
Lissa Rankin Mind Over Medicine

Written by: Nick Ortner

Jessica recently sat down with NY Times best-selling author of “Mind Over Medicine,” Dr. Lissa Rankin, to talk about some revolutionary approaches to healing our bodies. In this short video conversation, you’ll learn:

– Why EFT Tapping works so well on a variety of “physical” issues.

– The vital importance of understanding the difference between our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (and how it could be making all the difference in your healing)

– The surprising fact about how your doctor’s beliefs affect YOU!

Join Jessica and Lissa in this candid video conversation:

(and make sure to watch until the end of the video for a few good laughs)

We want to hear from you! Do you believe that your emotions and your thoughts impact your health? Do you think that you have the power to heal yourself? Comment below!

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319 Comments on this post

  1. Jim Loos says:

    This lovely person is right on !!!!! Our emotional state and belief system totally affect our health and well being. Go Lissa.

  2. Ruth Abberley says:

    I absolutely believe that we can heal ourselves given the chance. The inner pilot light Lissa talks about is intuition and we are not encouraged to use or develop it. There is far too much reliance on drugs and no wonder when drug companies make so much profit form the sale of drugs. That is why we cannot heal cancer, there would be no money made from drugs that cured anything, in the long term.
    It is so refreshing to find out about a Doctor who is challenging the system. Good on you Lissa I am right behind you and would love to get my hands on a copy of your book. Keep up the fantastic work you are doing.

  3. Hadasa says:

    I’ts without doubt! Rabi Menachem Mendel – THe Lubavitcher Rebbe(King Messiah)sais: Think good- and it will be good”, the mind is an amazing tool we got from the creator to build our reality so we can be redeemed.He says also, that the doctors have permission only to heal people – but not predict what’s gonna be in the future (as many of them do, and it’s often not so helpful..)Lots of success!

  4. KAMLAKAR says:

    Yes I Do believe that our emotions and our thoughts impact our health. And I also think that we have the power to heal our self. Clear the past to be in the present
    and create the future with EFT. EFT has been clinically proven to reduce stress, depression, cravings, negativity and trauma’s creating health, happiness and vitality. 85% of illness is stress induced? Chronic as well as unconscious stress upsets the natural balance of the nervous system, disturbing the body’s natural ability to maintain and repair itself, making the body vulnerable to the effects of poor diet, environmental toxins and microbes. This breakdown of the body’s natural ability may result in disease and illness. The childhood emotional trauma are a significant factor in the development of chronic disease later in life.
    “Pro-actively clearing daily stresses and past emotional upsets and traumas is the
    best health insurance. Once we have health we have everything.”
    “EFT clears the energy disruption caused by negative emotions and provides immediate relief.” Negative emotions cause a disruption of the body’s energy system. By tapping on the acupuncture points and saying phrases out loud EFT re-wires the energy system creating a feeling of peace, calm and letting go. In many cases after EFT people experience a shift in thinking that is more empowering.
    Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its
    lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
    What you make of life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
    You were born with the most sophisticated nervous system that four thousand
    million years of biological evolution has been able to create. However you were not
    born with an instruction manual. EFT & This Book is an attempt to remedy this, and these skills will enable you to find the answers to life’s questions which lie inside.



  5. sally says:

    Absolutely. If you feel down in the dumps your body goes there too. I frequently hug my body and thank it for being such a brilliant one! I am SO lucky with what I was given and I take care of it to the very best of my ability.

  6. Lilli Hildebrandt says:

    Oh YES – I do believe, that my mind and thoughts are influencing my Body. In fact I know so.

    I have had a very stressful time for several years now which has affected my body so much – in a bad way.

    So if stress (which is basecally thoughts – scaring thoughts) can affect my body – so can good, warm and hopeful thought do the opposite.

    A young boy on Youtube tells how he sent green light to his broken arm – inhaling green healing light and breathed out “bad” light – black or any colours, you choose. He healed twice as fast as expected.

    Thank you for helping people and doctors around the world seeing and acting in correspondance with our bodies.

    In Denmark a few doctors are beginning to see things in a different perspective – not to violate the body with extreme surgery but helping the body to heal itself for instance with vitamines and minerals – and of course the mind is extremely important.

