Financial Success

Do you think you deserve success?

Written by: Nick Ortner

Be You And Believe In YourselfDo you think you deserve success?

It’s an important question to ask and explore whenever you’re trying to improve your finances and your level of success.

I touched upon this the other day in the “7 Things Successful People Do Differently” blog post.

But I want to get more specific on it with you today, and take you through a simple process for using EFT Tapping to eliminate any hidden blocks you may have.

Remember what I mentioned the other day: successful people believe they deserve success, whereas unsuccessful people do not.

Are You Aware of Your Beliefs?

Oftentimes, people think they don’t deserve success  (either consciously or unconsciously) because of false beliefs like:

“I’m not a good enough person,” or “I don’t work hard enough,” or “I’m not smart enough,” or any other of a laundry list of negative limiting beliefs.

If you have any beliefs that don’t support your success, it will hold you back from creating it in your life.

And the ONLY things that qualifes somebody as ”deserving success” or not, are the rules and belief structures they create for it in their own brains.

If you feel like you don’t deserve success on any level, but you want to be able to build the belief system that successful people have, then make sure to do this Tapping with me today! 🙂

Ok, let’s jump right in…

This will only take a few minutes (but it could have a huge impact on your finances and level of success):


Step 1: Complete the Statements Below

Writing-Statements-for-deserving-successIn the previous blog post, I asked to you complete two sentences to begin to find what barriers you may have.

Even if you did this already the other day, it’s important to do it again to reconnect you with what came up before.

Go ahead and say these statements out loud (or say them in your head if there are people around you) and then complete the statements for yourself:

I don’t deserve success because…

Say this statement and complete it as many times as you need to until no more answers are coming to mind. Write down everything that comes up.

If, for example, something comes up like “I don’t deserve success because I’m not smart enough,” or “because I’m too lazy,” or “because I don’t matter,” or (and this is a big one for many people) “because I’m not a good enough person,” then you know you have beliefs that need to be dealt with that are holding you back.

And don’t worry if the answers don’t flow for you right away. Sometimes it can take a little more unearthing to find what’s holding you back. 🙂

OK, now complete this statement, saying it out loud a few times:

I deserve success because…

The answers to these two questions can give you some big insights into what beliefs (both positive and negative) you have about becoming more successful.


Step 2: Use EFT Tapping to eliminate negative beliefs and form new beliefs

If you’re new to EFT Tapping and you don’t know how to tap or where the points are, watch this video where my sister Jessica, the host of the Annual Tapping World Summit, shows you exactly how to Tap:


First Let’s Assess Our Thoughts

First off, let’s make sure to calibrate to see just how true each of the negative statements you wrote down feel to you on the scale of 0 to 10. Read each statement out loud and write how TRUE each statement feels, with 0 feeling not true at all and 10 feelings completely true.

Here are some examples:

I don’t deserve success because:

I’m not smart enough: 6
I procrastinate: 8
I don’t matter: 8
I’m not a good enough person: 10

With the example above, the last one, with the number 10 next to it, would feel the truest and have the biggest emotional charge to it. But we’d still want to tap on each of these. The goal is to get each of them down to a 0, or as close as possible to 0.

Let’s Begin Tapping

We’ll do this with the statement of, “I don’t deserve success because I’m not good enough.”

Karate-Chop-PointStarting by Tapping on the Karate Chop Point:

Even though I don’t deserve success because I’m not a good enough person, I love and accept myself anyway. (Repeat this three times)

Now let’s move to the other points. Read each of these as you tap on each of the points:

Eyebrow: I don’t deserve success because of my past.
Side of the Eye: I’ve always felt like I wasn’t enough.
Under Eye: I learned early on that I wasn’t enough.
Under Nose: I won’t ever be worthy of success.
Chin: I’ve always been told I wasn’t good enough.
Collarbone: I’ve never felt like I was good enough.
Under Arm: I’m just not good enough to be successful.
Top of the Head: I just don’t feel like I’m good enough.


