Financial Success

Do you think you deserve success?

Written by: Nick Ortner

Be You And Believe In YourselfDo you think you deserve success?

It’s an important question to ask and explore whenever you’re trying to improve your finances and your level of success.

I touched upon this the other day in the “7 Things Successful People Do Differently” blog post.

But I want to get more specific on it with you today, and take you through a simple process for using EFT Tapping to eliminate any hidden blocks you may have.

Remember what I mentioned the other day: successful people believe they deserve success, whereas unsuccessful people do not.

Are You Aware of Your Beliefs?

Oftentimes, people think they don’t deserve success  (either consciously or unconsciously) because of false beliefs like:

“I’m not a good enough person,” or “I don’t work hard enough,” or “I’m not smart enough,” or any other of a laundry list of negative limiting beliefs.

If you have any beliefs that don’t support your success, it will hold you back from creating it in your life.

And the ONLY things that qualifes somebody as ”deserving success” or not, are the rules and belief structures they create for it in their own brains.

If you feel like you don’t deserve success on any level, but you want to be able to build the belief system that successful people have, then make sure to do this Tapping with me today! 🙂

Ok, let’s jump right in…

This will only take a few minutes (but it could have a huge impact on your finances and level of success):


Step 1: Complete the Statements Below

Writing-Statements-for-deserving-successIn the previous blog post, I asked to you complete two sentences to begin to find what barriers you may have.

Even if you did this already the other day, it’s important to do it again to reconnect you with what came up before.

Go ahead and say these statements out loud (or say them in your head if there are people around you) and then complete the statements for yourself:

I don’t deserve success because…

Say this statement and complete it as many times as you need to until no more answers are coming to mind. Write down everything that comes up.

If, for example, something comes up like “I don’t deserve success because I’m not smart enough,” or “because I’m too lazy,” or “because I don’t matter,” or (and this is a big one for many people) “because I’m not a good enough person,” then you know you have beliefs that need to be dealt with that are holding you back.

And don’t worry if the answers don’t flow for you right away. Sometimes it can take a little more unearthing to find what’s holding you back. 🙂

OK, now complete this statement, saying it out loud a few times:

I deserve success because…

The answers to these two questions can give you some big insights into what beliefs (both positive and negative) you have about becoming more successful.


Step 2: Use EFT Tapping to eliminate negative beliefs and form new beliefs

If you’re new to EFT Tapping and you don’t know how to tap or where the points are, watch this video where my sister Jessica, the host of the Annual Tapping World Summit, shows you exactly how to Tap:


First Let’s Assess Our Thoughts

First off, let’s make sure to calibrate to see just how true each of the negative statements you wrote down feel to you on the scale of 0 to 10. Read each statement out loud and write how TRUE each statement feels, with 0 feeling not true at all and 10 feelings completely true.

Here are some examples:

I don’t deserve success because:

I’m not smart enough: 6
I procrastinate: 8
I don’t matter: 8
I’m not a good enough person: 10

With the example above, the last one, with the number 10 next to it, would feel the truest and have the biggest emotional charge to it. But we’d still want to tap on each of these. The goal is to get each of them down to a 0, or as close as possible to 0.

Let’s Begin Tapping

We’ll do this with the statement of, “I don’t deserve success because I’m not good enough.”

Karate-Chop-PointStarting by Tapping on the Karate Chop Point:

Even though I don’t deserve success because I’m not a good enough person, I love and accept myself anyway. (Repeat this three times)

Now let’s move to the other points. Read each of these as you tap on each of the points:

Eyebrow: I don’t deserve success because of my past.
Side of the Eye: I’ve always felt like I wasn’t enough.
Under Eye: I learned early on that I wasn’t enough.
Under Nose: I won’t ever be worthy of success.
Chin: I’ve always been told I wasn’t good enough.
Collarbone: I’ve never felt like I was good enough.
Under Arm: I’m just not good enough to be successful.
Top of the Head: I just don’t feel like I’m good enough.


