
Tapping Meditation for Financial Anxiety and Overwhelm

Written by: Nick Ortner

Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 9.09.35 PMI’d like to share with you an incredible tapping meditation from Jessica, that I WISH I could have had 5 years ago… when I was struggling with money, anxiety, and massive amounts of stress!

If you’re feeling any overwhelm, fear, anxiety, or just plain ‘ole stress around money, finances or your career, then you’re going to love this.

Press Play Below to Listen to Jessica’s “Tapping Meditation for Financial Anxiety and Overwhelm.”

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175 Comments on this post

  1. This is a very good tapping. Thank you for doing this :) says:

    I’m seeking employment so I’ll use this tapping to clear my old beliefs and be in a great job

  2. Elaine says:

    Financial issues have long been a stressful problem for me. After this tapping session, I felt lighter but the issue of what do I do next still causes anxiety. Knowing I am capable but not knowing in which direction to go or what that “next step” is makes me feel like I am reaching for something in a totally blacked out room. I fully believe money does not buy happiness but being able to meet financial obligations does relieve some of life’s stress.

  3. Duhaa says:

    I truly felt that I tapped into some feelings and emotions that I had been repressing. After listening I felt that this overwhelm is not something that I can not overcome. I resolve that I will be more conscious of my focus as it relates to my overwhelm and anxiety. Thanks for sharing and walking me through this on this day.

  4. Ramona C. Daily says:

    Namaste! I really needed that today. I related to many of the feelings. And I feel less of an overwhelm. I have a very awkward relationship with money that I came to know by tapping! Jessica & Nick, you are so helpful. I pray for you two and the Tapping Solution and how you make it available on the internet for free. This year I get a refund from IRS! First time in years. I am discerning how to use it wisely,

  5. fariba says:

    Thank you Jessica and Nick for all the wonderfull
    Things you do to help , I could never imagine to get
    this strong support from people that I did not even met them in person

  6. Liljana says:

    After listening the audio I learn something new. I really enjoyed Jessica’s calm relaxing voice and background music. For me financing are the last for stress, anxiety, and overwhelm . I exchanged the word “finances” with “be happy” “smile more often” .I am new in tapping. This is my first year and I experience and really enjoyed the previous themed tapping such as meditation, stress, anxiety depression, unhappiness, lack of energy, lack of motivation, clearing physical pain.


  7. Lyn says:

    Thank you Jessica and thank you for going slow enough to enable me to tap along with you. cheers Lyn

  8. Lesley says:

    Thank you so much Nick and Jessica. Your email came just at the right moment when I had been feeling extremely anxious and overwhelmed about my current financial situation surrounding my work situation. The first round of tapping brought tears to my eyes and helped release a great deal of emotion and tension that had been building over the past month. I will continue to tap using this meditation until I am completely calm and free of these negative feelings and emotions.
    Looking forward to hearing your story Nick. Many many thanks once again.

  9. marianne van halteren says:

    thank you Jessica,
    I often wonder how I can get by with just a pension now Iam too old to get a job. I would,nt want one anyway. What I really want is the feeling having money gives. The money itself are just numbers on my bankaccount. Starting the day in gratitude for all the blessing I do have, made such a huge difference in my life. I sometimes forget the infinite possibilities ofn the universe. Money and goods come to me in some ways I would never conceive. Your tapping miditation helps me to remember money comes from the inside. Even though it may look as if things are impossible. My only vice is impatience, I haver to learn to wait and trust. You have reminded me again today and every time I listen to your meditation.
    blessing to you and your lovely brother.

  10. Vazelle Tonza says:

    This was truly a GREAT experience & blessing for me. Thank you!

  11. Janine Schmidt says:

    Thank you 🙂

  12. ssejjengo simon peterr says:

    thanks for the meditation ,its awesome lets revolutionise the world

  13. Rebecca Cooper says:

    that was so just what I needed today!! I just got laid off from my job today – the stuff was up in my face… thank you Jessica!

  14. You have helped a few of my friends and myself thank you. For the help says:

    I thiank you for your assistance and your help. I have shared my learnings with others very grateful.