    Thank you

    Warm thoughts

    Lilli Hildebrandt

  7. Leonie says:

    After collapsing at work on my first day(while also working 2 other jobs doing 16 hr dayd) caring for a 2 mth old baby 4 & 7 yr old children and a husband that wouldnt work. Then the hospital saying l had Chronic Fatigue and l would be bedridden for at least 1 year. I could have easily given up but l said l will walk unaided into your office in 3 months, his comment was “it will not happen”. Three months later l hobbled (lol) into his office the look on his face was priceless. You could also see why l got chronic fatigue. l made the changes that were needed and now a well person
    Dr Ranin’s book and message is an inspiration for positive change.

  8. Karen Shervill says:

    What a refreshing and exciting interview. I have for the past 12mths been struggling with a rapidly rising cholesterol problem. Why all of a sudden after 63yrs is this happening? I am amazingly fit and healthy in all other areas of my body so whats happening. I have consulted many different doctors over this time to be told the same story take medication and you will need it for the rest of your life to remain less of a risk for heart attack or stroke. This does not sit with me at all so I have been doing a lot of reading,researching and gathering of information to see how else I can heal my self. I asked in my meditation just recently for insight and clarity as to what action I needed to take. I believe my question has now been answered with this interview and Lissa’s book. Can’t wait to get my hands on it. Thank you thank you.

  9. ben says:

    A great video.I do believe that we have the ability to heal ourselves and that the body will heal it’s self. Example….a cut or a scratch

  10. Saima Iqbal says:

    It was a great interview Jessica. Thank you very much. Yes I do believe that our thoughts and our beliefs has a tremendous effect on our health. I have been running self-developing workshops where I practice myself first and then teach the group to bring awareness to their negative thoughts and beliefs in order to change them and bring relief to their situations. Further to this whenever I experience my doctors do not see me in a positive light, I make sure that I go and see another who has respect and a belief that I have the power to heal my body.

  11. Linda MacCoy says:

    I totally understand your beliefs and reinforcing those beliefs can overcome. I do think doing research for the condition and alternate approaches is the other half of the equation. Internet is worlds biggest library.

    I have had experiences that prove to me that my thoughts do impact health.
    1. A spine injury..Meditation and yoga. They wanted to fuse my back. I researched and came up with a course of action. No spine fusion. I keep it going with yoga and mental concentration on the area as I am practicing. I chose hot yoga to make my body as supple as possible before practice. It was months of painful bending and twisting but my back is ok now. It also took creating core strength as well as focusing on the area and healing that brought me full circle.
    2. Cancer…I was told I would die most likely and spent three weeks in hospital following massive surgery. I had systems shutting down, massive infection, severe anemia. My doctor sat with me telling me only I could save myself. The medical alternatives had been exhausted. It is a year later and I am still alive. After hospital I was home alone on iv’s and no food for 4 months. I had a lot of time to work within to overcome. Now, more mental work and I have chosen my own course to become strong and nutritionally sound.

    I belive health issues are 90% mental and 10% physical when overcoming. The cancer was all my doing, with years of stress and not realizing the toll it was taking. Your work is so important and I thank you both for what you do.

    Without my mental work both of these challenges might have been devastating.

  12. Kuru says:

    Truly we are our own best healer. Thanks for making that truth more and more evident. And thanks for all the great comments, everybody!

  13. Marina Denayer says:

    I was immediately healed in 2010 from many big kystes in the breasts in Lourdes (healing space in Europe-France)in the healing baths by miracle, while I was praying for others, not for myself and I’m convinced that mine and all deseases are caused by “stress”-situations.

    My personal spiritual way changes my attitude and helps me to de-stress from all kind of mind-pollution!!!


  14. Esther Widjaja says:

    I don’t think, I KNOW that my emotions and my thoughts are impacting my health

  15. Gabriela says:

    Last week my husband exploded about an issue that he was dealing with which stressed and upset both of us. I immediately meditated and did some tapping to deal with the stress that I was feeling. The next day I was calm and felt a lot better after this very upsetting event, but unfortunately my husband came down with a bad cold and a very large cold sore on his lip. There was no doubt in my mind that our emotions, can make us sick and can also heal us, as we both reacted completely differently to this unpleasant event.
    Thank you Jessica and Lissa for all your knowledge…..enjoyed the funny bloopers at the end of the video!

  16. Victoria de Hoyos says:

    Definitivamente nuestro cuerpo es nuestro es nuestro mejor aliado tiene toda la sabiduria de la creacion,es increible las respuestas que nos puede dar el cuerpo.