Let’s do another round, and if at any time some of the words don’t feel right for you, you just say what does feel right and true for you…

Eyebrow: I grew up feeling like I wasn’t good enough.
Side of the Eye: I’ve had so many experiences that have shown me I’m not good enough.
Under Eye: I’ve failed so many times.
Under Nose: If I was good enough, I would already be successful.
Chin: I’m just not good enough at my core.
Collarbone: I’ll never be good enough.
Under Arm: But I love and accept myself anyway.
Top of the Head: No matter what.

Go ahead and take a deep breath… and then out. Now repeat the statement again: “I don’t deserve success because I’m not a good enough person.”

How True Does It Feel From 0 to 10?

Has it gone down? Has it gone up? What else came up for you during the Tapping? Did a memory from childhood come up? What emotions came up? Use these things as a guide to help know where to tap next.

Now let’s do some positive Tapping. If you’re not down to a 5 or lower this positive Tapping may feel very untrue to you. If that’s the case, keep Tapping on the negative until you’ve brought it down some more.

Eyebrow: I’m open to the possibility that I do deserve success.
Side of the Eye: Even though I’ve felt like I didn’t deserve success because of my past…
Under Eye: Maybe I can change my beliefs.
Under Nose: Everyone deserves success, and I do too.
Chin: I can allow success in my life.
Collarbone: I deserve success.
Under Arm: I can release my old beliefs, and allow success into my life.
Top of the Head: I deserve success in my life.

Eyebrow: I’m ready for success to flow into my life.
Side of the Eye: I deserve success.
Under Eye: I can allow myself to feel like I’m enough.
Under Nose: I’m a good enough person to feel successful.
Chin: I’m allowing success into my life at this very moment.
Collarbone: I deserve success.
Under Arm: I choose to believe that I am worthy of success.
Top of the Head: I feel so grateful for what I have, and am excited for more success in my life.

Go ahead and take a deep breath in… and then out. Now repeat the statement again: “I don’t deserve success because I’m not a good enough person.”

Rate Your Beliefs Again

How true does it feel for you from 0 to 10? Has it gone down? Has it gone up? What else came up for you during the Tapping?

Go through this process for each negative statement you’ve written down. It also helps to do the process several times. Do it today, and then come back tomorrow and do it again and see what comes up after your brain and body have had time to process the Tapping.

I hope you enjoyed the process! 🙂

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

What did you think of the Tapping process? Leave your comments below!

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330 Comments on this post

  1. Putone says:

    Loved it felt ecstatic by the end of it.

  2. zahia says:

    Salut et merci à tous je voudrai savoir quand je exerce je répète qu’est ce que vous avez écrire merci

  3. Terry Chandler says:

    Though I know a deserve success and that I’m loved, recently I’ve been considering that my thinking is preventing me from actually allowing the success I am entitled to, but I’ve struggled with the “Why am I still stuck?” question.
    I’m familiar with tapping, but I love the way Nick and Jessica present the method, and I just love that you’re both such good communicators!
    Now I’m going to just do the tapping and use the affirmations until the lie I’ve believed for too long either is revealed and dealt with or it just stops holding me.
    I trust my instinct is right, right?
    Thanks for caring!

  4. Sue Brown says:

    You guys are fantastic. Thank you so much for caring and sharing your knowledge and skills that change our lives so much. ❤️❤️❤️❤️



  6. Narelle says:

    Thank you SO very much xo

  7. Rocio says:

    I have feel with better mood, and more strong. Thanks

  8. Ramonica Caldwell says:

    I really enjoyed this exercise. It was very helpful for me. I wrote down ten things that felt like reasons why I didn’t deserve to be successful. Of those 10, 2 were rated really high (at a 10). Those are the two that I tapped on. After tapping even though for a short period of time I got the 10’s down to maybe a 6 or 7. I noticed that the more you say the negative out loud. The easier it is to DISBELIEVE it….after I keep hearing myself say these negative things, my mind began to immediately shift gears and say “whoa, that’s not right”. Consciously, my mind was saying “okay, yes this is good for you to admit this and let this out but you can’t walk around believing this”….My brain literally felt like I was releasing bad energy. I loved it. I am going to keep tapping and looking forward to actually getting an EFT certification. I am so glad I learned about this technique. I definitely see how it’s something that has to be continuously practiced though. I will keep repeating this exercise until it’s down to 0.

