
Active Transformational Meditation “Grow Younger”

Written by: Nick Ortner

“I’ve Got Chills…”

That’s what my wife Brenna said when she finished listening to our brand new process, our Active Transformational Meditation: “Grow Younger”. And chills like the good chills! Like, woah, I can really use this in my life…woah…this is different!

What’s an Active Transformational Meditation (ATM for short!) you ask?

I came up with this process because I personally felt a need for audio inspiration for those times in my life when I couldn’t tap. When hands weren’t available or I was just busy with life. Because there’s SO much of that time, and I felt like podcasts or audiobooks or other audios just weren’t bringing me where I wanted to go.

I wanted more inspiration.

I wanted my brain to move in a positive direction.

I wanted something I could just hit “play” on and have my mind, body and difference feel different when I was done.

And I wanted all of that while folding laundry, or driving or brushing my teeth in the morning! relaxed

And so Active Transformational Meditations were born! This is our first one, and there’s many more to come. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever listened to and we even had it professionally sound scored for the most immersive audio experience.

I’ve said enough. You just need to experience it… and the good news is that while this is usually a Premium Subscription process in The Tapping Solution App, I was so excited for you to experience it I’ve unlocked it for now in the App – and it’s available for a limited time on this page for free!

No matter what you’re doing right now, go ahead and hit play! No need to tap or close your eyes, just listen along as you go through your life!


Active Transformational Meditation:
Grow Younger


Until next time… Keep Tapping!

(or just hit play in this case! Lol)

Nick Ortner

P.S. When you’re done listening comment below and let me know what you think 😉 And what other topics you’d like to see covered in this format!

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Follow the producer of the Annual Tapping World Summit Alex Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

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