
Do You Procrastinate?

Written by: Nick Ortner

Do you procrastinate?

If so, do you know why? And do you know what it’s REALLY costing you?

Wayne Gretzky, the greatest hockey player of all time, said, “Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases, and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.”

Is your success and happiness suffering because of procrastination?

If you ever procrastinate and think that you’d like to change, then I have a wonderful video for you today, with Jessica interviewing EFT Master Carol Look on the subject of procrastination, and how to use Tapping to overcome these habits.

Follow along with Carol in the video to get moving right away! 🙂

Watch it now – don’t procrastinate! Haha!

Some of the things covered in the above video include:

  • How to figure out how procrastination is actually serving you or doing something positive for you (even if that positive thing is limiting you).
  • What questions to ask to figure out why you’re procrastinating. (Two questions, in particular, are very important in helping you get right to the cause.)
  • How to start Tapping. (Carol uses a great example of Tapping on the fear of being criticized.)

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

How do you procrastinate? What did you think of the Tapping from the video? Leave your comments below.

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146 Comments on this post

  1. Lisa Hernandez says:

    I was able to get 2 projects I have been procrastinating over for months finally completed!! I will now be tapping myself into completing 4 more projects on my list!! Awesome Post, Thank you so much!!

  2. Patricia Standish says:

    Have only been tapping for a few weeks since I joined a group Jessica started for weight loss. I have been a chronic procrastinator for yrs, almost to the point of self-sabotaging by not turning in projects or orders on time. I keep thinking that sooner or later I will lose credibility because I rarely respect/meet deadlines.. I mean how many excuses can u use before ppl see thru them, right?? Carol has explained very clearly how to rid oneself of this habit by focusing on the target. Thank you so much.. I am now on my way to being totally “productive”!

  3. Gloria Padilla says:

    I procrastinate doing a usiness because I don’t know it ALL to do it perfect. Rejection is also an issue. I will be tapping more to clear these issues. Thank You both very much!

  4. Pam Lee says:

    It’s very strange that this video came at the time it did. I procrastinate around cleaning the spare room where my computer and desk is. After watching the video and a few more tapping rounds, I started moving papers around, throwing some out and can finally see the top of the desk. Now I’m feeling enthusiastic about getting the room organized. What a shift from the dark feeling of procrastinating to the uplifted enthusiasm I’m experiencing right now. Again, Carol and Jessica are a wonderful pair who work well together in making an interesting tapping experience.
    Thank you.

  5. Dale Burns says:

    The question “what emotion am I feeling” will help me overcome procrastination.
    Thank you Carol and Jessica for doing this video. Videos help me more than books do.

  6. Chris Tafoya says:

    I just realized that, because of a very abusive past, it was safer for me to remain invisible or non existent. I didn’t realize what was causing my expertise at procrastination and all the other phobias and hang-ups till I tapped along with you. thank you very much for this insight, I’m not saying that I will be getting everything done, but at least I can quit beating myself up for being so lazy. I am also realizing that I am my own worst enemy. thank you again.

  7. Poppy says:

    That was just amazing! So resonated with the procrastination issues…if I finished my project I’d be committed and then what if I didn’t have what it took to show up and do it!!!

    Procrastination keeps me safe from committing and having to show up!…and failing!

    After doing a few of the rounds the “so what?” was profound! So what if I failed – there would be something to learn from that….thanks so much and all the best with the book!

  8. Nance Chaplin says:

    Thank you for posting. The 2013 summit and Carole’s work has transformed my life and I am excited about all that I CAN DO. This video is great to share with friends and get them excited about what they can do too! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you

  9. Mary says:

    I’ve been procrastinating about finishing my website. I’m as afraid that it will bring desired results as I am that it won’t bring the desired results! Working with tapping is helping me uncover what issues are underlying my tendency to procrastinate. Thanks for the video Carol and Jessica.

  10. Ellen says:

    Procrastination is a big problem for me, especially with cleaning my house, which is a big mess, I will have to think about what the benefit is for me to have it such a mess, I will try tapping, Thank you

  11. Jessica says:

    The timing of this was perfect! I have been drawing out the final stages of launching my small wellness practice. I’ve spent a lot of time working towards this, but have been procrastinating getting last few things done and convincing myself that everything needs to be perfect before I put myself out there. Reality is I’m simply scared that I won’t be good enough, or bring in enough clients, and ultimately fail which would be devastating considering how much work I’ve put into this. Truth of the matter is, I will fail before even starting if I don’t just do it! Thank you for the powerful exercise!