  9. Pablo says:

    One word:

  10. Susan says:

    Trying so hard to remain positive

  11. magdalena says:

    It felt good, but I think that I have to work at it for a while. My beliefs are very deeply embedded. I am greatful to you for giving me a way to work through this. God bless you! I think the Lord sent you because I need to get the courage to write a book. Again thanks.

  12. Gail says:

    My ultimate statement was, “I don’t deserve success because I don’t enjoy the work I do and am too afraid to try to earn money with what I enjoy.” This helped me separate out what successes I am actually experiencing on a regular basis. I was able to see and acknowledge what IS working in a loving supportive manner. I do energy healing at a free clinic on a weekly basis. I enjoy and find it fulfilling. People have started asking for private sessions for which I can charge. Changing my thoughts has shifted something so I’m starting to get paid for work I enjoy.

  13. Travis says:

    Tapping is the SCHIZZNIK !!!! Much Love TO Us All !!!!

  14. Marilynn says:

    Wow, I started this and with the other healing energies from Carol Tuttle and MindValley, I stopped and said, “But I am successful and I deserve success, so should I do this?” I did it as Ms Ortner went over the tapping – I wasn’t sure about all those areas, but it’s like magic! After tapping – Iw ill continue with this – I feel whole, complete and at a 10 at this time and moment. Thank you!

  15. joyce says:

    Wow! Amazing what comes up. After a few rounds of tapping as I said the ” I don’t deserve success” statement I felt like it was forgein to me. It went front a 5 to a 0

  16. Ryan says:

    This exercise is very helpful and very clearly put together thank you

  17. Mohammed Diab says:

    Dear Master Nick Ortner am so thankful after I used your smart techneck i have done more great job like making my memory very strong i was all ways forget number or Arabic poem fast but now my memory become strong after tapping and repeat positive words so thanks again and again.

  18. sally says:

    I worked on I’m not “smart enough” for success. i know I Am smart enough and that I Do deserve success in my life. i started at an 8 and came down to a 5. i will continue to tap on this negative belief until it is way down to an 0. i think this belief came from having an older brother who i had to follow all the way through school. sometimes i would have the same teacher he had. I remember a teacher or two actually questioning me if the two of us were related. Yeah. That kind of made me feel stupid. He is a very intelligent man, like my dad. He was a tough act to follow. But, going through the tapping process, i was able to bring those thought up to the surface and now i know what i need to tap on. Thank you, Nick!

  19. Suzanne Troll says:

    I did the negative sequence numerous times. It came down from 10 to 5. The positive sequence took more repetitions to achieve lless progress which I am guessing isn’t uncommon. I realize I am
    working to change a lifetime’s belief system. Thank you kindly for your efforts and for sending the tapping regiment! I appreciate and value the work that you and Jessica do! I commend you also in a big way for your philanthropic generosity. A couple years ago I attended a rally in Indianapolis where a father from Newtown who had lost his son, was speaking for legislation to be passed regarding anti-violence. God bless him for using his experience to improve the situation. I am in Cleveland now and progress is being made through an organization called Greater Cleveland Congregations where churches and temples have united together for the cause. Thanks again.

  20. Heather says:

    I DO deserve success ,” thanks” Nick. I am grateful for the lesson . This is the first time I really believe the statement , I do deserve Success! Heather

  21. Heather says:

    I feel more positive I am at a 3 from 10 Great! thanks Nick will keep working on this till I have a new programme.

  22. Dalana says:

    What came up for me was around money. As a child my father was most reluctant to give us an allowance and when he did we were told not to spend it. So I discovered during the tapping that my belief is that I’m not allowed to have money and any that I do get needs be hidden away (it’s what my father did). So getting money seems unnatural and needs to be put away for hard times. So I think there is guilt there and anxiety and fear. Lots to tap on. Thanks so much for your efforts to help people see differently and to change mind-sets.