  15. John says:

    Thank you so much for this meditation! I really love what you do and i will keep tapping! God bless!

  16. Tonja says:

    Loved this tapping exercise. Felt something shift within and felt a calmness and hopefulness envelop my being. Great tool! I had just made a purchase online and even though I got a great deal, I felt tense worrying about my budget. This exercise was just what I needed! THANK YOU!

  17. Shirin Ahmed says:

    HI Jassica. This is Shiri from Australia. I have practiced your tapping meditation I liked this very much. I need to practice this again to improve my financial condition. Just today, I have faced
    a problem with my blocked drain, which I have got the bill of AUD $7, 000. Which is a bit too much for my sort of income.. So hope that the meditation on financial worry will pass & I will see light at the end of the tunnel. That’s me. Oh1 I liked your meditation on fiancé very much. Thank you. Shirin

  18. saad jooya says:

    I like this meditation too. It gives me more hope to believe my power for changing my life. Thanks to share. I keep tapping till I see the change!! ;))

  19. Iris says:

    I feel calm and peaceful after I was tappping with her. I love her voice so much. Thank you for sharing this.

  20. Jo says:

    Thank you!

  21. Linda says:

    Thank you. I am so grateful for this. I am always worried about money since my divorce. Nick and Jessica – you are wonderful!

  22. Bonnie Connelly says:

    Relaxed, I want to take a nap.

  23. salle warden says:

    Makes me calm! Thanks Jessica 🙂

  24. mandi skillen says:

    Thank you Jessica . . and Nick. . that was wonderful, so much came up, when I first started this today with Jessica I didn`t think I was’ overwhelmed’, I felt to myself that I was only mildly concerned as we began, and then as we went through it, things came up that showed I was wrong and I had just buried those emotions.
    Tapping has changed my life, only being doing it for two and half weeks but already seeing a change, thank you Mandi

  25. Mary Ellen says:

    I believe your genuine concern for those of us who are suffering from financial overwhelm now (and without enough financial means to get help) prompted your decision to freely share this information with us. I am also convinced that your generosity will demonstrate into great rewards for you and your organization. Ancient texts read “Cast your bread upon the waters, for you shall find it after many days”. This means to me that what we give to others will come back to us manyfold. Our predecessors wrote many parables related to the abundance that results from generosity.

  26. i feel encouraged and calm says:

    thank you! thank you! I am empowered by my new commitment to be open and actively address my feelings about money and finances.

  27. Beverley McKie says:

    I feel so calm after going through the tapping sequence with Jessica. Her sensitive words around financial anxiety & overwhelm felt so calming and so gentle, simply quelling the distressed feelings and emotions around this upset. thank you

  28. Linda Stewart says:

    Happy New Year, wohoo! There is hope for a brighter future I love tapping and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and sharing with the public so freely. Life is only speeding up more and more with each passing day. Can be overwhelming on its own. The fact you have regular reminders on f/b and emails is keeping me more on track than trying to remember on my own. Here’s another big THANK YOU Nick and Jessica. You both deserve the very best for this coming new year.
    Hugs with love and laughter

  29. Suzanne says:

    I still felt like I wanted to cry, probably more from relief! I have to do a couple more rounds but you guys have really perfected this EFT. I’ve been doing it just from a few videos I’ve seen and it really helps! I have quite a story about the past year or so using tapping for many things. I hope to share with you and your company what has literally been a lifesaving tool. Its decreased PTSD, OCD, Pain, stress and even helped me heal myself from Cancer. Thank you all for continuing to heal our hearts and the planet with this miracle tool. Grateful doesn’t even cover the extent of my appreciation.
    Best regards,
    Suzanne McKenzie, HHP, CNC, CCMH

  30. Vijaya Kini says:

    I am feeling better. confident of tomorrow. that I have the power. Thank you very much.

  31. María del Carmen Chávez Flores says:

    Leí el libro de Super tapping y estoy muy interesada en sus artículos y audios, pero desafortunadamente para mí, no hablo inglés por lo que no he podido aprovechar todo el material que ustedes gentilmente me proporcionan

  32. Mary Fernandez says:

    Thank you sooo much to Jessica and Nick.

