
Lissa Rankin Mind Over Medicine

Written by: Nick Ortner

Jessica recently sat down with NY Times best-selling author of “Mind Over Medicine,” Dr. Lissa Rankin, to talk about some revolutionary approaches to healing our bodies. In this short video conversation, you’ll learn:

– Why EFT Tapping works so well on a variety of “physical” issues.

– The vital importance of understanding the difference between our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (and how it could be making all the difference in your healing)

– The surprising fact about how your doctor’s beliefs affect YOU!

Join Jessica and Lissa in this candid video conversation:

(and make sure to watch until the end of the video for a few good laughs)

We want to hear from you! Do you believe that your emotions and your thoughts impact your health? Do you think that you have the power to heal yourself? Comment below!

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319 Comments on this post

  1. denise says:

    Very interesting…I hope Lissa’s mission grows and hits that 51%. I am an RN and for many years was “brain washed” into feeling that the healing was outside my body and the solution was in the traditional medical realm (i.e. in the Dr’s office and inside the magical pharmaceutical pill bottle). When I was training for my BSN our whole curriculum was based on the stress response; and that was back in the early 80’s. It still surprises me that it has taken so long for mind body medicine to start reaching “mainstream”. Tapping, meditating, deep breathing, and an accepting attitude should be part of a person’s education in family life, academic life, and career life. We all need that connection to our inner voice and that interplay within relationships, nature, and our higher power. I am proud to say I had introduced (when they were young) my now adult children into that mode of physical and emotional health, and I am proud to have a daughter who earns her living by helping women use that mind body connection with her body image and confidence coaching. We can change and improve the world one by one.

  2. Mary Ann Wayman says:

    I am so excited to hear from an actual doctor who believes like I do, that our bodies are our own business and that, in all reality, we are responsible for our health. I’m so sick of hearing co-workers talk about their illnesses as if they have no control over them. I wish everyone could hear this interview with Dr. Rankin. Bravo, Dr. Rankin! Thank you for contributing to the revolution of natural healing and spreading the knowledge that we are the masters of our health!

  3. Josie says:

    In my heart, I do believe that our minds can help heal our bodies. I have a problem beginning. I try to eat with good health in mind. I exercise but am not consistent. I attempted tapping but didn’t follow through. It all sounds sooo good but I am still trying to get on board. I haven’t given up and will continue to read, listen and observe until I am finally on board with the program. Then I will continue to read, listen and observe and most of all commit and practice with joy.

    Thanks for your inspiration,


  4. Josie says:

    In my heart, I do believe that our minds can help heal our bodies. I just don’t know how to begin. I try to eat with good health in mind. I exercise but am not consistent.
    I attempted tapping but didn’t follow through. It all sounds sooo good but I am still trying to get on board. I haven’t given up and will continue to read, listen and observe until I finally am with the program. Then I will continue to read, listen and observe and most of all commit and practice with joy.

    Thank you for the inspiration,

  5. Lynda says:

    Yes, I totally believe that our mind plays a big part in healing any ailments that may occur at a physical, mental, or emotional level in our body. I had the chance to experiment it a few times so far. I am extremely interested in reading this new book Mind over Medicine from Dr Rankin.

  6. Gwen Parker says:

    I absolutely believe that we can heal ourselves. In December I could barely walk because my left knee had such severe arthritis. I made the decision to completely change my life. I enrolled in a gym and began working out on the machines 4-5 times a week. I fine tuned my diet AND I refused to let my knee dictate my life and activities. Within 3 weeks, I had 90% improvement. For me, the confidence of feeling stronger and heathier and knowing that I DID in fact have control over my health and my life has really made a shift in me. I ALSO use tapping and am integrating it into my routines, being as importance as exercise.

  7. Anne Hamflett says:

    Of course Dr Rankin is right – how we feel and the amount of stress we carry makes a colossal difference, but we have to remember, changing doesn’t always happen overnight – miracles are still miracles when they happen slowly! Give it time and trust yourself! Oh and do your relaxation exercises!