  23. nirmal says:

    fantastic i felt so much stronger to carry on in life to be more sccessfull

  24. Anne says:

    this is a good exercise and i will do it each morning and night and assess how I am progressing

  25. Tania Barreto says:

    Hi Jessica and Nick.
    I am very happy with your tapping videos. 3 to 4 years ago I maid a remark to Jessica that it was difficult for me to follow the book and you could to what you are doing now,
    and Jessica mentioned you were working on it, I am sure now I can do the tapping and try to be as successful as I would l like to be
    Thank you.

  26. Noel Bangaza Cleopas says:

    It is very interesting and nice. I am becoming a little bit light. Thank you come again.

  27. Shiana Seitz says:

    Perfect timing, plus perfect words! Though I can always come up with words that express what is wrong, I seem to have challenges coming up with the words to speak as I move through the points. Today, I’m going to an interview for a job that REALLY feels like the one for me! Though Buddhist philosophies ( even though I am not Buddhist) remind us to have no attachment to outcome, I feel this job, for which I’m being interviewed, is the perfect job for me right now in this particular moment in time. thank you. It really feels as if is Divine Timing!

  28. Patty says:

    THANK YOU Nick for these wonderful tips. It really helped me to get rid of the negativity.
    God bless you

  29. Beverley Kluckow says:

    Hi Nick. When going to the positive I was able to add even more positive adjectives. e.g. I deserve great success and …am excited for so much more success in my life!


    Thank you.

    Kind regards

  30. Christine korb says:

    It is always a joy to tap along with an Ortner script.
    Thank you Nick and your family for all you do!
    So many thanks flooding your in box!

  31. Cindy says:

    This session was awesome and a real breakthrough for me! Amazing! I can’t thank you enough, as I have become so accustomed to poverty and failure that it has been my story, my life, ( in terms of finances). I can’t believe how suddenly I feel different. An Awakening! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! (And may you continue to be blessed too, as you certainly deserve it!)

  32. Rosa ROWLANDS says:

    I found quite easy to do & helped me to believe that I am worthy &I deserve success. Thank you Nick

  33. Chantale says:

    When I asked myself the first question, I was surprised by my answer. It wasn’t that I am not good enough, but because I am a mother. The tapping lines helped incredibly I realised my own belief that being a mom in the workforce is a negative as you suffer distration. This is not the case. I also realise within myself that there are more ways to be successful then to be at work. I work from home and am incredibly blessed.

  34. Anna says:

    This is really helpful! The practical step by step instructions are really helping me to actually put this into practice, instead of just thinking about it.

  35. Tracey says:

    I believe in holistic medicine and believe this tapping process may break the negative pattern I have

  36. MargaritaObregon says:

    I feel full of energy and happy. Thanks.

  37. Malathie says:

    I deserve success. But I can’t leave my comfort zone, my home. I was a homemaker for the last 27 years. I have to be available for my family:(((( I am Tapping on this now. Thank you Nick:))

  38. Vishal R. Kudale says:

    a very nice technique to change our negative thoughts into positive. we are writing and imagine every thing its very good to us.

  39. Nancy Adams says:

    Bless you Nick!
    This really helped, and Thank you always for all you share with me! I see such change when I Tap. I no longer try and convince people it works I’m doing this for me because it works! You my friend have been there coming up to four years and wow!!!! I’m not perfect and do not want to be. Just PEACE and for me Tapping from learning from you is the Best. You always send the right stuff at the right time, blessings dear Teacher that you are! I will keep this script with all the others! My Dream is one day to take the classes and teach others in a quiet natural setting! Tapping in the woods or by a stream brings you so close to nature that calms all within! Love you for caring cuz I know you do! Nancy

  40. Becca Pronchick says:

    Hello Nick, Thank you so much for this message today and the tapping on deserving success. Tears came to my eyes when I did the first round of tapping, so I know that this issue from childhood still resonates with me on some level. Releasing another layer of old, limiting beliefs. Thank you!!

