Financial Success

Tapping Meditation for Financial Anxiety

Written by: Nick Ortner

Press Play Below to Listen to this free meditation from our Tapping Solution App that’s now available to download.

I’m sharing this financial anxiety meditation with you so that you can get a taste of what’s available in the App, along with over 350 other Tapping Meditations from a wide variety of categories.

Emotional Support: Stress and Anxiety About My Finances


This Tapping Meditation is our gift to you, free to listen to on this page or download if you’d like to listen on your iPod, iPhone, or other mobile devices.

Free Webinar – Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment: If you’ve struggled either to make the money you want, or to feel deeply fulfilled and passionate about what you do (or both!), then this webinar is for you:

Tapping for Financial Success

If you’re new to Tapping, here’s a short “How to Tap” video that walks you through the Tapping points. It’s also a great refresher if you haven’t tapped in a while. Enjoy!

And be sure to pick up your free ebook below to help you identify where your financial blocks might be.

Start Tapping Today - Free Guide!

Discover the 103 disempowering beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving the money and success you desire.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

How do you feel after listening to this meditation? Share your thoughts and feelings by commenting below.

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412 Comments on this post

  1. Carol Chadwick says:

    Thank you Jessica. I really enjoyed that session and look forward to the next.

  2. Rosie says:

    Thanks so very much both of you for what you have brought and given to the world.Belated extremely Happy Birthday Jessica. Sorry – only just seen and listened to this. Your guided meditations/ tapping audios always remind me that as a bit of a lapsed NLP Master Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherpaist and Certified EFT practitioner, I do have all the tools that I need; and it is very heartening to hear Nick say that sometimes he has not always applied all that he knows.

    Think maybe we all get ourselves stuck and forget to practise what we know really works and helps. And I’ve been massively beating myself up about all that and listening to this tonight has calmed me, inspired me, reminded me of the passion I feel about helping to make a real difference, rather than thinking : “I must take this corporate piece of work because it will bring in the money”. And there are some pieces of corporate work that I really, really want to do, so I am now focused on working with those whom I know want to push the boundaries – and with whom, more importantly, I know I can really be myself.

    With much love,


  3. Jaci Sivley says:

    I REALLY like this! And it came at such a wonderful time for me. I added a few words here and there to be more specific to my own current situation, but I have to say, this really spoke to me and has helped me move emotionally. I’ve done it twice now – once yesterday and just now – and am seeing how I really can change my perspective and use my current situation as a springboard for something MUCH better. I also now have a deep knowing that Spirit/the Universe has my back and that out of this situation only good can come. A year from now I’ll look back and laugh as I realize what a gift I’m in the midst of receiving. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! YOU, Jessica and Nick, are both gifts to all of us. Blessings and peace to you.

  4. Karin Anders says:

    Feeling a bit dizzy but knowing something is in progress

  5. Ann Schutte says:

    Thank you very much… I felt very warm at the end of this tapping session. I am going to do this again, it feels so good. Happy Birthday Jessica from Belgium.

  6. Melodye F says:

    This came to me right on time. I have struggled with finances all of my life. I am a 32 year old mother with no current cash flow, bad debt and dependent on a man in an unhealthy relationship. I am overwhelmed!!! However, after tapping today, I feel a sense of confidence and belief that all is working together for the greater good. I felt my tears of pain change to a smile of relief. I believe in tapping and I know it makes a difference. Thanks!

  7. Aleema says:

    Thank you for this work you do. Tapping for finances is wonderful. I really needed this. Thank you again.

  8. Purnima says:

    Happy birthday Jessica I wish you a wonderful day and thanks you all so much for your helpful work and support.
    greetings love and light from Purnima

  9. Steven says:

    Happy Birthday! Thanks for your service, and bringing this healing technique to a wider community. All the best!

  10. Helen Jones says:

    Thanks for that, Jessica. Very valuable. It helped me realise how I judge myself and how I forget to focus on my imminent success.

  11. Marie says:

    Jessica, honestly and lovingly I just have to thank you all for the gift you have presented by sharing this knowledge to me/all of us. It is a beautiful thing and it is beginning to change my life. I love doing what you do and sharing this with the people I love!
    happy Birthday Jess’.

  12. Shelly says:

    Amazing! Thank you so, so much for this beautiful and wonderful Tapping session. It made me feel so calm and I realized that we worry about the silliest little things when it could all be so simple. Thanks again Jessica and Nick for everything that you do for all the infinite souls. You are all amazing and I am so grateful to have found you. Love and blessings 🙂 x

  13. ralph says:

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    I am experiencing synchronicity about life being NOT an intellectual exercise. Your wonderful mediation and the focus on FEELINGS around the issues was a wonderful addition.