  8. Dr Sanju Gambhir says:

    Every word told by the doctor plays a vital role in the healing process of the patient. Unfortunately, emotions overpower and rule logical thinking, hence even the slightest discomfort in the body builds up great anxiety and that makes people succumb to their worst fears related to their health. The human mind is more attracted to the negative and that gives the healing process a kick in the opposite unwanted direction.
    On the other hand, faith and belief play a vital role in the self healing process. But people need to permit and allow themselves to be open to the miraculous self healing process. A mind that is positive, open, permitting, happy and believes the impossible to be possible, achieves victory over the worst health conditions and restores its immune system despite the doctor’s fateful words. I have worked with patients of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders; Suicidal tendencies, Cancer, Arthritis, Heart Problems and observed that once they allowed themselves to believe in the miraculous healing powers of their body they overcame their problems and healed. Not only that, they chose to be in a state of gratitude and happiness and that helped them further. Yes, emotions do have a powerful impact on the entire healing process.

  9. Kathrina says:

    I am a tapping fanatic. You are ausome I like the video wish I could download it on mp3 to play it to my extended family to convince them that tapping WORKS. God bless you you are my hero!!!!!!

  10. Tiny Martin says:

    It is great to hear that so many people are on the same page. I am a firm believer that we can heal our own body. I have held this belief for all of my adult life and haven’t needed any medications ever. One can feel a bit isolated with these believes when the whole world is running to doctors, specialists and medication seem to be a part of most people. It is great to see that there is a shift in that mentality. I also use EFT on myself and pass it on to as many people as I can.
    Keep up the great work of spreading good news.
    Thank you

  11. NB says:

    I think maybe believing that you’ll be alright is the strongest medicine there is. I was diagnosed with MS 8 years ago, and the doctors made out like I was going to be constantly suffering. But I haven’t had a relapse since the beginning, and I believe that the way I was treating my body at the time (extremely poorly) initiated the whole thing.
    The best thing I was told when I was first diagnosed was someone who wasn’t a doctor telling me “you’re going to be fine.” I think that statement, and the confidence which I’ve carried these years, is the biggest reason for my current health.

  12. S. Hart says:

    I am a true believer in the power of our body/mind to heal. I’m looking forward to reading Lisa’s new book. It is wonderful that she is teaching physicians to use the patients’ own built-in healing mechanisms. But even better she is teaching them how their beliefs about healing affect the patient’s progress or hinder them completely.
    That is HUGE.

    Thank you Jessica and Lisa.

  13. Nadji Vogel says:

    100% agree with what you, we can heal our body using our mind.

    Thank you very much for writing your book.

    I am buying it now.

    Blessing for all you do.


  14. Debbie says:

    Thank you for the amazing interview, I read Bernie Segal’s book and can’t wait to read Lissa’s book. I feel energised and excited that there is someone like Lisa out there actually training doctors. I am Australian and hope that doctors here are hearing this and signing up to be trained too.

  15. Ingrid says:

    This is extremely exciting! I was a visiting nurse many years ago, and couldn’t
    believe the miriad of medications that were prescribed for the patients I visited.
    My husband and I (married for 55 years now) have always believed in “Mind over Matter”. We are both very healthy and active. this book is long overdue….Thank you!

  16. Kerry Gleeson says:

    Today I opened my emails &was greeted by Jessica’s Tapping message and the gentle, powerful Dr Lissa Rankin which I totally enjoyed- all the way. I also received a gift short film clip from David S. at “THE CURE IS U” and I must say it is a beautiful nudge from the universe to combine both today to address perfectly my thoughts and emotions of late. So now I start the day empowered; so thank you Nick and Jessica and may you enjoy the blessings in “The Cure Is U” too.

    In love and light,

  17. Ida Tropiano says:

    I absolutely believe that our emotions and beliefs affect the outcome of our physical healing. I’d go one step further to say, I believe that they also have the ability to hinder or help those close to us in healing.

    Yes, I believe that with faith and positive thinking and good support system, we have the ability to unleash healing in our bodies – the human body was created to heal itself and the empowerment given to patients by all health care providers not only doctors can have a monumental effect on the health outcome of their patients!

    This info actually came at a critical time! As a health coach and mom, I’ve been supporting my 26 year old daughter (for 10 years) in her attempt to heal from a condition (alopecia areata) that is caused by an autoimmune response. She has seen every type of holistic doctor, changing diet, taking supplements, etc. and even seen a few traditional doctors more recently, all without complete success.

    Her condition is now at it’s worst with 50% of her hair missing. The most frustrating part is that I’ve known that one of the biggest obstacles in healing was her inability to cope well with stress, but have been unable to persuade her. I’m now convinced that her “sympathetic nervous system switch” has been permanently turned on. I’m hopeful that through stress reducing techniques like tapping, breathing, yoga, prayer – that her para-sympathic nervous system switch will take precedence as it should.