  12. Olympia Kallman says:

    I worked on “Fear of Being Critized, Fear of being Rejected.” That is always a hot button for me. I hope to bring the level down even more so! As always, Carol, you have the perfect wording!!

  13. Vicky says:

    I have been tapping regularly for about a year, but hadn’t addressed my tendency to procrastinate. I have recently put up a website for my new business but have been dragging my feet about marketing myself. Watching this information helped me to realize that I have been comparing myself to others in my field and finding myself as “not good enough.” Tapping with Carol and then some further tapping afterwards brought me from an 8 to a 1-2. Yay1 Thanks Carol and Jessica 🙂

  14. Fiona says:

    The idea of procrastination being fear-based resonates with me, I do worry about putting myself out there, but there is also the putting off of things because I dislike doing them, housecleaning for example. I can let it build up and then daily life becomes even less efficient because things require more than one step – since things are either dirty, misplaced or not purchased etc. What is the fear behind this, I wonder. Perhaps it is of repetition or being afraid of the energy required to ‘maintain’. Lazy? 🙂

  15. Alan says:

    Besides being amazing tappers, you must also be mind-readers! You hit on the two biggest projects that I have been “successfully” procrastinating on…getting my website and my business card done. So glad I opened and read Nick’s email today. Many thanks!

  16. Don Baba says:

    I used Carol’s techniques from Project Tapping. I think the process forced me to review what it was that was holding me back…oftentimes an irrational fear. Can’t wait to read the book. Hope to win it!

  17. J. P. says:

    Thanks for the video! Enjoyed both people and the depth of the work.

    I’ve got highly personal projects that I’m terrified to publish, because I fear endangering myself and my loved ones. And yet these are the only true things I’ve ever felt my time has achieved (beyond caring for my loved ones, and prayer, meditation, dancing and feeding people.)

    And I have not as personal projects that are fun and potentially lucrative, but I don’t want to take time from the deeper works…

    I’d love Carol’s expertise and Jessica’s insight in clearing those huge fears about endangerment.


  18. Louise French says:

    This is perfect timing. I tapped along with the video and already feel more empowered to get things moving. My key issue is fear of criticism and being out there. I will be doing more tapping on this issue and this has helped me to focus upon the real issues rather than the excuses I usually find as reasons why I haven’t done things. I never thought to address procrastination with tapping before – so thank you.

  19. kim Roy says:

    You couldn’t have sent this at a better time. Thanks! I am wanting to write a book and I even have someone who will work with me to do this. I won’t move. I feel like my feet are stuck in cement. This was perfect. I got from a 10 to a 4 and judgement came up then. I have to tap for that and then will look forward to starting my book. Thanks so much. Love your videos and your emails! Kim

  20. Stephanie Martin says:

    Procrastination has always been with me and I appreciated this video very much. I am going to send this comment and tap on a couple of 8’s and 9’s that really need to be addressed.

    Thank you so much for the demonstration and being able to tap along. That helped tremendously. Just being able to see and do relieved some of my stress!

  21. LaDawn Kidd says:

    This is a fantastic video. I continue to learn every time I watch or read something about EFT. The aha moments came on procrastination when I recognize my family may or may not view my efforts in cleaning the room, working on the projects, ect. the same way I do, and I may be critiziced. It is easier to do nothing than risk being criticized for not doing it their way. Thank you so much for your great work for us!

  22. Betsy says:

    The downside is I’d be forced out of my rut at work and get a new job at an even more prestigious company!! Damn. I’m going to be working on this a lot. Thanks.

  23. Dan says:

    I am going to use this a lot now that I know how to uncover the target issue. I already figured out one big one and already feel a nice shift. Thanks.

  24. Phyllis says:

    There isn’t a subject that you can tap on that would not be beneficial. I just have to remember utilizing it in everything I do. One of the reasons that I don’t tap so much is I am not sure how to verbalize it. But everytime I watch a video on any subject watching it really helps the next time that I tap. Thanks for the videos you send

  25. Shelly says:

    When i saw the subject line of this email, I had to open it. Recently someone told me they hoped I realized how amazing I was. And when I thought about that, I realized I am terrified of being amazing. So, I procrastinate – all over the place. Yes, there’s the fear of not living up to other’s expectations (really my own) but also the fear of being great. And I like the mention to keep working at all those pesky aspects until they become not so pesky. Thank you both so much.

