
Tapping Meditation for Financial Anxiety and Overwhelm

Written by: Nick Ortner

Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 9.09.35 PMI’d like to share with you an incredible tapping meditation from Jessica, that I WISH I could have had 5 years ago… when I was struggling with money, anxiety, and massive amounts of stress!

If you’re feeling any overwhelm, fear, anxiety, or just plain ‘ole stress around money, finances or your career, then you’re going to love this.

Press Play Below to Listen to Jessica’s “Tapping Meditation for Financial Anxiety and Overwhelm.”

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175 Comments on this post

  1. Jan Church says:

    I feel lighter and more positive about my finances. Released from talons that held me back and ready to move ahead one day at a time!

  2. rugma says:

    That was beautiful , Jessica . Thank you both for the experiences .

  3. Deb Waites says:

    I adjusted this mediation to a different situation. I am more concerned with being in a loving relationship right now. Three and a half years ago, my mate of 35 years decided we needed to go on separate paths. His was with another woman. Mine was alone. I have done the hard work of the grieving process and growing from the experience and am ready to date. Except………dating at 57 years of age is a whole lot different than it was when I was in my teens! So, I took the statements of this mediation, made a few minor adjustments and now have a lot better feeling about dealing with this than I did this morning! I think I will write the statements down and reuse them when I need the reminders.
    Thanks for posting the meditation!

  4. Lesia Oliveira says:

    Thank you, very powerful I need very much for these meditation,

  5. Sue says:

    Wow Jessica, I cant express to you enough my gratitude for making available this tapping. I have always been embarrassed and ashamed that I had reached this point in my finances. I come from a family that is quite well off and I earn a good income. I don’t really know how I got here but I acknowledge with your assistance that a problem voiced is much easier to tackle. The lump in my throat is now gone. I can stop hiding behind my emotions, cut myself some slack and get on with it. Phew. Powerful stuff. I can see this practice will work in all areas of life. Thanks again.

  6. Debi says:

    Thank you Jessica. I listened to this meditation under extreme anxiety and feel much better.

  7. Terlan says:

    Thank you very much.

  8. Emma Shrubb. says:

    I feel so clear and calm after doing this. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. 🙂

  9. marchelle warren says:

    I really enjoyed it . It gave e such relief to know I can control the way I feel

  10. carmen serrano says:

    thank you , i feel very calm and clear after finish meditation .

  11. Janet says:

    Thank you very much for allowing me to become more powerful over my emotions.

  12. Denise says:

    I feel much lighter and clear. Hope is here!

  13. judy says:

    Great job, Jessica. Your voice is perfect for this topic…produces serenity. Music also is gentle andrelaxing. Thank you for this audio. JUDY

  14. Name (required)Jacqueline says:

    I felt much better and stronger after tapping with Jessica, and, perhaps, not so nervous about my financial situation.

  15. Alexis Eun says:

    I love this tapping and meditation and all~ Thank you so much~:)
    However would you please send me the script of this voice recording? Cause I’m a non-native engilsh speaker…So I would be better off with the script that I can check the parts I didn’t understand clearly listening to the recording..

  16. Georgia says:

    Feeling centered…thank you Jessica

  17. Mary Munoz, RN,CCN says:

    I need this CD for my Clients………so many talk about their financial limitations. I am a Clinical Nutritionist who works hard at helping people improve their health and some major challenges. They limit themselves because they talk about the cost instead of focusing on their health.

  18. Midge Noble says:

    Thank you so much. EXACTLY what I needed today!

  19. kIM says:


  20. Shirlee Twine says:

    As always… this video was awesome. I feel great and know in my heart that I can do whatever it takes to make my financial situation what I want it to be.

  21. Terry says:

    Thank you so much, I really needed this this morning. I do feel calmer now.

  22. Stan says:

    Because the present decision of a move to another city is not really a financial stress, I have substituted “travel”, “move”, “resettling”, etc. for financial. And it worked to give me a feeling of calm
    and the sense of my being in charge! Of course financial is also a part of this move, but not the main focus of the stress in my mind. Moving is always stressful, but at 82 I had allowed it to overwhelm me! No longer!!!

    Domastie, Stan Brown

  23. patty says:

    I do also absolutely love Jessica’s voice and always feel connected to it. Is this something that I should listen and tap to every day or should I be changing the words at the beginning? Please let me know and I am hopeful for my negative thoughts and stress and anxiety when it comes to money and life in general to start disappearing.