    She is finally open to trying to incorporate these techniques. I’d love to hear from anyone else who has had positive results with tapping in reversing this condition or similar one that was plaguing them for long time! If Tapping is one of the answers, this will be a God-send. Thank you Dr. Lissa, Jessica and Nick!

  18. ken says:

    Jessica’s hot flash…She is so cute.
    I thank you again for learning even more things.
    I hope to someday be able to purchase one of your
    programs. Maybe I could tap to cure unemployment.
    I like all that you nice people do.
    Thank you all.
    I would love to win the book.
    Kingman Az.

  19. Jan says:

    Yes, I definitely believe I can heal myself. I have been living with a dx of multiple myeloma since January 2007. I have been through several different conventional treatments at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. Even though I have had these treatments, I do not let it affect my belief that I can heal my body. I have always come prepared and with questions about certain aspects of my treatment regime. I continue to explore all areas of healing and KNOW in my heart that healing is certainly a reality. My intention is to use my mind, body, emotions and spirit to bring my Being into complete and perfect health…no matter what has occurred in the past. I choose to remain in the now. I am ready to commit to tapping. I have been reading about it and have the initial script that I printed several years ago. Have also tapped inconsistently with a very good friend and kindred spirit. I plan on buying the book and am so grateful for Lisa’s investment in bringing a new breed of medical care into life! Thank you for your site!

  20. Chantal Roche says:

    I totally agree with Dr. Lissa Rankin and I am soo excited that She is committed to educating doctors and transforming the Medical system.!!..I myself have been healing my own body and have not seen a doctor for 25 years. Anytime I have an ache or pain I check my emotions and the book that has helped me to check my emotions is Louis Hay s book YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE. Now I use her affirmations to tap and check what area of my Life is not balanced and it works everytime! I am responsible for my THINKING, FEELINGS, EMOTIONS and HEALTH!!,

  21. Marilyn Chin says:

    I’ve been following Lissa Rankin for awhile, along with other innovative integrative physicians, because her message is so important. We need to change the healthcare system. It is not helping where it we really need it, and the healthcare professionals themselves are so sickly looking, morbidly obese and stressed. I’m also a part of the 51 percent.

  22. Susan White says:

    I absolutely believe our bodies know what they need to heal. As a Marriage & Family Therapist, I know the importance of relationships to our well being and after more than 25 years in practice, the power of connection between mind, body and spirit are very real to me. What we say to ourselves can make us physically ill as well as what we say to each other. The degree of interconnection that we are often not aware of is amazing and very powerful to heal us on all levels.

  23. Steff says:

    Yes, absolutely and Tapping is a huge beginning to healing the mind, body , spirit !!

  24. Janet . C says:

    Whole-heartily. I believe.. Mind power is the source of inspiration and intuition is a source of self belief. Healing yourself is the magic within you.

  25. Ulla Winberg says:

    I´ve been studying Ayurveda since 1992 and I truly believe that the body heals itself. We have to get back to the natural way of healing, through eating the right kind of food, through EFT (which I also use), through meditation etc, but mostly by listening to our body, this miracle that was given us.
    I´m looking forward to reading the book!

  26. Rosemarie Kimelman says:

    absolutely yes! words and thoughts have the power to create- good or bad.

    Our belief system is the building block of our lives. (Whehther the belief is true of not)

    Rosemarie Kimelman

  27. Nancy says:

    I absolutely believe in mind power! Fifty-five years ago my obstetrician hypnotized me for childbirth. That magical awakening started my search for how the mind affects the body, and began my years of teaching self-hypnosis to my students. Recently reiki and tapping and other “new” trends have tied in with it, but my personal experiences are my proof—for cancer and dentistry and cracked bones and much else—that mind power can be the best medicine of all! Bless my traditional doctor for telling me that my constant challenges to his ideas are a welcome way to learn from me! Open-minded, supportive doctors are another proof of the wonderful power of the mind. It can learn!

  28. Bianca says:

    I totally agree that our emotions and thoughts contribute to our health. I have experienced it in myself with certain thoughts I have and soon I have this physical aliment. For example, my lower back started hurting out of the blue and I couldn’t figure out why. Doctors said nothing was wrong with me so I looked into the metaphysical reasons finding out that I believed I was not able to support myself. Then I had to go through the process of changing that believe, which was not easy with all the self doubt I put on myself.
    I admire anyone who wants to help people with the emotional thoughts that contribute to health problems. Thank you so much for getting this information out there.