  41. Stephen says:

    I have never done Tapping before it feels very unusual for me to do this and I am glad that I am on my own when I do it ?

    I hope this works for me.

    I long to be successful.


  42. lynn says:

    I had no idea my awful childhood was still inside of me until this Tapping exercise. I had to Tap 5 times b4 I could move on to the positive statements. It feels so good to go from a 7 to a zero! Thank you so very much. This was life changing for me,

  43. sylvia resnick says:

    some of the negative words grate as they are not what I am feeling. I need to change them to reflect why I think that I don’t deserve success. it finally came to me today as i was tapping and it is a sad commentary that I probably haven’t wanted to deal with, but I know is responsible for my reaching a certain pinnacle of success in relationships , career and of late my health.

  44. Jeanne says:

    I was hesitant to say or writ down undeserving thoughts because I don’t want to confirm anything negative. I believe just that already makes me think positive. I jumped right into a long list of why I deserve success. When I start my tapping statement…without realizing it ahead of time, I began to say ” even though I may not believe I deserve more compensation for the job I do, I know I will be getting a large raise, and I will be able to accept it”

    It was an Ah-ha!
    Thank you for helping sort this out.

  45. veiabexley says:

    Hi Nick & tapping team, thank u so much for this excellent tapping session that has peeled off another layer of our (human) illusions that we have built upon ourselves from observing this world. It is Amazing to feel your true spiritual ( soul) vibrate with love and light again, it almost feels divine like you are at peace with the world but within yourself. Thank you for your help in guiding each & everyone of us to make this amazing transition & transform ourselves into peaceful & loving beings to change our world. Peace & thanks again for blogging this tapping method to appease our souls & physical
    Awareness in our daily lives. AWESOME!!

  46. Loreta says:

    U deserve success. I owe it to myself and my children especially my special child who was born hearing impaired.

  47. Steohanie says:

    Thank you Nick! As a licensed counselor I have used tapping on my clients even for unresolved childhood issues which have created major shifts in their lives. But as a therapist I did not use tapping on myself. I often thought about it but didn’t give it enough time. I liked the idea of tapping on success so I told myself to do this because it was time…. I just started a new job this past week. It helped me get out of my funk and let go of my fears of success. Much more came out than I thought would, including a traumatic incident ( I thought I had fully processed) which was impacting my beliefs about success. Thanks for all you do to get tapping out there, keep up the good work!

  48. bonnie says:

    thank you Nick, I have your book “the tapping solution”, I have followed you since your beginning and I love where you have taken “Tapping” to help so many people . I have had tremendous fear of leaving a very good paying profession in an acute care hosp where I have worked for over 35 yrs. Because I still have a mortgage, I am (was) afraid that I would be in poverty if I Ieft my job. for many years I have trained to do reflexology, healing touch, therapeutic touch etc. so really want to start my business in my home with these modalities.. I have done lots of tapping on this fear and only recently am feeling that I can leave the toxic environment of the hospital.. I am so thankful for tapping, it has helped me release my fear burden so I can now go on to follow my passion in life.. I am now looking forward to retiring from the hosp. in 2016.

  49. Roy Mason Hudgens says:

    I started going down the rabbit hole of lack & limitation. I picked up tapping in the morning, mid afternoon & the evening. & in the car or if I get stressed I tap it out.
    It’s amazing. I have confidence & belief it This present moment and future as a successful, generous, spontaneous, creative. lovable person.
    I had a demonstration the very first day. I am a commissioned sales person and designer. I only “eat what I kill”. All of the fear and doubt I had was relieved that very first day with demonstrations of money in my life. I was then able to turn away from “money” and see myself in that moment as successful as anywhere else in both of my fields.
    I love tapping!
    I have some physical areas that I am working on as well.
    Big stuff

  50. RG1015 says:

    Great Script. Worked very well. Thanks, Nick. Also, I’m about 20% through Jessica’s book and
    am enjoying it. Thanks to both of you. I’m not good at writing scripts, so I greatly appreciate
    when you give them to us. Blessings!

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