    Si crees que puedes curar te vas a curar, tienes razon, pero si no crees que te puedes curar tambien tienes razon, no te vas a curar

  17. Michael Schatz says:

    Definitely yes! If we do not heal it’s because subconsciously we sabotage ourselves by giving up hope to allow our bodies to heal and fall (subconsciously) to a false belief that we cannot heal! With that we program ourslves in the negative. However if we really believe and accept our bodies to heal we will heal!

  18. Mark van Wyk says:

    Yes, Yes, Yes And Yes Again.

    You are spiritually Perfect and have the ability to heal yourself.

    Although there is a difference between our spritual side of who we are and what we do, when we do things that are far from perfect, the differece is created from ignorance and the gap is narrowed by remembering that we are spiritually perfect.



  19. Irene says:

    Thank you Jessica and Dr Lissa for an enjoyable interview. Yes, I do believe this is so. When I had my last business card I had a slogan on the back which read
    “Give Your Body What it Needs and it will Heal Itself”.

    One of my favorite sayings is “You Are What You Think”

    Thanks Nick

  20. Sharon Haag says:

    Spouses hitting
    Bombs dropping
    Demeaning words
    Nuclear warheads
    Childhood rape
    Road rage
    Sleepless nights.

    A toddler smelling a flower
    The glowing rising sun
    Refreshing rainfall
    Frolicking clouds
    The blinking “Hi” of a firefly
    The smiling dog’s tail
    Calm my soul.

    Seesawing emotions
    Health or illness
    Lies in the balance.

  21. Ashley Smith says:

    Yay! So happy to see this shift happening in Western medicine! I absolutely believe that you have the power to heal yourself. I’ve done everything from talk myself out of getting a cold to actually healing a physical ailment during my dream state.

  22. Mimi Ito says:

    Emotions absolutely affect one’s health. I had chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia for four years and could barely do anything and had soreness in my legs almost all the time. I didn’t know what to do and went to so many doctors, none of whom could do anything. Still, I somehow knew I could get well. Some people recommended I go to a popular chronic fatigue specialist, but when I heard his method was to just treat the symptoms because he believed there was no cure, I refused to go to him. I finally read Dr. John Sarno’s ideas and followed his program along with EFT and a few other complementary ideas and started getting better and better as well as feeling better and better about myself. After 10 months I was in better emotional and physical health than even before I got sick. It doesn’t take everyone that long, but cfs and fibromyalgia are more severe manifestations of emotional problems than many other physical problems. My message to you, if you have a physical/emotional challenge is to not give up. I healed myself. There is a good chance you can too. I still use EFT regularly and don’t know what I’d do without it.

  23. Nancy says:

    Dear Jessica Ortner & Lissa Rankin, Thank you for your joy, enthusiasm & confirmation. Healthy vitality is ALWAYS available to us. Just today, with tapping, relaxing, faith, & focus on joy, love & appreciation, I allowed myself to shift from 5 1/2 months of a depression/anxiety downward spiral to feeling like my True Self. Joy has bubbled up & I know, now, that healing is being restored in the natural way that Jessica & Lissa have just described. I would LOVE to be certified to teach tapping to others or be a tapping coach & influence others to shift to that place where true miracles just naturally happen!!! To the vibration of allowing our own bodies to heal! Thank you times a million! Nancy

  24. Barbara says:

    I absolutely believe that our thoughts and stresses can affect our health! I have seen it in my own life. Stress makes us make more rushed (read “bad”) and impetuous choices, while wanting to improve our health seems to make us at least begin to make better choices that have a positive impact on our well being.
    It is so wonderful to see the medical profession start to believe in the power of their patient’s abilities to know themselves and be willing to do the work to heal themselves!

  25. Dee Weidemeyer says:

    Our personal beliefs color our whole lives and certainly our bodies. Even if we know we have the power to heal having a medical partner to affirm this power rather than sow doubts doubles the effect I think. I have not been to a medical doctor since 1970, but with the emergence of this wonderful new generation of practitioners I may just go for a check up. Thank you Dr. Rankin for your work and the book which I am looking forward to reading.

  26. Marianna Knopov says:

    I am totally trilled to see the Doctor,who believe in body self repare mechanism .
    I wish more Doctors read this book. My wish is to heal myself against my Doctor prognoses.
    Thank you so much for being brave and opening the gate for many patients. Thank you for the Hope!