  29. Ellen Leonard says:

    My husband was seriously ill with colon cancer 5 years ago. He was given 5 years to live if he followed standard medical protocol of aggressive chemo/radiation treatments. He chose to quit a toxic job, change friends, volunteer, and stop giving the cancer power over his life. As a result of his attitude about himself and his pursuit of his passions, he has beat his life expectancy. Get the word out! Please!!

  30. Ginger says:

    Good video. Definitely agree. My own experiences and observations confirm this.

  31. Jayne Lowe says:

    Thank you so much for bringing this message to so many! I have been an intuitive healer for over 20 years, using several different and ever changing modalities. I have to say tapping is one of the most profound healing tools I have. I have been concerned that most of Western medicine is about illness, not about wellness.

    I am doing what I can, one client at a time, to change the way we look at healing ourselves. I have to say, one of my main goals with my healing practice is to put myself out of business with each client by either teaching them the tools they need to heal themselves, or to help them to heal enough that they won’t need me anymore! If only we could get the word out that this is not only possible, but that’s it’s what our bodies want to do!

    Thank you all so much for your amazing work! Thank you especially, Jessica and Nick for your dedication in getting the message to the world! Thank you Dr. Rankin for all you’re doing within the medical field. (and for keeping an open heart instead of getting a thicker one!)

    Together we can change the world!
    Much love,

  32. janie says:

    a few years ago i had a bad fall and tore both rotator cuffs, among other injuries.
    i then got a bulging disc in my back. i couldn’t even roll over or even adjust in
    bed!! being a positive thinker it finally dawned on me that i was moaning and telling everyone the litanies of my extensive pain – and at the same time my brain
    was hearing those same constant complaints!i stopped immediatly and with as much
    gusto as i could i started saying, “i feel fantastic! i feel really good!”. this
    became my constant mantra! within 3 DAYS i was so much better!! i kept it up and
    am just fine! mind you that i was in horrendous pain for a year and a half and
    told that i required surgery on shoulders!( i have no health insurance so that
    really wasn’t an option for me – thank goodness! of course our brains hear what
    we are telling them!!!

  33. Harcharan Sabherwal says:

    A good guide for coming genrations

  34. Ginka Karabelova says:

    Nick and Jessica, I am so grateful for your work and I am happy to know about Dr. Lisa Rankin and others like her.I not only believe that body can heal itself, I helped my body to give me a proof by changing my diet, watching my thoughts and feelings for a long time. Little by little body starts to uncover his ability to heal and transform. I agree that self awareness is the key.

  35. Denise Jackson says:

    Yes, I do believe we can heal ourselves!! Great video!!

  36. Misha Mikail says:

    I believe whole heartily that we can heal our bodies and that our emotions and mental states are a major contributing factor to the diseases that express themselves physically. I have used yoga and meditation to assist with healing myself and now I am experimenting with EFT.
    I loved this video and would absolutely love to receive a copy of this book so that I may delve deeper into this technique. I am unemployed at the moment and am experiencing a lot of stress issues with in my body. I feel this book will help me recapture some of the healing abilities I feel distant from at the moment.
    Thank you for your Divine inspiration,
    Misha Mikail

  37. Absolutely we are in control of our bodies! says:

    I am SO glad the Tapping Alternative is here and being used with awesome results. I am
    following the Tapping Seminars and enjoyed the World Summit. I thoroughly believe with my heart, soul, body, nerves, what ever we are all connected. I knew this my entire life and ( not a young chicken here but not a fossil yet) we were all told Dr. Knows best. I always thought to myself how can he know ” what is best for ME” can that person read my mind? I could cry of happiness for the Tapping that I now discovered because my body reacts to the environment through more of a sensing modality. For example, I laughed for 45 minutes each time I received acupuncture the first six months (8 yrs back) and when I did some Tapping Sessions on my own I laughed so hardily in the release stage and my smile so full it was, well, something euphoric! It came in waves of a very powerfully, intense release. It seemed like I was dislodging something caught some where inside me. I know this might sound way out there to some people but, well, it is what it is and I am just sharing my personal findings.
    ——I wish I could win a weight session or an anxiety release Tapping session with the Ortners I could be a great spokes person. And no I have not been paid to do my comment. I just am so thrilled for their work my body tingles with joy. Thank you SO much beyond words. Terese
    Ps Being a teacher in Wisconsin, Tapping has also kept me sane with the Political chaos going on. Again, thank you for your great expertise and sharing it all!

