
Hope and Healing – The Tapping Solution Foundation

Written by: Nick Ortner

Make me strong in Spirit- Abby Willowroot quoteSometimes in life, we have overwhelming events that knock the wind out of us.

They change our beliefs about life and our feelings about what is safe and not safe.

These events change how we’re willing to show up on a daily basis.

Sometimes they are large, prolonged events like childhood abuse.

Sometimes they’re shorter, one-off events. This could be teasing, heartbreak, filing for bankruptcy, a termination, or a number of other things.

And during these times it can be so easy to feel helpless, to feel lost, to feel scared, and to feel alone…

But I can tell you that no matter how much pain you’ve had, no matter how tough you think things have been, no matter how long you’ve doubted yourself…

Tapping can help make things remarkably better!

Don’t believe me?

Just watch this powerful video which shows some of the work being done by our Tapping Solution Foundation, an organization devoted to helping people around the world heal through some of the toughest griefs and traumas imaginable.

As you watch the video, open up to the possibilities of what your life could be like with your finances, your health, your relationships, your stress levels, your overall happiness.

If Tapping could have such a deep impact on these people with the challenges they’ve faced…

What could Tapping do for you?

The outer events in our lives interweave with how we experience our inner world of emotions. Our relationships affect our finances, our finances affect our health, our health affects our stress levels, and so on.

So while we’ve been talking about improving your finances over the last few days, remember to think about EVERY area of your life that needs healing.  It is these areas that may be affecting your ability to grow financially.

And remember what I talked about in the “7 Things Successful People Do Differently” blog post…

Successful people are aware of how limiting old beliefs,

habits, patterns, and experiences can be…

and they do whatever it takes to change them!


Successful young businesswoman after business or job achievement towards city background. Professional joyful woman outside.

If the people in the video above can use EFT Tapping to move beyond old experiences and the beliefs, habits, and patterns that were created from them, you can too! πŸ™‚

I don’t have any tapping exercises for you today – just the powerful and moving video above for you to watch, and hopefully, take to heart.

And please know that whatever challenges you’ve had in life that have made you feel lost, scared, or alone…

Or that has made you question your beliefs about yourself…

Tapping CAN help!

As you’ll see in the video above, I’m incredibly passionate and grateful for what I get to do every day.

If you want more out of life – in every area – know that I am here to help you in any way that I can.

Let me know what you think of the video by leaving your comments below.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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151 Comments on this post

  1. Helen Blyshak says:

    I just got you book on tapping and eager to start the process. I tried a few while watching your video and I feel this process will help me. I am excited about the book.

  2. Ana says:

    great work Congrats

  3. Genoveva says:


    People are
    Protecting with the
    Incredible and
    New tapping solution, this is
    Great for our lives always.

    Success in
    Our time and
    Live is
    Unic with
    Tapping Solution,
    It is our World and
    Our hearts for
    Now and always.


  4. Jo Anne Seale aka Mary Antonia says:

    I listened to your video and started to cry. It is something I desperately need. I will continue to do tapping. Thank you.

  5. Suzanne Carey says:

    I’ve been using tapping spiratically and I find it very helpful. I’d use it more often if I understood it a little better. I’m confused on what you should be saying while you tap. I’d love to buy the book but it’s not something I can affiliate at the moment. So if domeone can kindly explain what I should be saying as I tap I would be very grateful! Thank you!
    The video was very heartwarming.

  6. Marianne says:

    And the tears just roll down my cheeks. So beautiful and transforming actions are performed by people who help make the world a better place to be. Where there is a heart room, there is shelter. Thank you very much for showing the road.

  7. Di Cox says:

    This video is really moving and I am sure it will help me with a big problem I am trying to deal with at the moment, thank you so much for showing this I am so grateful x

  8. Rox G says:

    LOve you guys, Thank you

  9. Karen says:

    Brilliant work you are doing. It is truly some of the best medicine that is out there. Thank you

  10. Tina M says:

    I’ve been following you since February this year. Have seen this video before and cried. It touched my heart so deeply that I wanted to learn about this tapping solution so I could help others lessen their suffering. Since I first learn about tapping, I have used the same three audios you gave us earlier, for ‘feeling you’re not enough’, ‘feeling stress and overwhelm’, and for procrastination. I am happy to report that these three videos have been very helpful in getting me out of the grip of stress and anxiety. When someone triggered my panic button, I still reacted the old ways, When this made me angry and sad, I take refuge in the tapping meditation. I always regained my balance and my equilibrium, then I feel centered and calm. At the end of the day, I show productivity and calm, and I sleep better at night. Thank You for your generosity in sharing this valuable healing techniques. with deep gratitude,

  11. Gord Dunlop says:

    Well, another amazing experience. The video – I was surprised by how raw it felt, and how quickly the tears came to me. It was a wonderful feeling of gratitude to see how the Tapping helped all the people who spoke out. It is good to hear from people that it really worked and helped them in a concrete fashion. It brought up memories of forty years ago when I worked night shifts on the weekends at a suicide prevention line. I haven’t thought about that time in so many years and about all the poor and sad souls who called crying out for help.

    I think I’ve found a new /old subject that might help calm my soul to Tap on. I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful tool that you’ve brought \into our lives to help us find a comfortable place and a comfortable calm for our insides. Gord D.Canada

  12. Meredith Spears says:

    Greetings Nick,

    Life is so AMAZING!!! JUST LAST NIGHT I was talking to a dear friend of mine, Dr. Rain, who recently completed her doctoral thesis about the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.
    Also at this time, she, too, is experiencing some life challenges. I asked her if she knew about tapping. She said she had done tapping in the past and she thanked me for the reminder!!