  27. Diane says:

    In Proverbs 17:22 it says “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth up the bones.” To me, that is directly speaking about one’s emotions and tapping definitely facilitates reducing stress and other factors. I use tapping every day and have even made up my own tapping cards to use. I also receive Dr. Rankin’s daily emails and Inner Pilot Light emails as well as The Tapping Solution’s emails and both are loved and read faithfully!!

    Thank you Nick, Jessica and Dr. Rankin!!

  28. jody Galardo says:

    Thank you for promoting and supporting whole health medicine. Mind over medicine has been on my next bucket list to read and this cinched the deal! I live in Canada and feel our health system and family medicine is in trouble. At one time we were fortunate to have our medical health government funded and took pride in this but now the tide has changed and I have found my family practitioner to be so silo thinking and frankly so regimented by government regulated practices to be harmful in the ways expressed in this interview.I Have paid a hefty price to work with a health practitioner privately for over 8 years and frankly no longer trust the advise of my family doctor because the solution is always medication. i am turning 58 and have not taken medication for over 30 years. we are currently in a shortage of family doctors and I only use her for basic testing of paps and blood work, fecal home tests .scans etc.and am grateful that I do not have to pay for these assessments but when it comes to whole health we are not there yet. I am a psychotherapist, certified EFT practitioner since 1998 and an EAP counsellor. I continually try to empower my clients to listen to their bodies and share what I have learned through my 30 years of practice and personal growth and tapping.I am so optimistic that through the training now being offered to medical doctors to include a more holistic approach to health is on the horizon that our children will be empowered to trust the healing potential of their own bodies. This issue, in my opinion ,is about big pharma, politics and money and power.It is time to shift into wellness rather than illness…..and please get those nasty ads for drugs off of television. It is making my clients nuts and creating anxiety and more ill health.I personally mute them and tell my clients to do the same and not watch the news either…..

  29. Kim Roy says:

    This work is so fabulous! I was introduced to it in 2007 by a chiropractor friend. Back then I thought it a little strange, until I found out it worked. I was already certified using another means of release work but this year I had a lady in a women’s program using it with me with great results and I want to get into a workshop as soon as possible. I started out as a massage therapist, certified using this other emotional release work, and the more healing I saw through these modalities, the more I decided I needed to drop the massage and work in the area of healing families and helping them with their stresses. I really enjoyed working with people and seeing results, but in the back of my mind I always wanted to empower people to be able to work on themselves and not be in a position to have to continue coming back to me. Well, I have found that way and my wonderful husband and I are putting together a facebook page to help introduce people to EFT and some other things that will strengthen their families. That is a mission for us. Family units are under more stress than ever these days and we hope to be able to help them be stronger. Thanks for all you do in this area! Kim Roy

  30. alesha says:

    i do beleive..we can heal our selvesand eft is one powerful way to do it..
    i am into healing and have been for forty yrs..i am sixty one yrs old work out every day do yoga.blend green drinks juice do tapping ..more energy than twenty yr.olds…dr.s have a the poison and i would not take any of it…love and light keep up the great work…..we need more great people like you…

  31. elenie says:

    And so it is! very true that our stresors/emotions greatly impact all aspects of our health and quality of life

    Blessings to all that undertake the counscious heart shift to help the world one person at the time

    from my heart,

  32. Lynn says:

    I absolutely believe our emotions effect our lives tremendously and that we can indeed heal ourselves. I am on the path to accomplish this for myself 🙂

  33. Kirk says:

    I could not believe it more! I have a license to practice EFT but where I live (in the country of Central Kentucky) people just don’t understand it ~ look at it as “woo-woo”. So it’s slowed me down from using it on myself – not a good reason, I know. But my belief stands firm that we can heal ourselves!

  34. Michal says:

    Absolutely agree that we can heal ourselves.
    Looking forward to reading the book.

  35. Melis and Ruth says:

    We believe that positive emotions play a big part in our stress reduction and the increasing of our physical health. We have discovered The Tapping Process and find that practising this simple method of healing to be extremely useful and effective.

    We have been married for 55 years now and look forward to many more years of active, healthy and invigorating lives. Dr Rankin and Jessica’s interview
    was a joy to behold. Thanks to both of you.

    Melis and Ruth Van der Sluis , New Zealand.

  36. Sandra Hibbins says:

    YES have loved this, I am 72 and this has been MY philosophy since being a child. Wonderful to hear a doctor now on this wavelength and hope for new medicine practise.

