
Opening Up the Breath and Healing the Lungs Tap-Along

Written by: Nick Ortner

One of the symptoms of the Coronavirus is shortness of breath, but it’s not only those of us currently diagnosed who are having a hard time breathing.

For many of us, the fear, anxiety and overwhelm are tightening up our breath, weakening our immune systems, and making it harder for our bodies to heal.

Let’s remedy that together right now with this video tap-along.

Obviously, this is in no way a cure or treatment, and you should always consult your medical professionals, but if you have been diagnosed and told to stay at home, you’ll find this Tapping Meditation might just help you breathe a little easier.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

How do you feel after doing this tapping? Comment below!

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263 Comments on this post

  1. Alison says:

    Hi this is Alison from Hampshire
    England. Feeling anxious although well.
    Thank you ?

  2. Laura says:

    where is the tapping script?

  3. Linda says:

    Thank you! Your calm voice helped my sadness! ❤️ Ojai, CA

  4. Logie says:

    Thanks for sharing this Nick.
    I’ve followed you in the past.
    Very generous of you to help all those who are living in fear of the Corona virus.
    My friend in Canada sent this to me.
    I live in South Africa

  5. Patricia says:

    Thank you it has been helpful pat Perth western australia

  6. Jean says:

    It’s frustrating to receive an email offering a free
    tapping only to find that clicking on the highlighted
    words or arrow I’m taken to a page w/o the video…nada.
    Hope you all stay well

  7. Jeanette says:

    Thank you for this!

  8. Debbie Toronto Canada says:

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Feels so good to collectively send our healing energy to people who need it most. I am a caregiver and will be seeing my client tomorrow. I am full of apprehension due to the fact people may have covid -19 and not realize it. I am diligent with social distancing however; some people are not heeding this necessary precaution. Stay safe everyone. This to shall pass.

  9. C~ says:

    Woke up with cold symptoms. Stuffy nose. Scare immediately of course with what is going on. Listened to this, was at a 10 now a 3.
    Stopped sneezing and my stuffy nose has released a bit. Can breathe through both nostrils.

    Thank you. From Minnesota!

  10. Carol Bridge says:

    My emotion was overwhelm. At the first the number was 4 and it went to 2. I am from Montana..

  11. Anne paton says:

    Reminded me to be more outward looking and focus on those who are really suffering. Personally I am very concerned about how I going to manage financially if I can’t earn anypney because all my clients are social distancing, but I realise there will be lots of people in the same boat and it’s not as serious a problem as losing your life. I visualised every one’s lungs opening up and the virus dying. Hope just a little bit of my energy reached someone.

  12. Leann says:

    Thank You!

  13. Bijou says:

    Thank you.
    Sending the world healing breathe!!

    North Carolina loves you!!

  14. Brinda says:

    It felt good was relaxed n going to do it more. Thank you for all the blessings

  15. Margit says:

    Thank you Nick, you are doing a good Job especially today!

  16. Carol Bridge says:


  17. krystal says:

    Thank you so much! Always helps to tap with you!

  18. Deana Middleton says:

    Thank you from Plymouth UK I feel calmer and my breath is much deeper I will use this meditation again. sending love

  19. Brigitte says:

    I use tapping and the app since about a 1/2 year. Thank you. It is very helpful. Greetings from Vienna, Austria, Europe.

  20. Janet says:

    Thank you so much Nick and all of you at The Tapping Solution. This brought me from a 5 to a 9. I love that I can do it again and again anytime. Thank you.
    Sending lots love to you, your family and our whole world.
    Janet from Nevada

  21. Elisabeth says:

    Thank you❤️❤️❤️

  22. Name (required) says:

    Thank you❤️❤️❤️

  23. gayle says:

    Thank you. From 9 to 4. From Gayle in North East Harbour, Nova Scotia. Sad from the recent death of my love and life partner as well as the virus. So much going on. Thank you.

  24. Jeff Atkinson says:

    Truly helped. Have shared it with others
    Thank you for being a kind caring soul

  25. vickie says:

    Thank you from South Dakota. This tapping session was helpful for breath and feeling trapped.

  26. Narelle says:

    Thank you from Western Australia. I went from a 7 to a 4.

  27. Ila says:

    IN PA and doing well thank you
    Breathing well

  28. Frans says:

    Thank you to all the Ortners! Scared, sad and alone. South Africa

  29. Winifred says:

    Thank you

  30. Karen says:

    What a great idea sending healing to all, thank you so much, my lungs feel so much better!
    Could we also send love and healing to the Earth ?

  31. Joanna says:

    Powerful and amazing

  32. cllaire says:

    Thank you for sharing this way…helpful?

  33. Lee says:

    Tap to save the world …..
    Tap to save our us
    Tap to save our family
    Tap to save the health workers

  34. marja says:

    Thank you.

  35. Suzana says:

    Thank you Nick.
    I felt stuck in the middle of the chest. After the tapping it was gone. Just great!
    Suzana from Zürich

  36. Rich says:

    I love you and Jessica. Great messages,
    From the Colorado Mountains

  37. Cathy says:

    Milwaukee Wisconsin
    Moved from 7 to 4 with my breathing after one meditation ?

  38. Constance says:

    Love to everybody in the world ❤️❤️❤️ From the Netherlands…
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful tool ❤️
    Spread Tapping…. not the Virus

  39. Stacey Davis says:

    I am from Indianapolis Indiana and I feel so blessed to have run into this this morning. I had looked into tapping in the past but lost track. Today I was feeling frustrated about relationships as well as some of the anxiety everyone is feeling. I rated myself a 7 but after talking i rate myself a 4. I will continue this practice. Thanks for sharing with the world. Much needed.

  40. Ray Bencini says:

    Many thanks from Malta.

  41. Gayle says:

    Listened on Saturday morning 2/21/2020 – prayers to anyone who is suffering, who is fearful that our collective peace and healing will fill your heart and lungs. Tapping works – embrace all the tools at are disposal to bring greater love and peace to the world. Thank you Nick and crew for leading us to a better place mentally and physically.

  42. Robin says:

    Langhorne Pa
    Coming together and sending out those ripples of collective healing energy. Thank you for bringing us together in these times of change.

  43. Emma says:

    Fantastic, so helpful. Friend recovering from cancer so quite worried. Very inspiring .

  44. Cathy says:

    I have been ill with virus and other immune system complications since February 8, now lingering bronchitis. Your breathing help is so timely. I used the summit during my illness and CDs I purchased after the last summit. I am a mental health counselor who is converting to online only next week for as long as it takes. I hope I can teach some tapping to help them. Thank you again for keeping all of us in your thoughts.

  45. Sue from U.K says:

    Thank you for this free video. I have used tapping in the past and found it really helpful. I decided to join you today as a felt getting my lungs moving in this way could only help in the current situation. However, I had forgotten how calming tapping is and after the short tapping session I felt calmer than I had for weeks. I will definitely be tapping regularly.

  46. Kate says:

    In France, locked down but enjoying the sunshine. Thank you for this, Nick.

  47. No share button here...did add app! says:


  48. Patsy says:

    Tapping has found a place in my ❤️ heart. Thank you thank you thank you ?

  49. Maureen says:


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