  26. Ann Dunn says:

    I can’t get the procrastinating video to come up. I press the play arrow and just get your web site. I press the URL and it just goes to your website. Can you send it again please. I am one big procrastinator. The only thing I can think of that keeps me from my filing and unfinished projects is that if I get everything done I will be bored and won’t have anything to do. . I guess I will tap on that! Ann

  27. Linda Litwin says:

    This was amazing. I am using this immediately!

  28. sukulina dasi says:

    I love Carol’s outlook on these issues. It has helped me tremendously to understand my behavior. Carol’s ideas are mature and thoughtful.

  29. Steve Wardrip says:

    Spot on! This one really hits home. I’ve been defending, protecting and closely guarding my procrastination for a very long time. Lazy is safe. Thanks for helping me shake it up. Well, gotta go get busy. Times a wastin’!!!

    P.S. Mine is due to fear of change, fear of criticism, fear of trading hard work and getting little in return. Someone said “Confront your fear and watch it disappear.” and I think it was…. me! Ha Ha! Love this!

  30. Colleen says:

    Great insights regarding the *real* reasons for procrastination. Something I and many I know have struggled with – breaking the cycle through awareness is definitely the way to approach it in my opinion!

  31. Jackie Curry says:

    Well at least my procrastination led me to this video today! Thanks – this is great insight about the cause for procrastination.

  32. Sharon Velotas says:

    I’ve been a lifelong procrastinator and have also been plagued with the fear of being criticized and/or rejected. Who knew! Now I see how they are both pieces of the same puzzle. Thank you!

  33. Name (required)Eve Blaustein says:

    I love Carol Look and Tapping! Loved this video, needed it and ordered the book. I tap every day of my life and this is a great added issue to tap on for me and my clients. Every now and then, when it comes to going to another level, I procrastinate. I realize now, that I am afraid of criticism, because it makes me go into a self-doubt pattern and bring up fear that I won’t be interesting or liked. This video helped me to realize that I can handle it and there is a bigger reason to get my work out there than my own discomfort. Thanks!

  34. Lydia says:

    This was very helpful for me. I find I have this need to be right and this tapping video helped me see it is a fear of being criticized. This is a practice I could find useful in many areas of my life, like my new business and making it successful and profitable.

    With gratitude,

  35. Janeace Liles says:

    I watched this video at least 10 times and the amount of stress reduction was amazing. I also loved Carol’s clear definition of the issue – and is Fear of Criticism number one for me! Thank you for the tool to lower my stress and to take a step to progress!
    Holding you both with Love and Light! Tapping is giving me back control of my life.

  36. Cheri Nikkel says:

    I love these videos with Carol. She makes it so easy to understand, and also lets us know why it works. Fear of failure is definitely at the root of my procrastination today. Thanks for the tapping session!!

  37. marcia says:

    I found this helpful as I was targeting fear of failure instead of the actuality of procrastination. And when it comes down to core, the fear will answer the question ‘why am I afraid to fail’ and therein lies the key. I am also a firm believer in the idea that when we engage the feeling, the body(using tapping) and the mind we are operating on a higher level of consciousness that will bring in powerful results. I enjoyed this a lot.

  38. Karen says:

    Helpful because I am procrastinating on making my sales calls. Now I understand the underlying emotion and how to remove it.

  39. sherry says:

    Thanks! That had some great nuggets of AHAs for me and will be enough to help propel me forward and get some of my projects DONE!! No MORE procrastination!!! thanks Carol and Jessica

  40. Nancy says:

    I have 18 books to finish reading before I go back to work….procrastination…loss of healthy freedom. Upside…all this work on your self worth was my choice downside….I become successful in knowing me for the first time in my life. Fear of success and not being able to have freedom from my stressful job. The tapping solution has helped decrease my anxiety, bring peace and truth into my life. Jessica…you have a very relaxing, kind voice. I need to work, I need to manage healthy freedom as well.