  37. Debbie says:

    Yes, relying on yourself seems a much better alternative than, in my opinion, relying on money hungry drug companies and docters who need to pay off college debt. in my life experiences, the best help and healing have come relatively much less expensive or free. like tapping, herbs, homeopathy etc… the body was designed to heal itself. but do to our inherited imperfection we are bombarded with toxins, many of witch mankind chooses. others are hit with toxins because of inconsiderate humans. Second hand smoke or gmo foods not to mention missiles bombs and pesticides! In the end God is our only true hope.

  38. Paula says:

    Can tapping help cure an aortic anuerisym?

  39. Sue says:

    Yes I believe that Your attitude and emotions have a huge Impact on your ability to heal. It seems though like it is a little bit like giving yourself a massage… You may feel more empowered and confident when you have the support of good friends and family.

  40. lori sweet coon says:

    Great video. Thank you. EFT works for me from anxiety to physical pain when I twisted an ankle. And YES I believe our thoughts and emotions influence our health and wellness. Absolutely beyond a doubt. Our minds respond to thoughts….like we may cry during a sad movie …but none of it is really happening…all thoughts. But we still cry. So if we think stressful thoughts or negative ones, our bodies respond accordingly. Prolonged stress is a huge issue. Thanks again. Lori

  41. Steve Kline says:

    Is there any way that our emotions cannot play a part??? One would have to be very “Hard-hearted”

  42. Kim says:

    I know my body can heal itself and I know HOW IMPORTANT it is to communicate with a physician that believes in your ability to heal itself.

    As for myself, I suffered a Transient Ischemic Attack when I was in my early 30’s (presently 58 yr.) Subsequent to the attack, my body would arbitrarily become paralyzed on its right side – from the top of my head to the soles of my foot.

    After many doctors, carotid by-pass surgery (although every doctor involved told me it was not a clogged artery that originally cased the TIA) Thereafter, I consulted with the Head of Neurology at Scripps Institute, in La Jolla, CA. This physician told me I would heal and that the wires in my brain would eventually re-wire their self. For 4 years I believed and one day while feeling the attack come on I instinctively knew it was my last bout of right sided paralysis. Most doctors have NO IDEA how powerful their words are…….Great Video Ladies……peace, love xox Kim

  43. Diane says:

    I absolutely believe that our thoughts affect our health, our healing and every other life circumstance. Loved the video and I look forward to reading the book!

  44. Chen Reyes-Mencias says:

    When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 I had to undergo a mastectomy on the left breast. My doctor did not prescribe for me to undergo chemo therapy. One statement he made deeply affected me. It was all the medicine I needed. He said, “You are healed. Don’t think about it anymore. Enjoy life and be happy.” I believed him and I remain cancer-free. Everything you said is true.

  45. Susan says:

    Yes and yes! I completey believe in the body’s ability to heal itself and in the power of the mind to allow that to happen and to support that happening.

  46. SUSAN CHAROW says:


  47. Barbara Baron says:

    Loved hearing about the cutting edge of shifting to our personal responsibility over Doctors views of what is good for us. I am on that path at 76, toward greater wellness in my older age, heading to 100, no longer willing to just accept the bias of any practioner. Thanks and look forward to the book.

  48. Ellie Thomas says:

    Yes! I have always believed that God gave us all that we need to heal our bodies. Most of us just need to learn the how to’s and EFT is a very good start. It has helped me a great deal.

    I am excited that Dr. Lissa is teaching other doctors to be better doctors and to get back to the basics to treating the whole person.

  49. lenn evangelista says:

    i really believe that mind can command the body to heal itself, it is so powerful that it can change and alter the physical and emotional part of every individual depending on how you use that gift, because every person have that and the only problem is how to learn to use it

  50. Peter says:

    Great interview well done Ladies xox It amazes me when I hear that someone has an Incurable disease and is Just waiting to Die Well OK I get it ! we will all go one day But why Give up (unless )you want to ?
    80% of people who Go to THE Doctor Are cured ON THERE WAY there,
    Yes The Mind IS Powerful ! We are told from an early age that If your sick GO SEE your Doctor he/she will fix you So we have it programed .
    Since I found (The Tapping Solution ) My Life has been Amazing ,Thank you Guys .
    Check out a book called (THE 5TH Agreement ) go’s well with Tapping .
    Peter xox

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