  38. Margaret says:

    I absolutely believe it, and have been studying this topic for 40+ years. I have a highly-educated brother-in-law my age who was trained as a nurse and was a Medic in Vietnam for a short time. He is convinced that you cannot cure cancer and other diseases without medicine, and I would love to find a way to turn his thinking around so he can heal himself. He has many health conditions, and doesn’t believe he will live another 5 years. Unfortunately, so far he has been stubbornly unwilling to look at other ways of thinking. I would love to give him this book and see if it can help him make a shift in his thinking.

    Great work you all do. Thanks, Margaret

  39. vicki says:

    I love the work Jessica, Lissa and many others are doing, and the enlightenment so many of us are gaining. I’ve always had an underlying belief that the body can heal itself if it is given what it needs to do so, and it’s so great to know that research is proving it. Like so many others I’ve had a lifetime of stress and anxiety, and I’m very excited to put what I am learning into practice, and to reap the rewards. I’m also looking forward to reading Lissa’s new book. Thanks to all of you so much for offering your messages and knowledge, making them available to everyone!

  40. Joseph Geraghty says:

    She is bang on. And we are close to a tipping point with regard to our own healing. Bruce Lipton’s amazing book the biology of belief is mind blowing. And as doctors start to ask different questions especially about our emotional skill we will have a breakthrough.

  41. Tom Porpiglia says:

    I’m definitely on board with being able to heal the body via healing thoughts and emotions. Louise Hay led the way with this concept back in the ’80s, and EFT/Tapping is definitely the path to making that happen quicker and easier. I’ve been using EFT on my self and my clients since 1998 and wouldn’t do therapy/counseling any other way!

  42. Tabitha Chonka-Michaud says:

    I’m in total agreement! There are so many stories about individuals who, upon hearing they had an “incurable” disease, died within days even though the illness wasn’t that advanced yet. We create our own reality and this creation begins with a thought. Our minds are powerful and we can heal ourselves if we “put our mind to it”. 🙂

  43. Leslie says:

    I’m one of the 51%… and I love it!

  44. Marci Hettich says:

    I love Lissa and glad she is out to health our healthcare system!

  45. Jeanne Clark says:

    I absolutely believe we have this ability. I bought “Tapping Into Ultimate Success” by Jack Canfield & Pamela Bruner and have had great response from my body in regards to my Atrial Fibrillation. I am also applying tapping to other problems. The relaxation response is amazing. I Love Tapping!

  46. rosemary finnegan says:

    I am a 17yr. breast cancer survivor. I firmly believe that trust in one’s body and God can lead to healing. I know that if I hadn’t taken all those contraception pills years ago and premarin for years that I wouldn’t have gotten cancer, for there is none anywhere in our family. I should have had EFT or meditation or believe in my body. Your book sounds wonderful. I want to win it and have it sign ed.

  47. Aviva Bock says:

    And How!! I am so grateful that there are physicians like Lisa who are willing to speak out and address the issues of the mind and how it operates in medicine.
    Beliefs are of such importance where health and healing are concerned. I became an energy therapist ( after many years in a traditional practice) after I myself was diagnosed with cancer and resolved AMA that I would heal and not harm or violate my body in the process. I found practitoners that were committed to assist people to heal naturally. Today I ma in radiant health
    Sadly we in the USA at this time follow the practices of western medicine as though MD’s were the Gods and Oracles of our era and like the Gods of the ancient world they wield incredible power over our body/minds Many wonderful caring compassionate young people train to be MD’s and are immediately inducted into a belief systems that relies on drugs and procedures to heal. Patients are disempowered, bodies are hurt and so often life becomes endless visits to doctors and hospitals.

    Lisa may your words be heard!!!!!

  48. Dot says:

    It cheers and relieves me beyond words that we are making progress toward total healing. The current medical system is broken and help is on its way!

  49. neil walker says:

    Yes I do believe that it is possible to heal oneself,it hinges on belief of self.
    A capacity to change, to be objective not subjective.

  50. Trci says:

    Absolutely, I totally agree. As an ICU nurse for 19 years, I have seen how stress and anxiety affects healing and how it affects the body. And I have seen how the opposite state of mind affects healing and the body. We have so much healing power if we are self aware…

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