  41. Carol says:

    Clearing clutter – paper work and all the accumulated ‘stuff’ in closets and drawers – is the visible problem.
    The downsiide of not doing back taxes, organizing a budget, etc is that my financial problems continue to grow – uncontrolled.
    The upside of not doing these things is that I can avoid knowing exactly how bad things are!!

    As for the closet, drawers, cupboards and basement clutter…I can avoid making difficult decisions about what to do with much of the stuff – especially the “family heirlooms” that younger generations…and people in general now…don’t value.
    The downside is that I get no nearer to the moment where I’d be free to move to a smaller space and be free of all this.

    I will begin today to tap on some aspect of this issue daily and see where it leads me. I do believe that Tapping works for others…just a little skeptical that I can benefit. And now…I’m into another topic, I guess. Unworthiness?

    Thanks for putting this information out there for all to use.

  42. Emma says:

    Thanks for this short but helpful exercise. I am new to EFT but am finding it soo helpful in my life and w/ my clients. However, I have so much to learn. I have completed Training level 1 & 11.

    This morning in my meditation I became aware of my fear of being exposed to ‘what people will think’. I realize how this concept has held me back for years. My fear was at a level 8 and now is down to a level 4. I still have some work to do.

    This exercise was very helpful and I will do more tapping later today. Thanks for this timely exercise. Carol’s book sounds wonderful and I would love to receive a copy so I can be of assistance to myself and clients in more effective ways. Thanks, Emma

  43. Aileen says:

    I love this way of looking at procrastination. My fear is that people will judge me a hypocrite because of my weight. I do crystal healings, and other health related business and have never been successful because of my fear. Everyone says they don’t understand why I am not top of my field, but it is the fear behind procrastination. Thank You Thank You Thank You

  44. Brenda Johnson says:

    Carol Look has always been my favorite EFT-er. I have learned so much from her since Borrowing Benefits in Flagstaff with Gary many years ago. I have several of her earlier CD sets. I definitely have a problem procrastinating and have even tapped on it many times before but not like it was explained today. Carol has a way of explaining things that really gets to the root cause. I guess I never stopped to think what would I gain or loose from healing this procrastination. I have put off setting up my studio since moving to another place two years ago after a failed gallery business. I kept making excuses of not having time, etc. Now that I have time, I find other excuses. Hearing Carol explain it like that made me realize that if I get my studio set up, I will have to produce my art again and what if I get criticized? What if no one likes my art anymore? What if it doesn’t sell? Same goes for setting up my website promoting the art. So thank you Jessica for this free tapping session with Carol Look! It has opened my eyes to a new way of looking at procrastination.

  45. Ginger says:

    Thank you for this topic today! I *am* procrastinating about putting myself out there with my website/blog and using the excuse that I must “do it right/make it perfect” and declutter my office first. How goofy is that? Double Whammy! Many targets identified to tap on today.

  46. AJ ANDERSON says:

    Wow … I did feel a shift — I KNOW its all about getting around the subconscious “I’m skeered! and I don’t want to be feeling this way” because that’s the only way I’ve “talked” myself into it in the past. This is much more effective and faster.

    Just starting tapping. Than\k you for all the sharing on this site!


  47. Gloria Taylor says:

    This a great little video. I have been doing EFT on & off for years.
    I forget how powerful it can be for things like this.
    Carol has some smart insights about getting to whats underneath the issue
    so the deeper healing/releasing can occur.

    Thanks you all rock!


  48. Kibby says:

    Oh, what a perfect topic to address with tapping. I have been procrastinating with two ebooks that I want to write (I have the information, recipes and more – it will be wonderful) but I haven’t taken the time to sit down and really focus and DO IT! Why? I never even went there. Thank you for this video – I immediately had answers upon tapping. Now I know. Now I can shift the emotions and actually DO IT! Thank you! Thank you! Keep sharing and guiding us all. XO

  49. Tania says:

    Very straightforward. I appreciate breaking it down, then you recognize the different emotions that come up.

  50. Sharon says:

    I watched this and it did help a lot. I think the upside of my procrastination is that if I don’t do it now I can do it later and I am needed. The down side I think is that it is always on my mind. I keep thinking that if I don’t lose the weight I will not have to face other issues and then if I start later I can maybe hope this will get stalled.
    Thank you,

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