  14. Tammy McGee says:

    Very kind and conscientious meditation – takes the time to unwind your thinking, allow for responsible choices in bite sizes, and gives the power of action back to the individual not the situation. Moves you from the overwhelming ‘frozen zone’ of inaction to the necessary ‘thaw zone’ to make a decision about one small action. Why do we always think that the bigger the issue then the bigger and more complex the solution must be for resolution to be obtained? When the situation that is being faced came from the combination of many small actions; so it is that a series of small actions can become the solution needed for one’s highest good. We can only be responsible for our small actions.

  15. ralph says:

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    I am experiencing a sycronicity about life being NOT an intellectual exercise. Your wonderful medition and the focus on FEELINGS around the issus was a wonderful addition.

  16. Geoff C - Australia says:

    I cried and sniffled through the first half as it is so poignant for me at present, on top of my 44 year marriage breakdown in January. I’m 66 years old, have probably less than $10,000 worth of possessions, and $7000 worth of debt. This is my net financial position after my whole working life. Thankfully I don’t mind my own company, as I am estranged from all my four children and their famileis, and all my friends.
    I did feel benefitted by the second half and was glad I didn’t have to think of the words myself, but could just concentrate on copying them. I did this with appropriate enthusiasm and not in a flat voice.
    As I often fail to follow thru’ with things I start, I will leave this on my computer and do it again tomorrow, and hopefully the day after, ……………………….ad infinitum. That would be so good.
    I already know of two possible jobs that would suit me part time, but have procrastinated in ringing up about them.
    Hopefully, writing this to all of you (and thus myself; and I nearly didn’t leave a comment!), and now writing it in my diary for tomorrow (it’s 10.52 p.m. here now), I will make the phone calls.
    One year older Jessica, and yet you don’t look a day older! lol.

  17. Siddhartha... says:

    A Million Thanks dear… God Bless You .. !!!
    & Happy B’Day !!!

  18. Annette says:

    Hi Jessica! Happy birthday! And thank you so much for this tapping meditation! Just what I needed right now. My anxiety and overwhelm culminated yesterday so this was just perfect timing! I feel better about myself after this tapping.

  19. Rhonda says:

    Thankyou Jessica…….I am so grateful to you and Nick for your generosity and kindness. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  20. Helen says:

    Happy Birthday Jessica,
    Hope you had a lovely day and that the year ahead hold lots of love joy and peace for you.
    Keep up the good work. I agree with the comments above about your way of talking.
    May the good Lord Bless & keep you in the palm of His hand.

  21. Kavita Sharma says:

    Thank you very much Jessica. Tapping came at a time when I intend to learn accurpressure for my own being and for all those whom I know in future when I retire from work and have time to spare. You hava a very sweet voice and it relaxes immediately. I am working on my finances too so that I get spare time soon. Will tap on regular basis and hope to get more tapes from you in future. Can this tape be downloaded from anywhere?

    A very happy birthday to you!
    Thanks again.

  22. Tanya Edwards says:

    Like so many other people who have left comments, It felt like you had entered my mind, taken my personal problem and addressed it. It really felt personal, and I really feel blessed by having you and Nick and the rest of your team “on my side”., giving so much. Thank you so much. I have many brilliant ideas stuck inside my head, which I am seriously going to sit down with this weekend, write them down(my first step), look at feasability of each one, and then I’m sure the next step will become clearer. I wished you Happy Birthday on FB, have an splendiferous day!! <3

  23. Wilfredo says:

    Thank you, Jessica. Your voice is very pleasant and calming, like a voice of an angel . Best wishes to you. You’re the gift to the world.

  24. Lorene says:

    Hi Nick and Jessica,
    Happy birthday to you Jessica! Loved this session, reminded me of a simple saying: Inch by inch, it’s a sinch. That’s usually my downfall, getting too far ahead of myself. So just going to take the next step. 🙂
    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and gifts with the world, How wonderful of you. Blessings and love to you both. Lorene

  25. Jimmy Lansing says:

    Hi Jessica,
    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful tapping session with us….Very powerful !!!

  26. Nicola says:

    If I ever needed a tapping meditation like this, it is right now. Thank you so much, I feel re-charged and ready to take on the challenges of today – one step at a time. Thanks again Jessica – Nicki (Nicola, Spain)

  27. Lindy says:

    good timing– I have been agonizing about finances, and thinking about getting a job, and one was offered to me, I start Tuesday. I have been worrying about so much connected to finances, and now that I tapped, I feel way more peaceful about it…

    Happy birthday, Jessica!!

