to make and don’t know what to do:

  • Get Answers to Your Problems Sleep Programming
  • Help Me Trust My Decisions
  • Micro Boost of Empowerment
  • Micro Boost of Inspiration
  • Motivate Me to Make a Decision

9. For when you’ve got a creative project on your agenda and want to feel inspired:

  • Instant Boost of Energy
  • Micro Boost of Inspiration
  • Micro Boost of Creativity
  • Motivate Me to Finish Something I Started
  • Motivate Me to Write
  • Pre-Creative Time Micro Boost
  • Releasing the Fear of Criticism
  • Turn Your Day Around: Quieting the Critical Voice

10. For when you’re feeling social anxiety:

  • Be Calm in Social Situations Sleep Programming
  • Instant Boost of Self-Love
  • Micro Boost of Courage
  • Pre-Meeting New People Micro Boost
  • Pre-Social Activity Micro Boos
  • Releasing the Fear of Criticism
  • Releasing the Pain of Rejection
  • Releasing That Critical Voice
  • You are Enough

11. For when you’re down on yourself and full of self-doubt:

  • I Am Enough Sleep Programming
  • Instant Boost of Courage
  • Instant Boost of Self-Love
  • Instant Boost of You Are Enough
  • Micro Boost of Self-Love
  • Micro Boost of Inner Strength
  • Releasing Self-Doubt
  • Releasing That Critical Voice
  • Turn Your Day Around: Quieting the Critical Voice
  • You Are Enough
  • 5-Day You Are Enough: Go Deeper Series

12. For when you want to practice gratitude:

  • Micro Boost of Gratitude
  • Instant Boost of Gratitude
  • 21-Day Gratitude Series
  • Evening: The Power of Peace & Connection (Tony Robbins)

13. For when you’re feeling overworked and burned out:

  • Burnout Recovery 
  • I’m Stressed About Work
  • Micro Boost of Energy
  • Micro Boost of Resilience
  • Turn Your Day Around: Morning Stress Reliever
  • Turn Your Day Around: Evening Stress Relief

14. For when you’re anxious:

  • From Fear and Worry to Peace
  • Help Me Stop Worrying
  • I’m Stressed About Uncertainty
  • It’s Going to Be Okay
  • Micro Boost of Worry Relief
  • Releasing Anxiety 
  • Turn Your Day Around: Feel Safe and Grounded in Your Body
  • Turn Your Day Around: Release General Anxiety
  • Turn Your Day Around: Tapping for Anxiety, Tap and Breathe
  • 5-Day Release Anxiety Challenge

15. For when you are struggling with your weight and body confidence:

  • Critical Self Talk (Weight Loss/Body Confidence)
  • I’m Stressed About My Weight
  • Limiting Belief Buster: I Never Stick to Anything
  • Limiting Belief Buster: I Have Bad Genes
  • Love and Accept Your Body (Weight Loss/Body Confidence)
  • Master Weight Loss Manifestor
  • Micro Boost of Self-Love
  • Releasing Weight Loss Anxiety
  • Weight Loss & Body Confidence ATM

16. For when you are bothered and just feeling “off”:

  • I Don’t Know What’s Bothering Me
  • It’s Going to Be Okay
  • Productivity Boost ATM
  • Releasing Grumpiness
  • Turn Your Day Around: Afternoon Reset
  • Turn Your Day Around: Change a Bad Day

17. For when you’re gearing up for a workout or a big game:

  • Flow Creator
  • Get Stronger Sleep Programming
  • Instant Boost of Focus
  • Micro Boost of Energy
  • Motivate Me to Exercise
  • Pre-Athletic Event Micro Boost
  • Pre-Game Micro Boost
  • Pre-Workout Micro Boost

18. For when you’re feeling stressed about your finances:

  • Clearing the Blocks to Manifesting
  • I’m Stressed About Money
  • I’m Stressed About My Taxes
  • Increase Abundance and Prosperity Sleep Programming
  • Micro Boost of Financial Stress Relief
  • Sleep Journey for Abundance
  • Stress & Anxiety About Finances

19. For when you are going through a life change:

  • Create Your Month Category
  • Help Me Stop Assuming the Worst
  • I’m Stressed About Change
  • I’m Stressed About Uncertainty
  • It’s Going to Be Okay
  • Manifest Positive Change: an Affirmation and Visualization Journey ATM
  • Motivate Me to Start Something New
  • Navigate Change with Ease Sleep Programming

20. For when you are frustrated and angry about something:

  • Help Me Stop Thinking About Something Someone Else Did/Said
  • Instant Boost of Patience
  • Instant Boost of Peace
  • Micro Boost of Forgiveness
  • Micro Boost of Peace
  • Releasing Anger
  • Turn Your Day Around: Change a Bad Day

21. For when you are struggling with cravings and eating habits:

  • Cravings Buster Collection
  • Getting Back On Track
  • Make Healthy Eating Choices Sleep Programing
  • Motivate Me To Eat Better
  • Pre-Meal Micro Boost

22. For when you want to cultivate your confidence:

  • Feel Confident at Work Sleep Programming
  • Increase Self-Confidence Sleep Programming
  • Instant Boost of Courage
  • Micro Boost of Courage
  • Micro Boost of Empowerment
  • Micro Boost of Inner Strength
  • Releasing Self-Doubt
  • Releasing That Critical Voice
  • Turn Your Day Around: Quieting the Critical Voice
  • You Are Enough
  • 5-Day Confidence Series

23. For when you are afraid and fear is getting in the way:

  • Fears and Phobias Collection (you can choose a specific topic that is relevant for you, like Fear of Flying or Fear of Driving)
  • From Fear and Worry to Peace
  • Instant Boost of Courage
  • Instant Boost of Safety
  • Increase Self-Confidence Sleep Programming
  • Limiting Belief Buster: “Fear of Failure”
  • Micro Boost of Inner Strength
  • Micro Boost of Empowerment
  • Releasing Fear
  • Tapping Into Courage

24. For when you are in pain or recovering from an injury:

  • Get Stronger Sleep Programming
  • Increase Your Mobility
  • Injury Recovery Boost
  • Pain Relief Category (you can choose a specific topic that is relevant for you)
  • Release General pain
  • Releasing Overwhelm and Frustration about Chronic Pain
  • 5-Day Pain Relief Series

25. For when you want to help your kids:

  • Calm for Kids
  • Calming the Body and Mind for Sleep (you can choose a specific age range in the app)
  • Creating a Great Day for Kids
  • Release Frustration with a Sibling (you can choose a specific age range in the app)
  • Stress Relief for Kids

26. For when you are navigating a challenging health issue:

  • Chronic Illness Support ATM
  • I’m Stressed About My Health
  • Settle Your Body
  • Support Your Body Category (you can choose a specific topic that is relevant for you)
  • Turn Your Day Around: Feel Safe & Grounded in Your Body

27. For when you want to just relax and chill out:

  • Instant Boost of Peace
  • Instant Boost of Gratitude
  • Micro Boost of Muscle Tension Relief
  • Micro Boost of Relaxation
  • Settle Your Body
  • Sleep Journey Collection
  • Tapping into Meditation Category
  • Turn Your Day Around: Afternoon Reset
  • Turn Your Day Around: Let Go & Allow
  • Turn Your Day Around: Feel Safe & Grounded in Your Body
  • Wind Down ATM 

What are your favorite Tapping meditations? Share with us in the comments below!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

What are your favorite Tapping meditations? Share with us in the comments below!

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