Let’s do another round, and if at any time some of the words don’t feel right for you, you just say what does feel right and true for you…

Eyebrow: I grew up feeling like I wasn’t good enough.
Side of the Eye: I’ve had so many experiences that have shown me I’m not good enough.
Under Eye: I’ve failed so many times.
Under Nose: If I was good enough, I would already be successful.
Chin: I’m just not good enough at my core.
Collarbone: I’ll never be good enough.
Under Arm: But I love and accept myself anyway.
Top of the Head: No matter what.

Go ahead and take a deep breath… and then out. Now repeat the statement again: “I don’t deserve success because I’m not a good enough person.”

How True Does It Feel From 0 to 10?

Has it gone down? Has it gone up? What else came up for you during the Tapping? Did a memory from childhood come up? What emotions came up? Use these things as a guide to help know where to tap next.

Now let’s do some positive Tapping. If you’re not down to a 5 or lower this positive Tapping may feel very untrue to you. If that’s the case, keep Tapping on the negative until you’ve brought it down some more.

Eyebrow: I’m open to the possibility that I do deserve success.
Side of the Eye: Even though I’ve felt like I didn’t deserve success because of my past…
Under Eye: Maybe I can change my beliefs.
Under Nose: Everyone deserves success, and I do too.
Chin: I can allow success in my life.
Collarbone: I deserve success.
Under Arm: I can release my old beliefs, and allow success into my life.
Top of the Head: I deserve success in my life.

Eyebrow: I’m ready for success to flow into my life.
Side of the Eye: I deserve success.
Under Eye: I can allow myself to feel like I’m enough.
Under Nose: I’m a good enough person to feel successful.
Chin: I’m allowing success into my life at this very moment.
Collarbone: I deserve success.
Under Arm: I choose to believe that I am worthy of success.
Top of the Head: I feel so grateful for what I have, and am excited for more success in my life.

Go ahead and take a deep breath in… and then out. Now repeat the statement again: “I don’t deserve success because I’m not a good enough person.”

Rate Your Beliefs Again

How true does it feel for you from 0 to 10? Has it gone down? Has it gone up? What else came up for you during the Tapping?

Go through this process for each negative statement you’ve written down. It also helps to do the process several times. Do it today, and then come back tomorrow and do it again and see what comes up after your brain and body have had time to process the Tapping.

I hope you enjoyed the process! 🙂

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

What did you think of the Tapping process? Leave your comments below!

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330 Comments on this post

  1. Leah says:

    Wow! I didn’t realize until I got into this how much my childhood affected me when it came to believing about being successful! I never felt I was good enough or deserving enough of a good man in my life or smart enough to be successful. Yes, I have been lazy, ditching things when they became difficult. My dad told me one time, “Marry a doctor or a lawyer.” Never “Be a doctor or a lawyer!” He also told me too that I would “Be one of those fat women who sat around with her hair, makeup and nails done, eating bon bons all day.” He was also physically abusive which has led me to a life of ending up with one abusive man right after the other. I’m almost 50 years old and am JUST NOW coming to all of these realizations.

    I have had some success which I am grateful for, I have 4 wonderful children, 3 beautiful grandsons. I was a semi-succesful hairstylist for more than 20 years, I could have done better. (Top of my class). I went to school for Medical Billing and Coding (Top of my class, Deans List x2) Never even got one interview for a job in B&C.) Know how that makes you feel? Like no one wants you. (My ex-husband blamed ME for not being able to find a job.) I was a certified personal trainer.

    I am SO happy I found EFT! It hurts to realize and release these things, but oh! the feeling afterwards!! Thank you Nick!