    Since I heard your CD I’ve been tapping and I have no words to explain the Bliss I feel everyday
    even for a few minuts its just wonderful and the way I see my world. God Bless you.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


  33. Wonderful says:

    Tapping has changed my life I love it and do many everyday. I suffered from pain for so many years tapping has changed my life and made me pain free and for that I am so grateful. Nick and Jessica you are ANGLES and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  34. NG says:

    I’m new to tapping and finances are my sore subject. Just want to say a thousand thank yous. As I worked through this tapping session, I felt discomfort bubbling up but it didn’t have a face. Then I started to think of my parents (abusive background and eventually they abandoned me). I’ve believed I worked out that part of my life and had moved on. As I tapped I saw them and their neglect. Then I saw myself and how dedicated I am to my family. “I’m not them,” I heard myself say aloud. Then I realized my sense of worthlessness, my deep sense of having no value. I don’t know how this session shook that out of me but I cried cleansing tears and found a sense of valuing myself. It happened quickly and was powerful. Thank you so much. I’ll be working with this session more over the next few weeks!! You’re so kind to share such a beautiful resource.

  35. Kenneth R. says:

    I’m so glad I found out about Tapping. I use it anytime I feel anxious. It does work. I thank you

  36. Keith says:

    Euphoria Manifests at the conclusion of each tapping..
    I know something is happening on the S C Level,,
    wish I could put my finger on it.. The why and the
    how will probably always remain a mystery..

    The Ortner Experience is Paramount..

  37. Lois says:

    I feel wonderful !
    So very grateful to you for sharing this with all of us. All too often there is a price tag attached to information/healing of this nature.Which in turn leaves to many wonderful souls unable to experience and benefit from knowledge such as yours.
    Your knowledge kindness and generosity are very much appreciated!

    Thank you.


  38. susan says:

    it did make me feel calmer.

  39. Francesca says:

    Thanku & Gratitude
    Nick & Jessica

    For sharing
    This email arrived at the right moment in my life
    I’m going though Fear & Doubt about myself &
    my finances

    With much Gratitude & Light
    Francesca 🙂

  40. Jim Long says:

    “Thank you” doesn’t feel adequate to convey the gratitude I feel for all you are doing. Blessings to you and your vision.

  41. Rita says:

    Warm and loving thanks to Jessica and Nick for all their generous help. This came to me at just the right time, and it was very inspiring and really worked! I especially needed the reminder to keep in mind what I want rather than dwelling on what I don’t!

  42. Abi says:

    Real thank you & your family Your onset ,true until now I follw your tip. &uproar am
    It works and useful
    God blessing you
    One more thing I want to ask about exam.&study
    Thank you

  43. Carolyn says:

    So relaxing & reassuring! Thank you Jessica.

  44. Ade says:

    Thank you Jessica that was amazing and just what I needed, bless you 🙂

  45. Rhiannon says:

    Jessica’s script that she took us through was so calming. I felt a clearing of possibility open as I tapped along.

  46. Stephanie says:

    What an incredible meditation. I exchanged “my physical health ” for the word “finances” as that is my main concern right now. The meditation was very helpful to my sense of “yes I can heal my body ” as I dropped the judgements about where my health is right now and turned towards knowing I can take one step at a time towards healing and regaining vibrant health. Jessica’s voice is very soothing and her pace of moving through the tapping points adds to the tranquility and feelings of peace as the reminder of old thought forms are addressed and then gently float away and are replaced by positive , supportive thoughts .
    Thank you, Jessica! Listening to this meditation made a profound difference to the start of
    my day today as I take the next step towards physical well being.
    Bless you !
    Thank you for sharing this!

  47. Alison Rose Hughes says:

    Thank you- I feel Freeer!!!
    Really appreciated that video x x x

  48. Leticia says:

    Thank you Jessica, it felt good and liberating, God Bless You!

  49. Sonja says:

    Thank you for this fantastic and helpful meditation – I feel very good afterwards, uplifted, clear and calm – totally ready for the next step.

  50. sandy says:

    I felt calmer and had a feeling as if the weight was lifted off my shoulders, This was my first time experiencing tapping and it felt good.

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