  28. Noreen Kewin says:

    I love Jessica’s “stuff” from the World Summit & unstoppable You in Business.
    I am disappointed that the meditation simply would not play.

  29. Michelle Shaw says:

    Happy Birthday Jessica! I’m so thankful for the gifts you have shared with the world! Your work has strengthened me in so many ways!

  30. Donna says:

    Hi Jessica, thank you for that tapping session, it was amazing and exactly what I needed to hear today. 🙂

  31. Beverly Compton says:

    There was no play button as the first comment mentioned—I would like to listen—-Happy birthday Jessica–You should be very proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Beverly

  32. Bryony Haviland says:

    Thank you Jessica for your beautifully spoken words that are so simple yet so powerful. I do love your meditations – thank you again and may you have a beautiful year ahead of you.

  33. Michele says:

    Happy Birthday Jessica 🙂 Your beautiful soul shines through on this lovely meditation. Thank you both for the World Tapping Summit. I am awaiting the package eagerly.and look forward to helping others experience the benefit of tapping. There should be more of you in the world. Take good care and celebrate in style!! Love Michele (Australia)

  34. Laura Robinson says:

    This was WONDERFUL!! MAde me feel so good! Thank you so much, you are a gift to us all, Jessica… birthday blessings to you!

  35. Nora Obermayr says:

    Dear Jessica,
    Thank you for this wonderful meditation. Happy Birthday! This is something I will share with my sons. Our family has had yearss of horrendous financial problems. But this is a new day.
    I thank both you and Nick so very much.

  36. Kathy Dodd says:

    first Happy Birthday Jessica hope you have an awesome day secondly I would have like to have listened to the tapping meditation buttttttt the play button was blacked out for some reason?????????????????????????????

  37. Ronda Sturdy says:

    I thoroghly enjoyed the tapping meditation session with Jessica. I do feel better and more
    positive about my future financial situation. I also am feeling very calm.

  38. Terezia Kalkbrenner says:

    I felt so much calmer and felt like I had stepped out of my drama and was able to look at it more objectively and more compassionately not judging and being hard on myself,

  39. jacqueline Brownell says:

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Jessica!! It is a treat to listen to you. Please continue to work for happiness. Love!!

  40. Sheila Davis says:

    Great tapping session! Very calming.

  41. Alfreda says:

    Happy Birthday Jessica. Thank you so much for a wonderful tapping session. It covered everything I needed. You and Nick are a wonderful team.

  42. Victoria Seeley says:

    I have in the past used Chi in my past and know the Chinese meridians exist, so with my own situation I watched to see what tapping could do. When Nick (in the video I saw) did the tapping with Jessica to relieve pain, I was very happy with the speed and completeness of the removal of my pain! It is a wonderful thing, and needs to be continued just like eating, sleeping and exercise it must be done on a continual basis. And I deeply and complete accept that this must be done till I no longer can do it anymore. This is the best, easiest and most quickly rewarding exercise application I have ever seen. Next to massage, what I used to do.
    There is not enough Thanks to reward what you are teaching, but your rewards will be great! Thanks to all the Ortner’s for all the good you are doing for others.

  43. marie-josée parent says:

    I meant : Things were beginning to … (oups, sorry I’m french!)

  44. marie-josée parent says:

    This was really liberating. This were beginning to unfold and this exercice with your voice and suggested tapping was giving me more freedom to embrace what wants to be. Thank you for your great work. Profoundly appreciated.

  45. Kinga says:

    Thank you! Happy birthday Jessica!

  46. Anna Drgon says:

    Wonderful tapping session. Happy Birthday Jessica.

  47. Therese says:

    Thanks to both of you. It is always such a pleasure to listen to you Jessica.
    Love, light and blessings to both of you and your families and a very happy birthday Jessica.

  48. Robert Richard says:

    I wish you a very joyful birthday!!!!

    Listening to you on tapping for Financial issue, it give
    me a great sense of release.

    Thank you very much!

  49. Garth says:

    That was brilliant, such powerful statements with such a caring , soothing,genuine voice caused deep shifts in my consciousness , I have not tapped much before but now I’m a believer, thank you for your wisdom and guidance.

  50. Maria Purisima says:

    Jessica, you are truly an angel. I appreciate the tapping meditation. Abundant blessings onto you! Happy Birthday too!

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