    • Nick Ortner says:

      Thank you for sharing your story Leah. We are so happy to hear how tapping is helping you feel better. Whenever anyone mentions abuse or trauma we always recommend working with a tapping practitioner if you are able to as they can really help you feel safe working through those past memories and releasing the negative charge to help you move forward. If you feel you could benefit from working with someone, here is the link to practitioner listings on our site: We wish you all the best as you continue your tapping journey! 🙂

  2. Lorraine says:

    Tapping almost makes a thought become a tangible thing, which can then be altered/replaced with positive statements.

  3. Sharron says:

    Heard myself telling my daughter how lazy she is all the time 🙁 🙁 I will NOT be doing that anymore

  4. J says:

    Heard my father telling me that I always had to do a project over, his way, because it wasn’t quite right. That has followed me for years apparently. And then my first husband, who would speak to me in the same way that my father did, holding me back because I would doubt myself, he always found reasons for me to never be quite good enough. I cried through the first portion of this exercise as those old thoughts came back; things I had viscerally remembered, my body remembered, not me,consciously. Just a huge WOW! eye opening moment. I plan to keep on tapping the success mantra because I do deserve success in business and everywhere in my life.

  5. Giselle says:

    Exactly what I needed. Thank you for sharing.

  6. krishanprasad mishra says:

    Hi nick ortner,
    Since I learnt tapping process on this email
    my financial position is becoming better and better
    Thanks to you & hats off to tapping process.

    K.J. Mishra
    Mumbai, India

  7. krishanprasad says:

    Nick Ortner
    Last time I wrote on this Emai that Iam unable see dirt, However continued tapping which I practiced with you on this email. I am though may be too early to say that I am feeling that my financial position is improving day by day. I was losing every day in share market may be small amount but lose was on daily bill. I am in share market since 1977., comfortable with gain,but due to lose could not gain much.since started tapping my capital is increasing. Thanx to ur tapping process.

    . K.J.Mishra
    Mumbai India

  8. Wonderful and just what I needed says:

    Wonderful just what I needed right now

  9. Terry Centrone says:

    Love the way you broke down the process of thinking through this tapping sequence, Nick. It makes so much sense to my brain. Thanks so much.

  10. Justin Thyme says:

    Beliefs can be changed. First you have to be willing to admit which belief needs to be changed.

  11. sylvia says:

    still hoping for that miracle. sometimes I feel skeptical, but I quickly reverse my skepticism. i know tapping works. I’m somewhat stubborn about creating a better, successful life for myself.

  12. Diane says:

    Hi Nick, I did this taps about 130am , I have a sick old dog and is staying up with him my other dogs is restless and iam too.. Have been I’ll a lot and has try your taps , I don’t know if it works , but I do it whenever I am in anxiety ot panic , I really will like to be successfully I all areas of my life, I fell so lost and alone,,,, thank you iwill continue to do them. But have to try to do it more often , thank you.

  13. The tapping process is the fastest most efficient way to dispell invalid beliefs and to reintroduce valid ones says:

    I was blown away by how rapidly I went from a stress level 10 down to a 1. I have been recommending tapping to family and friends who have similar stress levels. Thank you for making this free to the world.

  14. Rita says:

    my headpain goes away and y sleep better

  15. Julia says:

    I have had an amazing couple of days. I seem to have more energy, motivation and I’m getting things moving in my life again. And my boss has just asked me how I feel about teaching advanced Higher English to my seniors. I just can’t believe it. I’ve certainly been feeling and acting more confident lately and I think this – I feel this is a direct result of the system. It’s so positive and it works but I think I have to do it every day.

  16. sylvia says:

    Nick, magically this tapping session arrived at the most auspicious time for me. I was dealing with a lot of overwhelm, anger and feeling of being a failure in so many areas of my life. I tapped and the fog lifted. Will tap more tomorrow and the next day, etc.

    Thanks so much Nick.