    Thank you Jessica! 🙂

  24. jeritza Lucas says:

    thank you for give me the op
    portunuity to listen to the vedeo.

  25. jeritza Lucas says:

    I feel good after playing this vedeo

  26. Vijaya Kini P says:

    Thank you very much.

  27. Vijaya Kini P says:

    I Thank you very much

  28. Cheryl says:

    I desperately needed this today!! THANK YOU!!!! Now I am back on track 🙂

  29. Andrea Glaad says:

    I Feel high!!!! And extremely calm…….. Thank you, so much!!!!!!

  30. Saliha (from ALGERIA) says:

    Thank you so much Jessica & Nick for this great audio meditation & tapping about money:that was just what I needed! I’ll be doing it again & again until success,then I’ll let you know!
    Thanks a million again for your generosity & help.

  31. Marilyn says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Namasté

  32. Celine says:

    Thank you very much Jessica!

  33. Cheryl says:

    Seriously I love you guys but the is life changing why the funeral music. I take your words and put them to up musk and the results are X Godzillion.

  34. June Maddock says:

    I loved it .I find Jessica ‘s voice so soothing and I love the guided tapping.You two give, for free, so much .It seems like a very greedy profession to me, some times, with all the programs out there to help yourself. They want you to listen and they will give you some thing, but really nothing of substance with out a lot of money. I have no problem with people making money but it seems excessive some times and it feeds on people at their lowest points , I think. I do not feel that way about you two.I appreciate your work and willingness to help. Thank you.

  35. Donna says:

    This was perfect for me today!

  36. Kay says:

    Thanks, I now feel relaxed and not stressed about money and very confident of success with my new projects.

  37. Amazing and empowering. says:

    Wonderful and empowering. Enjoyed every minute of it. You and nick are the best. Lee

  38. Jaime Samayoa says:

    Encouraging tapping.

  39. Kathryn St.Helier says:

    thank-you, that felt good, will do that every day. I also tapp with my mind movies.

  40. Darinka says:

    During tapping, I started to cry. I felt helples. Betwen the eyebrows, I felt presure and pain. At the end of the tapping I feel good. Thank you Jessica and Nick!

  41. Carmen lalonde says:

    It’s funny how when I open one of your emails it is where I am struggling and stuck is meditation was amazing I will continue to use it thx so much for your kind help

  42. Maryna says:

    Dear Nick and Jessica, I am now OVERWHELMED with the success I am achieving with this beautiful meditation! I am in real estate. After using this meditation regularly for two weeks, I am busy with my first sale in two years!!! Would you please be so kind as to put it on your website as a download? I really would appreciate it. I can then tap first thing in the morning without any disturbance…………. ???

    Your free info is really helping at lot. I thank you for it. My biggest wish is to buy your full program, as soon as I can afford it. So far, my biggest worry was a roof over my head and something to eat.

    Thank you kindly,


  43. JimBorini says:

    Another gift to us from y’all. I do financial tapping every day. I like the music, everything about it, typically wonderful choice of words, too.

  44. Debbie says:

    Thank you so much for this tapping session on money and finances it was very helpful and I will share his with several people. I feel so much lighter from doing this.

  45. Eduardo says:

    Amazing results, I work in sales with no salary. Did the tapping the other day and the very next day had a sale that gave me 2,000 usd comission in one day.

    I am going to implement this specific guided tapping from the Ortner brothers and I will keep posting my results

    Kuddos from cancun mexico to Jessica, Nick and their team

    Muchas Gracias !!!

  46. Angela says:

    That was a really good one – thank you Jessica!!

  47. ayla says:

    Thank you Jessica! That was exactly what I needed right now. And thank you both so much for dedication to help us. Love…

  48. Lizzeth says:

    Great, tapping and your instructions are beautiful, I am so happy to know them
    Thank you so much 🙂

  49. Julia says:

    That was great… Thank you
    I feel a ton better

  50. chantel says:

    hello NICK, like know my client loves tapping as move on very happy and in England share tapping helps other,s out so move on in life.
    I am so happy found your email.
    Now on leave one and two,on training pubic speaking on EFT, Also use tapping have dream job as a carer ,on training ,love tapping as help me be my truth self ,with tapping,love it really works .chantel

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