    Additionally, I will be going to the Peace Corps this year and I was looking at how I can use TAPPING with my students. NOW I KNOW!!!

    My goal for myself is to use taping like I brush my teeth (smile). I am knowing that there is
    always something I can TAP ON!!

    Thank you so much for the gift that YOU ARE GIVING and for the gift that KEEPS ON GIVING!!

    Much Gratitude!!
    Many Blessings to ALL!

    TAP ON!!

    Meredith Spears

  13. Carolyn says:

    Thank you Nick and Jessica for bringing tapping into my life in such a practical manner. I personally have found it to be such a help in letting go old limiting beliefs and relief from stress. Bless you both in your generous sharing of how it has helped both yourselves and so many other people to find the freedom to live life more fully.

  14. Doris Lockwood says:

    Amazing is the only thing that comes to mind. I have a friend I want to try introducing Tapping to.

  15. Carol Correa says:

    Hi Nick,

    With tears of gratitude I’d like to say THANK YOU for staying with your passion and for being a force for change in our world!

    I listened in on the 9th summit, became a VIP member, started tapping on my own, sent your intro videos to lots of folks, tap with your 7 weeks to abundance, joined you in the live Facebook class, and reached out to an EFT practitioner to help me let go of experiences I’ve been holding in my body from past traumatic events in my childhood.

    You, Jessica, your brother, and your foundation move me to tears. I’m coming out of hiding and feeling safe in sharing my truth. I feel hopeful and I’m deeply grateful.

    Carol Correa
    Assistant Principal in Texas

    • Nick Ortner says:

      Congratulations Carol! We are so happy to hear what a difference tapping is making in your life and how it feels safe to be you. We appreciate your support and we look forward to hearing more about your tapping journey! Keep up the great work. πŸ™‚

  16. Jacqueline says:


  17. Nina says:

    Thank you,
    I’ve watched the video and I know that it is all true, TAPPING DOES HELP!

    Luckily I have no need yet (Thank G-d!) to tap on grief or major loss, so I start my day with tapping expecting to have a wonderful productive day and tap every night with gratitude for the good day.

    I am so happy, that I’ve discovered tapping!
    With gratitude.

  18. LesLee Ames says:

    Thank you so much for continuing to reach out and share the tapping videos and technique so generously. It really has helped me so much with my PTSD and financial roadblocks.
    I would love to train and share this with my community when I become financially stable. So Grateful.

  19. Rebecca says:

    I love the work you’re doing and I like doing the tapping. Problem is I am not regular with it.

  20. Robyn says:

    Incredible work your Foundation does. I started doing some tapping and stopped. I think I should start again and not give up this time. Sooooo many layers. Thanks for all you do.

  21. Elaine Walsh says:

    Words can not express the gratitude that I feel for Nick & Jessica, the tapping has helped me enormously, helping to overcome old patterns that needed to be addressed. I felt like my life was like being on a merry go round. The video was very inspiring. Thank you

  22. Carmen says:

    Hi Nick
    This video is inspiring. I was not aware that kids can use the tapping solution to help them in every aspect of their lives. Your program is fantastic and you and your team are phenomenal for the great help, service and love you share with all of us.
    Thank you

  23. Evangeline says:

    Hello Nick/Jessica
    I have your book “The Tapping Solution”. I received so much from the examples, this makes the process clear. I have not found a partner to try it with me yet.
    I just want to say thank you both for sharing this with the world.
    Have a great Day!

  24. Jan says:

    After our daughter died I developed a significant cardiac arrhythmia which has continued to become more life altering. My doctor said “A broken heart is a broken heart!” I have had ablations and tried every drug there is on the market and still struggle with the arrhythmia as well as all the side effects of the medications. Do you think tapping could help with the arrhythmia?

  25. Liz Patterson says:

    What a powerful video! Tears were streaming down my face watching all these special folks receiving the gift of EFT healing. What a wonderful mission. I’m very thankful to see all the life changing help being shared across the globe. Let the worlds healing begin!

  26. Glynis says:

    I’m 67 yrs young worked full time till a couple of years ago and was very good at all that I did. I’ve had an acute attack of arthritis, which stopped me from doing a lot.
    I lost my mum, my dog and some other emotional over the last 10 months. Suffering with this pain, on meditation and unable to exercise, I’ve put on about 10kgs in weight which is not shifting.
    I read about tapping on FB and gave started my practice a couple of days ago. My shoulder is much better and so is my back. It’s now the excess weight that I need to release. Ivwas also able to know that all this started with the onset of my emmotional roller coaster ride.
    Thank you so much for this experience. I would love to see the tapping realease the excess weight.
    Thank you once again for this wonderful opportunity to experience the benefits of tapping. I’m working on my excess weight. You are a blessing . Glynis

  27. sheila says:

    god bless u tks 4 every thing ur a bbbbbbbig help tks

  28. Elaine says:

    Tapping is avery powerful tool, it is very special I count my blessings finding tapping solution. The video was very heart warming.

  29. Adria Light says:

    I am very moved by the results shown in your video but, not surprised. Grateful to see how tapping can benefit people in so many ways. I am a practitioner of AFT, Attractor Field Technique, and have seen remarkable results for people suffering from severe arthritis to Parkinson’s Disease, Crohn’s Disease and more. I would like to do more with EFT and will be tapping on a daily basis. I work with people whose lives have been impacted by cancer and look forward to using EFT with them. Is there a certification process?

  30. Farzane Yaftian says:

    Helo Dear Nick

    This video helped me to get through from my ssadness life after I lost my brother, but still after near 3years, I feel sad snd hopeless,

    Please give me an advise ….



  31. viviana says:

    thank you!

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