  17. Marle says:

    I am close to have 60 years old. I has been in an accident in 2011 broke my arm on two points. I have a water cyst in my back that is very pain full some times, both give me problems to work normally but I am still feeling guilty, because my finances. I love to work from home in my computer, I love to make art work, but I can’t enjoy because I feel I am losing my “precocious” time to go better with my finances. I learn from my childhood that I am no deserve nothing,
    I start to tapping to change my beliefs. I still do how this will go but I am doing almost every day for one and a half week.
    Thank you Nick and Jessica for share this information and help millions of people. God Bless.
    Thank you every one by share the tapping experience.

  18. Christina says:

    it was most interesting: I had many ‘reasons’ why I did not deserve success …and as I was tapping with the first one, I realised that I ‘used’ all the resaons to prove that I am not WORTHY of success…
    wos, what an insight…thank you Nick..
    I shall keep on tapping

  19. Alma says:

    Great feeling of relief and peace. Thank you. Need to do it again.

  20. Gela says:

    Thank you from the very depth of my heart! I never realized I carried the belief that to be financially successful or flourish in my personal life, would mean i was selfish and that i would be taking something away from another. So even though I work very long hours and run a busy practice I have struggled in many different areas of my life.
    With much gratitude!!

  21. Barbara Crawley says:

    As always, the tapping for this particular challenge has come at just the right time. The evaluation for me was totally physical. When I stated the negative, my crown chakra activated in agreement (I sabotage my creative abilities). After the tapping, there was no charge at all and I felt very calm and excited about the prospect of getting on with writing the book that I had abandoned. Thank you Nick. I am truly grateful for all your good work.

  22. Sys says:

    Thank you this was very helpful.

  23. Sue says:

    years of work, savings and accumulation. I have to work the rest of my life if my current income does not change. I don’t want to work. It is hard to come up with a plan to “make money” when the plain fact is that I don’t want to work. That is my greatest obstacle. I am hoping with tapping that I am going to be able to shift this emotional negativity into something positive that will allow me to find something fun to do that does not require my back and is financially sustaining without going out everyday and punching a time clock. We will see if this works. I believe it can and hope it will.

  24. . says:

    I was listening to the Summit speakers the other day and Carol Look made a statement that was very profound to me. She said: “What you are looking for when you are tapping is a feeling not a 3 wishes Jennie coming out of a bottle. :Tapping helps you identify and remove emotional blocks which reduces your stress. When your emotions are elevated, you vibrate at a higher level which frees up the brain to be more productive on the things you “think” about.

    I think the problem with the Law of Attraction is that it led people to think that if they concentrated on having a job or car or money etc. it would pop into your life. The real goal is total stress relief, then you can take the goals you wrote down and focus on them and your brain will bring you ideas to proceed with your desire. My huge problem is that I believe if you don’t WORK, you are not going to get or make anymore money than you already have. I am 70 yrs. old, my money was stolen from me by a crooked businessman and I lost over 25

  25. Brigid says:

    Thank you – your generosity touches me (((~_~)))

  26. Beth says:

    On my beach walk this morning, I worked on this very thing. Then, when I got home and checked emails, for some reason, and we all know why, this email popped up, even though it was from October! Of course I lit in to it as soon as I ate breakfast! Thank you so much for helping me believe in myself again!

  27. lonneke says:

    Woh this is the one time I tape whit you and my body gave me so muche feedback that I needed to stop for a moment

  28. Ann says:

    Thank you so much! Been tapping for awhile, but had gotten into a rut. Odd how the old beliefs can come seeping back and sabotage you!!!! Thanks again!

  29. kathy united kingdom says:

    I am enjoying the experience and believe there will be exceptional results

  30. Colleen says:

    Still thinking about powerball….
    You could tap on it, win it , and have billions to get the message out to the general public….this country needs some serious help and you could be it???

  31. Colleen says:

    Awesome…. Need to do many times.
    You are awesome for sharing this info for FREE!!!
    When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace..
    Jimi Hendrix…
    I hope you win powerball so you CAN have that billion dollar commercial at the Super Bowl …. And national prime time TV and get tapping to be as common as aspirin??

