
Lissa Rankin, M.D. PBS Special – A Must Watch!

Written by: Nick Ortner

If you’re a Downton Abbey fan, as my wife and I are, you’re probably waiting with bated breath for Season 4 (though neither of us were happy about the end of last season…haha!).

If you have kids, or have ever been a kid (anyone not raise their hand? 😉 ), you’ve likely been educated and entertained by Sesame Street.

All of this great programming and more comes to you through Public Television, and it is my incredible honor to be a part of a current fundraising special.

My dear friend Lissa Rankin, NY Times Bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine, invited me this past summer to be a part of her public television special, Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine.

The program aired on select Public Television stations in September and October, and it was an enormous hit, raising a TON of money for the stations that broadcast it, which means that many other stations will be airing it during the two weeks after Thanksgiving!

Just press play below to watch the short trailer:

Click Here to Watch This Video On YouTube

To catch this great program, you can check out the updated listings to find out where you can watch it on your local Public Television station:

And if your station isn’t on there, ask them to air the program and keep checking back, because more are being added every day. 🙂

I hope you enjoy the special and do whatever you can to support Public Broadcasting!

Until next time…

And hoping Season 4 of Downton Abbey is good…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. – Harvard psychiatrist Rick Leskowitz MD, a friend of The Tapping Solution, has produced a documentary film on group energies and sports which proves that the “intangibles” of team chemistry and fan energy are real.

Using the latest computer technology, he measures the crowd’s energy at the ballpark, and shows how positive emotions can spread to other people even in a laboratory and lift them into The Zone of peak performance.

Because the film focuses on the Boston Red Sox as the case example, it’s called “The Joy of Sox: Weird Science and the Power of Intention”.

(You know that as a Yankees fan I must really like what’s happening with this movie to share it with you! Lol!)

One of the film’s many highlights is a scene in which Red Sox starting catcher Jarred Saltalamacchia demonstrates how he uses EFT to improve his game. This is the first time a professional major sport athlete in America has spoken publicly about his use of EFT, and it was shown on the Public Broadcasting Station nationally.

You’ll see David Ortiz describe the power of heart energy, and watch leading researchers from Princeton and Stanford show how our minds can actually affect machines. Amazing stuff!

Watch the trailer and pick up a copy today!

(Ladies- this makes a great gift for the men in your life who wonder what you’re doing all the time!)


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