  32. Lola says:

    When I finished doing the tapping above, for the second negative statement that I had written done, I got a rush of excitement!!! It was like a zap of energy. WOW it was incredible. I have been tapping for just a few weeks, after I workout in the mornings. After this experience this afternoon, I am so hooked!!! Thank you for everything

  33. Sherry says:

    Thank you for outlining the script so clearly. I have realized that my belief system of feeling unworthy is deeply imbedded, and trickles into many different facets of my life. I have some work to do, and today my mantra will be “I am worthy!” ?

  34. Nicky says:

    I am greatful for your support to me (us) and reminding me to keep tapping.
    it works, relieves stress. Thank you.

  35. Mani Radau says:

    Thank you for this written explanation though I have difficulties tapping with my glasses on. Nonetheless it is helpful for learning how to do it myself.

  36. Susan says:

    I have repeated this over several days. Yesterday I had a memory emerge of something I had done as a child that I felt guilty about. I went through the process again today and included the beliefs about that experience and I feel the energy shifting.

  37. Thelma says:

    My negative feeling are not that powerful. I can get through that part quite quickly. I really feel good—great as I start the tapping with positive statements. Thank you for these lessons. Thanks for sharing you talents with us.

  38. Lucia Syone says:

    I have been in yhe meyaphysical healing area for more yhan 30 years, guiding many people yo achieve extraordinary things, including myself. Bit now with thus diagnosis i have been stuck and i feel this is what i need to acomplish my healing. Thanks a lot, Nick

  39. Kaen says:

    I have tapped on some issues and i was really surprised how effective it was. Thank you, Nick.

  40. Cordy Hobbs says:

    Good morning, I really enjoy tapping I believe it makes s big difference in what and how u feel .. Thank you

  41. hal says:

    did it again, better results
    wopila tanka (big thank you)

  42. hal says:

    definitely felt change, worthwhile

  43. I am in a good place at this time but I would still like to move forward. says:

    I feel pretty good about myself . I will be 62 this year and I want to continue to live and be happy. I have had allot of therapy and I take medicine for my anxiety. I do well I don’t work and have just moved into a nice home with my husband who just retired so my life is quite different.

  44. Maria says:

    Simply AWESOME!!!

  45. Dan says:

    Rejuvenating! Doing the same with Manifest Absolutely Anything v2.0 by Rishan B with slight twist

    However, I get a better feel and response using your method

    Works quite well with brain entrainment meditation too.

  46. Phyllis says:

    I certainly felt as though I had knocked out a few gremlins that I was not conscious of. I feel much more positive now. Thank you. Childhood memories did come up, and memories of negative remarks the effect of which have stayed all my adult life, as beliefs about myself!

  47. Ibrahim Dan Halilu says:

    Thank you Nick, for coming into my life with your tapping skills. I started practicing tapping about two weeks ago and though not proficient in it, I must admit that it has changed my life a lot. I’m now free from the burden of guilt I felt before regarding my job loss. I was stucked for almost 2 years after losing my well-paid job. I had no limiting beliefs about myself but my last encounter with a boss who recommended for my sack kept telling me that I was imcompetent for the job even as I know I’m. Through tapping, I was able to suppress that notion and create positive perspective. I’m now energised and focused to pursue a new course in life. I have activated my dormant company and am ready to get started again. Thank you again for giving me a new life!

  48. Elsa says:

    I see how this can work! I tried it just now and felt something shift within me. I believe it will help me in many aspects of my life. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! XOXOXO

  49. Mairead McMahon says:

    Loved it, could see the change in thinking after following the tapping process

  50. Leigh says:

    I am always amazed at how much energy is shifted during and after the Tapping process. This is such a useful and healing tool. I am learning to rely on it more and more as something that can shift my energy, my focus, my perspective toward the positive. You’ve helped me make some wonderful changes in my life. Thank you.

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